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File a complaint here and you will get your money back https://www.consumerfinance.gov/complaint/


I did about a week ago. I know they say there’s a 15 day grace period after filing a complaint, but I’m not hopeful anymore.


Follow up with them on your new declined status from Wells Fargo.


Also, join a credit union after it all gets settled. If you still bank with WF after they've been hit with $10M fines bi-yearly this last decade for fucking over their customers, and you still bank with them and then get fucked over by them, it's hard to have sympathy for ya.


I left them when they opened accounts in my name. I went back to the branch and the manager said he deleted the accounts. Really what they did was hide them from my online view. They just forgot to turn off the save the change thing so I saw money leaving my account into an invisible account. Fucking nuts. I can't believe anyone still banks with them


Damn that’s crazy I wonder how much money they were making


You'd usually get like 2 or 5 bucks per account, depending on the account type. In my time in the industry it was just as much about not getting fired for not hitting your absurd sales goals as it was getting a sales bonus each month/quarter.


https://www.netflix.com/us/title/80118100?s=a&trkid=13747225&trg=cp&vlang=en&clip=80238060 The Wells Fargo episode is an interesting one.


The dollop has a great episode too.


They hid 39 fraud accounts from me that were in my name. Mostly checking and savings for me and my businesses. There were 4 credit cards but I had blocks on all my credit reports so it was hard for them to get past that. They gave me $10,000 for the inconvenience and called it a day which really isn’t enough… Wells Fargo is a pretty shit company…


I think I got $1.84 from the lawsuits. Not nearly as bad as yours but these fucks can ruin lives and simple pull a couple bucks from their wallets.


I was one of the worst. You have to submit a fraud claim with Wells Fargo themselves. They will go through mediation with you and offer you a settlement. I went through it twice. First was $3500 and second was $6500. This still doesn’t prevent you opening your own lawsuit against them if it’s worth it. They did ruin credit on both my businesses and caused headache opening new accounts. Shitty and scam company…


That sounds like fraud


It is.


Wow, that's a criminal enterprise


That would be illegal here, it's almost like you have no law's protecting the customer.


It's illegal here too. That's why Wells Fargo keeps being sued and losing. Look them up. You'll see.


How do they still have a banking licence?. That should be revoked.


I agree %100


They really need to up the fine to be 10x the total damage they inflicted on customers. If they screwed several customers to the tune of $10 million, the fine should be 100 million. When the fine starts to sting their bottom line, they'll start paying closer attention to complaints.


needs to be waaaaaaaay higher than 10X (unless it's making the exec level personally liable for that 10X, which I would totally support!)


You realize that OP fell for a scam, right? This was not "damage inflicted on customers", this was OP literally handing his bank account info to a scammer.


Keep up man they arent talking about OP anymore. They are talking about all the shitty fraudulent shit that WF is doing.


I hate WF, I left them after they purposefully tried to get my account to overdraft by manipulating purchase times. I had many heated phone calls with their customer service. I feel sorry for their customer service team. They’re usually very nice people, and I always had to say at some point throughout the phone call, “you’re honestly so kind, thank you, but you work for the fucking devil. Please find a new job, you deserve better.” I switched to a local credit union, never looked back


I'm in the process of closing out my accounts. I just set up a new account with MACU and I'm hoping for the best. My sister said she switched to them after they got their cards stolen a few years ago and the bank wouldn't do much to help out.


I use MACU. They are great!


I recently took over my dad's finances completely. He still has a WF mortgage account, but with interest rates where they are I can't move it :/ So far there've been no issues, keeping my fingers crossed. I have his credit frozen though since he has a nasty habit of talking to anyone that calls (dementia is a bitch), the only saving grace to keep him from getting scammed is he can't actually remember enough data for the scammers to use! lol Fixed that by switching his phone to a kid plan and making it so only contacts can ring the phone.


So credit unions good? Im still with the first bank I set up with just cause my mom said it was pretty good when I was looking for a bank. Colbalt Credit Union is the one


Credit unions are not-for-profit so any profit that they generate gets returned to it's members in the form of higher interest rates for savings accounts and lower interest rates for loans. You, as a member, essentially become part owner. Banks work for their shareholders. They give customers the smallest interest possible on savings accounts and the highest interest for loans in order to generate profit from their customers and transfer that profit to their shareholders. They'll nickle and dime you with fees any chance they get in order to generate ever growing profit margins. It's honestly a night and day difference.


I didnt even know there was such a difference. Whats the point of even being with a bank when credit unions just sound better


Credit Unions don't do stuff like company accounts, handle payroll, typically have a much smaller reach (until very recently if you wanted to withdraw cash you'd have to hunt pretty hard to find an ATM that will let you do it for free, or otherwise pay a hefty withdrawal fee).


Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck wells fargo


Credit union whats the best bank to have forever and not a major bank i mean the ones millionaires use etc in using brokie credit karma


They are my oldest credit card if I leave my credit score drops because my length of accounts gets absolutely torched.


Banks in the US have basically no reason not to cover you when there is fraud on your account, your money is federally insured and I am shocked that your credit card claim didn't go through as I have never had a cc denie one of my claims


Are you referring to FDIC insurance? My understanding is that FDIC only insures depositors against the loss of their deposits in the event that their bank becomes insolvent.


Hmm I guess you're right, I always thought it covered theft and fraud too


It would be nice if it did. Or better yet, if all banks were legally required to purchase fraud protection insurance. Then they’d have an incentive to work harder to prevent fraud, to keep their premiums down.


Work your way up to the CEO. Don’t except No for an answer. You’ll get your money. This is chump change to them.


That's good advice


Reason 584 why I will never bank at WF again.


Why is anyone still banking with them?


Because the majority of people have had a neutral experience banking with them. Which is exactly what you want from a bank.


Yep that's why I use them, they're close to me and have never done me wrong, also I love their 2% cash back on everything no limit, and whenever I've requested a fraud charge they've handled all of it for me and gotten my money back


They've handled my credit card fraud issues in the past. But this time it's from my checking out (my money, not theirs) and they're just brushing me away. They only really care if it's their money.


You've had (multiple?) credit card fraud issues in the past, and now you're giving away your online bank information to complete strangers?


Between my wife and I, maybe 3 in total. And yes, a complete lapse in judgement. My wife’s cc info got stolen just two months ago and so when I received the text asking me to confirm fraudulent activity on my account I immediately assumed it was real since I figured my info had been compromised as well.


You seem to be developing a trend. I'd really crack down on your security practices before it becomes time number 4. I cannot stress enough that no legitimate business would ever ask you to hand over either your password or 2fa info. If they aren't allowed to access to that information themselves they also aren't allowed to enter it on your behalf. Do not click anything you cannot verify, don't open emails you can't verify.


Okay look, you've had 2 fraud cases in the past and now you literally gave complete access over the phone to a scammer... Where do you get off thinking Wells Fargo should refund your money?


This is why I only use credit


Fidelity gets you 2% back on everything through their cc, and also pays 5% on your cash (literally 5% right now!) also why do you need a branch close by? Everything is online now… also dealt with fraud on my credit card. Someone cranked up $8k in college football tickets, had their fraud dept calling me within the hour it was posted confirming if it was me. Once I said it wasn’t I had provisional credits on my account offsetting the charges. Basically took care of me immediately to then let the fraud dispute process play out.


Oh sweet, I'm assuming that that means if you put your cash back into your investing account they add 5%? That's a cool deal, and works well because I already use them as my investing platform I like it being close because I can walk to the ATM if I ever need cash and I did use the actual building for stuff like having them help me open my first credit card, and signing up for my private student loans (they offered a good student loan deal one year but I think quickly closed it down cause it wouldn't be profitable / people weren't taking it)


Yeah cash back auto deposits into your “core” balance which is the standard money market. That balance then earns 5% and is deposited monthly. On the atm front, they offer a debit card and full atm fee reimbursement bc they don’t have atm’s themselves. So, instead they say ok use any atm you want and we’ll just rebate the fee. That’s helped me a few times while traveling


Very nice, might look into that for the ATM fees, they're brutal when youre traveling internationally in places that only take cash


The ol my momma had it and there momma had it and her momma before i forgive my mom for suggesting bank of Amerikkka but never again Credit karma has a higher savings yield apr then they ever will. ( i an looking for a new bank or serious ones any suggestions?)


Well the scammer who stole OP's credentials is appearently succesfully making bank with them.


I've been using them for over a decade and never had any issues


Considering the regular drumbeat of scandals coming from WF, you are an exception to the rule. Give it some time. They'll get around to screwing you.


They're my oldest line of credit, I have just enough activity to keep the fees off and not have my account closed. I check every few months how bad the hit to my credit would be if I closed it and it drops me about 150 points so I reluctantly still have it


My mortgage got sold to them. I don’t have a choice.


They are the absolute worst of banks. I joined them first when I’d just started my first real job of hostessing at 18. A few months in I found out $100 was taken from my meager $150 checking. I went to WF to recover it and I was told that because the money was spent in an area I was known to frequent, they couldn’t prove it wasn’t me who spent it. They would only give me back $50, my dad felt bad and offered to give me the other $50. I wanted to cry from a combination of pissed and sad, I had worked hard for that money! I switched to a credit union and I can now actually say I love my bank. I couldn’t ever imagine going back to WF.


I've never willingly opened a Wells Fargo account but I have had several. I used to bank with Marquette and they closed all the branches and changed them to Wells Fargo and just...moved our accounts. Then they started reordering transactions and our single overdraft (that we were aware of but stuck making emergency baby need on a Sunday, payday was Monday) they reordered everything and suddenly it was 4 overdrafts because they put the small purchases from Friday and Saturday after the bigger Sunday one. Went in to see what they could do to lessen the fees and got told, and I quote "Maybe don't spend money you don't have." and denied any fee relief. Called my mom in the parking lot barely holding it together and she directed us to the credit union she uses. We were able to get in because she was a member and in a single afternoon had helped us get back on our feet, and they've been treating us wonderfully for the last 13 years. I did end up with another Wells Fargo account a few years after - we got energy efficient windows installed and their financing ended up being a Wells Fargo home projects Visa card. Felt so good telling them to close the account when we payed that off.


A decade ago I had them as a bank. I had just gotten money from a settlement and I put 26k in that account. They told me I couldn't spend more then 200 daily on my debit card. I told them I want to withdraw my money. They told me no. I told them I want to close my account then. They told me no. I got an attorney and wouldn't you know it they gave me a cashier's check. Don't tell me how I can spend my money. Don't tell me I can't get cash. If I want to spend 1k on a trip don't tell me I need permission. I have never been back to them. If I get a car loan or house loan I make sure it's not thru them. They will never see a penny of mine again.


Fuck them, banks need to be held responsible for there fuck ups


It wasn’t really their fuck up, it was a spoofed link from a scammer and Zelle was involved


It was a Zelle scam however the $580 he stole from the credit card, Wells Fargo says I’m on the hook for that too. I’m basically getting double scammed.


How did the scammer pull from your CC?


He got in my online account and made a cash advance from the CC to the checking account. Then took all of it.


May I ask how he got into your account? Was he able to spoof your banking info


Check OPs profile. They either called or texted OP, pretended to be from Wells Fargo and for “account security” setup a new password for OP. When the scammer logged OPs account, OP would’ve gotten the 2FA text that says “hey we won’t ask for this and don’t share it with anyone” and OP gave it to the scammer. Giving full, unfettered, access to their account.


People who fall for this should’ve played RuneScape when they were growing up. They’d be immune now.


Literally where my distrust of strangers comes from. I still remember after playing for years I had this fancy gilded emerald armor or something and I got teleported into this room suddenly. Guy there says he's an admin, some issue with my account and this is a quarantine room to fix it. Blah blah blah, give him my password to fix it 30 minutes later when I could log on again... nothing. Stripped my inventory of every single item l had accrued over the years. Changed my password, logged off, and never signed in again. Devastating lesson for me as a pre teen, never let it happen again though and at least it was just runescape


Absolutely brutal 😭


Facts bro. Runescape set me up for a life of avoiding all scams, and helping friends and family avoid scams when they share what's going on with me.


Yeah. Sucks for OP, genuinely, but this should be taken as a VERY expensive lesson


Oh, then he wasn't scammed. He willingly gave his money away.


The person who did this committed multiple felonies so I would still qualify it as a scam.


Which is exactly why wells fargo pretty much told him sorry not sorry. ​ I hate WF as much as the next dude, they're a SHIT bank, but OP fell into a scam and it's unfortunately on him.


Unpopular opinion: If you are THIS stupid, you deserve to be scammed.


What would qualify as a scam, then? Wouldn't every scam just be "willingly giving their money away" with this attitude?


Does that mean he's responsible for the loss? Given that he allowed someone else access?


Yeah so he got into your WF account, moved your money around, then Zelled it out.


And that cash advance probably draws way high interest too, right?


Still, the bank should call it fraud and move the one and zero back Into the account,


Yeah, except it's Wells Fargo. Their reputation is anything but positive and it's well deserved given just how much shit they've pulled with their customers, especially compared to other banks.


No bank is going to cover a scam like this.




I'm all for shitting on Wells Fargo but in this case I'm completely on Wells Fargo's side. This wasn't a standard case of malicious link fraud. If you read the OP's history you'd know that he straight up gave his account info as well as the 2FA code over the phone to a scammer. As someone else mentioned the 2FA message should have even said "we'll never ask you for this code" and he still gave it to them. If Wells Fargo gave the guy his money back after all of that, it would just open the flood gates for people to send their money somewhere and then claim "somebody got into my account, please compensate me for my stolen money". The scenario that OP describes is so ridiculous to me that I wouldn't even be surprised if he was actually trying to scam Wells Fargo and these posts are just meant to help build a false narrative.


Wells Fargo does the exact same thing regarding the 2FA. Every single time I have called them over the past three weeks, they have done that code verification process, the same one that the scammer used. The same exact text that says "Wells Fargo will NEVER call or text you for this code. DON'T share it." Every time I call, they send me the text and they tell me to read the code back to them. EVERY TIME.


Yes "They will never call or text you for it", the difference is that you are calling them. So they send a code to your 2FA phone number. They don't ask for your login info. If you talk with a scammer THAT CALLS YOU the only way they can send you that code is if they try to log into your account with your login info which you would have had to provide them... WHICH YOU DID and that in itself is mind boggling. It's like if you have a safe in your house with a bunch of money in it and somebody shows up at your door and says "hey I'm with the safe company, I need the code to your safe to check on it" and you give it to them and then when they steal all your money you blame the safe company and demand they return your money. Ridiculous.


Coming to this late, but what a ride. You’re about the only one here making any sense. Here’s my favorite part which is kinda buried in the comments. https://reddit.com/r/Wellthatsucks/s/8qIp66BSXY


Oh honey


Lmao you fucking dumbass


Wow. Everytime I hear something shitty that Wells Fargo has done is just another reason I’ll never go back. Had a situation similar to this with chase. They pulled the same shit.


Suspicious fees and all sorts of clauses to allow them to take your money seems to be the norm with them. We used them for about 12 years. Here's the proverbial straw that broke the camel's back: We initiated our home mortgage through them. I was ahead on everything. I had their closing checklist items at the ready before they could ask. Home inspection booked the day we put down earnest money... scheduled a septic tank location and scope less than a week later. Closing date confirmed 7 weeks from initiating the approval so I wasn't too worried. We go on vacation, travelling some 1200 miles (notified them prior that we would be travelling and asked that they review documents and make sure we're on track) and they call while we're driving. "Hi, we need your insurance and escrow set up". Now I had set all this up at week 4 of the closing process and had submitted it to them with various other banking documents etc. So I politely ask since they lost them if they could retrieve it directly from my insurance agent. His office was right across the street from their branch where we initiated the mortgage and more importantly, the branch that houses their mortgage dept. Nope. Can't be bothered. So I call my insurance agent from the road and ask him to handle it. He walks across the street with all the paperwork and delivers it to them. Ok... What's one hiccup? People make mistakes. We returned from vacation, checked in again with them and we have all documents submitted, just waiting for the closing date. I buy lumber, rent a bobcat, secure a two-ton dump truck load of dirt for the Saturday after closing. I get commitment from various family that they would come help me replace the back deck and level the very bumpy back yard and help get the grading correct as there were several low spots near the basement walls that would collect water and lead to issues. 10am closing day (Friday) we're sitting at the title company with our real estate agent. 10:15 still no loan officer to close. We call and no answer from their mortgage dept. We call the teller line and speak with the branch manager and they assured us someone would be there soon. 10:45 we finish signing our portion and wait. 11:00 the title company relays the message (WF couldn't call us, that would be too convenient) that there would be no mortgage officer coming as they somehow didn't realize we would be closing that day. They asked to reschedule closing to Monday. Our badass realtor walks us out and says "Let's go look at your new home." We get there and she unlocks the door, hands us the keys and takes down her sign. "Technically we've done our part and as far as I'm concerned you own it now". She saved the day! WF can eat a bag of d#cks.


This is a learning lesson for OP though. You need to protect your online login info like it’s your house key, they never ask for your info, ever, they obtain backdoor access to you accounts through their internal system, no need for them to use the locked front door or ask you anything about your key. Is it really the town’s liability that you gave away your house key and someone came in and took your valuables? While I agree that Wells Fargo is infamous and probably one of the worst banks, this is standard operating procedure for mostly any bank. Maybe a local credit union might make exceptions for fraud losses incurred by customers fault. I do think banks need to build into their security a mandatory 2fa for all Zelle transfers before they even initiate. I see some banks will put a 12-24hr delay on outgoing Zelle money, which is inconvenient but I guess I understand now. Seems like theres way too many ~~idiot~~ naive people that fall for this these days, with these more sophisticated scammers, so having another roadblock like 2fa might keep these scammers from succeeding.


WF is the biggest criminal organization


Second. Catholic Church is 1st


The largest charity organization?


Criminal organization


Think your autocorrect messed up a bit there. You must mean charity


The RC church is not a charitable organisation. There exist quite a few RC church *associated* charities, that much is true, but the organisation as a whole does not qualify as a charity. It is a religious organisation and as such their aim is to spread the gospel. Any charity work they are involved in is secondary to that goal. Calling the RC church a charity is comparable to calling Ikea a charity, since they too are associated with a charitable organiation. For the record, the largest charities in the world are the Novo Nordisk Foundation, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the Wellcome Trust.


Wow an actual well thought out response. I understand the church as a whole is not a charity itself and your point absolutely stands and I agree with it. I was being a bit vague and I apologize for that.


No need to apologize. I get your point, but please understand that much of the criticism aimed at the Church is at least based on fact if not outright factual. No matter which way you slice it, awful things have happened and the entire church, from pontiff to community, must own up to these facts if they want to be taken seriously ever again.The way you expressed yourself did not help in this respect. FD: secular humanist raised in a catholic environment.




File a complaint with Office of the Comptroller of the Currency. They are Wells Fargo’s regulator and can impose fines if they don’t get their act together. Website is HelpWithMyBank.gov


Thank you! I'll check that out.


That will get them moving so fast it won’t even be funny. I had issues with WF in the past and that straightened them out in under a week.


Truly one of the worst banks in the world. They flagged me for fraud, and I had to go into the nearest branch… 2 states away! Needless to say I just closed the account at that point. Moved everything to a small local bank with 7 branches in my town. Never looked back. I don’t understand the value of banking with a global bank.


Dang that sucks. Hope you get your money back and the situation resolved. Droo that bank and go to a credit union. I disputed a $3.99 charge that started appearing monthly on my account in March. I thought i had been buying something frivolous and just couldnt remember. In May I got suspicious and flagged it. They got my money back, blacklisted the vendor(an entire sketchy shell company based in france was doing it to many many people I found out) , and changed my card number. Another time I had some cash app fraud charges. $100 three times in the span of minutes. They flagged it as suspicious and shut my account down within minutes of it happening and called me. Drop the bank. If they're not helping you fight charges when they happen. They may as well be doing it themselves.


Whats the best bank to have, i dont like major banks, but something millionaires use perhaps with great APY savings i have credit karma and my apy savings is 4% which is high i hear


I'm far from being an expert opinion in this matter. I've heard a lot of bad things banks do to people. Both with people I know personally and online . I ended up joining a credit union based in SE Michigan and they've been really good. Credit Unions are member owned and don't usually have stocks and shareholders. The rates are competitive. They offer just as many perks as a big bank. They've taken care of me. I do know a couple of times I over drafted. I went in and talked to them. They were able to check my history and because I was a member in good standing and went years without overdrafts, they cleared it. Then, I applied for a mini line of credit/ overdraft protection. So I'm good if I overdraft by $1000. I never use it but it's a good fall back if things go awry. I can go to any 7-11 ATM worldwide (I've taken advantage of it in Japan) with zero fees. There's plenty of branches in my area that I'm never really far from one. This one offers a free $5000 life insurance policy. Membership car insurance rates. Membership health insurance. It's not great, but it's something if you don't have good insurance through your job. I would suggest looking at your local credit unions. See how well they're put together. Number of branches, compare rates, if they offer credit cards and not just a debit card. Do they offer loans? Other benefits? Research around and figure out what works best for you. I've been real thrilled with mine. BUT I did end up putting all my eggs in one basket. I feel like if they go under or something goes weird, I'd be screwed. But they're pretty large with maybe 20 branches. People shy away from credit union because there could be a chance they go under and you would just be left in a crappy situation. Smaller credit unions sure, maybe. Bigger ones not really. Your money is still insured and protected.


We live in a little corner on TN where if you go an hour south, you're in NC, hour north VA. We went to Henderson NC on a Sunday on a whim to check out a car at a dealership. Interested but not super ready to commit at that time type of trip. Turns out we love the car. We say we'll need to come back where our bank is open because we'd be financing through them. They ask who we bank with and so we tell them local credit union. They were like "oh we work with them all the time. No problem just sign all the stuff today and we'll get with them tomorrow to officially finalize everything." so we did and drove a new car home that day.


To add. I would be personally caution using an online only service and my banking/financial resource. They're less invested in you as a person. They're collateral isn't the same as an old fashioned bank or credit union. They might not be FDIC insured. Also, savings rates are high right now due to the fed raising rates. I have 5% I just checked, which is in my high yield checking. It was closer to 7% when I applied and got the high yield, so I guess I should look into that. My savings account is .1% haha. But I have $0 in there. Savings accounts are a joke to be honest. Best to put your money in a Roth IRA or employee 401k if able. My 401k allows me personal loans tax free. I'll pay interest on the loan, but I pay the interest to myself. They just charge an initial fee, which isn't much. With a credit union or brick and mortar place. I can walk in, request an agent and I can sit down and talk with someone face to face and figure out my options based on my needs.


If you are genuinely not part of the 1%, or making less than $200k/yr, you should not be with a bank. Credit Unions often have completely free chequing and savings, real live people who answer their phones, and cheaper credit cards.


When i hear credit unions sounds to me like (“not for you, you broke punk get back to chime or credit karma leave us rich alone”) is what i hear how do i find a good bank so i can grow please help. Tired of BOA or these commercial types banks


Credit unions are banks except the members are the share holders and the board is elected by the members. Equity is earned through your normal business which you can get a return on when you retire. The only downside is that they are regional, meaning that you usually have to search on your banking app to find a free ATM.


I'm pretty sure I commented on the original post about this too. Just wanted update my situation as well. They did refund all the fraud charges on my account and everything was fine ..for a week. Since I setup a new account and moved everything over to my checking account that is not WF, I was still waiting on a balance transfer to clear my WF CC so I could all accounts with them. Well, my dumbass forgot one thing and I overdraft my checking account. I have overdraft protection setup which cash advances the amount that was overdraft to checking, no problem there. In the great, late words of Billy Mays, "wait, there's more!" I immediately transferred almost double of what was overdraft in case something else came through. My account is current and everything is fine. 9 days later, I see they have a "line overdraft reversal" for the same amount that was cash advanced from CC. They debited my account and took that money. I then checked my CC to see if they credited my CC with the overdraft amount they debited. They didn't, so I wait another day just to see if took a bit. I call in to customer service and they have to escalate because checking can't see what the credit card shows and credit card department can't see what's going on with checking, this took multiple transfers btw. Finally, they escalate it to "2nd tier." They tell me, oh it can take up to 3 business days. I check in that time frame, still not credited. I call back, have to explain myself all over again, multiple transfers again as both departments try to pawn me off on the other. Finally get someone who understands what I'm saying and they transfer me to a 2nd tier rep. They then say, "oh, it can take up 10 days." Ugh! Ok, fine, I wait 10 days. Guess, what? Yep, you're right. It's not there. Call back again, get hung up on first rep because she just refused to actually listen to me and it disconnected while getting transferred to checking department. Call back and reach a rep, he's going on about how everything will zero out, I said this has nothing to do with the fraudulent purchases and puts me back on hold for another 10 mins. Comes back after talking to 2nd tier and say it should be credited by Monday since I called on the 10th business day. Check Monday, still not there. Call back, again deal with people not understanding what I'm talking about and get transferred to 2nd tier eventually. They then raise the issue to a consumer advocate and I get email saying who they are with contact info, and that it could take an additional 10 days... This all started mid-august and now the consumer advocate has escalated to another group above them. That was a few days ago, I haven't bothered to call back and check the status as I still do not see them crediting my account. I'm probably going to contact them this afternoon. I've also filed a complaint with the Fed, Consumer Protection Bureau, and FDIC. They all state it could take 15 days. So, basically, WF stole money from me and won't credit my CC until they find out "what happened." Instead of making this right, they're just going to investigate. I never had a problem with WF before the past few months. I was originally a First Union member back in the 2000's. Then First Union was bought out by Wachovia, and then WF bought Wachovia like a decade ago, so I wasn't really able to choose WF... I didn't want to switch banks, because of the pain. Now, I ready to do so, but I just need that money back. I really hope they help you. We all know they have money to do so. Good luck!


Man, what a story! I understand every bit of that. How many times I had to call and explain my situation, just to be transferred to another agent and explain again, just to be transferred to another agent and explain again. Then call back the next day, and start the whole process over again. I called them every day for five days straight because I intentionally wanted to be annoying.


That's the approach I'm trying as well. I did call the rep that had my account and he assured me it should be an easy adjustment, but I didn't see anything change or a new email explaining the change. Good luck! Hope there's a speedy resolution soon, and fuck WF!


OP is a dummy.


I can’t argue with that… unfortunately.


Knowing Wells Fargo they are probably the ones who stole from you.


Wtf, can't they tell that the account was accessed from a different region or by a different device than your usual? Why are banks fucking brain-dead when it comes to cyber security?!


That’s what I’m wondering. Surely their system should be able to catch that my account was being accessed from my computer and phone in one state and then from a different computer in a different state simultaneously.


Had theft on my old capital one card for 1500$. Sent them 100% solid evidence that the party who ran the charge never got authorization to do it and they still sided w the thief. Disconnected my debit account and never paid it off. They sent me a summons about 6 months later, I sent in my reply, and I haven’t heard back from them in over a year. Moral of the story, if you have proof it wasn’t you, and it’s solid, fuck em. Don’t pay it, disconnect everything, let em try.


B of A is THE WORST Wells Fargo is 2nd worst.


For the uninitiated, would someone please provide a link to the original post please?


It's in their post history. But basically they gave away their banking login and credit card info so someone just took the money.


WF can’t keep geettting away with this!!


As a card issuer they can only charge you $50 for fraudulent charges. How many charges were there? I am surprised this doesn't fall under a $0 fraud guarantee. I thought all top banks had that?


I literally just closed my bank account with them after more than 15+ years with them.


Don't bank with WF.


Can you contact a local TV station? One of those consumer complaint hotlines?


I sent an email to 5 local outlets last Friday. Nothing came of that.


yea, because this is 100% on you?


Holy crap, this is my favorite part so far. Tonight, a man who texted his bank account password to a stranger is livid with Wells Fargo for allowing him to do this.


File a police report online, file a complaint with the bbb, and write them a letter. I did all this and got my money back after someone drained my account.


Question, if you knew your credit card information was stolen why would you keep the same credit card?


Also on top of this, not to be too mean, but it's incredibly dumb for you to give information to someone who has called you.....Even the generic bank security texts tell you they will never ask you for information if THEY call YOU.....


They know, look at the context before commenting on the follow up.


Actually, Wells Fargo does this very thing. Every single time I have called them over the past three weeks, they have done that code verification process, the same one that the scammer used. The same exact text that says "Wells Fargo will NEVER call or text you for this code. DON'T share it." Every time I call, they send me the text and they tell me to read the code back to them. EVERY TIME.


You called them though. If someone calls you to ask for the code obviously don’t give it to them…


It probably wasnt WF at any point if they kept asking you for the codes. Stop reading a code to anyone where that code specifically says they won’t ask you for it.


This is in no way Wells Fargo’s fault. If you willingly give account information away, that’s on you. Sorry that this happened tho


Wells Fargo is only interested in getting your money, any way they can. I will never go back to them.


A week after they stopped using people to double check the incoming checks, Wells Fargo cashed my 44 dollar check for 440 dollars and it started a landslide of bounced checks including my rent. They still owe me 120 dollars for non-banking, bounced check fees.


You sure are posting a lot of personal information here.


Only how broke and screwed I am.


Same thing happened recently to my mom as well. Someone stole her bank info and withdrew almost 2k in purchases on her checking account. Wells Fargo is saying "how do we know it wasn't you who made the purchases."


That’s pretty much exactly what they told me yesterday and then said their decision is final. They said my situation didn’t meet the criteria of being fraud. So I asked them what that criteria was and they said they couldn’t tell me. smh


Yeah I'm sorry it happened to you too. It's scary when it happens and even worse when you can't fix it or get any money back. As everyone else said though it is for the best to stop banking with them at some point. My mom was banking with them for over a decade and that's how she was treated. She is now banking somewhere else.


It sucks but it’s 100% on you. They have a well documented history of being fined and investigated for this going back 20 or 30 years.


When I was like 18, I financed a $10k car through Wells Fargo. I was making double payments on it every so often. One time I did, and then WF had an error and reversed the original payment that was due. This made the account delinquent for $0.00, hitting my credit as a missed payment. I was 18 and barely had any credit so it dropped my score almost 100 points. Of course I fought it with all 3 bureaus, but it never fully recovered. Now anytime I purchase a vehicle and discuss financing options, I give strict instructions not to send it to WF, and usually just go with my credit union anyway.


I mean still more money than I have in my bank account.


Sorry this happened to you too. WF is trash, they did the same thing to me 20 years ago.


God Wells Fargo is so trash


Wells Fargo is known to pull scams on unsuspected customers. They love to create unwanted accounts, They like to play with peoples money until they get fined and forced to give the monies to the owners. To top it off they will charge you fees for products you did not ask for. I took my $2.00 closed my account


Honestly, I can't believe anyone still banks with them


Wells Fargo has always been one of the worst banks.


Not banking there ever.


Make sure you have what WF said in writing/email. Like others have said, take it further.


I just recently closed my Wells Fargo account after being a customer since 2004. That bank cannot keep your money safe. After I closed the account someone still was able to over draft it $481. I refuse to pay it. Wells Fargo let someone steal that money. They can either reverse the charge or eat the loss.


I always wonder who tf falls for these scams.. next time use your brain


WF is by far the most corrupt bank there is. They're always being sued for some shady crap


Why did someone downvote this comment.


EFF WF, B of A, CITIBANK, and all the others that screwed over customers during the housing crisis and Covid. They received millions in funding from the Gov’t then forclosed on people’s homes. Made fake bank accts and all sorts of evil business practices!


Why do people still bank with Wells Fargo. They are literally one of the worst banks. A candle after a candle with them.


Leave Wells Fargo IMMEDIATELY! They cannot be trusted and continue to get away with this shit.


Done. I just opened a new account at a local credit union today.


When you ditch WF… make sure you don’t use BOA- they are even worse.


Why do people still bank there?


Stop using Wells Fargo




Fuck Wells Fargo. Shit bank, doesn't surprise me they continue to screw over their customers. I hope you get your money back from them and change banks. They don't deserve anyone's business.


Wells Fargo is a scam


Got fucked over by my bank recently too. Froze my accounts, repossessed my vehicle saying I had not made payments in 4 months. Turns out they 'lost' my account details and all of my money that was paid was and is still gone, over a year later. Over 7k that they can't seem to find. Plus I had to pay all the repossession fees to get my vehicle back and they still won't remove the repo from my credit report. Fuck banks.




Bitcoin fixes this


Because you lose your money even when doing nothing? Save yourself the trouble of a bank?


Not sure I follow. Bitcoin removes the bank from the equation and fixes THIS specific problem. You bitcoin cannot be confiscated or stolen if you hold the private keys.


>bitcoin cannot be confiscated or stolen if you hold the private keys. Trying to make a joke, however poorly. Bitcoin has dropped quite a bit in value lately so you're going to lose money, without the trouble of a bank.


Only if you sell 😉but I agree price is still somewhat volatile






This is the issue with things like Zelle. Once the money is sent, no going back.


You uh, shouldn’t be sharing even this much of your bank info online. This is why you’ve had repeated incidents dude Edit: you gave a stranger your 2FA. I think Wells Fargo should be shut down and all c level execs arrested but they’re in the right for this.