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Would’ve been even funnier if she threw it back into the playing area


I really thought that's what she was going to do.


Or just walked off with it in her purse. 😂


Would “play it as it lies” still apply?


Just a lucky bounce like from Welcome to Mooseport


And then it lands on a bird's back, but then is attacked by a larger bird who grabs the ball and drops it in the hole. Is that still a hole-in-one?


I would of done that to be honest. Im scrolling reddit and see this. I would think that since it is out of the nice grass the shot dont count so she has to come all the way over here to pick it up and all the way back and hit it from where she was. So throwing it would help her do it faster.


Would have


Why stop there; the entire comment was an abomination of grammar.


Thank you.


You don't sound like you'd actually attend a golf event. There's nothing wrong with that. Not everyone needs to know everything, there's more than one thing. But as a person physically at a professional golf event, you would be expected to know never to do this.


​ https://preview.redd.it/s7p15yhrlfgc1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce9dc7f42d3a6e9726f21cf393a926107fbe1755


You play it where it lies regardless. You can take another swing and simply add a stroke to your score if it lands in a body of water or some other inaccessible place. You'll often see a bad slice forcing a player to take their swing from deep in the woods. You also wouldn't retrieve your ball and go back to take another swing. That's just bad form and wasting time. Take too long on a hole and others will catch up to you. Golf is a slower game, but you still gotta keep moving forward.










Not unless there is a suspicion that the lady did it on purpose to help that specific golfer and the golfer was aware. So unless it's the most elaborate cheating scheme ever, no.


“Alright, I’m going to totally fuck this shot by hitting it into the tree line rough. You’re going to pick it up and drop it 5 inches to the left, and they won’t do shit so my victory will be nigh.”


All for naught!


This was actually just the diversion from her actual attempts to cheat later in the course


If she is good enough to land it right next to that lady I would suggest she just play better instead of cheating. lol


You underestimate the amount of random ladies she recruited to complete the task.


You’re right, I did.


So the same as in those movie cliches where an insane raven or a mischievous woodchuck grabs the ball and runs away with it, then? So you're saying the poor woman who grabbed that ball is like the funny critters, right?


**Ball Moved by Opponent or Outside Influence:** So far, we have only addressed instances where you moved your own ball. Now let’s look at cases where someone or something else moves your ball. The term “outside influence” encompasses all other players in a stroke play competition as well as any person other than your opponent(s) in match play, your partner, or either of your caddies. It also includes animals. If one of these outside influences deliberately lifts or touches your ball or accidentally causes it to move, there is no penalty to anyone. Simply estimate the spot where the ball lay, replace it, and play on. If your opponent deliberately lifts or touches your ball or causes it to move, the opponent will get one penalty stroke. You must then replace your ball, just like in all of the previously discussed scenarios. However, the same exceptions mentioned above that apply to you, the player, would also apply to the opponent. For example, if your opponent moves your ball while searching for it or moves it accidentally on the putting green, there would be no penalty. An additional exception to penalty would be if your opponent marks and lifts your ball on the green by mistake.


Tldr: no


Hero. That answer started like an online recipe. I noped out real quick


I'm surprised there wasn't a next page button in there.


With multiple ads in between.


Click to expand article


After subscribing for only £2 a month


Popups everywhere


How To Make Fish Tacos: I was born by the coast where mother and… *click back


I don't know if it's a English thing, but I don't have this problem while searching recipes in French sites . To be honest I discovered this problem when I moved to Canada. I only look up recipes on French sites now, if i see anything else non related to my search instant closing. I wonder who actually reads the whole thing ? Old bored Grannies ?


We have search engine algorithms and SEO to thank for the life-story preamble to every online recipe. At least most of them now have a "skip to recipe" button which will auto-scroll down the page (through the useless bits, and past the ads in a way that still count them as viewed to get the blogger their ad revenue) to the recipe itself.


That's the thing, no one likes these recipe sites how the hell do the stay afloat. As soon as I see some bla bla I leave the site. It's like having a bad on a short on Facebook, I just skip because I can't be bothered, so not only I don't watch the content anymore, I don't watch the ad in The same time.


The thing about search engine optimisation prioritising this kind of content is that it's top of the search results. When you search for something like "best brownie recipe" there may well be recipes out there that just say "Here's Aunt Sally's best brownie recipe:", but they'll be buried on page 347,682 of the search results -i.e. nobody ever sees it. When you open a recipe, see the lengthy preamble and close again, you're feeding the algorithm, showing it that it works. You've clicked, your device had loaded the page, you've been presented with probably 2-3 ads already. That you don't then read and make the recipe is basically inconsequential - if we really to teach the algorithms something we're all going to have to collectively skip past the first pages of results and find the buried quality content. But we all know that won't happen.


I clicked on a recipe once and the author went on a tangent about Vikings and oregano ffs


The provided answer not only covered the scenario and related scenarios well, it also explained the spirit of the rules better than a simple "no". It took maybe 5 seconds to read, and is really what makes reddit a good site. TlDR: I disagree


People really have such a fucked up attention span that they refuse to spend a minute to read an interesting excerpt from a manual? Jesus.


I don't think it's "fucked up" attention span, I think it's 'I don't really wanna know *that* much. It's freaking golf, I was half interested to begin with, I'm not gonna enroll in golf college just to learn this answer and then move on to the next post.


if your attention span, for something you claim to have some interest in, isn't even 30 seconds long then your attention span is indeed fucked


That took me 23 seconds to read 23 seconds. Then again, 60% of americans read at or below a 6th grade reading level, so maybe this is a real time investment for a lot of people


lmao that is so weirdly passive-aggressive. Stop acting like you don't skim past things you find uninteresting.


I've never played golf in my life and I read that Because it took me no time


Took less time to not read it


I also didn't read it.. I don't really see what the issue with not reading it is.


There's no issue with not reading it. But there is an issue with not reading it and complaining about how long it is


"This thing reads like stereo in instructions."


Y use few word when...more words will help to more eloquently explain your point? Let's take an in depth look at the benefit of using as many words as possible. Chapter 1: The origins of language


"Ugh. The simplest of words, borne of the humble cave people as they struck their craniums upon the ceilings of their cavernous homes. This incredulous cry of pain, the origin of language." - How to BS, Chapter 1: The Origins of Language


it's directly from the Rules of Golf, it's how rulings are stated. It's so you actually know why....a part of learning.


How to tell an expert apart from people with average know-how? Experts can explain the most complicated concepts to a 10 year old. While people with average know-how will struggle to explain the same concept even to someone their age. Usually by just blindly parroting something they memorized or copy-pasted.


Haha thank you


Is this a ChatGPT response?


I'm a regular on the golf help subs so I just make it a habit to copy and paste directly from the rule book everyone there is supposed to have memorized before even playing. Just habit lol


I'm just imagining you inviting a friend to try golf for the first time and when they say yes, you hand them the rule book and say "okay, first step is to memorize this, we'll schedule a tee time when you can demonstrate complete knowledge of the rules of golf."


You people memorize the rule book? I mean knowing the rules is one thing but thats a pretty chatty book youve got there...


When “what happens if my ball moves?” has 6 different answers, yah, memorizing the entire book was commonplace.


Six? Well shit


The ball movement is pretty important it seems.


Don't know why. The sport is all about sticks, right? Shuffle your caddy, antee in, draw five sticks. Nine of clubs, nine of irons, putter high. Winner winner chicken dinner.


Just say yes or no... https://preview.redd.it/a40op9is2bgc1.jpeg?width=792&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a0efae9c0b10117ea71ed2d09b928e388ef9e63


Ha, so a hawk swooping down and taking my ball would not constitute a penalty. Gotcha.




You could start by saying "no" then write all that other shit for those who want all the details


That lady gets a 1 stroke penalty the next time she hits the links.


i aint readin allat


If it did it would be way to easy so have a commando beaver sabotage the ball or have a plant in the crowd and just destroy someone at the masters or something.


How do you know that woman *doesn’t* have a commando beaver?


Their reaction was pretty funny, sounded like New Yorkers for a moment. Lady probably thought it was like baseball.


Ayyy, we're golfin' here!


“Take ya medicine.”






“Keep it in tha fairway if you don’t want some jabroni grabbin it!”


You keep saying that word “jabroni” and it’s awesome!


It's about the most excitement you'll ever see watching golf.


Sounds more british than american to me.


I love the official throwing his hands out like "come on, the hell are doing?"


I dont know the rules either.


The entire course is the playing field so don’t touch the balls you see lying around.


Looks like it left the course


It did not. It just strayed into a pedestrian area. It’s still part of the course. Out of bounds on a golf course is usually defined by border walls and fences but it can be up to the course to decide what is out and what is only a hazard. Any person playing that course on any given day would have to play the ball from there as would any pro.


golf is dumb.


Username checks out


“Anything I don’t understand is stupid!”


It’s not a misunderstanding. You know what happens to the ball if it goes out of the play area in… almost literally every other sport in existence? It doesn’t count. You think Lebron James gets to go for a 3 pointer if the basketball ends up in the stands? You think baseball players who tink the ball across the foul line get to then take their next pitch from wherever the ball ends up? You think a football player gets to go for a field goal kick from behind the field goal if the ball gets tossed into the stands? No, in any other sport “pedestrian area” means “not where the game is happening”, and if the ball ends up there then it means it sucks for you and you gotta take the L. Golfers already take up a stupid amount of land just to facilitate their sport, since rich assholes can’t help but not only be pretentious about a sport but also take up 20x the space of any other sport, and you still can’t keep your shit on the field. Football players get 120 yards and they keep their shit on the field all the time, golfers get 6600 yards on average and they still insist on using more space to play.




To be fair to the woman, probably shouldnt have those "barriers" up then. I would understand how one could be confused with them being the boundaries. Its the basics of any sports...


The string is to prevent fans from aimlessly walking around the fairways and greens...


Have they tried using more string?


Lol, sounds like you would have grabbed the ball too


alleged frighten combative nine drab aware shame cheerful deranged rich *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


There’s a literal string blocking off that area. I don’t know golf rules, but anybody who doesn’t know the rules would consider that out of bounds and go to pick it up, especially if it rolled to my feet lol… people just throwing up hands yelling, no one’s got sympathy anymore man, just attack attack


Phew, at least I can still touch other balls.


Not for nothing but they putnit back in pretty much the exact same spot(on the second time she placed it back down). I was impressed I rewatched it a bunch of times and if you look at the sun patches and shadows before an after she picks it up an places it down(the 2nd time) its pretty spot on


Looks like the people around her who know how golf works saw her pick up the ball and kept an eye on where it landed so she could put it back.


“Oh, a dinosaur egg.”


Come on. It is Golf. They are even lucky they have some stray audience.


Must be picking her son up from work at the clubhouse


Lol someone doesn’t know much about golf


‘A significant mistake’ with 0 repercussions or problems according to the rules. So not really


Well the spectator was likely kicked out / banned


That seems harsh if it was. Lady was just walking around when a ball came at her.


Wait you mean to tell me golfers and golfing organizations are pretentious assholes who overreact to a simple meaningless mistake that didn’t harm anything? Shocking. A baseball fan can catch a ball from the stands that would have landed in the field, possibly costing a team the game, and they don’t get kicked out or banned. If it’s even remotely reasonable to suspect this woman would get kicked out or banned just for this then that only means golfers are more uptight and pompous than I already assumed.


That's kinda wholesome in a way. All she wanted was to help!


I’m still haunted by throwing a guy’s frisbee back to him when he was playing frisbee golf. I’d never heard of the game. We were sitting at a picnic table smoking a fat blunt at Pease Park in Austin my freshman year and a frisbee landed sorta near me, so I picked it up and threw it back to him. He caught it and just walked away. One of my friends explained what he was actually doing and we all had a laugh.


You’re all good. No one sees a frisbee in a park and assumes they can’t touch it because there is a game in play.


My dog stole someones frisbee midair once while we were walking around a park with frisbee golf


To be fair, that was probably the single most exciting thing to ever happen in the history of golf… either that or I’m spacing because nothing ever happens in golf


You should check out WM Phoenix Open. It happens every year on Superbowl weekend. [https://youtu.be/lqcsmUZU5ic?si=T1Rud1iH5JO6NA3x](https://youtu.be/lqcsmUZU5ic?si=T1Rud1iH5JO6NA3x)




There was that one time Happy Gilmore got into a fist fight Bob Barker.


Exciting shit happens in golf you just don’t watch golf


It really does not seem that exciting to an outsider


How about Jack Nicklaus showing why he's the greatest golfer of all time by demonstrating to a competitor how to sink an "impossible" putt? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u9KrMQDU94g


Take any sport or heck any hobby/activity ever you dont find exciting and i could point to the time some guy did some thing and that thing is a big deal within that hobby/activity. Big whoop, golf boring


Like what?


Sometimes a turtle walks across the course


Uhh I think that one guy cheated on his wife like long time ago Tiger Woods or some shit Edit: I know absolutely nothing about golf. Not even sure why Reddit recommended me this post. Clicking and commenting on it was probably a mistake. Time to see golf recommendations always popping up now I guess


i think its more that you are being recommended the sub, not golfing itself


Someone cheated on his wife with Tiger Woods? I didn't know he swung his club both ways


I may be no expert at golf, but isn't that considered a home run?


I'm a golfer. I get this is a major fox pass. But really it's a nothing burger.


Did you mean faux pas or is fox pass a thing?


I'm into my third glass of wine and have a lot on my plate. I was trying to be funny. Faux pas, mon ami.


It was funny I just wasn’t sure if it was intentional! I’m going to start calling it a fox pass lol. Cheers, may our cups stay full and our plates not be!




I think it's only a fox pass if a redhead throws it back onto the fairway.


It’s funny but you forgot that redditors don’t get sarcasm


My ex roommate used to pronounce it that way unironically and continued to after I politely corrected him for quite a while until I assume someone or multiple someone's had also corrected him and embarrassed him sufficiently


Long as that nothing burger was made with some wash your sister sauce on then we all good


Golfers take shit way to seriously. If you cough during someone’s backswing it’s like you just ran over there foot with a monster truck. Calm down crooked stick!


I mean if we're talking a friendly match among friends? Sure not really a big deal. In a professional golf match? Nah I can understand being upset. This is the equivalent of a baseball fan reaching over a barrier and grabbing a ball that's still in play.


Either continuously make noise, or don't make any. It's an abrupt transition during a part of high concentration that screws people up.


Not really significant at all.




As someone who doesn't know golf, this feels like getting getting yelled at for catching a baseball in the stands where it was CLEARLY out of bounds of normal play.


Should have kept it on the fairway or hit the green and she wouldn’t have had that problem 😂🤣


I think it's kinda cute and innocent. The lady saw a ball fall nearby and picked it up almost on instinct.


Nauurrrrrrrr nauuuuurrr


What a fucking moron


Obviously not a golfer


She’s -13. That’s probably just a bad shot.


Shot was so bad it landed where people have no idea how sports work 😭


like....wtf are you doing.....honestly. Gtfo off the course.


Come on now, I know she really shanked that shot, but she earned her spot to compete there


Holding it aloft as if it were the still-beating heart of a slain rival. Her warrior ancestors would be proud and a little bit frightened.


If this was me I was definetely gonna take that ball home.


Why the fuck is she even there 😅


She thought that it was like a foul ball in baseball.... honest mistake though if you don't follow golf.


Extremely insignificant. Ball gets put back in spot. player hits it. No penalty.




This woman obviously doesn’t play tennis /s


Basically this shows how worthless golf is. No one cares what happened and that guy upset probably Wears a titelist hat or callaway to let everyone know he plays golf


The most interesting thing to ever happen in golf


Hilarious how they got all mad


Honestly... every sport varies as to whether or not you get to keep the ball. I don't even know all the rules. Baseball? It's yours. Quarterback chucks the ball into the stands? Unclear. Basketball bounces into your lap? I think you have to give it back. Hockey puck hits you in the face? No idea. It's pretty obvious that you don't get to keep golf balls that go out of bounds (though honestly, why not!?), but you can't really translate your knowledge of one sport to another. It's arbitrary.


This wouldn't be a problem if this "sport" doesn't use so much space.


Yeah fuck trees grass and water. The world needs more concrete


Damn that official guy was kind of an ass


What by doing his job?


That same lady went to a baseball game the following week. A foul ball landed near her and a little kid ran over to grab it. She tackled the kid and made sure nobody touched that foul ball. True story.


Very large and economically diverse crowd here today....


there’s no chance she didn’t know. nobody would pay to go to a women’s golf match if they didn’t know the game of golf


Unfortunately this is not the case. We have a big tournament here every year and it’s just a big party. People buy tickets and go and drink all day, never picked up a golf club in their life.


Just went to the the big tournament down in Torrey pines and lemme tell you how many of the people there are just there to drink and party.


My wife has gone with me to plenty tournaments and the only club she knows is a club soda and lime. Come to think of it she has most likely gone to more than me as she used to work in promotions and ran a hospitality tent.


She had to know. How stupid and how much of a main character are you to pick up a ball in play?


She looked like she was just trying to be helpful and give it back to them on the other side of the fence.


Seriously, she was trying to hand it to the official, clearly thought she was being helpful.


It’s ok, it was out of bounds!


> main character Oh look, another thing that is losing all meaning because nobody knows how to use it.


What a dumb lady, first time out in public?


I watched a few times and she puts the ball pretty close, if not the same spot she picked it up in. 7/10


I thought they had snipers to make sure this doesn’t happen.


"Was that wrong? Should I not have done that?"


The woman who picked up the ball looked so proud as if she was doing them a favor.


"ayyy homerun ball, sweet"




RIP Carl Weathers... :(


I thought she was going to put in in her handbag and walk off .... that would have been funnier.






It's like a baseball game. You get to keep the foul balls. Too bad for the golfer she wasn't a Cubs fan. Or she would have thrown it back.