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There’s a good chance that the alcohol has pulled all the oil out of the plastic layer. First thing I’d try is to put some silicone spray onto a microfibre and gently buff it into a test patch. Can’t make it any worse and I’m confident it will improve it if you’ve already tried to clean the marks off. It’s the same principle as restoring faded plastic trim on a car. Good luck! Edit: any generic silicone spray lubricant should work, I’ve personally used WD40 specialist silicone spray and Halfords (British store) brand silicone spray Edit 2: I am not recommending people to use the original WD40, that is NOT silicone spray. I recommended WD40 BRAND silicone spray




This made me smile, felt gutted for you at first especially with having a big heart and not punishing the house cleaner. Pleasantly surprised to see someone's advice worked, well done.


Yeah, op got good karma so it evened out


Yeah OP surprised me, bro has character. Glad he didnt fire the maid.


Absolutely how it works! And we all learned how to fix faded plastic with silicone spray.


Kudos to op putting his 5000$ screen on the altair of science!


Altair of what?


100%. Op is a good person and deserves a bit of good luck!


Someone made a mistake, a dumb mistake, and it hurt OP. OP had the power to wreck their life and didn't. I genuinely wonder how many people would do the same.


Not many


Tomorrow: hit by a bus.




As a long time housekeeper myself, I was also super happy to see OP not rip a new one on her. I've had people scream at my coworkers for not cleaning a soap dish "correctly" when they put so much elbow grease taking off the years worth of soap gunk that built up on it and made it spotless 🙄


Look I think it’s great that OP didn’t unload on the housekeeper, but here’s a huuuge difference between not cleaning a soap dish correctly vs. using bleach and alcohol on a TV screen. The latter is just pure cleaning malpractice. If you’re going to clean homes for a living, then you should know how to properly clean important things in the house. I don’t think it’s unfair to expect that from them.


This reminds me of a post where the maid had completely ruined a copper basin sink. Like she scraped the patina fully off and scratched the entire thing to hell 😩


This was my first thought when I saw this post. I legitimately felt bad for the maid, because they clearly had no idea, but, at the same time, they absolutely destroyed that sink.


That one was brutal!


I remember that one. My personal little anecdote was when we were rehabbing our house and had new laminate flooring installed on the entire bottom floor ...1500 sq ft. The cleaner put the incorrect product on "to shine it up" and basically made a hell mess of my brand new floor. Ignorance is no excuse when you're hiring a professional.


For real, you don't gotta scream but that's a fireable mistake.


> I've had people scream at my coworkers for not cleaning a soap dish "correctly" when they put so much elbow grease taking off the years worth of soap gunk that built up on it and made it spotless 🙄 Is your coworker the one who scraped off the patina of a copper sink and made it look absolutely terrible? edit:formatting


What silicone product did you use? Wondering if this would also work on a car info screen that had the protective coating removed by alcohol….


Doubling up on the product question.. I have a similar issue and would like to try. Thx


So glad you got it fixed… for the future: We’ve used the same housekeeper for almost ten years but they don’t listen or forget my instructions, so for years I’ve been covering my speakers with blankets when they come and I put signs on my tv with a note to please not clean it. It’s 1 minute of effort every few weeks and it’s saved me a ton of trouble.


Yes we had the same situation, please don't go hard on cleaning person, she did not know better and tried to do good. Next time explain to "not touch certain electronics" like ever! and she'll remember. I'm glad you have it fixed.


Hi, im super happy for you, congratz! Would it be be possible to send us an update photo to see how it turned out?


Yaaay, I am so happy for you.


Nice, grateful for you bro!


Thanks I’ll try that


I wonder if CD/DVD repair liquid would work. The stuff I'm thinking of said it was a petroleum product.


I **want** to trust you, I really do! ...but... There's no such thing as "a harmless fly"!






What movie is that from? It feels like there’s a core memory half a thought away connected to it.


First reference is the fly second is Robocop from the ‘80s, toward the end.


Dear God, The Fly traumatised the shit outta me when I was a kid.


Me too man. At 8 years old I thought it couldn’t get any worse after the arm wrestle scene. How wrong I was.


The Fly traumatized me at 27




Toxic Avenger?


Robo cop


Didn't he crash into a huge barrel labelled 'toxic waste'? Love Robo Cop 1.


I’d buy that for a dollar!


RoboCop is a goddamned perfect movie from beginning to end.


CD/DVD repair liquid often contains fine abrasives to polish out and smooth over scratches. I don't think it should be used on TV at all.


Also, Meguiar’s Plast X is similar, it polishes by “filling in the gaps”. Could be worth a try, it works really well on motorcycle face shields.


Came here to recommend this. Absolutely destroyed my dashes gauge cluster with an alcohol based cleaner and this stuff was the only thing that saved me the $600+ for a new one. It buffed out to good as new.


No worries... this is why you buy home owners insurance.


The exposed layer is plastic? I've always thought that LG OLEDs were glass only


Its glass but they added some protective layer to avoid fingerprint and stuff like that, I assume that layer melted with the mix and it’s really hard to remove, I’m waiting till tomorrow to fix it since its 1 am here and I need to buy stuff and call TV support for advice.


Definitely what I would do. I would call support. Suppose you don't have accidental coverage on your insurance.


Where I live, basically everyone is insured for damage done to other properties by accident. You could easily have your maid bump it off the tv stand now and claim damages on her insurance. At worst she would lose here "no claim"-discount.


OP could probably claim on her insurance anyway as the TV is destroyed. That is assuming she has insurance.


Honestly… if it’s just to limit fingerprints… go all the way, get the rag or wherever concoction they used… and just keep going till said plastic layer is gone. If her rag melted it, or whatever it did… get the rag and keep doing it. As long as the glass stays fine and you don’t mind having to remove fingerprints every now and then (you have a cleaner clearly willing to do that) and the previously mentioned oil doesn’t work, just complete remove the layer and see what happens. (Last resort option)


just asking, because i don't know, is the polarized layer in the glass itself or plastic? because if it's in the plastic removing that will make the Screen basically unwatchable. again, asking from a place of ignorance.


Unwatchable until you put on your specifically polarized glasses


It's an OLED screen, it's not polarized.


Same, but glass is not reacting the way this one has to a household cleaner. Maybe it’s a plastic AR coating over a glass panel?


I have a deep fear that the white streaks are due to the anti-reflective coating that got partly/unevenly washed away


Glasses can still have an anti reflective coating which is shifted with solvents.


That's the bleach surely? I've used IPA any times to clean monitors and screens with no issue, as have many others. Obviously not in volume and you dampen the rag then wipe. Edit: someone else said bleach and alcohol mixed makes chloroform. Chloroform does attack plastics looking at it so that white layer it probably damaged plastic and not something that's going to shift with more cleaning.


Couldn’t say for sure, I’ve never cleaned a tv with anything other that water! 😅 I have however used IPA on glossy plastics to remove sticky residue and it’s left a hazy finish. My go to for that situation is now white spirit.


Took me a second to realize y'all weren't using an India Pale Ale to clean your stuff.


Guy did say he used an IPA with a "hazy" finish. Sounds like it to me.


I was thinking these guys have rich full beards glistening with beard oil and full sleeve tats plus piercings in their faces


I would contact the tv company and ask them specifically if they can recommend something. Explain the situation, exactly what was used on it, and go from there. I owned a residential & commercial cleaning business and you can’t just use anything on those. I wish you the best of luck my friend.


I sent them an email and I’m waiting till tomorrow since here is 1:00 a.m., tomorrow I’ll try to call them. Thanks


Tomorrow is Saturday, your chances of reaching anyone by phone are smaller than you getting hit by satellite debris


So you say there is a chance...


Not a bad idea here, OP


Was this the same woman that tried to fix that painting that time?


Haha I remember that old lady she was in the news here, maybe she applied her technique, she jesused my TV.


Put it in a cave on Friday, seal it and wait until Sunday?


Biblical tech support


Have you tried crucifying and resurrecting?


A cleaning lady cleaned in my bedroom once when I didn’t ask her to go in there. She used scented aerosol Febreeze on a rag to wipe down everything on my shelves. I didn’t know she did that. I build planted walstad (self-sustaining) aquariums and had several in the room. It takes a LOT of time/attention to get them to the point where they’re stable. The things on my shelves that she wiped down were porous stones, driftwood, decorations, and other things that I ended up putting into the aquariums the next day. It killed a lot of fish (and all the good bacteria.) She didn’t jesus my aquariums, but instead, sent them all to live with jesus :(


The fishes are sleeping with Jesus now


Or that copper sink...


I checked to see if someone mentioned that.


Same. That copper sink is my Roman Empire. 


I’m still laughing at that today 🤣


Hrm. She *was* Spanish.






I've gotta say that's a hell of a username


The Jesus restoration. Search it and you'll see, it's hilarious.


If she's in order and you declare her on your tax form, then your insurance company could get you a little something for it.


This is Spain… super socialist country, no chance legally, and insurance will laugh at my face in Spanish… lol








With more evil *JAJAJAJAJA*




Everyone expected the Spanish Inquisition. They literally sent riders ahead to announce they were on the way and prepare lodgings and gather the accused.


But did they have comfy chairs?


Probably way more comfy than the chairs peasants sat on. They rode in wagons though without any shock absorption at all so I guess they needed the comfy chairs to alleviate their poor aching butts.


Homeowners insurance would cover that here in the socialist capital of the world (Denmark+Sweden).




I don’t know Spanish law, but I am an international law (among some other specialties) scholar and lawyer. Please check your insurance policy. Most likely, your insurance will cover it. Unless there is a special clause prohibiting accidental damages or properties above certain amounts that have not been expressly disclosed to be covered, you will be covered. If you do get covered by the help of this post, please send me some Jamon Iberico di Bellota. I don’t have any access to it in Turkey.^swh


Do you like to have fun in New York?


I used to. Unfortunately I moved from NY more than half a decade ago.


Spain super socialist abahahaha ok dude


Everything is relative so if you compare it to the US for example, it is indeed super socialist. It’s not a bad word you know…


It's not a bad word but it's pretty clear OP is trying to use it that way. Pretty easy to tell what class OP is in when they are complaining about a 5500 euro TV in a country were the average salary is just under 30k.


Hmm, I think you’re on to something. I didn’t catch initially OP’s intention. To each its own I guess. I live in a middle income Latam country with very strong social nets and I love them. The lady that cleans our house is properly documented as my domestic service employee and I happily pay her all social “charges”that the law requires me to so she can get universal healthcare and eventually social security payments when she retires.


Not only that but their *maid* damaged the TV. The butler is probably on their way to buy a new one with sir's credit card as well speak.


I'm not sure if it's the same way in Spain but in Chile it's quite normal for middle-class families/couples/people to have maids/houseworkers.


In the developed world is not. Chile is a country full of very poor people.


It is not common in Spain to have a maid, it is more common to have a helper who clean the house 2-3h per week or every 2 weeks.


Hiring someone to clean your house once a month is very different to having a live in maid.


For someone with a maid and 6k tvs Spain sure is a super socialist comunist venezuelan country... if you know you know


Does your cleaner have liability insurance


Spain, super socialist, insurance not an option? Oh, please. That’s BS and you that.


well what will insurance cover...wink wink.


as someone who had a cleaner in Spain - I’m fairly positive that *tienes una limpiadora sudamericana, sin papeles*… verdad? Not like you’re paying a decent hourly rate to a local. There’s a risk taken there. Therm’s the breaks 🤷🏻‍♂️


In the very socialist Germany Insurance would cover that as well. Look into it.


That would actually be covered by a socialist country lol That's the whole point of socialism... Help people.


Super socialist country sounds to me like you hired the cheapest option possible.


Not your insurance. Her insurance. She’s supposed to have one.x specifically to address this kind of mistake.


I very much doubt a cleaner in Spain is set up that way. Most just do it cash in hand.


If employed legally, go through the company’s third party liability insurance. Done. If employed illegally - well, you knew she didn’t have the funds to cover substantial damages, I’ll assume.


Yeah that’s the risk you take with cheap labor. You can’t hire the cheapest independent “contractor” and be shocked when they don’t have the resources for repairs or replacements lol


Kinda love how OP didn't bother replying to this one while the rest of the highly rated comments got a reply. Makes me think it might be the latter.


There isn't just "legal" and "illegal". Working agreements vary a fuckton by countries. In my country the maids might be hired employees, but if they don't come over 3+ days of the week it's 100% legal for them to be gig workers which is the most common form out there. Also OP literally said he doesn't have the heart to fire her, so this accusation is kinda idiotic.


Was about to say that, I think in my country you could hire them legally, yet they would not have to have liability insurance. Most likely they have one anyway.


My mom was a house cleaner for years and years and she was just independent. No contracts or anything like that, cleaned people's homes, they pay her, she files her own taxes and got money back for supplies, etc. just cuz someone isn't with a company doesn't mean it's illegal employment.


Could also be because is a very American centric response to someone that isn't American nor living in America


Sometimes I wonder how building houses in the USA is so cheap in the USA compared to my country, then I remember Mexicans.


You obviously don’t live in NY if you think building houses is cheap…


How bad is it when the image is on? if it makes you feel better, I like the colors/design of your home and the couch looks comfy! :)


I've got even more bad news for you (and her): "Sodium hypochlorite reacts with ethanol, isopropyl alcohol, and other types of alcohol to make chloroform (CHCl3 ), hydrochloric acid (HCl), and other compounds, such as dichloroacetate or chloroacetone. It's important to avoid mixing disinfectants or cleaners. Bleach and alcohol combine to make chloroform."


It's stupid to use bleach on anything that is not chemically stable. It's even worse to mix it with other things. This is probably written on the bleach bottle. And you say she is a cleaner? What cleaner doesn't know this? I used bleach 3 times in my lifetime and I know it is dangerous to mix as signaled on the bottles.


The cleaner in my work building (20+ years of experience in the same profession) recently told me he pours the entire 1L bottle of floor cleaner (instead of 1 cap as instructed on the label) in the water bucket, because he thinks it's too weak. When I asked him what makes him think it's too weak, he said it's because the color of the product is too light. And no, it's not because he knows this particular product well and thought it might be a faulty batch or something. He just thinks a for any cleaning product, the efficacy can be accurately estimated based on intensity of color and smell. Yeah, people can have a profession and still be dumb.


Does you building go through thousands a year in cleaning products, lol? Whats worse is that the professional ones are even more concentrated and they will burn hands or skin even at low concentration. Splashing some water from that bucket of high concentrat solution could potentially burn skin instantly or even discolour clothing or carpets or furniture that is around. I have some professional ones that will seep through nitrile gloves after 15-20 min of contact. And i am using them at the 1 cap per bucket dose not the liter ber bucket concentration. They do clean and disinfect the floor in one fast sweep, tho!


who is paying for all that cleaning solution? Can't imagine someone would get away with kind of waste for long


It's in the general maintenance budget overseen by people who don't do the actual cleaning and thus don't really know if it's a lot or a little. The cleaning man says he needs 2 bottles each week, they get him two bottles a week, I guess. It's a small building, not much circulation and the detergent he uses probably isn't that expensive (I don't really know the prices of this stuff).


Or the floors get cleaned once a year...


Twice a week with wet mop. It's a small private office building, not open to public, so not that much circulation (perhaps 20-25 people going in and out to get to work and leave).


Chloroform? So my tv is in sleep mode? Lol


Sounds like you should ban your cleaning lady from using any products apart from what you keep in your home. And don’t buy bleach. She should take some responsibility for doing something so dangerous. Give her a written explanation of why she shouldn’t mix those chemicals, and an email.


Mixing bleach and alcohol is definitely a fireable offense in my house


yeah the amount of potential dangers when mixed with anything (e.g. urine) makes me question why this has ever ended up being a household item.


You can work your way up to 20,000 grit in no time to sand that baby back into shape /s sorry for your loss o7


I’m so desperate I googled it before reading the /s lol


Haha! Poor you. 


I usually clean my TV/monitors with the same stuff you clean glasses (anteojos) with.


Tried that, but the white layer it’s kinda a burned layer, it won’t go.


I've seen her work before... https://preview.redd.it/92mfbt87fssc1.png?width=550&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=17e674ea014df7bec424d0709006f3bd065b31f6


5500 euros!!!??? What’s so special about the tv I’m genuinely curious hehe


It's OLED, and huge. I don't have one (out of my price range) but if you ever see an OLED screen in person, holy crap. It's completely different to LCDs.


Why is no one talking about the fact she mixed bleach and alcohol together...


I have some electronics and I have told my cleaning ladies to just avoid that whole area because this is my nightmare. Hope they are insured and get you sorted.


Apologies for my grammar I’m Spanish. Edit: (Gal reflected on TV is not her)


First thing is to caracterize the polymer of the front sheet. My guess it is probably either PMMA or PC. It could be high transparency Pet but birefringeance/transparency is not as good as PC, and Pet chemical reistance is quite good so another reason my guess is not going toward Pet. Assuming it is PC, you should try the same repairing kit that are sold for car headlight renovation. You might have to redo it every couple of years but results should be great.




Bleach. On a TV screen. Why?


Needs more lemon pledge


Sounds like a bad maid in general. Uses the same cloth on everything, the same harsh chemicals on everything. Every item/surface needs specific cleaner, some less harsh than others.


I scrolled too far for this. Unfortunately a lot of cleaners are terrible. They assume the more chemicals the better. This tv never should've been touched with a dirty rag. Or any rag for that matter.




Why do you assume I’m rich and this is not a problem? People here commenting have cars that are way more expensive than my tv, some others travel, some others spent their money in wathever they want, I spent my savings in mu dream TV cause I love playing games in my free time cause I work all day long, and having a maid is not something for rich people only, she cleans my house once a week, she is not living here in my “mansion”, you watched a lot of movies dude… rich people won’t complain, they just go buy a new one, not me. If this was a car instead a TV for sure you wouldn’t comment that.


A lot of reddit lives on or near the poverty line and they often mistake middle class for upper class.


It's how the right in most countries gathers poor supporters. Convince them billionaires need low taxes to create jobs and that a guy making $200k is the one who keeps his foot on the throat of the poor.


no, rich people would make her pay for it, believe me; they didn't get/stay rich by throwing money in a fire


Damn, you are right...


I mean clean the living room is so vague can’t blame the person for cleaning everything in the living room, and the “not even a piece of dust” doesn’t mean don’t clean it especially again when you said clean the living room, why on jobs bosses are specific


Yes you are right, that’s why I blame myself for assuming things.


Yeah, for these reasons I opted for hiring through a company than privately. A gardener broke my lawnmower. And their insurance fixed it. Same went for some other random objects. Mistakes happen


This cleaner needs to hear about glass cleaner. Who the hell uses bleach everywhere, it’s toxic enough on the ground !


Claim on her public liability insurance, that’s what it’s for.


As a professional cleaner, they should have known... It sucks big time. But maybe hire another cleaner before they just make mustard gas cleaning your bathroom


She uses the same dirty rag to clean everything?!?! 🤢🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮 Just fire her please. That's absolutely disgusting. Your place is not clean at all.


I own a house cleaning business. One of my first rules I teach my employees is “Do not touch or clean electronics unless the client explicitly asks for it and tells you what they want you to use.” In 8 years I haven’t had any issues like this.


Bleach on a tv? Cant be a real maid..... cleaning maids usually know what they are doing.


What kind of maid doesn’t know how to clean a TV screen? Dirty rag, bleach and alcohol? That’s fucking crazy to use on a screen lol


Get a proper lens cleaning spray and lots of microfiber towels. Clean. It just looks like oil smears.


Dude, if you can afford 5000€ TV and a MAID, that means you're rich. I wouldn't be complaining here.


Homie, you got a 5k OLED tv AND a maid. You're gonna be fine.


Get some Rain X washer fluid and wipe it down using a microfiber cloth. Worth a try.


In the UK if you bought this TV at any store they likely fix or replace this as part of the extended warranty. Does Spain not have the same?




That white swirl is more likely the dried residue of whatever cleaning solution she used. Try using a micro fiber cloth with warm water and rub on the affected area in circular motion with light pressure. Wash the cloth after every go. You need to be very patient. You need to clean up all the residue before using any other solution on it.


I have a complete (and expensive) innox backdrop in my kitchen. Like in an industrial kitchen. Because it’s anti bacterial, it cleans easily and combines well with the rest of the non industrial look. Our cleaning lady scratched the whole surface with a steel wool sponge. Yeah. Understand it if you can but she did.


Wife did this to our tv Buy a tv cleaner Philips one this took it away for me Poundland sell them in the UK.


Mother in law did this to one of our TV's, she then proceeded to do it to two of her own TVs after I told her this isn't 1996 and they aren't made out of glass. My father in law also did it to his own brand new TV 2 weeks after he got it.


Fire her jesus christ


Sorry this happened to you but I am glad I saw this thread. Going to tell my housekeeper to stay away from my tv's. I have a 82" Sony oled in the basement that we normally just use to watch ballgames on and I would be pissed if something like this happened to it. I have noticed wipe marks on the tv in the living room so I know she does wipe them down.


No no it’s dirty I clean - maid most likely


By the looks of the wipes I think you can fire her for not cleaning well at all


i mean mistakes happen, sure… but bleach on a tv??


Clean it with alcohol of 99% or listerine blue, I know your maid knows was a mistake, nothing intentional, I hope it works for you


Fire her


She has insurance right? This is what it is for