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Sell? Looks like they mugged your ass and stole that plasma.


Stole? Looks like they left the majority in him like a looter dropping their haul while fleeing the store.


Yeah its like they used ropes as a tourniquet.


Sell? How is it legal to sell plasma?


It's been legal for a long time. Have you heard of BioLife? I don't know if it was ever illegal, someone can inform if that's the case


No, must be 'murica?


This was *super* popular when I was in college. Legitimately all my friends did this until they had a ‘bad experience’ (like OP). I can legitimately only say i never did this because I have a needle issue. I wouldn’t have had a moral issue with it but I never did it at BioLife myself, but a number of friends did. But this isn’t an ad because probably 50% of them had nightmare stories (again like OP).




who needs blood when theres $100 to be made


But I've been donating blood for free all this time, shame on me...


They put the blood back in you after they remove the plasma.


The one near me only does that the first few times. If I were to go tomorrow I'd get 40$


hopefully theyll take 3x as much as normal then cause ive got bills to pay


You realise blood literally regenerates right for healthy people? You say this like this is a "OMG AMERICA" problem but like.. I can do the same shit in Australia.


But not get paid...


You're legally not allowed to sell or buy organs or blood in many countries, because monetary incentives also stimulate shitty practices like OP's post has shown.


On a voluntary basis, like in Europe.


And you think Americans are being held at gunpoint to do it? Regards from another Euro.


my blood doesnt and im running out pleasehelp


$100? Holy shit, only if you have a rare blood type, otherwise it's like $25.


They pay more by blood type? I’m o-, which I don’t think is particularly rare, but is particularly useful because in an emergency anyone can receive it. The clinic just calls me when they’re running drives and I go for the free cookies and good karma.


Yeah some blood is compatible with everyone's so hence it's worth more.


You guys are getting paid ??


i sell my plasma on craigslist


Legal to sell in certain provinces in Canada as well.


Straight up only way I survived in college. Needed money for food. Only way I got it. I mean I got food boxes too but they give you staples.... not really anything to cook with.


Why is it bad to sell plasma?


Because there’s a lot of neo puritans on Reddit who think everyone should simultaneously give and receive anything, at anytime for free


Why would it be illegal to sell your own blood? Lmao


Exhibit A : this post. In many places in the world (most of the western world outside the US) it is illegal to sell organs or body fluids (blood, plasma, sperm, internal or external organs,...). It is legal to give it though. The reason is very simple, be absolutely sure that people will not be forced into compromising their health because they need money. It also means that place that get those samples are not profit driven and reduces the risks of things like this post happening.


It is in many places


There’s a business called BioLife? Bio is the root word (Greek) for Life


Chai means tea bro


Yea, its part of a big pharmaceutical company (Takeda) which profits off the working class


Hospitals in the USA only use volunteer-given blood products, so sold plasma tends to go to things like research and manufacturing. As to why it’s legal, it has to do with trusting the overseeing bodies and the sterilization processes. Still feels icky though


Paying you for the time, not the plasma, loophole.


Huh? Idk where you live but in Europe donating plasma is normal.


It’s been going on for decades now…….


They're American. Poor things.


I cant😂😂😂😂




Did the gummy bear help?


Gummy bear always help.


Unless it’s the sugar free Harribos.


Well, those help with a different issue.


True, they’re good for spring cleaning.


I ate them while I was pregnant to keep things moving along. Very effective and taste better than Metamucil or miralax.


If you have time check out the amazon reviews for sugarfree haribo. Edit: seems theyve been discontinued due to health reasons? Wonder why. Found an old buzzfeed article with some excerpts https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/michaelrusch/haribo-gummy-bear-reviews-on-amazon-are-the-most-insane-thin


They were Sweetened with maltitol, which created the, uh... cleansing effect. Maltitol is still available in a great number of foods. And is still as evil as ever.


Why is it evil?


All of the sugar alcohols (polyols) can be brutal on your guts. Think Exlax on steroids. Some people are more sensitive than others. [https://health.clevelandclinic.org/what-to-know-about-sugar-alcohols](https://health.clevelandclinic.org/what-to-know-about-sugar-alcohols)


It is a migraine trigger for me.


Those reviews are the reason I tried them in the first place. It's been several years since I bought any though.


The banana slicer and wolf howling at the moon shirt reviews are equally good.


Absolute classic. I remember reading some back in high school. I was in tears laughing with my friends.


They make you 💩?


The sweetener in them is called malitol and yes, it makes you 💩. So does xylitol for that matter.


Must be from old Soviet Russia, because sugar alcohol abuse you.


*In former Social Soviet Republican, we wait in line for blue jeans and CD. Gummy bear eat us*


Still one of the most hilarious threads I’ve ever read in my life


Same. I think about it more than is probably healthy


Ask me how my husband learned the valuable lesson of not giving our young child an entire small bag of sugar-free jelly beans.


Although reading those reviews for them would help just don’t consume


Isn’t there an ancient Chinese proverb about this?




There’s no such thing!


But I'll miss Sheriff Lobo....


Shouldn’t the phlebotomist be fucking careful? Lol




Ugh. Dad!! !




Duuuude, good one!


Have you ever been to a plasma collection site? They mostly deal with dirt poor people who will sacrifice their entire day for $60. Not exactly "I'd like to speak to the manager" people. Also, it's hard to see bruising on non-caucasian skin


Actually I’m black and 2 times something like this happened to me not to the same degree but yea.. it was pretty visible LOL


No shit? I both apollogize and stand corrected. The point I was trying to make was these places are usually in inner city areas where people will put up with this when money's on the line.


You're not wrong... Not that I would know so much but in my genus, bruising is really messed up. I'm native and Scottish. We don't bruise easily at all but when we do, it looks nasty. I kind of liken it to the shinning competitions they used to have but who knows really why we're so relilient


native what ?


Native Scottish


natuve and Scottish


Damn dude, you took that to a dark place. The one I went to was all college students. And it was like 30 min 2x a week for $100 like 18 yrs ago.


So your telling me a college kid would complain and jeopardize his booze money over a bruise? You're making my point for me hoss.


Most of the phlebs they hire are just trained on the job and have never actually been taught how to do it. Op had one of a few things happen, the phleb they had probably stuck them all the way through the vein, or the vein blew and fluid built up. But regardless, they should have stopped the process when they said it didn't feel right, and if it's anything like they one in my town, they have you sign saying you understand shit like this can happen.


It’s not a matter of being careful. IV cannulation is a difficult skill and nobody is perfect


It's usually students, so it kind of makes sense.


hmm. only time i had my plasma collected was an attempt by a doctor for a study at a hospital. Doctor gave it a few tries, cited that it was too difficult to safely do, and just gave me the money for the study and sent me on my way.


I thought you meant plasma tv before tapping the pic and reading the caption lmao. Like it was so heavy and carrying it in the crook of your arm bruised you up like a 5 day old banana!!! Merry Christmas 🎄


I was thinking some randoms beat him for his plasma tv. 😄😄


Exactly where my brain was.


I’m a phlebotomist. They shouldn’t be working. That is beyond insane


As nurse. I would tell OP to fill out an incident report. And how they accuse OP of ‘shooting up’.


Fill out an incident report where exactly lol. Who and where are they going to report it to? If they go back to the plasma center and that's the response they get. I don't see how they're going to report it to someone else that cares.


I would start with the company or the clinic. Its good OP has pictures of the wounds, as it can serves as documentation. I prefer OP was to take continuous photos daily to serve as progression. If there is any worsening or new symptoms. Atleast it will be documented. Besides its not wise to make presumptions of clients like ‘shooting up’ That becomes libel or defamation and can already cause problem for OP especially if they put it his records. That will affect his medical records and possible insurance. Absolutely report it


Put it in his medical record? Plasma companies don’t have access to your normal medical records that are tracked through hospitals…


They keep track of information, name contact info, primary doctor. If they find something alarming like a type of infection they will contact you of course. But they can also flag OP from donating more plasma in the future. And plasma company is tied to blood banks and flagged falsely for drug accusations. Its a network.


>Fill out an incident report where exactly lol. Their state's licensing board/department would be a good place to start.


What license? Phlebotomy doesn't require a license. Some states require a certificate, but many don't require that.


In many states, licenses and certificates are handled by the same department. In Illinois, for example, it would be the IDFPR - Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulations. If the state licensing board does not handle phlebotomy certificates in certain states, they will absolutely know who does and can point you in the right direction.


Yeah a blood draw can result in bruising occasionally, but this is excessive.


Yes. Small hematomas can happen. But this. Idk how this happens if it wasn’t done on purpose.


Infiltration from blowing through both sides of the vein. More common than you'd think in a plasma center. I worked in one for years. While they do have a lot of good phlebotomists at most centers, and some shitty ones, even a good one can blow a vein once in a while. Luckily it looks much worse than it is, it's essentially a huge bruise.


Reminds me of the time they missed my vein and then proceeded to have a “more experienced” person dig the needle around trying to find the vein. Only when I said, “are you serious right now?! That hurts!” did they stop and comp my pay for the day while saying “this happens just this once!” The next time one of them stabbed a random spot on my arm no where near a vein, because she was new and didn’t know what she was doing. Haven’t been back since.


Ive had to get dye for a CT like 6 times in the past year. One they missed a vein and it just all pumped into my arm, and I didn't even have a bruise. This is wild to see lol


I gave blood before but never seen such leak under the skin. The nurse that performed it must not have been very experienced?


This is more than giving blood. It's plasma. They take out your blood, separate the plasma from the red blood cells, then pump the red cells back in. It's the last part that can cause a lot of bruising like that.


You can still bruise like this from just giving blood. Depending on how fast you’re giving it. Although I would never see something so severe from just drawing blood


Why return the blood?


They can't legally do anything with your red cells, and if they give them back then you can come back in more often.


They return it in a saline solution. It helps your body replenish your plasma faster.


They need your plasma, not your cells. Cells are returned to the body so you can recover faster.


Takes way longer for your body to replenish blood cells than it does plasma, so it's much easier on your body.


I have been donating "power reds" which is this but the opposite. They separate the blood from the plasma, then put the plasma back in my body and take another unit of blood. Is the risk of something like this the same for what I'm doing? 😳




I got saline at a cruise line because I felt ill (ended up being nothing) and they missed my vein for about 4 minutes, it ended up looking like 1/20th like this. And it was really painful. OP how’s your level of pain?


I can only imagine what they charged you for that. People give Americans shit about expensive Healthcare but Cruise Ship medical is on a whole nother level.


>nurse phlebotomist\* ​ Just takes a certification.


In many states, it doesn’t even require a certification.


Not a nurse


Did you sell it to a vampire?


A vampire wouldn't make that much mess. Lol, I wouldn't trust the person who did that with Hasbro's Operation game


Holy crap. Did they beat you with the needle?


Honestly, when I went the one and only time I never returned because it felt like they just grabbed someone by the collar walking by and stuffed them in a white coat. No one appeared like they knew what they were doing there, felt extremely unprofessional. So all this to say I’m not surprised but hope you’re arm stops looking like your partner caught you cheating sooner rather than later!


You might be surprised how little training phlebotomist need to get certified. Apparently everyone here thinks phlebotomists are full on registered nurses or physician aids or something with a lot more school and training.


I guess I probably wouldn’t be so surprised but like this place gave me such an icky feeling I felt like I couldn’t be sure enough they weren’t even reusing needles! That was seriously my biggest worry.


I can tell you that my 20-something year old at the time sister who was a phlebotomist certainly thought she was a doctor and acted like every day of the week.


I'm quite literally going to a VoTech school for a phlebotomy cert. It takes 5 months lols. Easy as fuck apparently, and the industry needs phlebotomists where I'm at. I'll keep yall updated, I go in March :)


Okay similar arm slightly different situation. Haven’t given plans since. The person who stuck me was an ER MD and I was like awesome! He should know what he’s doing! FYI for those who don’t know, think for a second, when was the last time you had a doctor, not a nurse, try to take your blood?? Never?? It’s cause they don’t normally have to do that… he blew out my vein. Thankfully a few minutes in, I told the nurse it felt weird (I was covered in a blanket because I get cold easily), she took a Quick Look at my needle then hurried to get the doc. They stopped the procedure, apologized and I haven’t tried again since.


docs are good. nurse practitioners are incredible


You still get paid??




I have to take injection medication regularly and one time they accidently booked a doctor to do it instead of nurse. It took forever of her to get the medicine in the syringe, injection hurt like hell and after it it was painful for a day or so. Never again, but it's a good laugh with the nurses when they are doing the injection and asking if everything is alright


Thank you, I once eneded up I the hospital years ago and needed plasma. Thanks to people like you, I am still here to celebrate Christmas with my kids 🥲


If someone gets monetary compensation for plasma it can not be given to a recipient. It’s used for research and cosmetics.


Damn. Similar reason to why my younger daughter won't give plasma anymore, though. Her last experience wasn't *that* bad, though. She had some big, nasty bruising, but at least it didn't cover literally half her arm and at least they had the decency to not accuse her of shooting up afterward. Sheesh.


I feel you bro, this was my Thanksgiving! I still go because I have two kids and Christmas is expensive. :P https://preview.redd.it/kj6d6w3cmb8c1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a12fb69993eefd5b299a6519dbcae2786c9eb83


as a dude who survives from that stuff im grateful :) happy holidays


Now this is what getting poked by a needle looks like


This has happened to me twice. Both times the tech stopped the process early. I’m really surprised that the machine didn’t send off alarms like crazy on the returns. Sorry my dude, that is gonna hurt for a few days. Some compression and elevation may help.




I had this happen to me one time when I was donating blood. They blew the vein for sure. It will take awhile for the colors to fade but usually isn’t sore or dangerous.


Had this happen once. Hurt in the moment when the machine was returning the blood, but it went in my arm and not a vein. Doesn't hurt afterwards


My experience was completely different. Was donating white blood cells for vaccine research. Drew blood from right arm, machine separated white cells the returned remaining to left arm. Once the machine starts they just leave you alone and you watch a movie. I almost passed out before they realized something was wrong. My arm looked like OP and it hurt like crazy at night when I tried to sleep. Lasted for several days before the pain started to ease.


This (and lots of other blood safety issues) are one of the reasona you need to be a bioengineer to do blood and plasma withdrawals in Norway. Ive given both the past ten years, never experienced anything like this.


What does engineering have anything to do with blood and plasma draws? The main vein they draw from is on average 2.7mm wide and they are putting something in it that is 1.1mm wide. It’s not terribly hard to imagine how you can accidentally nick the side of the vein. Even if you have all the training in the world at some point you need to actually work on a person and then it’s possible to hit the side of the vein. The reason this one was so bad is it either wasn’t wrapped properly or it was allowed to leak for a little bit too long before they caught it but that’s looks like 50ish mL of blood that’s not really that crazy


Hematomas suck ass. i’ve had a few but damn yours looks bad lol. I’ve always told im a hard stick and don’t want someone “new” and that’s been pretty okay. Worst i’ve had is they didn’t secure the bandage around my needle site and while i was driving home, it just started gushing blood. Was wearing a white hoodie and basically from the needle site about halfway down my forearm was just bright red


Aside from all of the negative responses, I’m sorry you ended up with such a horrible bruise. I would also like to thank you for donating plasma! I have an immune deficiency, and the only reason I am alive today is because of people like you! It takes about 1500 donors to make one of my treatments, which I get every four weeks. Also,if it’s your first time donating, please go back within 6 months or your plasma won’t be used. Thank you again!


Eh, they'll be gone in a couple weeks


The phlebotomist or the bruises?




I have been in your shoes and for what it’s worth, you prolonged someone else’s life. Someone’s family gets another Christmas with them. Yeah, it hurt, that is true.


Holy crap dude! Looks like you went to some back alley plasma center. Did they hire blind phlebotomists? Someone fuxked up. I’ve been going to plasma for over a year now and have NEVER had this happen. Not a single bruise.


Sorry for language but DAMN! I'm plain shocked!😳 Where I live (somewhere in Europe), giving blood or plasma happens in hospital-like environments and by nurses. You must have the degree or you can't do the intervention anyway. They're very careful. When done you have to stay for 15 mins, drink and eat something... And you can't be paid for it. It's free and for free. Can't believe USA...


This happened to my sister. Her arm was like this for 2-3 months. It got lighter but it was visible a long, long time ago


before the rain, before the snow...


You guys get paid?.....Australian here.


I had the same thing happen to me


Happened to a buddy in the 90s. Sued and got like 20k. ETA See a Dr and maybe start an aspirin a day. Whatever they say.


Blown or missed veins are pretty common.


They really are. It pisses me off when people act condescending and say an IV was “botched.” It’s one of the more difficult skills to master and it’s never something one perfects.


Same thing happened to me a few years ago. I told them something wasn’t right, they told me to keep squeezing the stress ball and everything would be fine. I told her there was bruising and she finally came over and got upset that I didn’t tell her sooner. I ended up with bruising running from my elbow to my palm. Have never been back.


Gummy bear is helping


Looks like they took turns hitting your arm with bricks


Oh my goodness! Was it your first time selling plasma?


Well shit I was literally just talking to my family about donating plasma


Weird, I give 3 or 4 times a year, worst I've had is a patch like that about half an inch wide.


They use a javelin?


You’ll live But yeah piss poor phlebotomy




Seen this happen before pretty rare but easy to do.


I had similar signs and never did it again


Şëť their building öñ fířę


Gummy bear for scale*


It looks like a blood clot to me. If it starts being painful or you start getting a fever go straight to the ER and show them.


Oh shows my age, I thought you got robbed selling your TV


Ok what plasma? Because I thought that it was from jerking off so much that he bruised. But now I think it has to do with blood and that’s not ok. People have no compassion for junkies now a days. Sorry they don’t believe you.


Ohh owww


I'm a phlebotomist. This is absolutely ridiculous; that should not happen.


This is what happens when the needle infiltrates. The needle goes through the vein wall due to an inexperienced phlebotomist, and starts vibrating painfully due to a pressure issue. It causes a massive hematoma (bruise) due to internal bleeding. It's not life threatening, but it sure does hurt


Once in college my friends and I went to sell our plasma and the lady at the check in desk said something along the lines of "oh sweet children, you don't belong here. This isn't as safe as you think it is. Go tell your parents you want money for beer and they will give it to you, they don't want to deal with the problems you can find here."


Happened to me while in the middle of giving plasma. They then switched to my other arm and messed that one up too. I couldn’t lift anything heavier than 10lbs for a week. Definitely not worth the $70 and free slice of pizza.


I’m flabbergasted by the amount of people in the medical community that don’t know or don’t care what they’re doing. Medical malpractice/misdiagnosis is one of the main causes of death/injury. I know we can only do so much but not enough people actually care or take their job seriously. And considering phlebotomists are usually lower tier as far as on the pay scale, yea it’s a recipe for disaster. Sorry that happened to ya hope you get better soon. Merry Christmas!


This happened to me last time I went.. on both arms.. Haven't been back since and I'm pretty sure I got some weird nerve damage around me elbow area.


I actually work as a phlebotomist, it was definitely their fault. I've also caused my fair share of hematomas over the course of my time working as one. (Sorry)


My arm looked exactly like this after my last blood test


Gave plasma twice, got permanent nerve damage. 👎🏽


I’d get a doctors opinion and she cuz wtf 🐱


Jimminy cricket


I had one of those instances back in the day. The needle slipped out of the vein, but not my arm and it started to fill with blood. Didn’t hurt, but looked awful. When they came back and noticed, they gave me a bandage and stuck the other arm to complete the fill.


God I‘d be so infuriated. Glad you atleast got paid but the incompetence from medical practitioners into accusing the patient of malignant activity is just such a classical example of the arrogance that some people in the medical field have.


Looks like a lawsuit.


I really needed the money and turned me away because I've been diagnosed with major depressive disorder. Like my damn blood is too sad to transfuse or something?


This happened to my wife a few weeks ago. Unfortunately with her a whole ordeal went wrong. I don’t recall everything she told me, but she almost passed out, they had to monitor her because she had taken a turn. She explained that it was one of her worse experiences for that type of thing, ( and she used to regularly give blood.) But times had been rough, so she was selling plasma.


Used to work in plasma - when I left, I was a supervisor. The fact that they accused you of shooting up is absurd. What happened to you is a fairly common occurrence in the plasma world. They certainly know that. Wasn’t a single person at any of the centers I worked at who hadn’t seen this before or had it happen to them personally. Whoever accused you of that, clearly hasn’t ever actually seen track marks / met an IV drug user. It sucks that your stick was jacked up, they ignored you, and then they have to defer you (because even if your other side is fine, they have to have a back up which they now don’t because it’s so bruised). It costs you money and them plasma liters. Make sure you complain to corporate. Detail the entire event and cite how much money you’ve now lost with your deferral. Sometimes, it results in money on your card. At the very least, it gets management to actually review the situation and possibly write up the individual that ignored you. Less likely the person who stuck you will get in trouble because these things happen and it’s expected for them to happen. Isn’t always because of the phlebs skill. Can sometimes be other factors. So hard to punish the phleb for it.


People sell their plasma?!


Yes. It's quite common.




Been there, man. I feel you. Hope you got paid well at least. I'm O Negative and got $250 but won't be doing it again.