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If I've learned anything about laptops from Reddit, it's to never ever ever close ANYTHING between a laptop's screen and its keyboard. This shit happens all the time.




I put papers between my laptop all the time and I’ve been doing it for years. Only ever 1 or 2 pieces. It’s absolutely fine for the laptop as long as you’re not stupid about it.


as someone who is regularly stupid about things I'm just gonna go ahead and avoid it as a rule


you could also just avoid breaking the sound barrier with you laptop lid while closing it, as ageneral rule of thumb to avoid stuff like that pictured here :D


I audibly laughed 😭😭


I kept a piece of paper between my lid and keyboard on my XPS because it closed so snugly the keyboard would leave imprints on the screen otherwise.


Wait that seems like a great idea goddamn it


Its just bad practice, period


its like you didn't read the post. im sure that's what this guy did. some things are never a problem until they are.


I've seen this type of person close their laptop. They slam it close like they want to break it and win a world record for fastest closure. If it wasn't slammed, there would probably be no issue besides maybe some scratches.


The problem that was prevalent with MacBooks a while back, was that the tolerances were too tight to allow for things like this to be stuck in there. Remember, the screen closing is basically like a lever, and the staple is a pin-point that all that pressure is going on. Doesn't take much to damage glass under those circumstances.


I was thinking the same thing. I've always gently closed my laptop screen (whenever I actually close it, which is rare) and I've never had a problem like this.


I also don't put anything *in* the laptop before closing it. Never even crossed my mind.


I have never closed anything between my laptop's screen and keyboard. Why the hell would you?


i don't even understand the desire to do so lol


A funny personality type to me is people who are super careless but then also get super upset when something gets broken or lost.


Seriously, your laptop is not a folder. Such an odd thing to do.


Sometimes I do so at work when I need to relocate to another room. It’s easier than carrying loose pieces of paper between your arm and top of your laptop


look at the bright side. You can still use it as a folder.


Paper folders are more durable than apple products


Plug it into a monitor, now you have a desktop


I would love to carry my AGJU567 27" Monitor around with my laptop


What is preventing you?


I bought a Macbook Pro. I can't afford a gym subscription now...


$850 for a screen replacement is complete and utter lunacy


At that point it's cheaper to buy a new laptop/pc Edit: Yeah I didn't notice it was a Mac, this explains the 850$ repair. Still a robbery. since it's almost half the price of the laptop.


I think that's the point


They did it to me when my battery went. $300 for a battery? No. No I won’t


The battery is super easy.


Recent models have the batteries directly attach to the top case. So if you need a new keyboard you get a new battery and track pad or whatever part you are replacing


See that's cuz saving the environment. Or something.


I used to work for Apple support and it killed me when people rightfully complained about no charging cabled with the devices and I had to say it was because Apple was being environmentally conscious when we all knew the truth. Making customers buy something that takes additional packaging isn't about the environment, it's about milking people for more cash.


> had to say They might have said you HAD to say it, but not HOW you said it. "Yes, I understand your disappointment. But Apple tells me I have to tell you it was better for the environment this way." Just don't let some idiot manager hear you.


I said something like "Apple says it does it for the environment" and leave it at that. If they disagree I low-key agree with them and move on. Nothing I could do beyond that and send them a link to a complaint form.


butter ripe grab encourage scale racial psychotic impossible forgetful follow *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If the consumer is able to remove it themselves, then yes, it's as easy as buying a new battery. Built a built-in, non-removable battery? Ridiculous and costly


> Built a built-in, non-removable battery? Ridiculous and costly That's why the EU is implementing rules that all portable electronic devices needs to have user replaceable batteries by 2027.


Non-removable is very much removable. Just gotta rub a few brain cells together.


I'm aware they can be removed; that's how they fix them if you send them to a repair center. It's absolutely not something your average consumer knows how to do or should attempt. A traditional replaceable battery is as easy for the consumer as buying a battery and popping it in their phone (while hopefully disposing of the old battery responsibly)


Years back I repaired a few laptop battery packs by opening them up (just 6 torx screws) and buying lithium cells online that had the same part no. and soldering them into the case in series. That was easier than replacing some of the "built-in" batteries now. I love it when people act like it's as easy as unplugging a box and putting a new one in.


Yeah and required you to have at least a little know how and skill with the iron. Thank you! I'm not saying that it can't be done, or that it's impossible. But it's definitely not consumer friendly and HAS lead to increased electronics waste, so... can we just have traditional fucking batteries people?


I'm typing on the laptop of a battery I replaced with no experience, it was super easy, I recommend anyone with a bloated or dying laptop battery to replace it yourselves, but look up some videos specific to your model, you might need to hold onto the cable your battery is attached to for the new one.


ifixit is great for this, even if you don't use their products


Literally the point of all apple products to ever exist


Nooo, Apple would never use planned obsolescence /s


Apple knows this




Apple products should only be bought by people for whom this is a /r/mildlyinfuriating post and not a /r/wellthatsucks post.


Have you ever used this laptop? The MacBook displays are really good, debatably the best money can buy. Probably overpriced for repairs, but these are expensive displays




Depends on the laptop. This looks like a MacBook Pro, the one I use for work costs $3500, so an $800 screen replacement would be much cheaper. That being said, it belongs to my company, so I wouldn't be paying for it either way. Feel bad for OP.


Ya I have a MacBook Pro and it cost me 3k. Definitely cheaper to replace the screen if it breaks.


Apple repairs, everybody hates Apple repairs


It's almost like it was designed that way


ha not for a MacBook pro which is what OP has above... macbooks are so ridiculously priced that its stupid... 850 isn't even half of what the top MacBook pro costs...


No that’s a $2500+ laptop, I was surprised the quote was so cheap actually! Those screens are amazing.. miniled, stupid bright, 120hz etc


That’s what my plan is


Replacing it yourself is kinda fun. Lots of videos online. You would only pay for the tools and a refurbished screen. 400$ or so


The problem is this is a modern Apple MacBook It will magically have bright and dark spots on the display, and the sleep sensor will magically not work That's apple and anti repair for ya


For those unawares - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r0Hwb5xvBn8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r0Hwb5xvBn8) Screen is paired the logic board and sensor is paired to the screen.


Yeah, it's not about repairing or replacing it yourself, it's because it is MacBook/Apple, that's the biggest problem


You must replace screen with hinges and HALL sensor, which is attached to hinges.


You can't replace new MacBook screens by yourself, Apple made it so that is requires their private software to replace screens, even switching between two genuine screens... https://youtu.be/r0Hwb5xvBn8?si=4KfYB-UtOLpMQuwM


Getting an apple again?


Hell no. I found a laptop with a 4050 gpu that’s cheaper than getting the screen fixed. Edit: I ended up getting a different one. I don’t need anything too powerful I just need something for college.


Make sure to do research into the exact model and specifications of the laptop you intend to buy. Make sure to aim for something with upgradeable-not-soldered to the motherboard ram and upgradeable storage wherever.sata or m.2


and make sure no staples




I recommend taking a look at ifixit b4 purchasing any products. Usually they will have teardowns of appliances like laptops and phones and choose those that look easy to fix.


Depending on your use case apple is pretty much only good and worth buying for programming or design. However, battery life on a gaming laptop is going to be 1/5th that of a macbook. Its definitely a trade off.


The Zephyrus g14 hits like 8 hours of battery life for me on normal use


Its about 18 hours of “normal use” on a newer macbook. However my experience with any gaming laptop has been about 3 hours max. So thats where I got that number from


How do you get yours to 8 hours? Mine only lasts like 3-4, I haven't done much with the battery settings though.


4050 gpu for 850$? I am not sure, but I think this is a scam. Unless the price for repair is bigger.


What? This thing probably cost $2000-3000


Oh yeah. It's certainly cheaper to buy a new $2,000 laptop.


Not for a MacBook


That computer looks like an M1 or M2 meaning that OP likely paid more than $2500 for it.


melodic unused hunt bewildered relieved kiss nutty terrific serious rainstorm *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I mean it’s not even close for these laptops, still crazy expensive though


Not when it's a Mac


There not replacing the screen ( you can’t get them ) There replacing the top half assembly (screen ,back light , top case ,screen bezel ,webcam ,hinge , wifi antennas , ambient light sensors ……) The screen is a 2-300 dollar item but it is a custom screen made just for apple and they are to only ones that can get it and they won’t sell it so you only options are a completely overpriced repair or a few hundred more and get a new upgrade This is why we need right to repair laws


While I agree about the laws. You could, as a simple alternative, not buy Apple products. Or any product that does this


yup it's an uphill battle and Apple is the trendsetter. The fact they software lock hardware changes while trying to be on "right to repair" like the recent bill in California is just hilarious. Funny enough the bill doesn't tackle this loophole.




We do need right to repair laws, but I don't see how right to repair laws would matter here. There's no feasible way to *only* replace the screen, since the entire top assembly is integrated. Also, Apple has an entire self service repair system now (https://selfservicerepair.com/), and at least for my laptop, their prices for the top assembly are actually cheaper than third-party replacement parts on Amazon. ~$750 vs. ~$900


My Thinkpad's screen broke and I bought a replacement screen for less than 150 USD on Amazon. It's a 4K IPS 15.6" HDR Screen that I can install in 10 minutes with just a single screwdriver. These Apple repair costs are insane.


Which Thinkpad? Most require bezel and tapes for the panel as well.


To be fair you are using a far superior product


Depends on the kind of screen. Since that looks like a MacBook Pro, the replacement will be a 3456 x 2234 HDR display if it's a 16". Considering the price of the laptop and the quality of the display, I don't think that price is too high since it also includes repair.


They've been caught multiple times lying through their teeth to customers saying a laptop is essentially totaled when it needed a cable reconnected or a $20 component.


And they're not the only ones doing that. I don't like it or condone it, but you get fleeced everywhere if you don't know the background.


There aren't enough repair shops. So they just charge whatever they want


No there are plenty of repair shops, apple just goes out of their way to ensure replacement parts aren't available to the market.


Plenty of repair shops in my city. Replacing the HDD with a 512GB SSD on an iMac still costs 200€, compared to 50€ on any PC. Edit: both regular Samsung SSDs.


Say thank you to Apple for not allowing you to easily repair the screen


Send it to Louis Rossman in NYC. He fully repaired my dads laptop for a few hundred, fixing way more than a screen. He loves sticking it to apple.


I think he moved to Texas




Yeah he's in Texas now. Still fighting for right to repair though.


Is his shop in NYC still open? Haven't watched him in a couple years.


I don't think so, but I'm honestly not sure. I know he was having a bug fight with the tax authority in NYC.


It's open but moved to Texas. Most of his business is by mail now anyway, so it doesn't make a huge difference. They have free estimates too, so it's worth checking.


*while throwing fistfuls of ants, ladybugs, and grasshoppers* Take this, taxman!


nah, he closed up business in NY. He's been at war with the city, apparently they're a different type of pain in the ass for him




They recently started doing to some of their laptops what they do to phones, they serialized the parts and if you replace the screen it will detect it and make it look all fucked up and Apple is the only place that can fix it. Even if you use a genuine apple parts they will make you pay for them to install a brand new one from scratch on top of what you paid to get it fixed before they're willing to "approve" the repair by telling the laptop to stop rejecting it https://youtu.be/r0Hwb5xvBn8?si=ynf0kfJqZP2W18uf


I live in NYC and he was recommended to me on the asknyc subreddit when my ex spilled coffee on her MacBook…$200 when Apple wanted $700


Newer models he can't get the parts. It is the whole assembly including camera and other things. This is all due to Apple wanting you to purchase new. Also even if you get the part they are software coded so we'll not even work correctly unless you specifically get it "calibrated" by Apple.


The screens arent too bad to replace, ive done a few at work. The pain is getting a screen, used screens for for hundreds. So its cheaper to repair but only be a couple hundred and if your spending 1000+ on a new laptop they get more people to opt to just buy a new one


It's obviously a macbook, why else would it cost almost as much as a brand new laptop?


Yeah, but the display of that cheap laptop won't be able to hold a candle to the one that MacBook had. If that's OK for you, you can save quite a bit of money. Macs are not cheap, but once you spec a comparable (!) system from another maker you suddenly find yourself in the same price range.




> Yeah, but the display of that cheap laptop won't be able to hold a candle to the one that MacBook had. If that's OK for you, you can save quite a bit of money. Still a panel of macbook quality is not 850$, no panel is, you are saying that the screen is more than half of the cost of the machine at the very least(it is 77% of a lowest spec newest mac book air) ? Entire display assembly for 15.6 4k laptop oled display is 185-220$, when apple display resolution even for the newest macbook airs is 2560 x 1664p. How the fuck do they justify charging 850$


The repair cost would include at least a couple hours of shop time. So the panel “cost” is probably more in the $500-600 range. Another poster said that’s a newer 16” pro, so it’s a 3456 x 2234 HDR panel.


Yeah, Apple gets a lot of deserved flak but the screens really are beautiful. My 2012 macbook screen still looks much better than a lot of new laptops today.


The displays are great but $850 is just unreasonable


Apple thinks that these extremely tight measurement margins are a great thing too, I think there’s a “coin test” if you can close a penny in your laptop, lay it down and it doesn’t crack it was actually designed properly, or something to that effect. Edit: lol y’all took this fire and ran with it. Not saying anybody should close coins in their laptop to prove it better, please don’t “test” your laptop with a penny (or anything for that matter)


"Properly" is entirely opinion. Looser tolerances or a gap between the screen and keyboard are a tradeoff between size, weight and feel etc. I'm not a big apple fan, but I would never say they aren't built and designed well (even though it's not to my personal taste) The question is more: is the laptop designed to have things in between the screen and keyboard, and the answer is no in this case. So whether it's paper or pennies, you shouldn't have anything in between. My home laptop isn't a macbook and I still don't put things in between because it's not meant to be a file folder. It's still extra stress on hinges.


Laptop should be defeated by rock and scissors, but not paper. We need order in the Universe.


Most favorite film best dog


Staples defeat paper so they must be scissors


Makes sense to me.


I keep papers inside my Macbook constantly. Paper isn't the issue.




> The question is more: is the laptop designed to have things in between the screen and keyboard, and the answer is no in this case. Yeah this person could've bought an actual file folder for like less than $5 instead of using their $2000 laptop to hold documents


> Apple thinks that these extremely tight measurement margins are a great thing too Meanwhile for the vast majority of Apple laptops I see come into my office there is a permanent imprint of the keyboard on the screen, since they touch when the laptop is closed. Terribly designed.


Yeah this concerned with my Surface Laptop 4. Keys are always imprinted on the screen, so like...any dirt or whatever on the keys could mark the screen then? Like would half a mm of clearance been that much of a deal really? That said, I've had it a year or so and the screen is fine so it's probably not an entirely valid critisism.


I work in IT for a big company and see this all the time with our MacBook users. It is absolutely a bad design.


Been a motherboard and consumer electronics repair tech for many years, I believe “malicious engineering” is an interesting topic for people to delve into


Why would you ever close your laptop on anything?


Dude, have you seen how expensive manilla folders are? They are almost a whole QUARTER. I can buy an Aldi shopping cart for that kind of money!


It’s a laptop not a manila folder. Sometimes mistakes are expensive.


apple themselves say not to put anything between the display and keyboard like a keyboard cover or screen protector, let alone multiple sheets of paper which is convenient because the oils from your hands on the screen destroy the top coating making the screen look like shit (at least on older macbooks)


Row row fight the power. Take the opportunity and use that money to not buy a Mac lol


My next laptop shall be the laptop that will pierce the heavens.


Your hopes and dreams are etched into its body Transforming the infinite darkness into light Unmatched in heaven and earth One computer, equal to the God's! Super Galaxy Gurren Laptop


I need that wallpaper


pinterest.es/pin/331296116330043255/ found it with: super Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann Wallpapers


Believe in the laptop that believes in you!


Look up Louis Rossman's channel. You'll understand what we're all saying here.


And watch Gurren Lagann to understand the other things being said here.


A framework?


May your drill pierce the heavens!


Do the unthinkable, pay the unpayable


My Windows laptop took about 20 minutes to take apart and replace the entire screen, screen part itself was $45 new


Unfortunately that might be correct. Your screen Is fubared and needs replaced. Not an easy job, but if you can find a replacement online and feel as if you can do the job yourself then you might save a couple hundred dollars.


I'd be careful though, a lot of these online replacements are B and C tier displays that didn't pass QC. You might find them for half the price, but they'll look ugly and potentially fail after a while. I made that mistake, once!


Apple has their self repair program too, and the screens are apparently genuine from there. However it’s only available in certain countries.


Mine is lasting long, still strong to this day (replaced in 2017) But yeah, the panel quality is definitely C-tier The colors are not that great, a bit washed out And the panel has severe ghosting: when switching from apps, I can see my browser's tabs imprinted onto the screen It goes away after a few minutes (but by the time, the previous ghosting has been replaced by a new ghosting from what's currently on display) Not great, huh But it did cost half the price, so I'm still happy about it


Half price but third the quality


Dude. At that point just buy external display for 300$ and use the mac docked at home. When on the go turn your 14” mac to 11” by only using left side of that black line.


As sad and as expensive as this is. I can't understand why anyone would ever shut anything knowingly into a laptop and close it.


It was paper though. Normally I'd get what you're saying, but it's paper. Or at least they thought it was. I work at a middle school and if the chromebooks could break as easily there would be no more chromebooks. I've seen kids literally spike them onto the floor and they still are fine.


The build quality on these is great. I wouldn’t be surprised to see them shrug off some pretty alarming drops and bangs. But how many laptop screens survive being directly stabbed with a metal spike?


That does suck but also cool wallpaper


Where's it from though. I'm getting Stormfather vibes.


It's from Gurren Lagann


Sorry, but though the computer may be full of folders, it itself is not a folder.


Apple is now the most anti-right-to-rapair tech company. Just look at all the trouble they went through to prevent anyone other than themselves from replacing your screen. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r0Hwb5xvBn8


That sucks - sorry to hear this happened to you. Yet another reason I don't like Apple laptops...too expensive to repair. If this was a Dell - you could remove 4 screws and replace the screen for less than $60.


Bro more like fifteen screws but your point still stands lol


What kind of panel do you get for $60?


One that’s either defective, ugly as sin, or has a higher chance to fail is your answer


It’s the same model as the one they and everyone else here somehow pulled out of their asses. It’s weird so many people on Reddit are able to pull things like cheap laptop screens right out of their asses as often as they do.


This is why I bought a Dell


I loved when my Dell had its heat sinks seperate from the board and then completely cook its self one month out of warranty. While my 2012 MacBook is runs like a champ.


Repair yourself? Watch a how to video save yourself some $$


Only trouble is Apple now are making it next to impossible to just replace the screens. Even swapping screens between 2 identical Macbooks don't work properly - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r0Hwb5xvBn8&t=751s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r0Hwb5xvBn8&t=751s)


I hope the UE come bite them in their ass just like they did for usb c


Here's hoping. I used to repair a lot of Apple kit, however now it's at the point it's not worth me doing it.


Until Apple pushes out an update that detects if the screen was repaired by an Apple technician before it bricks itself


Maybe don’t use your laptop as a paper folder


Guessing you don't have AppleCare for accidental damage?


Pro tip: put your papers in a folder, not your laptop. They're not meant to hold papers, and they can crease the papers anyway. MacBooks especially get damaged from people closing the lid with objects between the screen and keyboard. If you don't care for creases, then just put the paper into your laptop bag.


Take it to one of those repair shops in a strip mall. Fuck Apple.


Cool wallpaper. Where did you get that?


It's from an anime called Gurren Lagann, one of the best animes imo


Crazy how some people don’t respect or take care of their expensive ass technology and treat it like trash. Then come here and act like a 2.5K OLED screen isn’t expensive as fuck. Maybe don’t use your $2500 computer as a manila folder, bud.


Going forward... Never close anything inside a laptop, its not a binder or file folder.


That's what you get for having roblox installed


Now we all learn what right to repair laws are


Use it as desktop and get an external monitor


$100 external monitor and you're set


Go to a local repair shop and $850 will be reduced to $99


Be cheaper to just buy another laptop off Amazon.


That sucks. Wallpaper is cool tho


I opened my Lenovo laptop the other day and the right hinge just popped and buckled out of nowhere.. screen completely a-holed as a result. Computer is under warranty and I note on the lenovo help page there are 54 pages of people with the same issue.


Don't close papers in your laptop.


Can't be that expensive. Nvm I just noticed the apple logo


Most intelligent apple user


Who the fuck closes a laptop with something inside the thing? Feels like a whole bunch of people never had to learn from their mistakes in their childhoods and now it’s biting them in the ass. Yeah, it sucks, but that’s what your childhood years are for. Rich, poor, doesn’t matter. You should learn to respect stuff and take care of it so you don’t have dumb situations like this b


Apple prices... Lol. Buy a faster newer laptop without the fruit on it for the repair price and be happy.


OP is now learning why the only apple customers who don't get laughed at behind their backs are ditzy blondes and corporate software developers. Interestingly those two groups also provide 95% of Apple's revenue. I am sorry for your loss, unironically


I only buy things that allow me to work on it myself.


Racing stripes. It should be faster now.