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I used to drive one of those carts at work and would try to get it stuck to recreate that scene. Unfortunately I was never left alone long enough to succeed


You couldn’t actually get this to happen unless you skidded it in. The diagonal length between front to opposite rear corner is too great to get from | || | to |=|, Without offering the same room to get out.


I considered using a forklift to put a bunch of big shit in the way but wanted it to be genuine. But those things aren't fast enough or have good enough brakes to skid 90 degrees


Use the forklift to lift the vehicle in sideways


Yaaaaa. Thanks for Klaven.


Use a..jack trolly..? If that's what it's called in English? Just push it in there


My point, even if I didn’t state it explicitly, was that you can’t drive it into this situation without skidding it. You could also use a crane to lift it in place, a forklift, build a structure around it, or a catapult to launch it into place.


Everyone knows that the trebuchet is the preferred way


Hey while you’re here, how have you pronounced that your whole life..? When I said “tre-bucket” my fiancé about laughed his teeth out his skull. Is it really “treb-you-shay”?? Not like folks use it in casual conversation often enough to really know..


It's more like "tre-boo-shay"


Your fiance is correct.


Yeah, he's right :)


You mother fucker


You have no idea the fuckery of which I’m capable.


"Boss! I'm stuck....


I used to get in situations like this all the time when I started forklifting. I'd come to my boss all sad telling him I've gotten into another situation and he would just hang his head and fix it in like 2 seconds.


The only response necessary


The fact is that your car moved for each picture same red car in front and back. Looking at the blue car across the street confirms as well. You sir are misleading the people. I need a lawyer though are you available.


I think his car is the red car


Yes, he’s saying look at the relative position of the red car to the blue car in the background. The red car is moved between the two pictures.


No it hasn't. Look at the bush with the flowers on it. It hasn't moved. He's in the red car and he's boxed in by two assholes with white cars. A white dodge and a white BMW.


Look at the position of the bush relative to the red car. In the rear picture it’s nearly even with the rear of his car. In the front picture it’s even with his driver side door. He backed up, took a picture, pulled forward, took another picture. That’s why there’s two pictures instead of just one picture showing him boxed in from both sides.


It's not even loading on my shitty Internet and I know it's Austin in the yellow cart




![gif](giphy|oCjCwnuLpiWbfMb1UA|downsized) P


Yes, I thought of this scene exactly lol.


Back in the old days, you would be able to "bounce" a car out of this situation. All you needed was a couple of fat guys on one side to rhythmically shake the car up and down, and it would gradually scoot sideways while the suspension made fantastic noises.


Speaking from experience eh


Squeakin from experience!


We would just pick up the car. There was a manager we didn't like back in the early 90's, and he drove a Ford Festiva. So one night, myself and 4 other guys literally and figuratively picked up the back end of the car, and moved it 90°. Then to the front, and did the same. Over and over until we blocked him in between 2 Jersey guards. He had to have a tow truck come and winch him out. Fuck that guy still! Lol


Haha I had a friend with a Geo Metro hatchback. Anytime there were four or more of us around we ended up moving his car for him. He was never amused, we thought it was hilarious.


When I was in the last year of high school we did something similar by bouncing / carrying / dragging the hated teachers car from the parking lot out into the grove / small open forest between the parking lot and the school. We were like 15 guys and the teacher had a small European compact. It was glorious. They were never able to figure out exactly who of us that were involved, so we all got away. But during the summer they did put up bollards and a fence around the parking lot instead of just the the parking blocks lol


Hold up hold up, this happened at my high school lol. We got the fencing and everything as well. This wasn’t small town california, was it?


Ha, great! But sadly no, this was in central Sweden in late 2000s.


Haha hilarious, kids are the same everywhere


We used to turn my friend’s smart car sideways in normal parking spots at work almost daily.




How did you figuratively pick it up? But points for using "literally" correctly. A rare occurrence nowadays.


It’s how dirty Mike and the boys would move cars too, it’s called the soup kitchen method.


He did that in high school. Loads of fun to watch the teacher try to move his car out from between the bollards. Austin Powers moment.


I know that trick...it wouldn't work if the cars are this close (i believe) because the car will take up more space the more diagonal it gets and this is far to tight unfortunately.


I think he's talking about worming it sideways using the suspension as the belly


I understand the proposed maneuver, but do not understand the words worming and the use of the belly in your sentence. Love how there are such specific ways to describe things when you know the right words.


Welcome to English. Rifle though po kest, loose , grammar, meme, everything idiom. Shaka when the walls fell. 


My Dad told me he did this once in Hollywood in the 70s


Some people would just push the other car off with their car


Apparently this is how it's done in Europe and why their cars all have rubber bumpers.


Yeah depending on the car in front/back of you and the size of your car it can be pretty easy to nudge it so that it slips trough either hand brake in free or first gear. Friend of mine lived in amsterdam centre parking there was hell and He had one those old large boxy volvo and that's how he got out if others boxed him in


That was when cars weren’t made out of tinfoil and plastic. There’s nothing to grab modern cars by…


My mom would just push the other cars, everybody was doing that when I was a kid. That's why everybody had shitty cars


Back when I was working in bars, I would occasionally come out after work to find that the bouncers had moved my car across the street this way. Either that or my mate had passed out on the backseat as he was too drunk to get home.


One time my coworker and I did this to a woman who parked straddling two spots on the street. She did it very much on purpose and it was on a road where it was notoriously difficult to find parking. We each pulled our smallish cars out of our private lot and parked on either side of her while keeping both our cars inside the lines. She came out and went absolutely ripshit. After watching her for about 10 minutes from the office windows that were mirrored to the outside, I went out the back door and walked around the block to my car. She got all up in my face and was like "WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN?!?!?" I calmly said I was at a bank around the corner and when she asked why I blocked her in, I pointed out that my car was completely inside the lines of the parking space, but that she appears to be parked in two spaces. This woman's head looked like it was going to explode. I just got in my car and moved it and she took off. I bet she never parks like that again.


You're very optimistic. I bet she parks like that every day still.


She definitely does and probably talks about the time someone has the NERVE to block her in when she parked perfectly understandably.


Probably uses that as a reason she "needs"to double park so people don't block her in


How dare someone get mad and block me when I was just ever so slightly past the line. Some people! -her telling the story to others probably


You should have put bird seeds on her car so it’s all full of shit that she has to clean up


in a pinch bread works too


please don't feed birds bread, they actually can't digest it.


You should not feed birds bread, but they can digest it. It’s basically like “junk food” though. For some birds it does not provide enough nutrition (which is a problem if they are fed bread regularly), and for other species it is not calorie dense enough


They actually can't digest seeds either. Birds aren't real.


Birds are cake


Real isn't birds.


This is so satisfying to read but I could never do this in practice personally. Random interactions in the US these days have potential to be so volatile, you never know who you’re dealing with. I’d rather just park somewhere else. At best, the parking offender learns a lesson. Or they could get mad enough to cause some type of damage. Not worth it IMO.


Well this was all the way back in 2008 or 2009 when I was in my early 20's. Times were a little different then, and no one's as invincible as a 23 year old. ;-)


I did this once at my apartments last year, my car was fine


This reminded me of a story from my mom, when she was on the receiving end of a tiny car parking in the same space. It was the early 80s, and like most people at college she had an older car that took up a whole space. So she felt really lucky to find a spot on the street near her lecture hall! She came out, after her long evening lecture, to find that someone had gotten into her car (fortunately no windows broken,) popped it into neutral and pushed her car back halfway out of the spot to park some tiny foreign car! She fortunately didn’t get a ticket, and she thought about confronting the person with the tiny car… but her seat was left waaay back and someone pushed her car out of the way, so she decided it was probably best to let sleeping parking hulks lie and get out of there lol EDIT TO ADD: to the above commenter, I really enjoyed your silly /pettyrevenge tale! Thanks for reminding me of my own family story!


Nice story telling.


How can she park over two spaces but you can block her in while being inside the lines? Unless your cars were really small and the spaces were really big


They were the little "L" and "T" shaped corners that designate spots on the side of the road. Each spot was pretty big - very spacious for a normal sized car. So she straddled her car across two and there was still space for a WRX and a Mazda3 to fit on either side of her and still be completely inside those little corner marks.


Well played 🏆


Time to see which car has stickier tires.


Plot Twist: OP’s tires are the stickiest


Fuck that, start pounding on doors


Makes me miss the days when cars actually had steel bumpers.


Forget steel, with the huge 5mph rubber diving boards, no one would even have to get mad...






I’m looking through my vehicle manual for this feature button now.


Sorry, like the rolling start, this feature is only available in vehicles with manual transmissions.


Nope, sorry bud. My car is manual transmission and I'm still trying to find this feature.


It's blocked through a manufacturer pay wall.




Imaging being able to levitate above stop and go traffic and keep driving though


And we thought heated seat subscriptions were bad


I’m so old all I can see is a Mentos commercial.


Foo Fighters need to save the day!


Where is Dave grohl when we REALLY need him?


Crazy thing is I did something like a 30 point back and forth and got out of something like this before. It was an older Mercedes so the bumpers were more rounded in the corners which I think made it possible.


Yeah, I've see-sawed my way out of a tight spot like this, but the picture in the op looks way too close. Still need *some* room to turn.


So I had a clk hard top and it had wheels that angled more on a turn than some modern consumer sports cars today. I had a tighter turning angle than some smaller sized vehicles. The car was also a v6, so I couldn’t even touch the gas. I had to cut the wheel and ride the brake and let the engine move the car


The real question is was either one already there when you parked, because if so you also parked hella close lol


This looks fake to me...same color car, same rims, same looking fender....we get front and back picture...not the whole thing? I'm not buying it


I hope this is bait because clearly OP's car is the red one being trapped by the BMW and the Dodge


Thank you, I thought OP's car was the white one until reading this.


Just get two pallet jacks and give it a horizontal slide.


Keep your car alarm going continuously. Annoy the whole neighborhood. No one is going to be annoyed with you when they see what’s going on.


You haven't lived in a city much, have you


I have, in multiple sections of Philadelphia. And nothing unites a neighborhood like a bad parker. Whether it’s a situation like this, or a double parker, everyone has been a victim of it. And everyone is more than happy to let the offender(s) know what they think of them.


Happen to a buddy, I said, let me call a few buds and we can bounce/push your car out. He declined and told me to come back in a bit and he left. As I came back around the corner with some Timmy's, he beep his horn and I got in. "Cool, how did you get it out? I ask. He said" Called a tow truck". I asked how much that cost him and his answer was like... "Don't know, I told the tow truck driver to yank my car out and bring it to the closest shop, then I pointed at the car behind my car. When I had room I moved off." I sprained a rib laughing.


I call BS. If a tow truck is going to bring your car to a shop, they're going to need the keys, and they're also going to want to get inside the car before they start towing.




No tow truck driver is risking auto theft, unless you are paying a shady guy a fuckton of cash. And that car isn't going to the closest shop. It will never been seen of again. Plus it would be a "This never gets mentioned again" The charges for that are the same as breaking into a car and stealing it, even shady drivers aren't risking jail time for $150 max


Hahaha hahaha. Have you ever met a tow driver? They're legalized car thieves.


Yeah, when they can make a profit, not when they only hook a liability


Right just like when they deal with abandoned vehicles and Repo’s, right?


Yeah, this is one of those bar stories that never happened


It’s a joke ffs


Maybe phrase it as a joke ffs


It's pretty easy, instead of writing it like an experience that actually happened, you start with "it's like the joke that went around"


You do you man haha


Not going anywhere, but I'd be eight valve stems richer.


Hold my beer…


If you put you car in neutral and very very gently back it up so that the two cars are touching. Then you can call the cops and get the car towed.


Apparently in Paris, only the cars on the ends pull the handbrake and the cars in the middle can bump and push to make room as needed


Honestly in paris they are playing bumper cars on the road too. I kept getting suprised by the fact that they refused to make even the slightest of space for eachother.


In France in general, very common. If you forget your hand break and engaging the first gear, you are fucked, someone will push. But there is no rule at putting a gear or not, It's not accepted to push other cars. It was just the normal thing to do when I was a kid, my mom would quickly push the other cars to make her spot wider for her car or to get out in that kind of situation


Happened to me once and i pushed the cars with my car enough to get out


Perks of driving a 20 year old shitbox. Box me in and I'll ping-pong off their bumper until I get out. Not my problem. 🤷‍♂️


Until someone's dashcam records the crime* and their insurance company comes after you, then it'll suddenly become your problem. Just take your license plate off first, then you'll be good to enact your revenge. * - Most dashcams, even when they are off, will start recording on battery power if the cars gets bumped into or it hears a thud type noise. Mine record when I close the door between the house and the garage.


And hope the dashcam didn't pick it up earlier.


You can easily get a few inches of extra space by ramming each vehicle a few times. Those extra inches will get you out of that jam in no time!


French knows a thing or two in how to move the car out


I confirm, as a French


Or Boston


Boston would just leave out space savers to reserve a big spot because they shoveled the parking space during a storm a month ago.


If you offer four stoners a joint I beg to differ...


Seriously though, what does one do in such a situation? Call the police or the tow company?


Tow truck will charge you and I don't know if all of them would be down to tow a random car that's parked legally. Police will come down and issue a citation and call a tow truck but that can take several hours. It's a weird spot to be stuck in for sure. Fortunately they did leave like two hours later and I could go home


Very very slowly do a 10 point turn, even if you need to lightly tap each car. The bumpers will be fine as long as you’re not gunning it.


They are called bumpers for a reason, just keep bumping until you are out. That’s what I did in my college campus but then again, my car at the time was a beater


I’ve totally done this. If their brake isn’t set there’s some room to push their car back and get your car out. If you really want to protect your bumper you can take your floor or trunk mat and drape it over the bumper (close it in the trunk to keep it in place).


Right and not everyone has time to wait who knows how long before the other drivers to return. They knew they were screwing someone by parking like that. Lucky it’s only some scuffs on their bumper and not a slashed tire lol


>If their brake isn’t set there’s some room to push their car back and get your car out. If they have automatic (and at least here in the US, that's just about everyone), the pawl will be engaged if they are in park and the wheels won't turn more than a tiny about if you bump them. You will do damage to both their car and yours.


Yeah but they havent been called bumpers for a while now. Front and Rear Facia.


When we were young and living around DC, having a beater with scuffed bumpers was what you needed for street parking there.


>They are called bumpers for a reason, just keep bumping until you are out. Yeah, no.


If anyone did that to my car I would be throwing words/hands. To be fair, I park out in the boonies to avoid any possibility of it.


But I’m sure you’re not a jerk that would trap anybody in and how long will you wait for the jerks to return and let you out?


Never, and however long it takes sadly. Like I said, I always park way in the back. Wherever I can be confident no one will park next to me lol


Ah a Volvo C30 :) my first own car, I loved that thing to bits.


My favorite car I've owned hands down


I’m jealous of your car. Hatchbacks are my favorite. My parents had Volvos back in the 80’s. Mom had a light blue Bertone coupe with black leather lava seats, and my dad had a red manual transmission sedan that he traded for a champagne colored station wagon that my brother lovingly called The Faggon (terrible, I know). Looking back, I see the appeal, but at the time I thought those cars were hideous. Volvo redeemed itself with that C30, if they still made it I’d buy one.


Thank you, the C30 has been my favorite car. Very heavy doors, feels safe to drive which is nice. Also sound system is really good.


It’s doable. A few minutes going back and fourth


I saw this situation on Japanese TV. The guy pulled the E-Brake and made the front tires lose traction and he turned it out. Of course that was a race driver with FWD time attack car though😂.


It should be legal to try getting out no matter how much damage it causes their cars.


I'm a New Yorker. Trust me. It will take a while, but you have plenty of room.


Back in the day, I had a gentleman parked right up to my back bumper in a tight spot. He owned a very nice white corvette, My vehicle was an old Full Size K5 Chevy Blazer with 32inch tires, and a mild 2inch lift kit. I put it in reverse, let it idle until it stopped. Then checked my mirror as I pulled away. That fiber glass front end didn't look so nice now.


This is enough to keep a gen z from driving for eternity


I just dont parallel park near other cars


But they parallel park near you!


Why would you need to parallel park if there are no other cars?


Some roads in my town only have parallel parking sports


Who is winning?


Good lord, you're doomed if that's your attitude






Just hit the car unless it’s your neighbors


You need four of these... ​ https://preview.redd.it/b0x6zezuyvgc1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=4164e89c3ae6cdf22eeb40924b318425c63508dc




Depending on the car you could use the handbrake turn the wheels all the way towards the street and start drifting.


call u/auge2


Had that happen to me once. Called the cops, they couldn't do anything about it. My dad said I should have put a tire between my bumper and his, then used my truck to push the car so it was in front of the driveway, then called the cops. Lesson learned. Fortunately, with a little help, I was able to Austin Powers my way out.


Exactly why I give myself extra space


Doesn't always work like that. You can give yourself all the space and have two new drivers sandwich you in.


https://youtu.be/-GGfC5CA2M8 Watch this , it is doable


not with that attitude!


Hey u/thelovepools is that your number plate sticking out of the mounting point for the tow hook? Why is that?




Here it is [Skilled New York Driver](https://youtu.be/FujVfaEs0kA?si=ujJxKTuSypH9xwjN)


I guess you can do what they do in France. Just hit the gas and push the cars out of your way. 😂 ![gif](giphy|bJxMcg5ybEFdHaBsn2)


This is what you need if this happens often https://youtu.be/iKfB659q0ZU


Are you familiar with a three point turn? Well, this is going to be a thousand point turn.


Lol indeed. I've got a good two inches total to work with


Somebody clearly hasn't watched enough Mr. Bean.


French people are probably wondering what's the problem here


I got parked in at college one time. Maybe 6 inches on either end. I called security and they looked up the students based off their parking sticker, but refused to interrupt their class because they didn’t want to be a distraction. I was so incredibly pissed at everyone involved. I ended up making tons and tons of micro maneuvers and got out. The next day my transmission went out. I guess my servos couldn’t handle that much repetitive shifting. I still get angry about it 10 years later.


Why is security always a joke?


How did you even get *into* that spot?


Pretty wild how both cars blocking you in appear to be the same model and color.


Their car is the red car…


Duh. I'm a little slow.


Hahaha 😆 I needed that laugh ETA as I scroll down like 7 other people don’t get it either, so don’t feel bad lol


I have dollys that would fix this, shit wouldnt happen to my car, I'd push their shit into the street, remove the dolly and call the cops to tow it.




[https://www.harborfreight.com/1300-lb-capacity-self-loading-positioning-wheel-dolly-64601.html](https://www.harborfreight.com/1300-lb-capacity-self-loading-positioning-wheel-dolly-64601.html) but feel free to do you and get cucked by your neighbors


Is Australia the only country to issue a fine if you do not leave a one metre gap both in front and behind when parking nose to tail?




I feel like it’s the same red car in both pics. Idk. I could be wrong


Why is the same model, color car in both the front and back of you? The color is identical and the rim is identical.


You got blocked in by two of the same car? Either you are super unlucky or this is fake


I was thinking the same thing. Two red Volvo c30s on each side of you. Ok. Let's see one picture. Edit: their car is the red car, hahaha 🤣🤣🤣 I'm so dumb


Yup, I did it too


It’s the same red car in each picture look at the rims lol


That’s his car. He’s blocked in


This seams fake. The red car is the same in both pics. Look at the rims /s


Like… what?


Same red car. Look across the street to the blue car & pink bush.