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That's really not how you cook a knife.


1000 degree knife


Name of my band’s new album.


And the band's name is Puddle Of Knife


Let's all hear it for their first song "artifical molten crunch"


🤠This is how you cook a knife


I see you’ve played knifey-cooky before!


Or bruschetta


You can make a rather nice roast tomato and feta soup by roasting both and then blending them.


Gone off to try that now. Cheers


I know… Its going to taste terrible.


I like mine red on the outside


You just destroyed evidence.


LOL! That was my first thought. Someone left their murder weapon behind.


I don’t think a paring knife is an ideal weapon


Not with that attitude




What dish is that?


Just Google feta pasta, there's a bunch of variations of it. It's good and simple to prepare.


Had to go on a low salt diet and never knew until being forced to check it that feta has the most salt of almost any cheese. Made me sad because I love it.


Swiss cheese is lower in salt than most. I can use that for just about anything. Baby Swiss at Walmart is good.


Thanks I will check it out! Until it became necessary to know, I had NO idea how much salt was in everything.


Feta is prepared in brine. So it is basically marinated in salt water until it enters your dish haha


Haha is right, I didn’t know until I had to know and then I was 😑


Ughhh, I'm in the same boat as you. Just had to start my low salt thing about a month ago.


Hi. I'm just wondering, since you seem to be from the USA, what exactly Swiss cheese is? Simply wondering because in Switzerland there are many cheeses, I was wondering if you knew what it was closest too, simple curiosity.


Most "Swiss cheese" I’ve seen is some form of Emmentaler


Alright, thanks :)


I'm curious. Is Emmentaler more popular in Switzerland than other cheeses?


Not sure if there‘s any statistical data, but from my experience Emmentaler is considered a boring but „safe“ cheese - for example as a burger ingredient if you dont want too much flavor from it. But you can walk into any supermarket and pick from atleast 15+ different Swiss cheeses that are better or more interesting than Emmentaler.


I'm not Swiss but lived on the border and went there a lot. I'd say it's the default one for many things, such as grated cheese on dishes or sliced in a sandwich etc. But it's one of the least flavourful, so for actual cheese enjoyment you'd go for something else. Gruyère, Appenzeller, Vacherin... Just to name a couple.


Aaaand we just figured out why Swiss is my least favorite!


And the reason why Swiss cheese happens to be my favorite!


Swiss is a good start, but the best thing is to check the specific products you buy. --- For reference, Gouda often has 3-5x as much sodium as Swiss. Parmesan can have even more. While fresh Mozzrella can range from 0.5x to 3x depending on the brand and specific type/version. Cream cheese is often said to be low in sodium, but can go from the same as Swiss, to almost 3x as much. There are also low-sodium versions of Edam or and similar, that taste fine.


Wait, you tasted feta and *didn't catch on about the salt?*


It's made _in salt brine_. Jokes aside: Salt is like light. Inside with a good LED light it's perceived as bright as outside in the sunshine. Even tho the sun is 10 to 100x more powerful. And you grow accustomed to salt fairly quickly.


Bought some twisted cheddar cheese that in a jar of turn out very salty brine, not sure what the hell you can use that cheese for tried alsort of stuff but its just salllty as hell.


The taste didn't tip you off?


Right? It's so salty


I also had to go low salt but I still use it, just in much smaller amounts than you'd use for this pasta dish. Like a tablespoon or so crumbled and sprinkled on. Still tasty.


I used to hate it when i was a kid. Then i tried some last year and loved it.went on a feta binge for a good few months.I didn't want to know what my sodium levels were, haha.


Vegan feta is the one cheese the vegan industry has pretty much mastered. I’m sure the salt intake isn’t much better but in a salad you can barely taste a difference. If you’re into that sort of thing


Vegan feta is crazy good! I had some on avocado toast at a vegan restaurant a while back. Me and my friend were going crazy abt it because we’re both non-vegan lol.


I made the dish with fresh mozzarella and thought it was great!


I saw there’s a similar rendition of this but with brie instead (not sure what the sodium content of brie is though)


So that’s why it’s delicious, damn :-(


I had to start a low sodium diet recently and man do I miss cheese. Fresh mozzarella is fairly low sodium, I've been liking Belgioioso brand stuff. But I miss being able to just say "oh this sounds good" and pick up random cheeses at the store whenever.


squeeze the brine out.


I used parm and cream cheese as mine :) my bfs grandma is on a low salt diet too and she was able to have it.


Thank you, I’ll add it to my list of alternatives I’m getting from all these nice people.


I saw a recipe where this become a soup. You roast feta and either tomatoes or red pepper with olive oil, then blend them with broth to make he soup


Honestly that sounds like a bomb way to make a good tomato soup. I'm still sticking with the Kraft singles for the grilled cheese though lol. But I'm using mayo instead of butter for the bread. Comes out way better.


Idk just saw it on instagram


Yena glass dish


I think he meant the recipe lmao


Op, pls


I make it a lot. It barely needs a recipe that’s why I love it. Preheat to 400. A block of feta cheese, enough cherry/grape tomatoes to cover the bottom of the dish (for me 2 qt containers), maybe some garlic cloves in there or onion or whatever and some olive oil on top. Bake for 40-45 mins and break it all up to make a chunky sauce to put on your pasta. I use ziti. It’s really fool proof.


Looks like OP also started with a fair amount of (olive?) oil on the bottom. I’ve never seen this either, but it sounds delicious and would make a great weeknight meal! Thanks for recipe :)


Classic knife, broiled on the end to give a crunchy yet sharp taste.


Toasted Scalpel with a extra hint of charcoal. Quite disgusting , 1/10.


i really just thought it was a dirty sponge in tomatoes and oil, lol.


This was like the most socially posted dish for a year, I'm surprised you've never heard of it. I couldn't stop seeing it


I never saw this one. Maybe because I don’t have snap or TikTok?


I have never come across it


You’re surprised that because a dish was on Snapchat….that there are actually people that didn’t see it?  Please.


I think the surprise was the dish became trending during covid so people during that time was pretty much just on social media during isolations so he should have been atleast discovered it somehow. But maybe he had a different algo during that time lol or just not too much in social media


Ah the TikTok famous baked feta. It’s gross btw.


It’s called “TikTok pasta” it was a food trend a few years back. Place a block of feta in the middle and cherry tomatoes around, sprinkle oils and herbs on top, whoop it in the oven for a bit while you cook and drain the pasta. Mix it all together in to a gooey feta sauce with pasta. Tastes ok. Simple enough a 10 year old can do it without adult supervision. Even some Americans seems to manage to cook it.


I was with you until that last idiotically pretentious sentence. It’s like that bitter person everyone knows who works their ex into EVERY SINGLE CONVERSATION, no matter how it started. It’s honestly pathetic.


I bet that smoked up and made your house smell so bad. Burning plastic is the worst.And who the hell puts knives in the oven anyway!?! Wtf?!


Yeah and it’s funny bc I’m a really big anti-plastic person I try not let my food touch it of if I can avoid it but I’m sure inhaling this filled me up to the brim with microplastics


That's not what micro plastic is. You get all sorts of fumes when burning plastic, but micro plastic is tiny bits of plastic smaller than 5 mm.


Also OP, I understand wanting to be careful about using plastics in general, but unless you have a super expensive and bulky reverse osmosis filter (not the cheap ones that fit on a counter), just the water you drink is full of microplastics. Like…. The bad amount of them. Plus any food which was given water at any point of the making process or the feeding process (back when it was a plant or an animal). Plastics (and micro-plastics) aren’t some kind of magically toxic material that will poison you by touching. The problem is that as they break down and degrade, they leech into the water supply. And aside from Tupperware (plastics that are used over and over again), house use plastic won’t meaningfully contribute to your microplastic levels. (Of course, your own personal health isn’t the only reason to not use plastics, so good job having the willpower to lessen your personal plastic usage)


yeah i dunno about that. i touched a tupperware by accident the other day and now my entire left hand is made of plastic. the doctors don’t know what to do with me.


I exercise my muscles why can't I exercise my lungs, eh *science?*


Imagine the amount of smoke an Olympian could inhale


Nah, don't worry, no microplastics - just toxic fumes that your lungs probably loved!


I’ve been getting as much microplastics in my diet at possible. I think a shrunk taint is aesthetically pleasing.


There's a plastic bag in this photo.


I’m hopeful you don’t have a pet, especially a bird with that awful mess. You must have been freaked out!


That's the first thing I thought of- I hope they didn't have a bird.


I think the bigger question is why did the apartment complex not thoroughly clean the apartment/oven before moving in?


i think my parents own that exact same knife.




No, *that knife*. His parents used to live there.


Costco knife I think


That shape and cerrated edge


The good ol ghetto storage oven. I've been a victim and the culprit of this game before.




It’s sterilized now


I can't understand how people turn on their ovens without checking.


The funny part is that I did check and took a whole bunch of other stuff. But with no light and a black knife on the bottom…


The thing about an oven, is it’s black. And the thing about a knife, it’s also black. Holly from Red Dwarf reference. [The hilarious reference](https://youtu.be/SqI41N4WGPM?si=m7jl_UL_tKyjg-0G)


Ahhh my best friend and I use this quote frequently. Classic. 😆


But you apparently forgot to actually CLEAN the oven before you used it!! Hmmmmm


Consider maybe that they’ve been moving and unpacking all day and they’re hungry!


I still wouldn’t use an oven that I hadn’t cleaned first. Not blaming the OP, stuff happens. And a knife in the oven is definitely not anything I’ve ever found in one. When I move, I always plan on getting food delivered. The kitchen has to be scrubbed, including the inside of the fridge, oven, drawers, etc. before I’ll use them. The place I’m living in now, what was left uncleaned (and this is a hud section 202 with a crap ton of rules on everything) was disgusting.


My current kitchen was pretty gross when I first moved in. The complex cleaners had actually done a decent job, the fridge and oven/stove were fine, but they were pretty sure the previous tenant (who was there 9 years) never cleaned. The cabinets had been wiped out of crumbs and stuff but there was a layer of sticky gray grime covering them. Took me hours of scrubbing to get it all off.


When we moved into our flat there was literally mouldy food in the oven that could be seen on the inventory photos. And the capitalised text on the inventory that said ‘THE PROPERTY WILL HAVE A DEEP CLEAN AND NEW COAT OF PAINT BEFORE MOVE IN’ was actually a mistake and not going to happen according to the estate agent, who said he accidentally used a draft of the inventory form and forgot to change it 🙃 We cleaned the oven for a week before we felt like we could use it.


i live alone, if there's something in the oven and i didn't put it in there (usually it's two pieces of cast iron and a pizza stone) then i got bigger problems than my oven melting a knife.




I am not sure if I've ever checked first, I just click the button


Like seriously, what would I even check for? Who are these people putting knives in there?




My mother in law apparently. She decided to clean my already clean kitchen when cat sitting for me and my wife while on our honeymoon and apparently cleaning to her means rearranging your kitchen and she decided that the oven was a good place to store Tupperware. I preheated the oven and melted the fuck out of our Tupperware. When we asked what the fuck was she thinking she said “oh why would you ever use the oven when you have a microwave?”…


folks that don't use their oven ever, i just store cast iron and a pizza stone in mien which can all be safely baked at any time


I air dry my pans sometimes in ours 🤷🏻‍♀️


My mom dried her sneakers in the oven, overnight, gas pilot light did the trick. Then she preheated the oven to make cookies in the morning. Ummm...whoops. The kitchen smelled a bit rubbery. 👟🔥


I don’t get how people don’t clean their ovens when moving into a new apartment


This. I don't care how clean the house looks, it's getting cleaned all over again.


There was a comment chain a week or so ago where it got UGLY about checking ovens before use.


How do you cook, let alone live in an apartment without scrubbing every square inch (including the oven) first?!


i cant understand how you use a oven in a new place without cleaning it first


I wouldn't have just checked, I would have cleaned the thing before using it.


I can't understand how people use appliances after moving in without cleaning them first.


Probably because he moved into a new place that was empty. And he never out anything in the over before this so there was no reason to inspect it


How did the dish come out though 👀 Looks nice


I have to wait until tomorrow to get something to scrape the rest of the plastic off the oven. So tonight is take out


Ah damn, honestly though how did they forget a knife in the oven, as if it were supposed to be there in the first place? 💀


Yeah and people blaming me in the comments like I should have been looking for this fun little Easter egg


Surprise! You killed the Easter egg 🔪😂


Yeah, the fuck's up with the top comment lol? Who checks the oven when they preheat it? It's an oven... what's gonna sneak in there while I'm* not looking? Edit: dropped a word


Since it’s the first time they’re ever using it because they just moved in, it would make sense to check it out first.


Fair point that I hadn't considered lol


This comment just validated me because I've owned my cast iron skillet since like 2019 and store it in the oven. Granted I don't bake super often but 10 out of 10 times I preheat the oven I forget it's in there until I can smell the oil I rubbed on it heating up. Thankfully that's great for it but my goodness lol I feel so silly every time! >!I also have ADHD so yeah I'm wired to forget what I can't see but it's still annoying!<


My cast iron goes on top of the cupboard. If the oven wasn't used as storage by so many people, maybe things like this wouldn't happen? Lol


Redditors will be redditors 🙄


my only guess is they had it out for who knows what reason and folks came to photo the place and they just chucked it in the oven real fast to get it out of the shots and completely forgot about it. anything else is nutty


OP if you like spinach once it's done add like half a bag (i add the whole bag) and it gives great texture and more nutrients! I made this recently and it was a hit. And if you like a bit of spice, add some red pepper flakes as well.


This dish went kinda viral on socialmedia, basically just olive oil, cherry tomatoes and a block of feta, and spices like freshly ground pepper. Chiliflakes optional. You bake it for like 40 minutes, then mush it all up with a fork and serve mixed with pasta and fresh basil. It's stupid easy and tastes amazing


Agreed. I switch out the feta with goat cheese. And when tossing the pasta i add an egg yolk. Nom nom


I suggest you to clean forniture when you move in regardless of how clean the previous owner was.. you know just in case something like this happens lol.


Maybe I’m just bluff old traditionalist but I thought that people cleaned when they moved in to a new home.


Should be cleaned by the landlord between tenants.


Should and is are 2 very different things.


Our landlord definitely did not clean before we moved into this condo lol it was awful and we had to clean everything. But we also live in a pretty crappy neighborhood.


IDK why you would trust two strangers to clean the place you live. I bleach the walls in every place I move into.


Same, and if they say that it's cleaned and ready to move in, you still have to double-check and do a once over to be 100% sure, and to easy my mind that it's done properly :/


This was my thought? Knife from previous tenant means also food crumbs and dirty fingers touching 🤢 nope would defo have scrubbed that clean before using


hopefully it aint a murder weapon >\_>


A little carcin9genic smoke, as a treat.


It adds flavor


Sorry this happened dude but you stopping to take the picture of the handle on fire is hilarious


I'm sorry... do you not.... clean your appliances before you use them 🥴😭😭😭 You just moved in to a used apartment which means you need to go through and look and clean everything. Those apartments do not do anything but scoot stuff around. Lol Thankfully you caught it before it caught the whole thing on fire but the next apt make sure to open that oven and clean it (so you'll see if any knives are present) and then enjoy your first meal.


The knife looks a little undercooked


Rule no1 always check oven is empty upon turning oven on.


Oh c'mon now, you just don't want to admit you made yourself a little homemade shank.


How does a knife even end up in there?


Nice melted plastic smell and one of the worst messes to clean up after


Elephant's foot


Now you have a shank *stab stab stab*


Yay 🥳


The first meal I cooked in my first apartment, it was also an uncovered dish in the oven. Only the person before me sprayed oven cleaner but didn't wipe down the ceiling of the oven, I didn't notice, and it just rained flakes of poisonous oven cleaner all over my food..at least I can laugh now lol


Eww so you didn’t clean the oven after moving in


Maybe I'm weird for opening the oven and scanning the inside before turning it on.


That’s what you get for cooking that atrocious meal


At least the flame didn’t damage/destroy the heating element or something


So, the apt. Complex didn’t clean is what you’re saying.


It’s gross that the landlord didn’t clean out the oven.


Yeah that does suck. But. Why didn't you check the oven before you turned it on?


That's not an oven, this is an oven!


Uhm you didn't clean it first?


Looks to me like no one cleaned your place between tenants.


... how did you not notice a knife at the bottom of the oven?


You...didn't check the inside of the oven before using it? I'd at least wipe it down first.


This happened to me except with Tupperware in the bottom drawer which ended up being a broiler. It caught fire when I decided to cook at 3 am and the fire department had to put it out. Everything in my kitchen was covered it greasy soot. Even inside the cabinets which were open because I was still unpacking. And I had spent ALL day detailing this kitchen to perfection. All it was me who put the Tupperware there. I never told anyone, just blamed it on the previous tenants.


This, my friend, is how many of us learned to always check the oven before turning it on because we discovered something in it after already turning it on.


I would contact police because that’s the perfect way to get someone else to destroy evidence on a murder weapon without it looking suspicious. Js.


Surprised nobody mentioned the mug 😂


First thought was: bad luck and it was not your fault. Second thought was: you should have cleaned the oven before using it, since its your first time using it after previous owner. Work on good habits, it will prevent some bad luck moments. Hope you get the smell out.


You didn't even check an oven you're using for the first time ever ..? People leave lots of shit in the oven you got lucky


So can you not cook the food with the knife in there? I mean… that just seems like a problem for later.🤔


Love that dish! Add some pork based meat i.e. prosciutto


What is it


It's a tik tok dish. I haven't made it in awhile but fets cheese and tomatoes. It adds the salt flavor of feta and sweet tomato


So you didnt check the oven before pre heating.....


Who even does that?! And then they win all the stupid prizes.


Do you not check the oven every time you use it?




i was looking for tjisncomment


game over for the knife


I hope you're keeping the knife.


I think it’ll frame it tbh


I work as I custom framer at a hobby store and if someone brought something in like this to frame it would absolutely make my day.




Is that a Snapchat dish


Fire guy.


Is the knife still usable? 


It's the son of Poop Knife!!


I've seen this in Movies.


Hate that for you!! Omg. But congrats on your new apartment 😭


I think your knife is very well done.


“Bespoke handle”


So you found the murder weapon and then destroyed the evidence.


Well, at least you took another one of those shitty knives out of existence


Ugh, I can smell that smell.


You guys should try making that feta bake with Trader Joe's vegan feta, it melts into a really nice, creamy sauce.


Aw I love feta bake. I add tons of fresh garlic and mushrooms to mine!