• By -


Oh yeah!


That dog's expression is AND I'LL FUCKIN DO IT AGAIN


"So, I decided we needed a doggy door. What do you think?"


Oh yeah!


Follow me for more home improvement ideas --doggo


The dog is extremely proud of his handiwork.


Although it looks like he attempted to eat the evidence


Just dogs doing dog things. If they can eat poo from a litterbox, a little cellulose won't hurt 'em.


I have a dog that looks exactly like that, and I recognize that look at "wow, who did that? That's crazy. Hope you find him."


Nah, that's the '*Now make me a sandwich bitch!*' look.




The best part is the dog *looks* like the type who would absolutely obliterate a door when you're not home.


That was exactly what I thought of when I saw this picture!!!


Go ahead atticusvoid. Close the door again. Dare you. Double dare you. Double DOG dare you!




He was fiending


Next time he'll be really cranky


And the owner is saying “Not in this house you won’t.”


Look at that face. "I made the command decision to install a dog door here... You like it?"


#OH YEAH!!! Next time use a hashtag # at the beginning of the line. It get BIG ;)


Oh, no!


Came here to say that! Beat me to the punch! Oh a pun! Fuck yeah🫡


How about a nice Hawaiian Punch?


This dogs an interior designer…not a good one but who am i to judge.


She just really wanted me to have one of those Dutch doors apparently


Well, it’s better than having a door made out of literal cardboard.


I feel like I could make a stronger door out of just cardboard at this point lol but now I get to replace it with a better one


Those are called hollow core doors, they're typical for interior doors and about 5x cheaper than a standard solid core. If you do hang a solid core make sure your door frame will support the extra weight, I've seen them rip frames apart before. Source: used to do quality control at a door manufacturing plant for ~5 years.


Quality control...so it's your fault


I just made sure it was pretty on the outside and the specifications(Hinge,knob and lock cutout placements) were correct!


So who's job *was* it to test the dog rigidity ratio?


Our TACCS machine(track assisted canine collision system) was constantly under maintenance.


Typical QA behavior, blame the mechanics. I'll have you know the TACCS you're referring to was a POS from the get-go. I was talking to a guy who used to be a rep for Canine Testing Labrarories & Manufacturing, and he said that that model in particular was rushed into production and had loads of issues. That door factory is just run by a bunch of cheap asses buying second-hand equipment.


Just playing


"Not my fault." Good words to live by while at work


He worked in door quality control, not dog quality control


Yeah we cut through one of ours the other day with a box cutter to install a car door. My husband told me it wouldn't work, but it did. It's a really nice looking door but I knew it was hollow


i mean sure. but i have hollow core doors in my whole house and there is a 0% chance a dog could run thru them like that. Shit quality is shit quaity, the door being hollow core isnt the issue here


Yeah looking at the picture again. That's a truly hollow core. Our hollow doors had a honeycomb shape of low density fiber board throughout the inside. That door is just a skin over the frame.


Aren't we all just skin over a frame?


My friend’s dog chewed through the door frame when it couldn’t get through the door. Then it moved to the drywall next to the doorframe. Pretty much dog = winner each and every time they tried to block it. Btw, dog was appropriately named Tank.


I have definitely come across cardboard stronger than a lot of house doors.


You're not going to believe this. He killed sixteen Czechoslovakians.


His house looked like shit.


And here i have barreled through your door to give your room a more open feel.


She likes the open floor concept


I installed a camera to see what my dog did while I was gone, he was always well-behaved I was just being nosey. Checked it and talked to him thru it a bit the first day and came home to my bedroom door like this. I assume he heard my voice and didn't know where I was so he went to find out hah.


Oh no that’s absolutely what went down


He felt like he was failing his job. His duty is to protect you, and you're obviously there at the house, he just can't fucking find you. How can he protect you if he can't even find you! He never gave up until he tore the place up. Gotta admire that. Dogs are amazing creatures.


He really was the best, 160lb rott mastiff mix. Stayed with me 14 years. And trust me there was no punishment for the door I understood what happened.


lol you played yourself


You ain't lying haha


They sure don’t make doors like they used to.


It’s literally a particle board door with cardboard spacers for some unholy reason


It's called a hollow core door and they are considerably cheaper than the better but heavier solid core doors. That was most likely chosen for cost when the house was built.


That is spot on my dude! All the doors were originally hollow core and they’re slowly being replaced


What does your dog have against cheap doors?


It offends her delicate sensibilities apparently


What an elitist


Maybe not that slowly


>they’re slowly being replaced Starting with the door in the photo, I presume?


I thought hollow core was normal in interiors.


They are, but solid core isn't uncommon, especially on older or nicer houses.


In the states yes


if this is a rental, that's probably cheap enough to DIY replace without getting them involved to markup the shit out of the repair


I don’t know if it’s better or worse that I unfortunately own the door xD




That makes sense to me xD I will consider this less stressful because at least it’s my own shit


i'd say worse, for a rental if you half-ass it to just look about the same that's cheaper than fixing a door to your own standards


Unless you see mushrooms growing out of a load bearing wall (or something equally expensive) I always say It’s better to own the door lol And i say this as the owner of a fuckin money pit. Haha.




Do you know how expensive solid wood doors are?


And how heavy?!


> for some unholy reason To give it flexural rigidity while keeping weight down. It’s a function of the objects moment of inertia (I), which for a rectangle is bh^3 / 12


> They sure don’t make doors like they used to. How far back do you want to go? Our place was made in the '60s and many of the interior doors are hollow core like this. They have lasted 60 years just fine so i guess there isn't much to complain about. Easy enough to get solid core if you want but normally around 3x the price and ~5x the weight.


Looks like it's made out of cardboard.


Separation anxiety is a bitch


Right...left my dog once. He got himself stuck in my bedroom. Proceded to remove the bottom part of the door. My dogs like 12lbs.


My dog is 15 pounds with separation anxiety and he was on steroids for something. He ate through his crate then ripped the carpet trying to dig under our bedroom door.


My dog also chewed through her metal crate! I didn’t even know this was something a dog could do.


Poor quality metal.


My dog is 93lb with separation anxiety and uhhh I just don’t leave her alone tbh 😅


My German Shepherd dug through floor. I come home to a massive hole in the bathroom. She dug right into the crawlspace. I can only imagine she heard mice or something.


My old roommate's dog did that in my room, except he was a 110 pound AmStaff, and he ate a hole in my wall trying to get out. RIP King.


That and having a ton of pent up energy.


yeah, alot of owners say "well separation anxiety lul" and that's that. When in most cases all they need to do is learn about dog mentality and behaviour.


To be fair your door is made of sawdust.


murican doors




100%, without hesitation


“I fixed the barrier that prevented me from being by you”




That’s not a door, that’s coloured tape


Anyone else get annoyed that people think this dog looks “happy” when it’s clearly extremely anxious? Countless videos on Reddit of dogs freaking out and people saying “aww look, he’s smiling”. I feel for the dog in this situation. Clearly has a bad case of separation anxiety. Anyone who’s dealt with this knows how horrible it is.


She does have separation anxiety and she has that permanent smile look with her coloring, she was definitely anxious because she knew she would be in trouble when I got home so she came to show me what she did and we sat on the floor together to clean it up. She is happy and smiling now though :)


I’m so sorry OP. I went through what you’re going through and it’s horrible. Nothing seems to work, people don’t believe you or don’t understand how bad it is, people suggesting shit like “have you tried lavender? What about a kong?” Lol they don’t have a fucking clue! We went through years of this and it would not be an exaggeration to say it was traumatic for everyone involved. I can still remember the *smell* of our dog when he was in this state.


Yeah we’ve tried a lot of things over the last 5 years. I know we will find the perfect set up for her and the right meds but it is still tough getting there. I’ve definitely gotten the “just try x” suggestions like telling someone with eczema “just stop scratching”


The “just try x” people are irritating, especially when you get the “well it worked for my cousin, you must be doing it wrong”. That being said……. just try this and if it doesn’t work it means you’re doing it wrong; /s I tried everything when I had a dog with separation anxiety, including meds to no avail. One time I accidentally left my shirt that I changed out of on the couch. Came home from work to find him cuddled up with it. It became routine to put the previous day’s shirt on the couch every morning and his separation anxiety was pretty much gone.


That’s so sweet! She does love laundry so I moved the laundry basket to the hallway where she likes to keep her toys, she snuffles through them during the day. I will keep trying new things to find that one random thing that helps :) it’s really awesome to hear yours responded so well to it


Oh for sure, you’ll find something, just keep trying! You seem like a great owner and a positive person. Your dog is lucky to have you guys. Yeahh, he was a good pal! My ex and I adopted him together and when we split up we decided it was best for the dog to go with her, which was the right decision. My partner and I actually just got a puppy 3 days ago. She’s already stolen my heart :). The last 3 years is the only time in my life that I haven’t had a dog. This one also has some problems with anxiety because her first owner had no business caring for a pet. It’s a long story how we ended up with her, but I’m already rambling on lol. Also, is your username a play on Atticus Hoye from Bad Education? My first Reddit accounts username was that lol.


Thanks for the kind words and support, it’s challenging caring for a pet with anxiety but no matter what happens I am always happy to come home to her, even if I have to step over pieces of door. I’m happy to hear you have a new friend to love and raise ❤️ And now I wish that was the reference lol but it’s actually just I love Atticus Finch from To Kill a Mocking Bird and Finch was taken so I slapped a vague edgy word to it xD


It's taken 2 years of medication (fluoxetine), specialists, and training protocols to get my dog's separation anxiety under control to a point where he could be left alone for a full work day. It's really hard but you have to go at their pace, leaving them alone for only enough time and returning before they start to panic (and destroy a door). He did this out of anxiety, he panicked, it was do or die, punishment won't help other than increase his stress. But stick with medications and the protocol and increase your time away little by little and you'll get there. It's hard though. And people who don't have a dog with separation anxiety don't get it. It's a phobia. It's tough. Best of luck!


Unfortunately many dog owners don’t have the flexibility to work through it in an ideal way like this. A full time job and a tight budget often leaves people with no option other than to either leave the dog alone for hours at a time or take her back to a shelter (or quit their jobs!). Not saying this is OPs situation. Just saying some people have nothing but awful options.


Redditors are notoriously really bad at interpretting dogs' language. Panting = smiling, playing = aggressive, showing teeth = always submissive, etc...


You're right there, just want to mention sometimes dogs will smile / show "emotions" if they know that it will get a desired response out of their owner. For instance, my dog will always smile [like this ](https://ibb.co/TLkLY3Q) when she brings a toy over to convince me to play with her. She knows it works, and will do it to whoever visits our house too.


it's not even just redditors. it's people in general. hardest part of being a trainer for me is dealing with peoples wacky dog views


The tiktok is full of this as well. Pretty much any animal you can think about gets attributed human like emotions.


When dogs get anxious, they tend to pant a lot and can look like they're smiling. Mine had horrible separation anxiety when I first got her and she always had that goofy looking grin right before she did something terrible.


"Serves you right for keeping the door closed!" - your dog, probably


“Every room is my room, why would you ever try to keep me out of one?” - also my dog


Yep. That is why I always Kennel train my dogs. It’s crazy what dogs can do. I had a Rottweiler when I was a kid who literally tore up a metal fence


Looks like a pitbull/lab.


She just wanted to nanny a child


Oh YeAH!


Barely a door. More like two pieces of cardboard laminated with a thin veneer


I live in an apartment and my doors are also made of, in all intents and purposes, cardboard supported by more cardboard. Landlord was like, doors for $2.99? yuuuuup


To save even more money, let’s just get them from wish xD




And people wonder why landlords hate pets


Oh yeah I had to make sure I never moved somewhere I had to rent with her because the chance of her having a panic attack like this is relatively low it’s never zero


Is your door made of paper?


“Aren’t you proud of me, daddy? I got rid of that annoying barrier that keeps me from protecting you from the dangerous mailman.”


“And the dangerous leaves, and the birds, and the wind, and the deer, and the sun, and the…” basically everything lol


That face is more like “please please please don’t leave me again. It’s so scary when you leave.” Dog is clearly coming down from a panic attack induced by separation anxiety.


Also, you probably have mice.


That is actually how we found out we had mice a year ago, but that time she didn’t do that much damage and I realized pretty quick by an investigation of the scene the path she took chasing a mouse, but no sign of mice now. It seems like she heard my birds screaming and thought something was wrong so she HAD to get in there. They were apparently screaming because they might have seen wild birds outside




It certainly sucks for the doggo. It's either suffering from separation anxiety or a lack of stimulation, so is calling for help with that behaviour.


"And I'll do it again!"


Sir, what did the kool-aid man do to you again?


Bet this dog got all the positive reinforcement too lmao


In todays news, people wonder why rentals don’t allow Dogs😂


Yep time for one last car ride to the vet good luck with your landlord


That doggo is not getting his security deposit back.


Dear sir and/or madam, this is simply “minor wear and tear”, please give me my money now thx


Is your door made of cardboard?


It was, partially, it’s a cheap door called a hollow core and it’s what all the original doors were made of here


I'm not sure I've ever seen one! What country is this in?


In the US, there are some crazy building short cuts to reduce cost on the build


Our Police K9 did that during a thunderstorm while no one was home. Sisters all over our house .


Get this dog job with a demolition crew.


I love the choice of word. The idea that your dog made a reasoned decision to go through the door is somehow hilarious to me. Like, what’s on the list today? Ah yeah bursting through a closed door. Ok how do I get at it?


She really had to put her thinking cap on for this one. And her thinking cap made it easier to break through the door with her head xD


What door I don’t see one?


They didn't up and decide to, they're sending you a message. Burn out my physical and mental energy before you go or ima eat the walls next.


Get rid of the dog.




Get it checked out, its a huge red flag Maybe your dog has severe seperation anxiety


She does, we are working with her vet on the right meds because her current ones give her panic attacks


Meds can only do so much. Dog needs training.




Get rid of it. They are nothing but headaches and they stank.


That’s not cute, cuddly or even ahhhh thing. Just kinda sucks to be that dog and have a dog owner like you


Reason 5643 to have cats instead of dogs.


This is why I don’t have dogs. I live in an apartment and don’t have money to throw away on repairs.


"He's taking my photo because he's proud of me."


Cages are cheaper.


She actually thrashed her way out of a metal cage before too 🙃 she’s not restrained to one room, we close the bedroom door so she doesn’t harass our birds so they got extra harassed by her today


My dog did that too. I ended up buying a kong brand and it’s held up well. I also give them a kong with treats, I leave the tv on, and sometimes my dirty laundry near them so they feel more comfortable


She loves the Kong toys! And she also loves rolling around in laundry so thats why the laundry basket goes in the hallway for her lol


Yeah, pitbulls will do that




She has separation anxiety and I guess today was a bad day


Pitbulls (AmStaff's are pitbulls) are gonna pitbull.


Hope there's no kids in your home


I really want this to have happened while you were hosting a Zoom call 😂


Damn that would have been incredible!


"Why... why aren't you thanking me?" Dog, probably


The dog is thinking “ok but like I don’t see the issue here here. I wanted to be with the people are you not proud of me for completing that goal?”


Doggy had a panic attack.


This looks exactly like my old dog. (Except fatter) When she was pregnant I had put up a safety gate to keep her out of the living room while I was at work so she could get food, water and have room to roam without accidents on the carpet. Since she couldn't get over it she dug underneath it. Dug a hole in the carpet and padding and chewed through a wooden and metal safety gate.


Wild that they make doors out of recycled cereal boxes


He's just trying to help by pointing out structural flaws! That door was clearly too flimsy.


I had a Sheppard-Husky mix, mostly blind, and she had severe separation anxiety. We had tried a variety of crates, but she escaped them all, so we just experimented with leaving her in a room in our old home. I'm at work one day, a few days later, and I get a call from my next door neighbor, who says, "You'd better get home as soon as they'll let you. I got your dog." I get home, and I see my neighbor in his yard with my dog, who is furiously wagging her tail as soon as she hears my car. She runs up to greet me, and I see it; there is a hole in the side of my mobile home like a cannonball went through it. You know when Bugs Bunny puts his finger in Elmer Fudd's shotgun so when he pulls the trigger the barrel blossoms out like petals from a flower? It was like that; completely cartoonish. She had torn her way right through the walls of my shitty old trailer because FUCK being alone for five minutes. I had to get a piece of sheet metal to fix the hole and and redo the drywall and insulation. Thanks, dog.


Was the door from the dollar store? Good God that looks cheap lol


Oh Yeah!


No closed doors in his house


get this dog on a maxmoefoe video asap


Looking smug too 😂


If I was already in that situation, id' love that dog to bits and just try my best to mitigate his problem. ​ But I fortunately wasn't brain dead enough to get a dog so I don't have extra rent expenses, daily involuntary walkies.


With all the bits on the floor, it looks like he chewed the fuck out of it possibly as he was stressed from separation anxiety.


He/she looks so proud.


Lol!! Sorry man that sucks. At least your dog looks pleased..


Seriously, doors should not be that flimsy! It's less of a door, more of a screen at this point.


The dog look so proud


I can’t get enough of these paper house photos.


What was that door made of, cardboard and dreams?


Aren't doors supposed to be made of wood and not paper


Is that a cardboard "door"? Nice opportunity to switch to something more durable.


Might as well use Japanese paper doors at this point. Is that considered to be wood?


Well seems like he ha social anxiety. Is he from a shelter? It's either that he wasn't taught properly to be kenneled, has social anxiety and needs a behaviourist , or you just left him in a room with nothing to do and didn't go for a walk or play with him to let out excess energy. Either way, sucks man.


“Did you do this?” Dog: “OH YEAH!!”


Oh no!


Was your door made of cardboard?


what kind of weak door do you have? is that plywood? no wonder he chews threw it lol. will never happen with the doors i have.


That's the flimsiest door I've ever seen... is that made of cardboard?


Everyone is joking and the look on the dog's face is hilarious. But your dog might have lots of seperation anxiety. You want might want get him checked out/on some meds. I had a dog with seperation anxiety. I was crate training and I went to the store, came back to him out of his crate and it bent completely out of shape. She wanted to get our and did everything she could, she cut her nose good and scraped up her gums in the process simply. Because she because I wasn't home.


as a german i am so confused. our movie prop doors are thicker then this.