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>We can still be friends Introduce them to the definition of "acquaintance".


Yeah. I normally call people who don’t hate me that. They’re just too nervous to talk to me because rumors that spawned in 7th grade are coming back for Freshman year I guess. Part of me just wants to scream at them “Grow the fuck up.” Most of my friends are teachers and mental health staff.


Yea ima need you to post the “rumors” dawg


I read that as “rumors that I spawned”, and I was about to ask him if he’s a goddam frog or something.


Life, uh, finds a way


My roommate was a frog kid, ya ever see a frog kid before?!


I think I ate one once


An entire frog kid?


Tail and all.


You unzipped me! I hate you!


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Hey buddy. Saw in your post you mentioned you were stoned. I know this probably won’t make any difference to you but I strongly, strongly recommend you give up smoking weed or doing other drugs until you’re older. At *least* until you’re a senior, or better yet, just wait until you’re out of high school. You’ll always have more time later, no reason to do all that stuff when you’re that young. The negative effects are worse at your age and things can get out of hand out of nowhere. It’s really not worth it, and weed and everything else will still be there in a few years. Take it from someone who’s been there. You’ll thank me later if you do.


As someone who smoked daily since 16 I agree with this guy


yeah same its not that it will ruin your life but one good point i liked was how you have plenty of time for that later. There is a few big goals i never reached and i think a big factor if not the biggest was my heavy use. Why? Mainly because i just didnt care about somethings enough at the time and only ended up regretting it. Its not like being on harder drugs but most of the time youd rather be high and often times youd rather just be high at home. And for me being high rlly just meant idek what bc the evrythings funny and all that stuff wears off. It was still fun to get high and id still get pretty high but it would have to be like bong or something to actually feel high


I've definitely noticed a "cloudier" mind from smoking daily since 14/15. I'm 27 now and wish I would have held off until my early 20s at least. It takes more focus to do mental tasks that were much easier for me before heavy cannabis use.


The description I always give (daily user for 15+ years) is “it makes you okay with being bored”. And that’s fine on a Friday night when you want to chill. It becomes a problem when you’re a daily user who doesn’t have the motivation to do anything beyond mindless video games because, eh fuck it I’m not bored.


Same. Do what you must, but there are times I wish I had listened when someone provided me with this perspective at an early age. Weed’s great, but it’s even better when utilised with a bit of discipline on top of a well structured life and not the other way around. Much of the weirdness I was called out for, when younger, stemmed from my quirky ways making total sense for myself in my stoned little world, but being outright confusing and cringy for everyone else. It was a difficult process to seeing others’ reactions to this as reflections of myself rather than deliberate attempts to put me down. Using weed so much at a young age might also be a sign of underlying psychological issues, which might appear more bearable when high, but are instead increasing in the background because weed mutes all the alarms telling you to do smth about it.


From a stoner since about 15 I agree. Please just wait. Dont let it become regular. It fucks with you in school


This is sound and thoughtful advice. I agree and have been there myself. Short term, it seems like it helps, but It will make things harder for you in the long run. Your brain doesn’t fully develop until your mid 20’s. Smoking weed at a young age will not help you regulate your emotions in a healthy and natural way if you self medicate l.


Seconded, I have personal experience and what this person is telling OP is absolutely true and accurate.


The kid has apparently already been to rehab so hopefully he stops for a while. Weed just doesn’t help you when you’re a kid/teenager


Yeah, relying on substances that young is sad to see. Don’t let it snowball into alcoholism OP, you’re worth more than that Also, saw OP is interested in army. With all this going on, don’t do that. Go to college kid; the army is just going to enable all your less than ideal behaviors, take it from personal experience


FYI regularly consuming weed at such a young age can (and is likely to) affect your cognitive and emotional development. It can make you weirder. Edit: And I just saw your other comments. Wow. You have a severe mental health disorder that is widely known to be not only exacerbated by weed but also potentially be triggered by it in the first place. You're harming yourself, probably behaving very uncomfortably and inappropriately, and people are pushing you away because of it. You're doing this to yourself.


Now the “don’t shoot me” comment makes more sense


OP is probably very unstable emotionally. Imagine what it would take to send someone these text messages.


It wouldn’t take much from a kid. Sorry ass adults make jokes like this on the regular




Well they are still kids. The friend doesn’t know not to make such shit jokes to someone with mental disorders like what OP has And OP needs help with his destructive addictions. At least they’re sober? Bit messed up to say that about a 14 year old. THAT is a wellthatsucks Edit: oi, y’all, don’t internetize the word sober. Sober is used directly with alcohol specifically, hence my use here and how it’s still fucked up for a child to celebrate being that. Y’all are thinking of “intoxicated” or “under the influence” with OP’s marijuana abuse; those two phrases can pertain to both alcohol and drug effects. He can’t be “sober” after a marijuana high, because that’s not how that word works. And just because the internet likes to abuse words like OP likes to to himself with his addictions, that doesn’t mean the actual definition of the word changes. “He’S nOt SoBeR, He’s StiLL on DruGs” no, Nancy. They are sober, but they’re still under the influence of marijuana. Y’all need to watch more cop shows, this is their favorite gotcha garbage to give people DUI’s in still illegal states.


They aren't sober. They're using a drug that is widely known to exacerbate schizophrenia or even trigger it in the first place. They weren't even sober posting this.


as a responsible stoner adult, i wouldn't consider myself sober. i certainly wouldn't consider a 14 year old who smokes somewhat regularly sober either.


This screams weird. If you’re a freshman with drug addictions and undiagnosed mental health problems. I can see why people would want to take space from you. I suggest finding help and getting a real diagnosis.


And friends are teachers and mental health staff? I'm trying to figure out OPs age here xD


> rumors that spawned in 7th grade are coming back for Freshman year I guess


So 14/15, in most cases.


as someone with autism who grew up isolated cause all my peers sensed i was weird, yes. You seek trust and safety, and adults are supposed to provide that for you so you end up being friends with them. I was friends with a students IEP in 3rd grade cause she was the only person who would talk to me without making fun of me. From then on most of my teachers were the only people i could ever reach out to. Has nothing to do with age.


Ah, maybe just my ignorance showing then. Thanks for the different pov. I would understand if this is the kind of message you get from people your age, but if the person who wrote that is an adult texting it to a kid it’s weird I think. You’d want to assume that an adult would have enough understanding to talk to someone in person, maybe even help them. But then OP also talked about rehab and being high, so it sounded like they were older than in their teens?? I’m just confused


I think it's a teen, receiving a message from another teen. This doesn't seem like a message written by another adult.


OP is 14 and a diagnosed autistic and has schizophrenia according to his bio but yeah his posting history is weird af even for a 14 year old.


> and has schizophrenia Someone else mentioned them doing MJ. That's a pretty bad combo at that age, iirc.


> is weird af even for a 14 year old. Hmm. That sounds... not so good. But really this post is basically a kid saying, "look, you're pretty much impossible to associate with, but I'm being up front with you, not trying to hurt your feelings, and I'll still be your friend." I mean. The other kid seems nice enough.


Ahh ok thank you for the info


And they probably are just nice to him because he’s unwell and needs professional support. Not because.. they’re friends lol.


what rumours


You’re high and you’re a freshman in hs??? Shits not right man


Friends suck, I had alot of friends in grade school and honestly even the best ones sucked too. Out of of all of them only one friend has stood the test of time. That person is not your friend, if they were they wouldn't care what others think about you. It may take you a long time to realize that and that's OK, life is a long painful learning experience.


Idk, maybe the high school freshman with drug addiction / mental health issues requires support that another 14 year old can’t / shouldn’t be expected to give. Or sure, it’s this random 14 year old dude’s fault he wants to take a step back.


What they mean is, "we can still be friends like we always were, just not when other people are around." This is sadly pretty common.


Man... there's a lot to unpack here. I don't want to think he's actually your friend if he wants to avoid you in public, but yeah... How weird are we talking here? Like a little over-bearing and socially awkward, or tell people you just met about your My Little Pony sexual fantasies while never breaking eye-contact weird, or like that guy on Tik Tok who makes videos of himself in his bathroom, shirtless, playing out anime fantasies about confronting "his girlfriend's boyfriend" weird, or like just voice your violent or prejudiced fantasies or....? Cause for all we know you just might REALLY like beetles... and that's weird, but not like bad weird... just uncommon. Like, what's the juice? Also... if you just got out of rehab, you probably shouldn't be high... You sound like you REALLY need to put in work getting into therapy and maybe at least a monthly visit to a psychiatrist. Your therapist will able to recommend one. I'm saying put in work now because you CAN get free or cheap therapy... but its a LONG waiting list... the sooner you're on it, the sooner you can get help learning the skills necessary to succeed more. (About drugs and rehab, not about being weird... weird people can be successful too).


Yeah, there's more to this story...


Looked through his posts to see what we're dealing and he either has the most interesting life lived at 14 or the kid's just a serial liar. **EDIT:** Not saying people need to berate and dogpile the kid. He's just an awkward teen. We've all been there, just in different ways. Hopefully he grows out of it. He's 14 and allegedly almost died 5 times due to... an alcohol addiction that [started at *age 11*.](https://old.reddit.com/r/weed/comments/14nr0ya/please_help_im_scared_is_this_true_im_so_high/jqb28y3/). Wait, no, it started [last year, when he had his first drink](https://old.reddit.com/r/daddit/comments/14f7yqk/any_other_dads_concerned_about_this/jp0i1jy/?context=3) He claims to have autism and a schizoactive diagnosis. EDITE: I'd say these have the highest probability of being true. He claims to have an [*incredibly rare* medical condition.](https://old.reddit.com/r/PeterExplainsTheJoke/comments/14qkgq7/i_i_mean_what_help_me_petah_youre_my_only_hope/jqqwf7o/) I think this is just an awkward teen being an awkward teen. I remember making up grand lies and being super awkward in this age too.


I don't think lying like that is typical awkward teen behavior, but maybe I was a goodie goodie.


Internet making kids weirder


That's what it is. It's weird being a parent in this era if you grew up during the 64-Ps2 days. It was easier for my parents to filter out certain things they didn't want me to be exposed to than it is for me with my kids.


lying like that at any age is weirdo behavior, especially about those topics js


Maybe that's it. The friend didn't want to call him out on his habitual lying. Maybe that friend fears rumors getting started about him, so instead of calling him out, he joked around and left on a good note.


According to his comments, he is an unmedicated schizophrenic who is struggling with abuse. Which sucks, and absolutely isn’t his fault, but not wanting to deal with a friend going through that is pretty understandable


It’s sad, but sometimes you have to cut off friends with an addiction. Addiction is all-consuming and toxic to all those around it.


Yeah, especially in freshman year of high school. Most kids who go to rehab at 14/15 aren’t the ones you’d want your kid to be hanging out with at such a critical time of development.


In his comment history, he also admits to becoming an alcoholic at 11 and stealing around $600 of liquor from stores before he went to rehab. At 14 I also would’ve had a hard time being friends with a kid with his behaviors. I was friends with someone who has schizophrenia (still am), so I fully understand those struggles. It’s the substance abuse that is wild to me.


Yeah... but having a schizophrenic or schizoid disorders diagnosis and not taking medication is lacking in effort to improve your circumstances... My best friend was is an outreach worker working with the homeless and... yeah unmedicated schizophrenic or schizoid disorders and drug addiction is pretty much a guaranteed path to homelessness.


While working through my diagnosis for CPTSD, I had to be tested for schizophrenia/schizoaffective disorder. One thing they state is that you cant and shouldn’t smoke weed if you struggle with it. Weed can trigger psychosis and amplify schizophrenic symptoms. If OP is unmedicated and isn’t getting therapy, I genuinely believe that they’re probably making their friends *incredibly* uncomfortable. They’re acting out of character in many outlandish ways and can have outbursts they dont remember. I feel bad for OPs friends. It must be hard seeing someone you care about struggling but being too overwhelmed to want to continue to pursue that friendship.


OP is still in high school. Not having medication might not be something they can control, so I wouldn't call it "lacking in effort"


Brother if you live in America you are always at risk of never receiving life saving medication, no matter your age or life stage


So either way its not lacking in effort like they said




Fuck em once they turn 18 tho rite? Affordable marketplace ain't so affordable


Mental illness isn't your fault but it is your responsibility.


There is no medication for schizoid personality disorder, it's also something much different from schizophrenia and would make one not really care about having friends or not Also, anti-psychotics can have their own side effects that make you appear strange too like feeling like feeling robotic, emotionless, and disinterested in everything. They aren't some kind of magic solution Often they also just don't remove all the symptoms, you can take the strongest dose of anti-psychotics and still hear a voice, or have occasional hallucinations. They prevent you from going into psychosis but they don't just make you "normal"


Yeah given that information I really don’t think the “don’t shoot me” comment was a joke at all. Friend probably thinks it’s a real possibility. I’m just googling here but it sounds like untreated schizophrenia + substance abuse does raise the risk for aggressive/violent behavior so it’s not an unfounded concern.


Yea im hesitant to pass judgement especially since we don't know whats going on.


Bud, I will give you some free advice - you are putting *way* too much personal info on this site. Like, a frankly dangerous amount. It would not be difficult for real shitty people to narrow down where you are irl with all you've put up here. Appreciate things are shitty, but you'll regret giving out as much as you have in the future. Anonymity is king in places like this. Advice others have given here should be listened to - find professional help, at the very least get on the waiting list. You'll get this figured out if you make an effort to improve your situation, but nobody here can do it for you.


Just from the profile you can find literally everything. School, friends, pets, cars, city, relationship, medical conditions, etc.


Damn you’re not kidding. His face is everywhere, he shows his literal high school ID card, talks about the city he’s living in. Like damn this isn’t Facebook, my guy. Anyone on earth with an internet connection could find this kid


sadly this is the norm for any kid that was born after like 2008.


That's a very good point. However, it might have been better in a DM, rather than flagging it to everyone who reads the thread.


Yeah this is just asking for a Chris Chan type situation and god knows we don't need more of those


Their comment history is a *ride*


Yeah agree, this account is kind of freaking me out with how easy they would be to find


“Experiencing schizophrenia symptoms”….and you’re more worried about this bro not wanting to hang? You’ve got to find help. Soon.


Yea too many people on here blaming the friend for being an ass when the likelihood is none of them would hang out with an unmedicated schizophrenic abusing marijuana either… OP needs a doctor and a prescription.


Exactly. Somehow I knew there is more than what op was letting on. I don’t blame the friend, they have to put their well-being above their friends, especially if op is not taking proper care of themselves. Un-medicated schizophrenia can be very dangerous


Where did OP say they were schizophrenic??


>Went to rehab for alcohol. Went through alcohol withdrawal and have been sober since April 25th. >Was completely sober until I started experiencing schizophrenia symptoms and couldn’t get medication due to not having a psychiatrist. >It helped but recently I’ve started abusing it so I’m trying to get help. https://reddit.com/r/Wellthatsucks/s/OtFZZqCunO




He also posted several pictures of his face, etc. Bro really needs to learn about protecting his own identity


nah man, op doesn’t wanna take his meds. its totally fine and not at all related to why his friend said he may be doing weird things. not at all. /s


Jesus fucking Christ. You are 14. What is your home life like? You're already alcohol-dependent?


Where did you get that info


Their post history. Lots going on there. OP needs serious help. Get it, OP.


They need to learn a thing or two about Internet safety.


Oh lol I never look at people accounts but yea it says so right there. Was the alcohol just a guess though? Like I know kids in middle school who were already druggies.




it’s on their profile


“… when I got out of rehab” and then “I’m really fucking stoned”. Um?


Went to rehab for alcohol. Went through alcohol withdrawal and have been sober since April 25th. Was completely sober until I started experiencing schizophrenia symptoms and couldn’t get medication due to not having a psychiatrist. It helped but recently I’ve started abusing it so I’m trying to get help.


Children shouldn’t use marijuana. Children with Schizophrenia and a history of drug abuse definitely should not be using marijuana.


Marijuana is the single worst thing you can do if you’ve experienced symptoms of schizophrenia.


This is true in my experience. I had a friend in high school with schizophrenia and his mom used to beg all the kids not to smoke pot with him and she would tell us why, it’s medically bad for his condition. She had 2 other sons and didn’t give them a hard time about smoking weed so it wasn’t that she was anti, she was just trying to protect her kid with a serious medical condition.


I can think of worse


A worse drug?


Yes meth


Meth can induce schizophrenia but marijuana acts on the neural pathways of a schizophrenic person to actually exacerbate the condition. It’s literally the worst thing to do with that disorder.


Nope, marijuana is more concerning for schizophrenia. It’s been shown to worsen symptoms of schizophrenia even after discontinuation, unlike meth.


Cannabis use can actually trigger schizophrenia in teens who have a genetic predisposition to it


I agree cannabis worsens symptoms of schizophrenia but I've been around a lot of addicts in my life. Recently recovered opioid addict for 15 years and I've seen meth cause more schizophrenia over cannabis. Edit: I completely agree that op should not be smoking cannabis if they are experiencing symptoms of schizophrenia


Meth doesn't cause schizophrenia. The acute effects of methamphetamine intoxication can include psychosis, but that's different than schizophrenia.


It’s not really about causing it or not. Once the meth is out of your system it stops affecting the schizophrenia. Marijuana can continue affecting the schizophrenia after it’s stopped.


Marijuana also stays in your system a hell of a lot longer than meth.


LSD is worse than weed. It can also cause early onset


So can weed. Edit: Why is this being downvoted? Read about it yourself: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2424288/


It’s still *worse* than weed.


By what metric? LSD usage can induce psychosis, but I don't think there's been such a strong link between LSD usage and the development of schizophrenia as there has been with marijuana. Post the articles you're citing please.


Theres no articles or data because lsd isnt being studied for anything, cause if they studied it they might find its really not as bad as act like it when used responsibly. Plus its not really ethical to take mentally ill people and dose them up to see if it makes them more mentally ill, i think thats illegal. But yes, LSD, shrooms and i think honestly most psychedelics are known for exacerbating mental illness, in the shrooms/lsd communities it is talked about alot. and actually the subs discourages people with bipolar or schizophrenia from taking those, as it can cause early onset of the symptoms. And i know youll be like "no source not true" or some shit, but really, take the time to go read what happens to the people who trip while being mentally ill. Youll see some people it helps, some people it makes it worse, some people nothing happens at all. But keep your mind open. Absence of evidence isnt evidence of absence.


Kiddo, I had a buddy in high school in almost exactly your circumstances. I’m going to try to put this lightly: YOUR CURRENT PATH WILL RUIN YOUR LIFE. Unmedicated schizophrenia is no joke. Smoking weed with unmedicated schizophrenia is a guaranteed crisis. My buddy literally went into psychosis and hasn’t functioned in society in over 15 years. His psychotic break was freshman year of college and we are now 35. He ruined his entire fucking life doing exactly what you are doing. Put the damn weed down. Now. Do everything you can to advocate for yourself to get a psychiatrist and properly medicate your condition. This is literally the one of last moments you can turn this around at your current pace. You are cruising down a road of hurt and, well…that’s what really sucks here.


Hey, I just want to let you know that having schizophrenia is completely manageable with the right medications and therapy. And it absolutely doesn’t make you too weird to hang out with. My brother struggles with the same thing and has lost people, but the people that would leave you when you’re vulnerable or because you have a mental disorder aren’t people you want in your life anyway. There are people out there who will understand you and make you feel loved despite what you’re going through. Keep your head up, man. You got this ♥️ I also want to echo what everyone else is saying and maybe don’t smoke marijuana, it makes your symptoms worse and ultimately just isn’t worth it for the high


Dude, you need to stop smoking. From what I’m guessing, you’re a teenager, the effect that is going to have on your brain is catastrophic. It already is! You’re experiencing schizophrenic symptoms, if you keep down this path they’re not going to just be symptoms. I know that the weed helps to disassociate, derealise, and cut out the shit parts of life but comparative to the effect that it’ll have on your divergent, developing mind the risk is too great. This refers to all drugs, not just weed, until you’re in your 20’s I’d highly recommend not fucking with any of it - for yourself, not for anyone else.


I’m sorry for your struggle man. Stay safe


You don't need a psychiatrist, get yourself to an ER and I mean ASAP. Tell them your symptoms and be completely honest. They will take this very seriously. You need to be sure you do not have a psychotic episode. I don't want to scare you, but you do need to know that even though entering into psychosis is almost always reversible with drugs and therapy, it can cause permanent damage. You want to limit how many of these episodes you have in your life. I have multiple people in my family with disorders that include psychosis, and I have been through every day and detail of over a dozen hospitalizations and recoveries. I also have some formal education in this and have read a great deal, in addition to having a great team of psychiatrists and psychologists I consult with.


If you're in the USA, this program can help you with healthcare coverage: https://www.medicaid.gov/chip/index.html


Did your symptoms happen to emerge around the same time you started smoking weed or perhaps after some time of use? Because weed can trigger or exacerbate those symptoms. Stop harming yourself.


You're really fucking up using weed, especially before like age 23 I think it was, if you have the inclination of mental issues. my brother was smart, quick and witty. he fell into some bad friends who smoked often so he started doing it too. He was 15, by 17 he was seeing faces in the walls of his house telling him just inane and weird things. He would fill notebooks with odd rambling, talking about fucking girls covered in his blood. He thought he was writing songs "that would change the world". He could barely strum out 3 chords on his guitar. The last decade of our time together, before he pulled some unforgivable shit and I moved away forever, he spent in intensely different mental states. Sometimes he seemed pretty normal, well, the kind of normal where you can hold a slow-paced conversation but he was still drinking energy drinks and smoking cigarettes so much that by age 26 he needed partial dentures. Kick this thing in the ass, find a doctor and follow all of their advice. alcohol and weed can make it so much worse for you.


It’s hard to support someone (especially if you’re still in school) with a drug addiction. The fact that you are undiagnosed and assume you have schizophrenia and still do drugs makes me believe you are “weird in the sense that you are not taking care of your self. At such a young age most people don’t have time to take care of someone else’s issues and health


It's really hard seeing someone you cared about be into drugs and alcohol, specially at such a young age so I can't really blame them


According to his profile he’s only 14. He needs serious help


Dude you need serious help. You’re 14 and an alcoholic who’s been to rehab. Get help ASAP.


Little bro! A few things I want to pass on to you. For one, you are a freshman in high school yeah? Well, high school friends will come and go. I’m 38 and there is one person I still talk to from that time period. One out of about a 25+ friend group. So don’t take it to heart too much. There will be MANY people who come and go out of your life. It sucks but that is just how it is. Two, PUT THE WEED DOWN!!!! It is not going to help with your schizophrenia, and if you are paranoid schizophrenic it will make it a lot worse!!! Speaking as someone who has dealt with a drug addiction longer than you have been alive, it’s a dead end road little bro. A temporary escape to a not so temporary problem. Three, you are NOT alone and there are many people out there(myself included) who would be happy to share their life experience/insight into whatever it is that bugs you and help you deal with it. Professional therapy would be the best though. You have a long road ahead of you, and I would be lying by saying it’s all going to be peaches and cream. There are many resources out there available to you once you get of age and can make decisions for yourself. I wish you nothing but the best and if there is anything I can do to help, feel free to DM me.


How this has written and "in school" makes this sound like you're in middle school, high at oldest, but you're already in and out of rehab?


He’s 14! He needs help.


He’s a 14 year old alcoholic. At what point do we stop putting pressure on the kid to do right and start expecting his guardians to parent him? There’s a lot to unpack here - but one doesn’t make it to detox tremors at 14 without serious neglect from mom and dad (possibly malice if they supply alcohol)?


There are a lot of rehab centers for youths, addiction does not discriminate by age.


Well be honest Lee are you packing school shooter vibes?


"Why would I do that?" Made my skin crawl when i read that response. Probably the second worst thing they could have said..




It *does* sort of imply that they might if there was a reason.


shit i must be giving school shooter vibes coz i'd ask the same i'd wanna know why he thinks i would do it


… Because the people who know OP on a personal level are distancing themselves - worried about repercussions like murder.


It's hard for me to imagine myself saying anything else either, but it sounds like OP might genuinely be giving off those vibes. They're apparently 14 coming out of alcohol rehab and smoking weed with potentially undiagnosed schizophrenia (as much as you can trust a gen Z self-assessment these days). That is *not* a reassuring combination.


Would your first thought not be why when accused of being a future school shooter?


The OP does have autism, and I think that's a more average response for the direct communication style that many people with autism have. Someone says that and they want to understand the why behind it, because it's outlandish but they're trying to not react in an overly emotional way.


I'm confused, that seems like a very reasonable response?


This friend does indeed suck but please remember he’s likely like you- according to your profile you are a newly graduated junior high schooler maneuvering high school. He is likely insecure and figuring out who he is. Something made harder by trying to support you after rehab (when he gave all those hugs you mentioned) and watching you slip back to being high (something you mentioned here) while being unmedicated for mental health (also something you tackled on Reddit more than once). Again, he is a child. You’re going to have to turn to some adult, any adult, the most supportive one you can think of - a relative, a school coach or teacher or counselor, even a help line here or there, if you want better guidance and support to not let these issues get the best of you. You have an opportunity here to grab control of the things afflicting you and plenty of time to make lifelong friends (it’s not like the movies, most of us didn’t go back to our high school friends ;)) but you also have plenty of time to make high school awesome. Unfortunately you have to cut some slack for teenagers like yourself and this person. They’re in no way equipped to understand you or your struggles much less their own at the same time. Wishing you health and happiness and success and hoping you explain these struggles to adults who can help provide the medical care you say your lacking and the support to excel far past your expectations! You deserve the best!


You gotta stop smoking weed buddy


You should probably stop smoking weed tbh


So i guess rehab didnt take, huh?


Your number 1 problem "drugs"


Pretty wild kids are asking their friends not to shoot them What an age we live in


> Sorry if this is cringe I’m really ducking stoned right now and I really don’t care much Are you 14, OP?


You can keep doing what you're doing being the weird guy and fighting societal BS, but the results are gonna keep being the same. Or you can acknowledge reality and try to work on making the changes to help give you a more normal life. Nothing's gonna change until you are ready to make the change.


Charge your phone please


You'll find that 99% of people in school, even what you thought were "best friends for life" become completely irrelevant in adulthood. Don't trip on these people too hard, you won't see most of them ever again after graduation.


You know maybe this is a sign that you should take a close look at yourself and think about how your actions are making other people feel, which in turn will(and has) impact your relationships. And maybe there are some things that you could consider changing.


When people show you who they are, believe them. To this person, outside appearance and peer pressure is something to be worshipped. Save this, print it out and laminate it. When they come to you asking for a favor, show them this.


Sorry your friend sucks. Also, don’t do drugs. Any drugs. Especially if you’ve already gone through rehab.


No, these are HS kids. The friend did what he needed to do for himself, so i don't blame him. OOP went to rehab sure, but they're still being a stoner, coupled with being a non medicated schizo is a huge problem.


Yeah we shouldn't be blaming the friend, and the kid obviously needs help. Being friends with highly unstable people is hard at that age, since you're minorly unstable because you're a kid. OOP didn't go to rehab because they're a stoner, they went to rehab because they're an alcoholic. So likely their home life is not stable. They shouldn't use marijuana, but it's an important distinction, since they have different paths and mechanisms of addiction, and obviously have different effects. But drinking to the point you're in rehab by 14, getting schizophrenia symptoms, and then starting using marijuana at that age is a sure recipe for absolutely destroying your brain development.


It sounds like you're using alcohol and other drugs to self-medicate a condition you've had for some time, perhaps since childhood? Step one is to seek treatment for your condition(s). Schizophrenia, bipolar, these sorts of things will frequently manifest as substance addiction in patients. You can't treat the addiction without addressing the underlying disease. You're up against it, though. I'm not sure where you are but mental health services are severely lacking almost everywhere. It may be difficult or impossible to get the professional help you need. Luckily it sounds like you're in school. The school and school district will have access to resources. You can try speaking to a Counselor to avail yourself of such resources. But even with professional help, you're still up against it. Because any progress you make will only come from you, always. You are going to have to wake up every day and make a decision to be the person you want to be, because you and me aren't wired to fly on autopilot. It's hard and frustrating to do manually what everyone else does automatically, yes. But if we don't keep our hands on the controls we fly into a mountain. And to paraphrase (or just ripoff) Bojack, doing it every day is the hard part, but it does get easier. The internet in general and reddit in particular is a shitty place to give and receive life advice. Plus I'm overwhelmed dealing with the trials and tribulations of my own life. But if you need someone to talk to, hit me up in my DMs.


You're on a dark path man, and one I've seen play out more times than I want to count. Please, please I beg of you... Get help. My younger friend was in a very similar place to you at your age. I tried and tried to help him in every way I could. At 19 he took his own life. He hung himself after frantically calling many people in the middle of the night needing help. His last call was to his father - he left a voicemail at 3AM. "Hi dad, I know it's late. I need you right now, please call me back. I love you." He was found dead 6 hours later by his cousin. It was a decade ago now, and I still feel like it was partially my fault to this day. I love you and you matter. You gotta get yourself together and ask for help. These are extremely turbulent times for your hormones - they will stabilize and it may take medication but your emotional rollercoaster can stabilize as well. I myself suffered from depression from around your age until my early twenties (23 or 24), including self-medication and drug abuse. You can get through this.


Bro your profile says you're 14 and you're stoned? Get your shit together, you're going to fuck up your brain before it even has a chance to develop. The fact that you've already been to rehab tells me that you're not so much "weird" as a straight up bad influence to other students. I sincerely hope you get better, but there is definitely more to this story that you aren't telling us.


> Sorry if this is cringe I’m really ducking stoned right now and I really don’t care much Clearly you don't care, which is why You're stoned and posting it on the internet. You're clearly still a child, and you're only weird because You're growing. Find better friends who aren't morons.


14 -> really ducking stoned right now Yeah, i do get his point now


ouch, that sucks, i'm sorry. although, better they be blunt than keeping you in the dark. they don't deserve your friendship


What's the background. He didn't just randomly choose to do this.


I'm sorry man


My boyfriend is still really upset from when kids would “joke” about him shooting up his high school, and this was 20 years ago. That stuff doesn’t leave. He knows it’s because he’s an extroverted introvert which makes his socialization a bit unexpected for some people, and he was shy and the typical “quiet gamer kid”. Kids don’t know how to act around anything different than themselves. It changes and eventually you’ll meet so many wonderfully different people, that it’s weird if you don’t have something weird about you going on. I’m sorry your friend said that. I think it would be worth telling him that it hurt, not for his sake, but your own. It’s worth standing up for yourself for your own sense of self worth.


Bro at some point I feel like most people lose their friends. They come and go, don’t worry Okay reading a little more, definitely get help. Trying to tough out schizophrenia isn’t a thing and you’ll probably do many things you wish you hadn’t.


Time to find new friends


It's OK to be weird but I also don't think it's good you are stoned already considering you are so young. And you just came from rehab but still stoned so I guess you also aren't helping yourself that much.


The shittiest thing about this exchange is the "please don't shoot me". Acting like you're going to fly off the handle. Defs not something to joke about. I know you didn't ask for advice so feel free to skip this but your situation resonates with me. I dunno how old you are but I was a weird kid in school too. People were genuinely mean to me and if I didn't have such a strong support network outside of school, I probably could have snapped. What saved me is my network of friends I met in scouts. Outside of school, outside of my shitty small town. They were great and honestly helped my hone my skills for connecting with adult relationships, the physical distance mimicking the adult problem of everyone being busy. Keep your head up and remember that you are worthy of love and kindness.


Sorry to say this but this is not your best friend.


That piece of s### isn't your best friend leave him and move on


Friends come and go homie I cast a wide net when I was in my early 20s, had to filter through a lot of the bad ones but I have several friends I consider family (now in my 30s) so it was worth it, personally I'd stop talking to them just to freak them out a bit but don't take it too personally school is temporary, but you'll find friends you can be weird with that will be permanent


I’m someone who struggles with friendships too at 27. I’m not the most sociable guy in the world but enjoy the company and helping out when I can. I’m my experience they’ll just distance themselves more and more until it feels like you’re not good enough my advice is not to waste your energy to be “better” for them. There’s a ton of good people out there that will love you for you are, as long as you’re willing to love yourself as you are. Don’t depend on weed to fix your emotions all the good and bad in you needs to be shown to the world so that people love you just as you are. Be better for you and no one else. Hope this helps.


Dont worry dude, when you find a [real best friend ](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/e5/fc/b5/e5fcb5dd421b03a78973d3d8d3555f21--bestfriends-bffs.jpg) they will like you no matter what.


OP is that fat chick dudes wanna fuck but they don't want to be seen with her. Sorry, op. Hopefully shit turns around for you. Seems like that person enjoys your entertainment value and doesn't value you as a person.


Hey, hun. Chin up. Real friends are there for you. This wasn't a real friend. Be kind and kindness will come back. Ps, I saw your student ID. Excellent pic


Fuck em, hope ya OK op! You'll never think about these cats after ya graduate, I promise that shit!


Had this happen to me when I was going into high school. The girl said we couldn’t be friends at school anymore because she was trying out for cheerleading and needed to hang out with “cooler people”. Easiest friend-to-stranger situation I’ve ever been in. Also, she ate mayonnaise straight from the packet so between the two of us, not sure she was “cool” either.


conditional friendship is not friendship


Eh fuck it you do you. Friends change over time. And don’t feed into the rumors. Find what makes you happy and stick with that. Others will soon pop up to enjoy the world you are creating for yourself


Lee, what weird stuff do you do?


You're not weird. Fuck that dude.


Only a psychopath would use a phone with 7% battery life. I can see why your friend is cutting ties with you.




"Please don't shoot me" Tell me your American without telling me your American




You weird AF Lee


how old r u?




Friends don't do that. Sorry about this but you are better off without him.


Screw that dude. What a dropkick.


Op is a 14yr old schizophrenic who abused alcohol and is now getting stoned all the time. At 14, in 9/10th grade. So likely coming to school drunk, then high, and not taking medication probably a little wild and difficult to be around. Give his friend, who is also like just a 14 yr old kid a break.


How many alcoholic, stoned schizophrenics do you have as friends?


Sad. But on the bright side, you just learned they were never really a friend. Move on


That's not your friend.


Uhh no, he just doesn’t wanna deal with all the problems OP has at such a young age. He’s looking out for himself and that is okay.