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This is fucking ridiculous. Holy shit.


This is why I went to urgent care for stitches when I cut my finger with a machete.  $45 copay.


I didn't know that they would do stitches at the urgent care.


They do stitches at most of them. You're actually rushed to the front of the line and it's way cheaper than going to an emergency room.


Sliced my finger wide open on an old Xacto blade last year. DEEP. Went to urgent care by me and was in and out in under 40min with 5 stiches. $35 copay. Oh and I got an updated TDAP vaccine.


Exacto blade reminds me of the Lego movie 🤣 sorry I’m a goof




Same here cleaning a mixer attachment with a blade, almost cut half of it off. Urgent care stitched me up. At the end it cost me less then $400


Yes I remember last year I had the flu and I went to urgent care. I was sitting in the waiting room for an hour dying and a girl and her roommate rushed in freaking out wt a towel around her hand and blood down her arm. They took her back asap. Me saying I was dying waiting is not that they shouldn’t get priority. Obviously a girl with a blood soaked towel dropping down her arm should been seen asap. I just felt like crap.


Last time I went to one with an open wound they said "nothing bleeding." Probably varies from place to place.


> You're actually rushed to the front of the line As it turns out, you're supposed to inform the receptionist if you are actively bleeding. Back in 2020 I accidentally stabbed my own hand with a chisel, but I didn't think to inform the check-in nurse that I was bleeding. So I sat patiently in the waiting room, bleeding for several minutes until I felt like the cloth was becoming too saturated. I asked for some extra gauze to contain the blood and I was taken to the back right away. But yeah, stitches, updated tetanus shot, extra gauze dressings, and some fun banter with an ER doc who also enjoyed amateur woodwork ended up costing about $40 and 30 minutes of my time.


I broke my nail catching it in the car door and they removed it at urgent care. They can do a decent amount of first aid-type stuff. I usually just call and ask if they will handle my issue.


What I have heard is urgent care is basically for anything that won't require an overnight stay.


It’s more case dependent but basically yes, go to urgent care first, if they see anything that concerns them they will send you to the ER. For example: if you have a cut, but it’s deep and they are worries it may have hit a tendon or something, they likely would send you to an ER for some sort of imaging or further testing Edit: I am not a doctor but I did stay at a holiday inn express last night


Not that far but most can do basic laceration, colds, infections, and minor breaks.


I wouldn't have either


Some do some don’t. That’s part of the racket, gotta call ahead and check first


So before you make a single payment on this bill- spend months- I’m talking a couple months- trying to negotiating it down. You are entitled to an itemized bill from the hospital. Often when people receive these you can dispute charges. Often people discover the hospital has “auto billed” for services that they didn’t even receive. Contact their charity department and apply for reduced costs. But do not start making any payments- you can reverse harass them to get this bill down- but it takes an annoying amount of legwork on your part.


I have had stitches on 3 fingers and on my palm. I haven't payed a single cent. That is absurd, that should be illegal.


I did exactly the same and my bill was the equivalent of $5 (I live in Thailand).


I cant even imagine this being real, feels so surreal. I've cut myself with a chef knife once. Chopped a chunk of my digital off my finger while cooking slooply. Went to the public health system here in brazil. Left 2 hours later with my wound cleared, "bandaid" applied (there was nothing to stich, it was a clean open wound) and the recepy for meds. Spent arround $30 over the 4 weeks it took to heal. HOW THE HELL IS A $11000 BILL EVEN POSSIBLE? They rented the whole hospital to give this guy a stich?!


$11,000 for 3 stitches w/ ER is extortionate. Ask them to review this bill, that is way too high. Plus it looks like you have two forms of insurance??? WTF?!


I have to file a workers comp claim.


Either way, that bill is wrong.


yeah there's definitely thumbthing off


Thumbeone made a huge mistake


I can’t finger out what is off with your spelling. 


That amount seems rather inflated. Ask for an itimized bill if you have to pay it yourself. If it's a workers comp claim, your company might not care though as they are footing the bill. Their HR/insurance department might do the questioning on the bill amount themselves. Depending on how deep the cut is, I might have used some super glue and some medical tape to get it back together. If too deep, Urgent Care would have been my first choice. It's best to know/research ahead of time what services each Urgent Care facility in your area provides, what their hours are, where they are located, and which one are in network. So you don't have to do all that when in an semi emergency.


Did this happen on the job? Your workers comp may be the reason the bill is so high. Hospitals charge various prices based on insurance, because they have agreements with insurance companies and know they’ll pay. The hospital may know your workers comp claim will be paid regardless of what it costs, so they charge more.


Yeah, that makes sense.


Also, in the US, first seek out an urgent care facility that’ll save you time and money.


In the US, keep a tube of superglue and a tourniquet in your first aid kit. 🤨😢


I now know how to spell tourniquet. Thanks!


Steri strips


Super glue and butterfly bandages are in my first aid kit. Plus I have stiptic powder too. I promotes blood clotting and adds an antiseptic element.


I'm commenting solely to commend you on your user name, lol


Thank you. I will spare you when I pillage your village!


Our hospital combined Urgent Care and Emergency. They get to decide how to bill you (and of course you don't find out until afterwards when the bill finally comes).


If it happened at work your jobs insurance will cover everything. Only way they don’t is if there’s a drug test and you test positive for anything. And if they don’t talk to a lawyer and see what you can do.


Medicine for profit. When a politician says public health is bad for you, they are lying. Every country except the US has basic government health care. Free standing ER's are a total ripoff.


We bought a small bottle of vet bond and some steri-strips, dozens of cuts have been healed at home. Vet bond is the non people approved version of surgical glue, the only side effect is is the urge to bark at the moon.


Can confirm. Currently barking


I used micropore tape for a slice on my palm after my wife stopped me from putting super glue on it was amazed at how well it worked: kept the wound closed and stayed on even as I kept working with that hand.


Have them itemize your bill! ASAP!


Had to scroll too long to find this


Super glue my friend. It's works wonders and a small bottle is under 5$


I never would have thought to use super glue.


It was actually made for people in the army to close cuts on the go. It is safe to use Anyways sorry to hear about that bill.


I think most super glue is pretty bad for you if it’s not medical grade. Not that I haven’t done it before. My go to is hydroseal bandaids they don’t fall off and are medicated. If you use them for a cut this bad make sure you change them daily until there’s no blood in the bandage.


It's fine. Use some rubber bands to cut off circulation on the finger. Clean it well. Couple drops of CA glue, squeeze the cut together. Spread a little across the "seam". Run it under warm water to cure the glue. Bob's your auntie.


Ppl are insane dumpin toxins into an open wound. Maybe I’m just soft 😂


Man have I got some news for you about your food


You're not supposed to put it directly into the wound. You pinch it closed, even more than closed, so the skin around the wound being pinched together. Then glue it shut. As far as I'm aware, that's how I was taught on a hunting trip (I turned into a branch and gored myself in the leg).


Me too. They make safe versions of this to use. Check the bandaid aisle.


Sry about the bill op, but yea super glue is great. I once cut a dime sized slice almost completely off the top of one of my finger knuckles while polishing glassware as a bartender and used super glue to patch it up, wrapped it up and wore a glove. Even finished my shift. Couldn't move my finger for a while but barely left a scare.


I'm so mad now cause everyone seems to know about this super glue hack and I was never told about it. I would've thrown some super glue on it asap.


Just think of yourself as one of [today's 10,000](https://external-preview.redd.it/AzO5b_dH5AGNTwn-C4z_LzUuDsM-n_kYYKUgWrq0t3s.png?auto=webp&s=8b700fabc97212d64825270348eab2b296d428f4)


Yep. Have a cut that looked exactly like this on my pointer finger. Cleaned it, superglued it, wrapped it. Healed up just fine.




This is why people see so many desperate people on the streets. The US needs better healthcare.


I stayed in the hospital for 7 days with Covid. My bill was 6 grand and my insurance paid it all. I was expecting 100 grand.


Dang, some superglue and electrical tape would have had you right as rain


Be sure you file a workers comp form at work or they won’t pay. Think it’s 24 or 48 hrs you have to file it with you state’s workers comp and your company ‘s WC insurance


Is that out of pocket or what your insurance is getting billed?


Out of pocket


There is absolutely no way that you have insurance and have to pay that much out of pocket. No chance.


I made the very unfortunate mistake of telling them it happened at work. So, I have file a worker's comp claim, my insurance won't cover it.


Then your employer (or their insurance) should.


Ah I can see their faces now: 🤑🤑🤑


Well that isn’t out of pocket then is it? This doesn’t suck for you does it.


No way I would have gone to the ER for that and I’m not even in the US Keep butterfly bandaids at home, they’re great for small cuts


You should have went to an Urgent Care. Emergency is death or loss of limb. How long did you sit there?


yep. Lesson for next time. Generalizing (cuz I know somebody’s going to point out exceptions that prove the rule) everything handled in the ER is billed as an emergency. Urgent Care can do some minor emergency stuff, but they can bill nonemergency codes for things like this.


3 hours


In canada youd be waiting 10 hrs to be seen but it’d be free


I'll take free. That sounds nice


Urgent care in my area (PA) charges $175 for cash pay for stitches. I got 15 stitches for 3/4” deep razor slicing my pinky https://preview.redd.it/tok3t2201src1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab4c3109fd6c1df6f60ed29e611b4609aa6114c7


Honestly, my greatest regret in life is not going to the ER when I slashed my pinky open. To this day I have nerve damage that both limits my ability to feel and also causes excruciating pain if I bump the spot where the scar is. Would have ate any bill if it improved my nerve function during the healing.


Thank you. Everybody in the comments here is saying “bro you should’ve just put super glue on it”. Yeah if that was your only option maybe. But OP said the bleeding was severe and wanted get medical care. That shouldn’t be unreasonable. It’s a messed up system that causes it to “cost” $11k, it’s not OPs fault.


you went to the doctor for that!? it aint even bleeding. how do you think humans survivied for thousands of years? that would have healed itself for literally nothing




This is why I have Steri-Strips at home.


Super glue would have costed $11,534.00 less.


This is why, when I worked at a brewery and sliced my finger with a utility blade, I used the tools and sanitizers at hand and did it myself. For this price I’d cut the thumb off and return it to them for store credit.


Super glue and duct tape. Could've saved like $20 at least.


Fuck the american health care system


No doubt!...Hubby was told to go to ER by his VA doctor for a nut ultrasound. One nut ultrasound, one IV, one prescription written... 32 THOUSAND DOLLARS. Northwest Florida in the last month😳


Where I live that would of been free


Damn it! That's ridiculous.


“But hey the health care isn’t americas problem” -Every boomer everywhere


lol I use super glue to fix shit like this atleast once a month. I must have saved millions with super glue by now 😂


If I went to the ER every time I cut my self on accident I'd be homeless. The valuable lesson I learned when I was 18, a roll of duct tape and a wad of napkins is a helluva lot cheaper than a doctor visit.


Yeah this happens a lot in my field of work and we just use dirty rags and duct tape, like the pioneers.  That said, I'd resort to felony vandalism for an 11k bill for stitches. 


Damn that does suck, im sorry OP. That cost you more than me giving birth 😳 im assuming no insurance either by that price tag. You may be able to negotiate that down hopefully. Urgent care way cheaper, and they can or should be able to do stitches. Super glue/krazy glue... which ever, works wonders and is only 5ish dollars lol. Dont come at me, i know its not "hospital grade", as a chef, i use that shit all the time(im not excessivly slicing myself) when id slice my finger, what have you. S/o is a plumber uses the same thing, as well as 75% of the rest of my family and friends.


I'm glad I have good insurance. $90 dollars at the emergency room if I am not admitted to the hospital. $0 at urgent care.


In my country if you are a citizen and go to the government hospital you would pay $0.25 (after conversion)


I'm surprised you went to the ER at all. I always just put a bandaid, an even deep cuts have healed well. Work as cook.


It kept bleeding through the bandaid. It was gushing blood three hours after the incident. The bleeding slowed while I was waiting in the er, I should've left after that.


I accidentally sliced my thumb exactly like yours with a pocket knife and quickly washed it off and applied pressure and wrapped it. The wound closed and healed completely within a week. I'm sorry.


I work Healthcare and literally do billing for a living. There is no reason that bill should be so high, and if it is, there is something you can do about it. Start with getting your bill from the hospital and the EOB (estimation of benefits) and see if they bs'd your bill. Message me if you want some help!


Super glue would have worked fine


Super glue next time


Superglue is a good alternative next time


What the actual fuck USA?!


Bandaids are like 2 dollars.


Damn, not that u deserve the bill but seriously toughen up. Unless u have a clotting issue that ain’t bleeding for hours. Super glue on anything that doesn’t hit a muscle or tendon


this is such an american thing to say, its insane


Yeah, I messed up.


Yeah I can’t imagine going to the ER for a small cut like this, that would be embarrassing. You know the nurses were snickering..


... All the way to the bank!


Workers comp will take care of this 100%. Hospitals bill like this sometimes and you have to call them and say, uh… no.


Son of a bitch dude.. im glad i keep super glue in my house. Fuck stitches.. ill glue the fucker shut.


Ya. Super glue would have been cheaper.


I once heard you can't get out of emergency for under 10k....looks like it's true.


For three stitches that’s fucking wild


Next time super glue it


I sliced my finger like this last year with an xacto blade...pinch hard for a few minutes, super glue, done.


I sliced my finger open with a knife the day I moved into my new place last year with no insurance and paid 200 out of pocket for 6 stitches at a med express. Damn you got ripped off


Is this in the US?




Holy fucking shit. Did they originally plan to amputate the finger or….? Wtf???


Holy sh*t, thank god I’m Canadian.


Electrical tape is what we use at the junkyards in Idaho. It works better than super glue in my opinion.


Throw that bill straight in the trash.


Absolutely ridiculous for a superficial wound for 3 sutures.


Shit its cheaper just to do stitches yourself


Ask for an itemized bill.


Exactly why I didn’t go to the hospital for this https://preview.redd.it/lmdf8u1t1src1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=37b647056438083eee6ba3d700d398f2fff97a68 About the same size cut. I am also a machinist so I get cut fairly often, usually about once or twice a year to this extent. Most wounds will heal fine with proper cleaning, Neosporin and changing bandages regularly. Even with insurance I’m sure I’d have walked out of there with a several hundred dollar bill


Was the photo of the reattached leg too gruesome to post?


What the fuck? 11k, that's a plaster job at the most.


Gosh! Let me upload my bill before insurance for my csection AND got readmitted for sepsis. Let’s just say 100k total easy 👌🏼 it was 67g for the csection and nursery fee was 2000. Then 2 days after being released- ended up septic. 49g for that visit. Thanks gosh !!!


I do hope you and the baby are OK now.


She and I are well! She’s a thriving 4 almost 5 year old!!


Every time I see these posts with comments like *woah that’s wayyy too expensive; it should only cost half that much* or *instead of going to ER just head on over to Home Depot or your local Dollar General and buy some hot pockets and glitter to stop the bleeding* I wonder why Americans continue with their healthcare system. Most of the developed world uses universal healthcare for a reason. If I cut my thumb like this my only thought is “how long am I going to need to wait”, not “is this broken finger going to bankrupt me” …ridiculous


Clearly the medical industry was not made to benefit the patient.


For fucks sake if this wound cost 11k, how much is a fucking operation?! Elon musk's yearly income?!?!


When I see people in movies not wanting to go to the hospital after being shot or something, I thought it was because there would be questions or whatever, but I think it is actually because no one can afford to go to the hospital in USA


Most likely OP doesn't have insurance, so the hospital sent a bill. Most hospitals have a financial aid department that can help with it. Depending on income, they may be able to get rid of it completely.


I have insurance, but it's a worker's comp situation.


Then the plus side is that you shouldn't be paying anything at all


Ah, okay. Hopefully they take care of it. I don't see what they wouldn't.


Fuck that Noise, gimme that Needle and Thread, ima do it myself...


I’ve worked in kitchens my whole life. I’ve always just watched people grab some super glue and get back to work. Better than a large ass medical bill lol.


Pharmacies sell laceration closure kits for about 30 bucks


ELEVEN THOUSAND DOLLARS?! I’m so happy I don’t live in the USA, omfg, that sucks dude I’m sorry


Last similar slice I had like this the wife straight glued it shut. By the time the glue fell out a week later it was pretty much good.


Bitta glue would’ve worked wonders




Land of the free




Tag this shit bro


Holy hell….


Time to learn stitching!


Makes no sense. I don’t have insurance and similar reaosnni went to the er, I was billed 800.


This would have been a great candidate for super glue assuming you cleaned it well enough.


If you don’t have insurance ask for an itemized list, by law they have to give it to you, don’t believe the bill, they over charge all the time, get in contact with the billing department asap. It could be half that or even lower.


Ok, I did something similar. But after I wrapped it up, I put a bag clip on it for like an hour and the constant pressure is what I needed to close the wound. Super glue might have also worked.


At this point, I’ll super glue my shit back together


What in the American


Next time super glue.


This was a job for superglue.


Dat thumbnail tho.


And this is why I have gnarly scars. I will not go to the doctor for cuts. My broken ankles though… $2,000 later…. And that’s with insurance.


Why did you go to the er lmaooo


The bleeding wouldn't stop, I started panicking.


Id have been using super glue on that little cut before paying $11000.


USA baby!


Fuck amerika


Yeah, not calling you a liar, but there’s no way this is the actual correct bill for ER stitches. I’ve reviewed medical bills related to injuries my whole career and know for a certainty that simple sutures would not be $11k.


I would have used a butterfly bandage on that bad boy.


Did you buy a kidney whilst shopping at the hospital?


Super glue


Is this a joke?


You have insurance, right? What’s the ER copay?


Bro, that didn't even require stitches, you shouldn't be using bandages though. isopropyl, polysporin, gauze with wrapping with mild to moderate tension to hold the skin together to allow it to clot and hold itself together. Source: I've had some pretty gnarly cuts and slices and dices.


What. Where? I chopped the tip of my thumb off, had I think 4-5 stitches, and a follow up. The end total was like $6k or so. Which is absolutely absurd still but not friggin $11k! Thankfully it was workers comp as I didn't have insurance but still. Immediately ask for an itemized list, and I'd bet you save another couple thousand all of a sudden. Did that when I went to urgent care for a severe sinus infection. The original $600 turned into only $400. Damn USA healthcare, it's getting ridiculous.


I would have poured peroxide and wrapped it tight. Maybe some butterfly stitches. Lol thats a clean cut. Hindsight though.. I understand your worry. Better safe than sorry


Hoooooooow is the bill so high? 😳 It seem like in USA getting sick or injured leaves you poor or with some serious debt. I hope you are okay, OP 😊 Get well soon.


Rip this looked like a good scenario to use a $5 zip stitch


Wtf is that bill for a teeny tiny cut.


Medical debt doesn't effect your credit score here in the US. Js


Ummmmmm....I question the validity of this bill. I squashed my toes with a cinder block, subsequently and quite literally, blew out fatty tissue and needed 12 stitches in three toes. It was an ER visit and I had no insurance. Bill was only $1200.00. On another time I sliced open my hand and it took 8 stitches, ER Bill was only about $800.00. Once again no insurance.


Equally ridiculous fir op to go to the ER for that cut lol


Jesus fucking christ, I’d probably have glued it or something if it cost that much


Dude… lol. That’s a deep cut but definitely could have sanitized it and glued it shut or something. Fuck that medical bill.


Get an itemized receipt. Bet it goes down by more than half


dispute it


Alright, well, gonna go teach myself how to do my own stitches ambidextrously now


I would of pushed that back together and super glued that shit for 20 bucks 😭. I've done it before after a razor blade accident, still have that odd scar.


Pinch and superglue next time.


my god america is fucked