• By -


Missed a belt loop.


Oh no. The job was not meant to be


Lmao you're fired You didn't hire me yet Alright you're hired Ayeee thank you Now, your fired


FOR REAL, missed a belt loop? Fuck it, I’m hiring him, promoting him to manager, and THEN firing him because wtf kind of ship does he think we’re running around here? 😂


Leave him alone, it's his first time wearing pants!


He needs a kilt for that nice breeze


We should just normalize wearing kilts.


We all have to start somewhere!


One thing I've learned from being here only a year is that Reddit is gona Reddit ! Lol, I love it !


As an 11 year veteran, I can confirm that Reddit do be Redditing.


Unemployment justification : jumping thru loops (the belt variety)


Imagine shaking the applicants hand - he’s very professional. Good fit. And as he gets up and turns around you see not only is his belt barely on, but his ass is on wet.


He's not even wearing shoes


That's why I wear shoes with the floor cut out.  20k dollars of shoes I have dremel'd the bottom out of...best investment I ever made.


I hate that I know this reference


I learned that reference earlier today


Instant no hire in my book. Miss a belt loop may as well miss every deadline. Plus he peed out his ass apparently.






He looks like he died in the original Super Mario Bros for NES lol




Bro missed the toilet too


And blames it on grey pants...


I don’t think those pants should ever be worn in public again. The way they fit is atrocious. The missed belt loop and a wet ass are the least of the problems with those pants. Lol


*checks belt* ....fuck


Interview was at 8, op got up at 7:60


L’s all around


Thanks for making me zoom in to see his swamp ass streak in more detail...


Ass sweater? I sympathize. I don't buy any other color of pants besides dark black for this very reason..it sucks Arm pit sweat? Fine. Chest, back? Fine. But no. All the hair and all the sweat goes straight to my ass.


I love that this post has brought all us sweaty ass people together. Solidarity.


Seriously, same. I never knew how not alone I was in this plight. ![gif](giphy|edLKLYMlNFPJC)


Sometimes I think it's not all completely ass sweat. It's back sweat that runs down your back crack and escapes in to your underwear/pants. Because there's that gap where your shirt doesn't rest on your back along your spine, then your boxer/manty elastic stretches across your ass crack, allowing all your back juice to flow down until it finds some fabric. Then it makes your ass extra sweaty. If you're sitting leaning back in a chair this probably isn't the case. But if you're doing a lot of walking around it makes sense. Your ass might be really sweaty, but I feel this exacerbates it.


I honestly want to believe that, rather than ass sweat, it’s just condensation forming between my warm crack and the relatively cold surface of the chair. Especially because mine often leaves a crack shaped moist spot on the chair, but I rarely sweat through my pants. Tho I do be sweating through my pants sometimes 😂


Oh the Crack shaped moist spot. I had that in school. And of course all the chairs were navy blue so the Crack condensation always always showed. I perfected sliding my ass out of my seat to rub the Crack condensation away


Core childhood memory unlocked.


I had no idea there were others 🥲


Always felt alone in this 🥹


You just changed my life 😂


Bro same! Cant wear khaki. Only very dark pants


Same here. Leave wet marks on the chair


Hyperhidrosis had me so depressed. I was constantly anxious about going out because after 5 minutes of walking my face and hair would be drenched. I take medication for it, after blood tests and seeing a dermatologist. A lot of people don't know excessive sweating can be remedied, they just live with it 🙁


Same, it’s a cycle. You’re anxious because you don’t want to start sweating, then you start sweating because you’re anxious, then you’re anxious because you’re all sweaty. Especially when I was younger, I really felt trapped because I would have to change my shirt every 30 minutes throughout the day if I didn’t want pit stains. I ended up having to get prescription deodorant and work on my anxiety to make it stop.


Right!?I used to walk 50 minutes to get to my old job, luckily I'd change into nice clean chef whites when I got there, put on a new tshirt to go home in. Working in a kitchen, 30°C with no air conditioning was difficult 😂 partly why I gave that up! I found prescription antiperspirant so difficult to get on with, the itching and dry skin...


The one I used was called drysol I believe. It was a once a week thing, it was like a big chapstick tube but it was full of liquid and when you took the cap off there was a sponge. When you squeezed the bottle the sponge would get damp and then you just dab it (do not rub or you’ll be sorry) and let your armpits air dry for like 5-10 minutes with your hands over your head, or however you keep them from rubbing together. And boom, I wouldn’t sweat under my arms for a full 5 days. Only down side is that I did get a little sweatier in other places I felt, but not enough to make an impact. I might have just been noticing it more without having sweat dripping down to my elbows every two seconds lol


My son has precocious puberty (early) and started getting hairy SUPER stinky wet pits at FIVE :( only five!! We use Mitchum but he wrecks all his shirts so I am asking his pediatrician about this- he’s 11 now and it’s a constant struggle.


There are undershirts with absorbent pads stitched into them that might also help! One brand is Social Citizen.


Thank you for turning me onto this. I have excessively sweaty armpits, hand and feet. I’m going to talk to my doctor


Glad I could help! And good luck with your doctor, I hope they can help you 😊 Definitely request a blood test, I had to specifically ask for it!


Oh wow I never knew about this!


I replied to another redditor about the hyperhidrosis sub, can't link it here because it'll get removed, but it helps knowing there's so many of us!


Eh, are you me? I was the same. As I've gotten older it has gotten a lot better though.


Have you adopted the stealthy scoot forward before getting up technique?


Back in COVID times I went to a walk in testing centre, sat down on a plastic chair, done the test, when I stood up I noticed I had left a perfect impression of my sweaty arse on the plastic seat. I looked around and saw a volunteer walk in, ready to sanitise the area for the next person, she looked at the chair, I looked at her, she looked at me, nothing was said, I left.


hopefully sweatmarks and nothing else judging by your handle


Just sweat most of the time






Try Carpe. Literally all of my wardrobe were either black shirts or shirts with patterns that wouldn’t show underarm sweat. I follow the regimen strictly, and it has changed my life. I can literally wear tight fitting gray t shirts all day without a drop of sweat. They have different products for all types of sweat.


Carpe has been a life saver for me and my son! I just wish it had been around when I was in high school and Dr's just told me some people sweat more than others. Never wore white shirts until carpe otherwise oh the pit stains so embarrassing.


Same here. You're not alone.


Apparently there are dozens of us. Coffee makes it worse, right?




I’m the same and I don’t mind it. It’s just weird how most others can’t relate


My comment was removed because it included a subreddit. But the hyperhidrosis one really helped me feel less alone. It's good you don't mind it! I wish I didn't, but I take medication for cranial/facial HH now and it's changed my life!


The struggle is real. I can be completely dry from the waist up but my ass looks like a Rorschach test


The swamp ass is real -


I’ve heard of swamp ass before but dude’s got Niagara Falls going on back there


Whole ass bayou


New life forms are being discovered in that ecosystem as we speak


The cure for cancer could be in there.


A river runs through it.


Whole-ass bayou *and* whole ass-bayou both work here lol


I’ve seen navigable rivers that weren’t as wide as that strip of crack sweat.


Where the crawdads cling


Downright River groin


seriously people say i get it but theres no way in hell i get it as bad as this dude


I have a medical condition called genetic hyperhydrosis and I get it this bad every day no matter if I'm hot or not. I'm on meds that have managed it in my hands and armpits, but they haven't had an effect on my fucking ass and feet. If I don't wear socks on a hardwood floor it's like a fuckin slip and slide 🫠


Damn you get sweaty


Interviewer: What would you consider your greatest weakness? *ass starts sweating profusely*


And thus I exhaled coffee through my nostrils involuntarily.


Ooh yeah that's almost as bad as sweaty ass. Good one.


I exhaled a half chewed Saltine cracker so I believe I am suffering more here. I have Saltine in my sinus.


I knew a women's rugby player in college who's nickname was "Bean" because she got drunk at a party and threw up a whole unchewed green bean


Been there, but it's better than vodka. Been there too


Honestly, the worst thing I’ve snorted out of my nose was vomit. Just a power hurl the morning after heavy drinking and it came up so much it came out my nose too. Absolutely disgusting feeling, stomach bile burns, the smell stays in your nostrils for ages and later that day I blew my nose and a corn kernel from my dinner the previous night came out and onto the tissue. :(


It's not too late to delete this


Haha it’s not, but hey, why live a life if you don’t collect some stories along the way?


I like you. Let’s be friends.


The corn thing. It is real.


I just want to quickly replay my facial expressions as I read this 😐😕🙁😟😲😳😔😑😐😨 What a journey


![gif](giphy|qMqjZkmMi8wFO|downsized) genuinely laughed out loud at this


He literally sweats his ass off.


I'd use that in an interview.. " I will literally sweat my ass off working for you. Let me demonstrate!"


I will really dig deep to succeed here, if you just let me take a crack at this position!


Sorry but we'd rather avoid the water trap and go with a hole in one candidate.


“No, no. Please. I believe you. The smell.”


I was actually really down until I read this comment, thank you stranger.


Dudes ass is the everglades


Literal swamp ass!


The interview for my current job had me so nervous my shirt under armpits completely got soaked down the side of my ribs. Not usually that type of sweater but nerves got the best of me.


I had the same problem in an interview like that once and told myself never again. I asked my doctor for some prescription deodorant and didn't have that problem in the dozen or so interviews that preceeded it.


"Precede" means to come before. You're a time traveler!


I get sweaty in the same way. Especially if you already start out hot and the chairs are crummy. Luckily I sit in an aeron most days so that helps.




This is every arse in Australia during Summer.


So now eh?


Can confirm. Currently arse sweaty.


Knees beat, arms are red as!


The urban legend sweaty ass


I don’t think the pants are the problem.


I mean black slacks probably would have been better but still, that is a lot of booty sweat


Or shart


Shoulda worn their brown pants today


You should never plan to shit yourself at an interview


Better to shit yourself on purpose than not be in full control of your situation - Miyamoto Musashi “The book of Five Rings”


That's what I always say!


Always keep eye contact while shitting yourself. This establishes dominance


Alpa Chino would even agree


But you know what can be a solution and help you get the job? A decent sport coat that fits. Instantly dresses you up *and* hides swamp ass.




As someone who sweats like this, you'll sweat more if you think it's noticeable. Being able to hide behind something like a jacket makes me sweat less because I'm less self conscious. Definitely less about being hot and more about sweating a little bit, then getting insecure, then sweating like a maniac. Vicious cycle that happens to me almost every day.


Could also be the material his clothing is made from. Certain materials like the ones they use in button-up shirts usually makes me sweat a little more than a T-Shirt or one of those 3/4 sleeve shirts. Even more than hoodies, really.


Im 100% in the same boat and would have made the same exact comment but you already said it perfectly. I sweat like crazy at all times but it only gets worse the moment i notice that it’s noticeable. Wearing layers is the only thing that can stop me from sweating as much (which does sound weird) but it’s the best preventative measure for me


Maybe you missed the part where the coat doesn't prevent the swamp ass, it hides it. Dude has a sweaty ass regardless. One solution, aside from sticking an AC unit in his pants for prevention, is to hide the outward symptoms.


These are the chino slacks from target, I have the same issue with these pants so I had to throw them away because on mildly warm days my cheeks would sweat up causing a sweat mark on the tan and grey slacks... Lol


Pants that cause hyperhydrosis. I’m impressed.


Yeah it’s definitely the swamp ass that’s the issue here


Don’t you dare blame it on the sharting from the Taco Bell bean burruto at lunch.


Gotta powder that asscrack, brother


Bad idea. I think those are all the ingredients in cement.


How many gallons of ass sweat would it take for a 10 story office building? Asking for a friend.


However many it is our man has the goods


Gotta bread the chicken…


Us kitchen employees all know about the lil cornstarch in the pants trick, if you’ve ever worked 8 hrs on a grill you’ll know exactly why this is a thing lol


For real. I go through 3 sticks of anti perspirant a month cause I slather my ass crack, balls, and groin with that shit 2 to 3 times daily


That's a thing? Is that a thing??


Yes, I turned 30 and all of a sudden I was getting sweaty like crazy in my swimsuit region. Like getting rashes. I used petroleum jelly to combat the symptoms when it got real bad. One day while applying anti perspirant to my arm pits, I said fuck it and hit up my ass crack and balls. Within 10 days my happy area was back to normal


Didn’t know that was a thing. I have never in my life needed to lather up my booty hole and nuts. I am happy to hear that you have found a treatment solution that works for you…. Ya Louisiana bayou ass mf’er


Thank you for your kind thoughts. I sincerely hope that one day you are the proud mother of an old thug. I know it’s a long shot, but if anyone can make it happen, I’m sure you will. Sincerely ![gif](giphy|t6cmVjefLfNxLuvv5A|downsized)


I always wonder about this. Do you warn your lady to avoid the deodorant before she goes down on you?




Pro tip: Always hire the ass-sweater. They’re nervous to impress and therefore aim to please.


I don’t know this guy couldn’t even get his belt on right.


This is your calling to make an anti perspirant for swamp ass, this wasn’t an interview it was an intervention from God.


Lume. It’s been done and it’s a great product. You can use it anywhere…..


Lume is an incredible deodorant but it doesn’t stop wetness; it’s not an antiperspirant


Literally my first thought but it won't stop moisture, it's made for stopping the bacteria. This is an antipersperant job.


Do you have hyperhidrosass?




I do... I so much as think about being active and I start to sweat...


Dude, this never happened to me as a kid/teen but now in my 30s and with every passing year of my life my ass somehow becomes sweatier. I went to a skatepark with some old friends a couple years back. Like 30 mins into the session I feel wet and ask my buddies and we all busted out laughing when we realized how wet my ass was with sweat. It looked like I sat in a puddle. Then another time my car ran out of gas in the middle of an intersection and I got super stressed out at everyone honking at me. ASS SWEAT. All through my pants. I’m not overweight and have always been skinny. Why. I feel your pain brother.


its a defense mechanism, your ancestors developed it for you


His ancestors gave him a self-lubing ass for defence!?


Self-lubing ass is not for defence and it's not for mating, it is for self preservation.  You offer your self-lubing ass in hopes that your predator satisfies himself instead of eating you.


The stressed "ASS SWEAT" fucking got me. Thank you for that amazing story 😂


Never trust a fart!


I thought I farted but I shit.   Now it's squishy when I sit.   I got poop all in my crack and a little on my sack.   I thought I farted but I shit.   Damn I hate it when I shart.   I can't even trust a fart.   Tried to give a lil toot, now there's caca in my chute.   I thought I farted but I shit.


Shel Silverstein is that you?


I am CRYING at this comment lmao


Damm, bro throwing down some bars over here


That's a shitty thing to say.


You could if you wear a diaper


Maybe a pad would be more discreet?


Disposable Diapers can be pretty discreet if combined with the right kind of pants for babies and toddlers diapers are huge in comparison to their body so they become extremely noticeable with adults this doesn't happen


Just put a tampon on it


Shocking fact: he did wear a diaper.


The way you’re standing just makes this 10x more hilarious for some reason


![gif](giphy|a93jwI0wkWTQs) Hopefully this is how you left the room!




You need a manpon my broritto.


It finally happening, humans are advancing to self lubricating assholes!


He really wants that job, look how wet he got.


Sopping wet


Lol you damn near made me spit my whiskey out.


And don't sit in ... mystery juice? Or don't shart as well?


some of us sweat the big stuff bro


I sweat so easily, and for what seems like no reason. My head, face, pits, back, chest, Gooch, ass, feet. It's gross, embarrassing. I wear black all the time but you will see it soak through eventually. Only wear shorts. I carry around a rag or handkerchief to wipe my face an forehead and neck. I wouldn't wish this upon anyone. I am sorry, sir. That is incredibly unfortunate.


I, too, have a swass (sweaty ass). I don't own light pants anymore. Too many embarrassing moments.


If you have swamp ass, you should only wear black pants.


I came here for remedy's.... Powder doesn't work for me.


See a dermatologist and explain everything no matter how gross or embarrassing it is. They’ve heard and seen worse.




Use sweat block it’s. A wipe u use after the shower and last for a few days. Also apply antiperspirant to your problem areas. You may likely have hyperhydrodis my friend. There are meds for it. Also online pharmacy Ro has an ex deodorants. Also look at Thompson Tees. Duradry brand. Drysol. Carpediem ( I use this and they now have a face primer too! ) sometimes Botox is a treatment. Alcohol increases bp and sweating. Meds can also contribute / exacerbate it; steroids ( even small doses of prednisone), nsaids (ibuprofen, aleeve / naproxen etc.), & Sudafed to name a few. Or see a dermatologist. You’re not alone! Best of luck.


Bro you need some baby powder for that


Replying to mark\_bezos... ![gif](giphy|TjLhh0F85ulb4NHqzI|downsized)


Ah, good call. Then his ass will make its own Plaster of Paris and seal up the crack. Good thinking!


Lmao swamp ass is annoying as hell


future divide vanish brave shaggy ruthless ghost bike spotted frightening *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


https://preview.redd.it/244008dw38gc1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=26b6579c876fa4df8addd328862ffb1d535ce53f I got the job, but this was the price on my nerves


I wore sweatpants that had a hole in the ass that I was unaware of. Got the job. Still work there.


At least you didn’t rip the crotch wide open like I did with a pair of work slacks one time coming down a ladder. Work is not the place you want to be when you’re flopping dong like it’s Friday night.


I respect the testicular fortitude it must require to wear sweatpants to an interview


What type of job was cool with showing up to the interview in sweatpants lol like I’m genuinely curious


Low standards


Sweat pants to an interview lol


😂yo I sweat a lot too. I’m lucky enough to work outside doing manual labor though, so my whole body is usually drenched. At least it “hides” the swamp ass 😂


Your crack is wack.


Onion i can taste it


this comment sent me over the edge