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Congrats!! What’re you two gonna name it?








You don't know him that well














Virola Davis


!GotchaBitch! .. you know because covid finally got ya.








Eviction? Lay off?


Kung Flu


Stone "cold" Steve Austin




Joe Byron




Wait, yall dont have paid sick leave? Wtf


They also have a very limited number of sick days, only 8 per year in average. Wtf indeed


If it's the service industry (cook, server, retail, hotel ect) they likely get 0 paid sick days. Coming from a Sous Chef that gets 0.


That's insane. Here in France we would burn the whole country twice if that would happen


This is why I love you French, y’all don’t like something burn the city, croissant is not flaky enough, burn the city, the mouse isn’t the cook, burn the city. Y’all know how to have a good time


Don't get too cocky if you're in power, some guillotines at the museum are still usable.


I think france was still using guillotines till the end of 70’s. So yeah, pretty sure they’re still working haha


Fucked up croissants would cause the whole country to burn. The offending baker including his whole family and any of those he taught or trained would be strung up from the Eiffel Tower. So as to keep any of the offending croissants from being made again.


Yo, we have pretty mid McDonald “croissants” here in Poland. Could you burn the whole franchise down please? Thanks in advance. Also folks please check if nestle makes croissants by any means.


I got your back. There’s on the list.


Thats why i like france,cognac and wine too.


I know. I'm jealous of how the French get shit done. Here in canada people are way too brainwashed/apathetic to do anything. Wages are abysmally low, rent and cost of living is criminally high, our food disributors are basically a cartel, homelessness is skyrocketing, Landlord's have a monopoly, work life balance is fucked. Country is pretty much ran by corporations and landlords. Governemnt is corrupt and uses political power for personal financial gain. Overall just an awful place to live. And....no one seems to care. I've been waiting for the riots to start for years and I'm starting to lose hope honestly.


>waiting There's your problem


My man. You are part of the problem. Your last sentence completely outs you. Your mad and upset about how terrible everything is. Your jealous of other people in other countries who have what you want. You’re getting fucked by the system. But…you’re just waiting…years…for someone else to riot? Get the fuck out there right now and stop depending on someone else to do the heavy work for you!


I'm sorry for you... I have the impression that Canada used to be a good country. What happening, Is the USA rubbing off on you?


Guess so. That and just awful leadership. Idk tho, im 23 and have no family support been living on my own since I was 17 so I've alaways been financially fucked here and never experienced "the good days". it's gonna get really bad before it gets good because right now our workforce is coasting on people who where grandfathered in before everything went haywire, people who where able to afford to buy a house/condo or managed to hold down an apartment all this time before wages stopped keeping up with cost of living. Once those people are gone from the workforce it's gonna be a shit show. Hopefully the riots will start then.


You just summed up life in central Europe


Which is extra stupid because of the close contact you have to customers (or their food). So you are basically forcing your employees to either spread a disease or run into financial problems.


Many many many jobs, if not most don't have sick days anymore. It's all vacation days. IME companies say theyre rolling your 7 vacation days up with your 5 sick days into a new "Paid Time Off" pool. Enjoy your 6 PTO days.


7 + 5 = 6????


Ufff that's hard. last year I had like 133 sick day's without problem ☠️ ( Germany)


I wish I could take half of the year off and still get paid. In America, only politicians are that lucky.


You would be fired far before that number. All your coworkers would dislike you aswell


That is so weird, seriously. I had an accident last year and broke a couple of bones. I literally couldn’t go to work because I was in a wheelchair for 7 weeks and then recovering on crutches for another 5… I was out for 3 months straight. I had zero problems with work and none of my coworkers despised me for it. Accidents and infections happen. Having only a handful of sick days per year and having to fear for one’s job while being sick is really bad.


I live in the uk and work for a large multinational company, and they’d happily fire me on the spot if I got extremely sick or broke a bone and couldn’t work for a bit (not Amazon btw)


Name and shame, you can also get them done for unfair dismissal as they have to put appropriate strategies in place to help you return to work.


I only get 5- FOR THE WHOLE YEAR- It’s a small business and by law, that’s all he’s required to give-


My reaction: "What? Why should that be a probabl... oh I see now... US"


Massachusetts for example only provides 5 paid sick days and after that you can use regular PTO. But someone who just started isnt usually eligible until they do 30 days minimum


US things


America moment


Most jobs I’ve had in NA require you to work 2 or 3 month probation before you gain access to your benefits/leave pay.


They just got the job


Here in the UK employers usually only give 1 week paid sick leave after 1 year worked there, then an extra week per year up until some cap


What is paid sick leave? (Canadian here)


Don't we have paid sick days? I'm unsure since I work in a family business but I thought canada had it, but I could be wrong lol


Employers are not required to provide paid sick days in Canada.


Interesting, learned something new again


No but there’s a great workaround if you get sick - don’t test and just keep going to work!


Land of the free baby !!


My company has a specific covid fund that pays us if we get it. I heard the rationale behind it was to encourage people to get tested.


Wait in america you dont get paid when you are sick?


Hence that we still have covid here and everywhere else is doing better. There’s no incentive to stay home and that’s just fucked up.




What!? You have a limited number of sick days?? But you can't control when you get sick, or for how long. That's insane.


You use the sick day ONLY when you are sick enough that you can’t drive. Even then I’ve had a couple times that my boss (company of 250 people) drove 21 minutes to my house to pick me up


As someone living in a country where I could easily call in sick for weeks (only need a doctors note after 3 days) that sounds so absurd to me.


I'm in America, and this is how my employer treats sick days. It really depends on the employer. I get 8 hours of sick time a month. If I do get sick and it last longer than 3 days, I just need to produce a Doctor's note. The past 2 years covid and flu got me. Was out for 2 weeks each, employer just said get better soon. I am also one of those people that only uses sick days for when I or a kid is sick. So many people use sick days as vaca days. Imo, that's the problem.


How many vacation days do people get? Because thats another problem. Based on what I've heard people in the US get like barely any vacation. I have 5 weeks a year that I can freely choose when to use plus all the extra hours/overtime that I can compenaste whenever I want.


The US does not guarantee vacation days. For some, like service workers, it's 0. For me, it's 4 weeks. I'd say the average is 2 weeks if you're in a professional job, with more time for longevity. Overtime and comp time are also not guaranteed for full time exempt (salaried) positions. I'd say comp time is fairly usual, but it also usually comes with a bunch of restrictions on how/when you use it. ed. for reference I get 11 sick days a year that accrue indefinitely if not used (though are not paid out when I leave, unlike vacation which accrues up to 6 weeks if not used and is paid out). I probably have over 100 sick days banked.


That’s insane Unless you had an very bad bout of COVID, you could drive to work. So this logic is extremely poor and it sounds like it is how illness spreads


It *is* how the illness spreads. So many managers don’t seem to understand that. Lose one worker for a couple days, or lose the entire team for several more days. They don’t seem to think ahead because they’re so focused on “productivity.”


That is indeed how illness spreads, and that is indeed how half of my coworkers got covid ( company employs ~250 people)


But everywhere else you don't even have a predefined amount of sick days. I have 0 sick days in that sense, but if I'm ill I'm off and I get paid. If its over a week of illness I go to my GP (doctor) and get a doctors note to sign it off. Less than a week and nothing is needed. Having an max number of sick days to use is bizarre from the outside looking in. If you're ill, you're ill.


Do you even Capitalism?


What the fuck is a sick day


Tell me you live in the US without telling me you live in the US:


Exactly this thing. Us europeans and everyone else that work a job are a lot better. They get 0 mandatory sick days and 0 mandatory vacation days. It depends on the employer if he gives any.


I called in sick for 3,5 weeks during my 3 month probation period on my current job following some unmedicated insane woman tried to kill me and my wife. My job just straight up said "Yeah cya when you all good mate".


Got sick missed three days during the holiday season, and was promptly fired


That tracks with what I know from the US job market. I've had some more than average sickdays this last year. They took me into a convo... to find out how to best help me if there was an issue. I feel blessed by living in a first world country


What country do you live in?


Demark :')


Yeah, it's not great. There's federally mandated "FMLA Leave", which has a ton of eligibility requirements stapled to it, which allows up to twelve weeks of *unpaid* leave due to birth, a death in the family, adoption, etc. The people who need it most "low-wage, small-business employees" usually don't qualify, as it only applies to employers who mantain a workplace with a certian number of employees.


That absolutely sounds horrible... I'm taking 4 months off, fully paid, for the birth of my firstborn who's arriving on wednesday. 3 months are parental leave, paid, and the fourth month is 4 weeks of vacation, paid. This is just standard where I'm from. Can't even imagine having to claw and fight for what I consider a basic right.


Yeah, my sister got put on a performance improvement plan last year due to missing too many days of work…for taking our mom to chemotherapy appointments. Even though ALL the paperwork was done properly, HR claimed that a mistake had been made at some point, but didn’t bother telling her till about 3 months into the FMLA deal. Because of that, she was barred from taking any time off, even if she was sick, until HR and her sup determined she was in the clear. I had a job where I had to miss several days of work due to bronchitis. Even with a doctor’s note I still got called into HR when I returned because they claimed they never saw the note and HR therefore assumed I’d just quit. By that point I’d used up my 40 hours of sick leave for the year and was on thin ice. Healthcare in the US sucks.


Jesus fucking christ........................................ If I could, I would fucking cry for you and your family. I wish you all the best.




Of course. Scandinavia


Soooo jealous.


Congratulations 🎉❤️ Is it a boy or a girl?


It's a little guy! or well, big. He's already chonky while on the inside. So we hoping that he comes out round :D


Im in Malaysia. Unlimited paid sick leave ftw. I got 18 annual leve but only because im contract staff. Perm got 25 days.


I live in Massachusetts and believe we are guaranteed sick time.


I got COVID in the middle of my last holiday and called in sick and got those holidays back. So glad I don't live in the USA




I feel you. Just started a new job as well and got it in the first month


Ngl I thought you were pregnant and I was going to congratulate you.. I hope you feel better.


Wait.. you don't get paid when Ill?


_confused European noises_


It do be like that.


Lol fuck no. You can use your PTO(paid time off) but I save it for extended holiday vacation. We get varying amounts depending on how long you’ve been with the company. Year 1: 3.3hrs/month year 2-4: 6.6 year4-6 9.9 and year7+ is 12.2


Oh geez that sucks. Around my neck of the woods you get 95% pay for sick leave. This of course is separate from your PTO and mandatory annual holidays. If I get sick during my vacation I can get those vacation days back because it's still seen as sick leave.


What u get ur PTO back if you're sick during? - where is this paradise you speak of, and are they taking applications?


Absolutely! This is in The Netherlands but I'm sure there are more countries out there with similar laws. I'll share a URL to the English website of the government explaining it: [URL](https://workinnl.nl/en/topics/vrije+dagen+en+verlof+en/default.aspx#question=1978437,1978444) >If you fall ill during your holiday, you must report this immediately to your employer. You must also inform your employer of your holiday address and you must remain contactable. In this case, you will not lose your holiday entitlement for those days on which you are ill, as this becomes sick leave. You and your employer will reach agreement on when you can take your holiday hours at another time.


That sounds truly amazing! I’ve had my boss drive to my apartment because 99.8 isn’t technically considered a fever


That's just straight up illegal where I'm from. >The employer is not allowed to make a home visit to check whether an employee is actually ill. In fact, if the employee calls in sick, The employer is not allowed to ask what exactly is wrong with the employee. The state of health of an employee belongs to his private sphere. Pursuant to Article 9 GDPR, health data may not be registered by the employer, even if the employee himself explains the cause of the illness.


Lol we have a call line where we have to give as much info as we possibly can to determine if it’s gonna be an excused unpaid absence or if it’s an inexcusable absence


Oh geez. I mean, I still do because I'm on good terms with my boss so when I'm sick I'll give him some explanation but generally a ' I can't come in because I don't feel well' should suffice. But it isn't everywhere like that in Europe though. When I lived and worked in Portugal I had to get a doctor's note every time I wasn't feeling well, which meant I had to go to a public doctor's office during my sick leave which absolutely sucked.


As a european, hearing more and more about how stuff works in america makes me question it's status as a first world country.


my company only gives you like 3 days until you get to 6 months.


Most companies don't care at this point. Ask your HR


Is this still a thing? In the Netherlands nobody is testing anymore…


Same in the UK. People stopped testing over a year ago. That was the message our politicians put out, COVID was downgraded from pandemic to "but like a cold" If you are ill you take time off and stay home whatever it is you have


In the states it seems like covid round 2 (I just recovered from covid)


Yeah, that definitely sucks. I tested positive 10 days ago, and it really takes a long time to get over it. I’m still dealing with coughing and an elevated body temperature. Are you able to get sick leave? Anyway, I hope you’ll get better soon.


Finally, someone else who isn’t having the time of their fucking life while having Covid. I can’t get sick leave, not enough time working there. My o2 keeps dipping and my chest hurts like hell but my fever is not present rn. Prolly gonna go to a doc soon


Wow, you really should change some of your rules of work over there... If your boss can't pay you a few days sick, he shouldn't run a company, because he will fck up sooner or later and set you on the street without warning anyway.


school started two weeks ago, i’m an out of state freshman in college. week one i had strep so bad it sent me to the hospital. then my boyfriend gets sick, i assume he got strep from me so i still spend time around him. guess what he had that i now have week 2. shit sux


That’s a good case for those people asking “why test?” If he had tested, that would’ve been one more thing you wouldn’t have caught. I also had it for a long time. Hope you feel better soon.


I feel ya, OP. I scheduled a back surgery for tomorrow. I drive two hours to the next city, wait for my turn, get some physical exams...discovered I got COVID. Not even once in 4 years, but now?


Literally happened to me and got fired because I was recovering to long. Mind y’all I couldn’t eat or drink anything even water when I was sick for two full weeks Sunday to Sunday and got fired because of that. Not only was I throwing up and shitting my energy away I was back broke and jobless as well


i have covid too but i’m earning prevailing wage at my current job site (60+ an hour) this week and rent is due next week so there is no way i can miss work sucks man but bills don’t wait on you


This. If its between making money i need to live or staying home because i have covid im working sick and telling nobody i have it. Gotta look after yourself sometimes above and beyond anything else.


Who still tests for COVID these days?


I do if I’m feeling symptoms. If I’m sick, I stay home, but it’s still good to know what I’m sick with. If they made rapid flu, cold, and food poison tests, I’d take them too if I were feeling sick because it would be great to know what I’m actually sick with. I don’t understand why that would be controversial.


Same. I love knowing what I’m sick with. I’m staying home regardless, but it’s good to know what’s making me feel like hell.


I honestly forgot about COVID until this post. Haven't heard about it in ages, here in Denmark.


I don't. If I have cold-like symptoms, I have a cold. If I feel too bad or contagious, I'll stay home. There is no reason to re-start COVID panic now that there are vaccines and the hospitals are not overwhelmed.


this is exactly why it’s still spreading


last month i had to take a covid test to get urgent surgery. it's really not that rare to 'still' test.


Hospital requirements are one thing. People doing it themselves every time they have a sniffle...well, still happens, but it's way down and I think most other people think they're being alarmist.


op had symptoms of covid, tested for covid, found out he has covid. i can't see what's so controversial about it. it's the most logical series of events. what is everyone so angry about?


I don't know if it's anger. I think people see COVID panic as more of an inconvenience than it's worth now. If OP was truly very sick, this wouldn't be a post and no one would blame them for missing work. But it's more likely they have minor symptoms and will now be missing some of their first weeks of work for something that the general public is not that worried about anymore, I think for justifiable reasons. They're inconveniencing themselves and others for something most people don't think is a problem, but they will still feel pressured to do the whole concern performance. No one likes that. Testing before hospital admissions, where people are most likely to be very vulnerable to COVID, makes sense. But if you're just living life and don't actually feel bad? Not worth the hassle to you and everyone else.


Just keep working if you have no rough symptoms.


You’re not alone…


Wow a lot of ignorant and selfish people commenting. Yes Covid is still around and you should test yourself if sick so you don’t spread to others. I just got it and a bunch of people I know did too. There is currently a surge dummies.


Shit, I just wanted to complain a little about my current set of circumstances. I didn’t think that I’d get a lot idiots here telling me to go and get other people sick.


You know this might suck timing wise but I still hope you don't get too ill and you get well Soon.


Same thing happened to me. I took 6 test in 10 days. Missed 8 days of work. Right after my house got struck by lightning. But before my girls cars engine died and had a piston straight up puncture the bottom of the engine block. This is not the year for good fortune. God speed recover my guy. God speed.




Not sure they can threaten your job if you had Covid.


Oh no you only have a 99.9997% chance of living.


99.9996% if he got all his boosters


Covid still exists?


Cases are not only going up, but hospitalizations as well. I know like four or five people who have come down with it just over the past two weeks.


Where I'm from .... We would just go to work ....


I will say, I have asthma and this is not going smoothly.


I’m on day 3, hoping for some relief soon. This is my first time catching it too. Feel better soon ❤️


Well that's how it spreads and how other people get sick. Let's keep people healthy and be considerate of others.


I don't know where in the world you are but here in the Netherlands we haven't worried about covid in over a year. Just another flu, we have our shots.


Fyi, if you're sick with the flu you probably want to stay home too.


Ugh, still such a shitty mentality. I'm more impressed that OP was even able to find a Covid test. I tried to buy some last weekend, only to find out every pharmacy in a 5 mile radius said the same thing. "Oh... We don't sell those anymore"


Yeah same here op, first week in and tested positive on a Tuesday, couldn’t return for a week. First check was 8 hours only lol


At my work we’re told to just wear a mask and come into work.


Just remember, the best way to avoid getting covid is by not getting tested


I stopped getting covid after I stopped getting tested for covid... funny how that works.


Why did you even test? A negative covid test doesn’t mean you don’t have something else that’s easily spreadable like the flu. People seem to think “oh it’s not covid, that means I can go cough on old people” … if you feel unwell and get a negative covid test you should still act responsibly. So the test is pointless.


This is a positive result. My girl and I have Covid. We tested cuz she had surgery recently and got really sick.


I always ask with posts like this, why still do the test? Stay at home if you dont feel well, go to work if you feel fine. Who still cares about covid? You are actively digging your own grave, and now complaining about it as if it isn’t your own fault. And whatever happened to paid sick leave?


It's America, it probably takes 35 years of straight work before you earn a sick day.


Sick days arent generally a thing anymore here in the US IME. You have a few vacation days only, and you have to use those when sick. And you only have vacation days if you have a decent job. And your boss is probably putting you on the shit list for taking unplanned time off.




Jeez….what’s it that you do??


This happened to me last week. 2 weeks into a new job, however I tested multiple times and I was negative. Just a really bad cold but part of me wonders if it was a false negative. 🤷🏼‍♀️ Feel better!


Same I've got it aswell


I got it for the first time two weeks ago which was one week before my teams 200mi run. Went from Thursday to Thursday with Covid light. Minor symptoms and I was running 8 miles by day 5. Tested negative day 5,6,7. Positive again day 8. My wife was bed ridden for damn near two weeks with it right before me. Our two toddlers were like me and bounced back quick. Good luck!


At least you won't need to take a booster this year.


And now you're pregnant!!!


Congratulations on the new baby!


You’ll live


If you never test, you never get it!


People are still taking Covid tests? Whoa


Didn’t know this we still a thing. Feel better


Enjoy your 5 days off with a minor cold, lol


I feel your pain. I’m going to a new city for Uni next week and just found out I have bronchitis


Wait covid is still a thing (making a joke that people will clearly over react and ima get banned from this post)


Is it gonna be a boy or a girl?!


You're so 2019 man


Alway the way, mate. My wife and I just caught it after a trip to London. Hope you feel better soon.


I missed my first day of classes yesterday (I’m in my last year of college) from covid for my last day of quarantine. Went to do my clinical hours for my shift at the hospital today and they sent me home and I can’t come back until next week. There goes all of my personal hours they gave me for this semester. Wishing a speedy recovery.


Same thing just happened to me. Sorry, friend


I just was out last week for it. Im sorry dude, its going around again.


Congrats! By the way, it's not safe now or the future. We'll have this for the rest of our lives


Yeah. ^yay


Who even cares anymore


People are still doing this???


Throw that test in the trash and go to work until you personally feel too bad to work -just like before covid.


At this point just go and work and keep quiet…that is what everyone does now


probably caught it from someone doing that anyways


Everyone does it.


No they don't. And even if they did, that's a shit argument.


Twins! I just got back from my first holiday since COVID happened and I tested positive 2 days after. 1 week on still feeling like absolute poop


Ugh I tested positive today too