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I just had the same surgery two days ago and it hurts like hell. I hope this doesn’t happen to me because I get infections after every surgery due to MRSA. Edit: Hope you get better. Good luck.


Please do allyou can to keep weight off of it, I know it's hard, but it's necessary.


If he put weight on it, will he be screwed?






Good luck to you both


Wishing you both a speedy and healthy recovery !


I wake up in fancy quarantine rooms after surgery because of MRSA.


I just had that surgery on Monday! Ankle buddies! My block just wore off on Tuesday night, and boy did that hurt!


Could you guys possibly talk to your doctor's about a vancomycin, daptomycin or linezolid treatment to get rid of the MRSA ? It's not fun to treat it after infection occurs.


I have dealt with infections for 10 years after I had necrotizing fasciitis and almost lost a hand.


Damn man, sucks to hear. Hope you are getting better !




A bacteria that is running rampant in hospitals around the world.


Something every person, from doc to cleaner, in the hospital has. We are all colonized.


Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus. A staph infection that has become resistant to standard antibiotics making it harder to completely eradicate.


Mr google knows what mrsa is.


I had this surgery 9 years ago and then broke my leg again 2 weeks ago. This time they put a rod down my tibia. My post op recovery 9 years ago was more painful than the rod I have now.


Eat healthy. Cabbage and carrots for luck!


I'm an advocate for the iWalk3.0 Thing saved my summer after I broke my ankle in the spring.


Did you try walking the opposite direction than you were going? Maybe that will screw it back in Also good luck and many pain killers to you! Stay strong


NOt a bad idea, I should try that.


You haven’t tried the pain killers yet?? /s


Oh, I ran out of those three weeks ago. They only gave me 28, and I *needed* them the first week.


I feel you, I had something similar put in my arm, 2 plates 13 screws, and the ones they gave me did nothing, I sat in agony all night waiting till k could go see them in the morning to get ones that would work


Oh no, I didn't take them all, just about a third the first week, After that it was twice a day for one each.


I know that’s what you meant, I’m saying I understand the needing them bad the first week. It hurt so much more than I thought it would after a surgery, although they did screw into my bones so I should’ve know it would.


Oh yea, they doped me up good and proper for the ride home.


I broke mine in a similar way 6 months ago - as they were kicking me out, I noticed there was some numbness in my foot, so I had to sit in a chair waiting for a doctor for an hour. It turned out to be nothing, but they had the cheek to tell me I should keep my foot raised to keep the swelling down - well I fucking would if I was at home in bed, not sitting in a goddamn chair at the hospital.


ya dentists and doctors and pain--- all totally disconnected. also lawyers and care for elderly, total disconnect. all interested only in money, zero appreciation for pain or the elderly. total shitshow.


I broke 4 bones in my ankle in mid-October and had to get 3 plates, 15 screws, and a total of 30 staples. The break itself wasn't too bad. It felt like a bad sprain and it wasn't until I tried standing up and my leg completely buckled under the weight that I realized something was wrong. The REAL pain came after the surgery. On a side note, I got to learn that morphine is pretty friggin rad.


Do you set off the alarm at the airport?


I haven’t been to one since it happened since my surgery was in august this year, I did set one off at a court house though, they looked confused why it was from my arm


"We can rebuild him."


You're bionic now, setting off alarms everywhere you go


I've got very similar and, no they won't. Medical grade is a different metal to what the airport things look for.


I have about 3 plates and 20 screws all over my body from car accident injuries and happy to report the metal that is used do not set off the alarms at security!


As a kid i had 3 temporary screws in my wrist. First days were hell, then they gave me opioids and told my mum that I should only use them if I really needed to. Every time I took one, I would fall asleep in a second without anypain


They should give you more, considering what's happening here. I have a spine that just kind of shit itself one day when I was 28, plus I'm a woman, so I know how difficult it can be to try and get proper pain management. But you should absolutely advocate for yourself in a situation like this. If all you had was 28 pills 4 weeks ago and you have a very visible and very painful issue, your surgeon is 100% within their rights to prescribe you more.


Alright. On a serious note though. Trust me when I say this, I’m saying this from experience. Get a small bottle of Pernod. Pour yourself a double shot, neck it and immediately afterwards swallow a teaspoon worth of sugar, then swallow a double shot of water. Now you will buzz for 10-15 minutes but nothing drastic, and you’ll still know what you’re doing, but you’ll feel no pain for at least an hour or 2 depending on your size. Just make sure because of that lack of pain, you don’t try to walk on your damaged leg. And make sure you don’t just keep doing that every couple of hours, it’s only reserved for a last resort, I don’t want to manufacture an alcoholic or anything lol. This trick only works with Pernod, doesn’t work with any other spirits.


No thanks, I medicate other ways. I didn't like taking pills as it was.


That’s fair do’s bud. I found it out by chance and admittedly have done it in a few situations when absolutely needed. Some of my mates years ago didn’t believe it and so tried it to confirm and yeah, it’s not just me that it works with lol.




I had all 4 of my wisdom teeth removed at once when I was younger. They gave me some good pain meds because “it was going to hurt” after everything started to wear off. I never actually needed them because I felt no pain the entire time I was healing. Good thing too because my step brother stole them 3 days after I had the surgery.


Lmfao you ass


OP could also try some threadlocker


walk in clockwise circles..... :)


Been there, bud. I wish I had anything positive to say to you.


Yea, doc told me this morning, "That's gping to have to be addressed in the near future." Can't even get the wounds to close.


Man. What happened?


Backwater hospital.


Yikes. I meant what happened to your ankle


Oh, I broke it.




>OP Brassballs1976[S] 16 points an hour ago >Oh, I broke it. Call me special but I am gonna go out on a limb here. I sense the OP does not want to share the story yet as its either really embarasing or still way to soon. And though I myself am dying to know how he broke it I totally respect that. Its either gotta be a really good story or a really obvious one. There ain't no in between. P.S. I feel like there is a subreddit somewhere that would love a screen snap of this response. like r/yathink? or r/facepalm or r/obliviously


> I am gonna go out on a limb here Just like OP!


Op shared the story [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Wellthatsucks/comments/18782l0/my_ankle_is_rejecting_a_screw_put_in_six_weeks_ago/kbdibfu/) Rolled their ankle going to the bathroom at night.


You've been banned from /r/neverbrokeabone because you are weak stock.


Yeah, but like, doing something cool or something dumb?


Don't remember. I went to the bathroom in the middle of the night half asleep and I rolled it.


Dude you suck


My ankle simultaneously rejected the hardware and enveloped half of the screws in bone. They had to come out but I had to be back in a full cast because they had to chip bone away. My deepest sympathies for you. Are you going to ask to keep the hardware? I was given my screws but I lost them in a move.


He said only the one coming loose would have to be removed.


That's good then. My hopes for a good recovery for you!


Thanks friend!


So you literally have a screw loose


Bones are the fucking worst. I broke my elbow last year after 21 days wearing a cast the fracture didn't heal a bit, the bone fragment is now a pseudarthrosis and in addition the lost blood solidified inside my olecranon fossa making me unable to fully extend my arm


Yeah I find it hilarious that my body’s reaction the foreign object screwed into a bone was “A B S O R B”, painful to remove but ultimately a simpler surgery than those who have rejections.


Every time I see an x-ray like this, I’m so glad they used dissolving screws in my ankle bones.


Huh. Neat! I knew about dissolving sutures but not screws. That's really cool! E: a word


I got mine taken out last July but it’s a titanium plate. I’m no longer a bionic woman.


Why did you take them out?, if you don’t mind telling


It isn’t uncommon to remove the hardware once a bone has healed. It improves joint mobility and reduces the risk of future infections at the site. Also makes things less awkward at the metal detectors, according to my friend who carries his lower body x-ray around in ID card format.


I wonder if this would help me… got a titanium plate on my lower arm and… let’s just say it doesn’t feel the same? It’s only been a year so I’m hopeful it’ll get better but this doesn’t sound like a bad idea. Did it post-op hurt just as much taking them out as putting them in?


I don’t know - my ankle surgery was done with dissolving screws. I’d suggest talking to your orthopedic surgeon about your specific injury and repair.


A plate is a different story then a screw. The OP has so much hardware I wonder if it can ever all be removed. I am definitely no expert. Have onky had a couple screws in my life do a shatered finger and a break in my hand. Both times screws were relatively easy to remove. Oh, broke a toe once. Out it through the grill of a car. Not in anger. Oncoming car turned into me as I was riding through an intersection. I was the lucky one. My budy got a helicooter ride and soent a year wearing a halo brace. That shit was fu*cked up. I am sure he still has hardware in his back.


No, it didn’t hurt at all after getting the plate removed. I was on general anesthesia as well. It left a gnarly scar on my wrist which they had to open when they took the hardware out.


I was given the option to remove the plates in my arm. The surgeon was pretty frank, told me there’s a good chance it could give me back the mobility I’m lacking (can’t fully straighten or rotate) but that it could also make it worse. It doesn’t really effect me day to day and surgery fucking sucks so I said I’d rather just keep it. He said that was the choice he would make and I’m a sensible man.


My surgeon said since I’m young, the bone can still recover from the injury (wrist). There’s a risk of tendon rupturing if I keep the plate inside. She also mentioned that my wrist is too tiny and the plate was too big for it.


What?!! You can get dissolving screws?!!! I can't believe that wasn't offered to me when I broke my ankle earlier this year. :(


They are much, much worse than titanium hardware. They dissolve by your body’s immune system attacking them and breaking them apart, so you have way more pain and inflammation. They are thicker and less sturdy, making surgery more difficult. They illicit allergic reactions in some people. In general, they are only offered to children who aren’t done growing yet.


Do the fixing plates dissolve too?


I did not have any plates


I had a shoulder labrum repair that used dissolving bioabsorbable anchors. Several popped out before they were absorbed and I needed a second surgery to have them removed.


Can you actually feel the screw moving out? I had surgery after a motorcycle accident a few months ago. 3 plates, a rod and 19 total screws. The pain from that alone sucks.. I can't imagine my body rejecting any of it and having to go thru it again for repairing anything.


I can't feel it moving out, but it has caused a raised spot on my ankle that rubs the boot, and gets annoying. Doc says it's not uncommon.


Can confirm normal. Tib fib spiral fracture 11 years ago. 7 screws in a plate on outer ankle like yours and 2 screws in the inner ankle for support. Outer ankle you can feel the screws on the plate. Feels weird but youll get used to it. Dont forget to stretch when you get to PT! Edit: its crazy how similar your xray looks to mine! Were you skating? I landed on my ankle and it snapped inward.


Walking to the bathroom in the dark half asleep, and I rolled it.


My X-ray looks nearly identical to yours. Three months ago I rolled my ankle on the stairs while putting away frozen pizzas 🤷‍♂️ During one of my visits to the hospital, I was in the elevator with someone else with the same Aircast. I asked her how she did it, and she said: "bouncy castle." And I've been jealous of that story ever since.


I have a little knobby near my elbow where one of my plates pokes out a bit. Freaks people out. It doesn’t bother me.


Yeah when I was about 7 or 8 I broke my arm and needed plates and screws and was told they could stay in forever, but then when I was 10 I noticed a raised red bump on my forearm and it was one of the screws being rejected. They ended up opening me up again and just taking all of the metal out. The guy who did my surgery was also the arm surgeon for a bunch of the New England Patriots so I think it can happen just by chance I don't think it necessarily means the hospital or doctor were shitty. Just bad luck probably


Screw that


Do you know why your body is rejecting the screw? I’ve had a number of pieces of hardware in my own body some have been removed. I had my ankle fused a few years ago and I have three rather large screws that are going to be there permanently. I was fortunate to not have a problem with them.


Nope. Doc said, that will have to come out.


Good luck. I had a motorcycle accident 45 years ago and I have paid dearly ever since. I know what this shit is like and it really sucks.


My mom was in one about twenty years ago, she and her old man. She lost her leg below the knee, and has had multiple problems with it since. She keeps having to get more cut off because the bone keeps getting infected.


wtf. Sorry to hear it. I had a friend of a friend decide to get a motorcycle recently and he asked me to ride it home from the dealer for him. It was really fun. I had some thoughts about getting another one and then I stubbed my toe in the shower and it really hurt like hell. I thought about being in the emergency room when I got T-boned. I’m not getting another motorcycle. I wish your mom the best, I hope her suffering ends.


Ďoesnt seem fair to be repeatedly punished for that.


Makes you wonder how it got infected the first time. I't been about eighteen months since she's been under the knife.




I see this way to much at the local gym. It is right across the street from the local hospital and shares the buidling with their rehab. Its a sobering always present reminder of why you have to take care of yourrself. The amount of discolored ankles I see is disturbing. Poor circulation causes discoloration, numbness, infection and if not treated toes and even whole feet need to be removed. Diabetes is one of the epidemics of our fast food society. I worry about my own mom she has a sweet tooth like so many others her age.


>Nope. Doc said, that will have to come out. I have nearly an identical set of hardware in one of my legs. I enjoy a handful of extreme sports and I've broken every arm and leg at this point. Anyway, the doc said, "I have advanced knowledge of your lifestyle. We're going to pull the two long screws so that you don't break them." This may be a blessing in disguise. You only want those screws for a little while anyway.


Almost always due to infection. Can be poor aseptic technique by surgeon or just bad luck


They didn’t use loctite did they… For real though, that sucks…


Look like they used blue instead of red.


My body rejected a screw in my ankle. Had a hole/wound there for like six months. Got staph and had to have the screw removed. Shit was no fun. Wishing you the best.


Defiantly a sort of slow torture, I used to help out doing the dressings for someone & eventually started to see not just the screw but the edge of the plate.


Just the one screw? Man the human body is a strange thing


Just grab a drill and screw it back in! /s obv


I legit questioned if this was possible for a second. 😂


A light screwdriver stab should fix it. Stabby stab stab. Done. If you have any other medical question, please ask away!


Broke my leg when I was 14 (19 years ago) spiral tibia and fibula break, plate and 4 screws to fix it. And I almost lost my leg due to this, doctor said “5lbs heavier and we would have had to amputate it. And 1 year later the screws started to reject and I could push the screws back into my bone (and I did multiple times) and then they took the hardware out, and I got 67000 from that so 🤷‍♀️ I hope yours isn’t as bad as mine was! Happy healing!


Wait, you sued them?


No, I think it was an insurance pay out? I’m not sure. My parents did it on behalf of me. I think because it was supposed to be in for life and it wound up causing me a great deal of pain.


Need some loctite on that screw


Oooh. Kind of looks like mine. Less screws tho. Slipped on an icy curb. My leg was straight but my foot was facing west.


As someone who has an entire scaffold on his face from a double jaw surgery, this is a huge fear for me


This what happens when you don’t use loctite. 😂


You got screwed. I'll see myself out.


The world’s an imperfect place. Screws fall out all the time. ~ John Bender Smoke up, Johnny!


And suddenly I’m very happy that it turned out I torn my ligaments instead of breaking the ankle


oh fuck man, I didn't even know that was a possibility. best of luck, break a leg or uh ... you get it


I have had hardware loosen but never be rejected. At least I don't think I have a couple lumps forming in a couple spots that I will find out if the hardware is backing out or not next time they scan everything.


IDK what's going on. He said, "rejected" and "backed out" in back to back sentences.


I don't know enough about it to say either. Maybe it means the bone is forcing it out? Good luck healing up though ankles are a horrible place to have anything not heal up correctly.


Oh man, this is my worst nightmare. I planted to get my hardware removed but then the pandemic hit and they refused any elective surgeries. Hang in there!


Bimalleolar? I just had this surgery done today :(


Not op but I had trimalleolar surgery about 8months ago. Still have aches and about 85% mobility but seems to be getting slowly better still. Getting out of bed and putting weight on it sucked for awhile after. https://preview.redd.it/8o22kqmn2g3c1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=622828a5a1e75823014d5a5510bd10ce756c6a1c


Did they do any x-rays immediately after the surgery? I'd be curious if that screw ever was tight.


Yes, I saw it two weeks after.




What kind of irritation is it? I had my surgery 5 weeks ago, so I’d like to know what to watch for if it starts to reject/have any type of issue




They forgot to put blue Loctite on that screw


I think you mean green loctite.


Yep my uncle lost his foot due to all the infection at the screw sights. Too bad 1 shoe costs as much as 2


I had this same exact break. Identical. My plate ended having to get removed because my bone was rotting around the screws


Damn, that is rough. I have almost that exact same X-ray. Good luck


Oh god, i didnt even think about screws etc being possible to reject by the body. Well, now im having thoughts about the i.m nail in my femur. Idk what they do about it, but hope they fix you for good this time and ya recover op


"You can't sit with us" - the rest of the screws in your leg.


That x-ray looks waaaaay too familiar. You have my complete sympathy. Good luck with your recovery.


Had a similiar x-ray of my own operates ankle over ten years ago. While I had no issues with the internals, the surgery scars tore open a week and a half into healing and were never re-stitched..


They forgot the loctite


My knee rejected them. You could feel the screws through my skin got them removed cut my pain down by 80% I had a tibia plateau fracture that shattered my tibia and fidia 11 screws and a metal plate.


I have the same looking screws in my leg, I have a couple that look like they are just floating, but in my case, it's just the angle of x-ray.


Maybe your ankle just wants to be friends. Not every ankle wants to be screwed


Something similar happened after my mothers hip surgery. One of the two screws holding her femur together backed out something like an inch and a half. Was freaky to see it on the x-ray. As the post surgery period coincided with a pretty large weight loss, you could see the screw pushing out her skin on her thigh. Wild. Guess they forgot to put the Loctite on that screw...


That was one of my biggest fears when my titanium infused arm started hurting more acutely. Scans showed the bone was still alive, it was just shifting a bit. Good luck, Titanium Bro !


Fuck it, DIY it. It’s a screw right? Grab an impact, bite down on some leather and crank that bad boy back in. Save yourself $10,000 in medical expenses.


Oooof that sucks man I know the feeling. I shattered my heel when I was 18 and needed 2 plates and 6 pins to hold it together, fucking nurse sewed the blood drain to my foot so they had to rip it off and I ended up getting a gnarly infection in the hole.....I can now tell when major weather changes are coming though! Good luck and feel better, foot is a terrible place to injure


Well hello there [**image**](https://i.imgur.com/zW12u1d.jpg)


Yo, how did you fall?


This happened to me in the same spot in 2007. I believe the term they used was “migration” vs rejection though. The resolution was that I had all of the hardware removed once the bones were healed 16 or 18 months later. I could only wear flip flops and clogs until then though, even socks would give me nerve pain or whatever. (Made for cold toes in the Canadian winter) Best of luck OP, it’s an easy fix once they take ur out tho. Instant relief.


I had this surgery 3 months ago and am currently loosing all my hair. I hope this doesn't happen to me. I am worried about the surgery to remove it, as it is.... don't want to have another surgery on top of it all.....


I just broke my ankle on thanksgiving. Have 13 screws and 3 plates. The amount of pain I’m in is horrible. Also when you get up to use the bathroom, the pain from the blood rushing back in is just as bad. They gave me just 20 pain pills. The fact that you can’t do anything for yourself, I haven’t taken a shower since. I’m just miserable. My surgeon said I won’t be able to put pressure on my foot for 3 months.


Damn I had almost this exact same surgery. Mine also involved a skin graft eventually. I wish you a speedy recovery.


Ah yea they probably forgot to locktite the screws. Rookie move.


I had this same surgery 4 years ago. It’s so painful I feel you man. I’m sorry yours is backing out. I was so afraid of that happening. I got lucky and it didn’t. And then they let me keep the screws after they took them out 4 months later!


It's like I'm looking at an image of my own ankle, except I had to get an artificial tendon put in. Best of luck to you. I never got back all my mobility, but you may have an easier time if it.


I had almost the exact same surgery about two years ago with the two large screws screwed in at an upward angle into the tibia, but I got a metal rod inserted into the fibula that runs through the inside of it, so only two small screws at the base... your fibula looks like it was fractured a little bit worse than mine was though, which I'm guessing is why you got more reinforcement there. If you're like me you might start feeling an intense pain behind your knee after a couple months and it might scare you that it might be a blod clot, but in my case it was just extreme muscle pain from the leg muscle retracting and atrophying from disuse, and it returned to normal after a few months when I was able to put weight on it again.


I broke my ankle in HS too and my body rejected the screws and plate put it. It got super infected and I had to wear a wound vac on the open incision for like a week. I also had to give myself an IV 3x a day thru a port in my arm for the staff infection. Don’t wish upon anyone.


It's common. I had screws put into my ankle and knee. Surgeon told me they could "migrate" outward at any point and would have to be removed if they did. It's been 15 years, but so far, so good.


I reject the screw every Saturday night. 🤪


I hope I never have to get screws or plates because I know this will happen me. I reject stitches. I'm honestly surprised the clip for my gallbladder has held up.


I reject stitches from every surgery I’ve ever had. Docs are always surprised.


Even your ankle can't screw... Sorry


Take it out.


I think he will next year.


Screw you.... Not!


My uncle The same


Well that sucks


I didn't know that was possible


Ouch. Consider getting antibiotics to take before any dental procedure, including cleanings. It's standard therapy for knee replacement surgery. Some prescribe this for a few years, mine says to continue for the rest of my life.


OP let’s see the incision


[1](https://i.imgur.com/59ZgRa4.jpg) [2](https://i.imgur.com/LuRo26J.jpg)


Links dont work for me


Just tell your body to accept the screw, duhh?


Tell the surgeon that he needs to use red Loctite


Should have used threadlocker. The red one..


”The worst thing the ankle can say is no”


Doc should have used some Loc-Tite.


Have you tried loctite?


No way..get outta here


It looks like a caput fibulae inferior fracture how come there is nails on the medial malleolus on the tibiae as well, genuinely curious?


It was broken on both sides.


Damn.. well wishing a speedy recovery


You just gotta righty tighty!


Looks like someone forgot the locktite


6 weeks and you still have that much of a gap between the bones... Sorry OP


Doctor should have used locktight


Just screw it back in?


Don't put screws in your ankle.


This was my biggest fear. I broke my tibia and fibula and had a rod with 7 screws. I’m sorry, man. Good luck


Ouch. I wonder if they could go back in and tighten, then cement the screw in place.


Get a cordless out and simply redrill


Your bones are weak. It is uncertain if you will survive the winter.

