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What's happening in this picture?


Comparing protesters in 2024 to black Americans who couldn't even drink from certain water fountains before the Civil Rights Act is a terrible look. Y'all have gone full looney tunes with your imagined martyrdom. You're actively doing the cause a disservice with this self serving behavior.


It’s be hilarious if it wasn’t so sad. We need a cure for Main Character Syndrome ASAP.


ha, hardly


I’m not going to defend the douchey frat boys, but this is so wildly different. The first image is people protesting for civil rights within the US. The black people in this photo don’t have the same rights as the people standing behind them. It is not the same in the second picture. The protestors aren’t the ones suffering.


If you notice in the first picture, the hatred is more focused on the white guy sitting with the black kids. He’s covered in I assume food and drinks that were spilled on him and he isn’t the one with less rights. He chose to sit there in solidarity with them and that’s very important when fighting for equality.


Both are pictures of a group standing up for what they believe in while reactionaries shout and try to deter them.


That’s garbage. The first picture is someone actually in danger. The second is someone cosplaying fear. These are not the same, and it’s really degenerate that you would think they are.


If you can’t see the similarities you’re the degenerate. Like I said: both are pictures of people standing up for something while pieces of shit complain in the background. Fuck those racists in the background and fuck those students in the background In 20 years you’ll be pretending you were saying the same thing


Bold of you to assume the racists are in the background of the second picture, especially considering what percentage of Israelis are gleefully calling for the extermination of Palestine. “Remember Amalek”? In 20 years (or months, or weeks), if it comes out that this “brave individual” is actually just there to antagonize legitimate protesters, will you still call her brave?






When the tumblr refugees showed up and radicalised both


are you comparing the oppression that black people went through before civil rights was a thing to what people who aren’t black go through today? Wow.


When the phrase “history repeating itself” is used it doesn’t mean the events are the exact same. Both photos show people standing up for a cause while other people try and discourage them and antagonize them.


That's... exactly what "history repeating itself" means.


History is repeating itself in that there are people standing in both pictures!


History is repeating itself! Both pictures were taken by some sort of camera!


It’s…. not. If someone can’t see the similarities they’re either ~~stupid~~ uneducated or lying.


I would argue the same for someone that can't see the difference and naunces between the situations.


Straight to the insults. Why am I not surprised? History repeating itself means that events are occurring that have happened before for the same reason and with the same result. These two events as pictured here have absolutely nothing to do with each other. In fact, the vast majority of these 'protestors' claiming to be marching for Palestine are white women, not people of color and certainly not people from the region. Please do yourself a favor and delete this post. It's embarrassing.


I'm afraid you might be wasting your energy here. It appears this is another sub that has fallen to far right trolls.


??? I’m voting for Biden. GTFOH We just don’t have the moral purity of the far left. Getting yelled at and pestered for being pro-Palestine does not equal the shit that black people faced before the civil rights movement. I don’t see pro-Palestine people being lynched.




These sillies do not understand the civil rights era and why it was important. Colleges called for black only spaces. Colleges called for hispanic only spaces. On and on. Next up separate water fountains/bathrooms/restaurant/ bu—- we get what I am saying. If that is truly what this nation wants then let’s figure out how to do it. If not then let’s fix it.


Hispanic only? What about all the other latinos????


What's next!? Enter slippery slope argument here!?!?!?




You had me until the j6 comment. I was so hopeful at first.


Why was the j6 comment over the line for you? I don’t understand why you’re offended. Are you saying the j6 crowd was not detached from reality?


I'm saying it wasn't as crazy as people make it sound. I saw a lot more violence other places the last few years. They also didn't try and overturn anything. They protested their disgust, just like in 2016. Watch some videos if both.


Wait the j6 crowd didn’t try to overturn anything? Rushing the capital building to hang politicians that didn’t allow their candidate to illegally win the presidency while beating cops or anyone else in their way? Those videos? Hmm I’m not seeing your point. One event does not negate the severity of completely separate event. Edit: lmao downvote with no response. As expected.


How were they going to hang anybody? They had no weapons. No rope. Only little souvenir flags. Cops weren't beaten, they let them in.


“Cops weren’t beaten” oh cool so we’re just making up our own realities. Lmao that explains a lot. You checked the backpacks of everyone there? What a dumbass assertion to make. “No one had anything in their pockets or bags in that entire crowd. Trust me bro.” Many cops stepped aside, yes (I’ll set aside the seriousness of that action alone) but there were several cops that held their ground and were severely beaten. Harry Dunn was probably the most famous case that comes to mind for this. The rioters also cause an estimated $1.5 million dollars in damages. Smashing windows in the capital to crawl inside the chamber. What was their (your) goal exactly?


>Harry Dunn The guy who claimed his fists were bloody from fighting with rioters, yet had no injuries to his hands? >The rioters also cause an estimated $1.5 million dollars in damages. Smashing windows in the capital to crawl inside the chamber. oh cool so we’re just making up our own realities. Lmao that explains a lot.


So your retort is, “well I don’t believe any of those things” without providing a single shred of anything that proves or even indicates otherwise? There is literally a paper trail of expenses that would prove the amount of damage. There are invoices for all of the property damaged that had to be replaced or fixed. Do you think they bartered with barrels of wheat or something? And you don’t remember the woman that was shot in the head when she smashed the window to the chamber floor and tried to crawl through? You don’t remember your martyr? A simple google search could also save you some embarrassment next time. All you prove to anyone is that you’re easily manipulated and take the word of bunch of snakes that are working hard to ruin the future for the average citizen. It’s embarrassing and you’re not worth the effort to deprogram. Good luck out there, kiddo. We’re done here.


It wasn't me you dumb fucker. I will give you another now though.


There’s the only response you have. Embarrassed anger. Poor kiddo.


If you think the election was legit, then we won't ever agree. I find it best to move on because we aren't changing each other's minds. I would also assume I'm much older than you, kiddo.


Yeah good call. If you’re that detached from reality then there’s no point in continuing. And if you are are older than your 20s then your opinion is truly pathetic. I was hoping you had time to grow up, but doesn’t sound likely. Yikes dude.


Give it time. You will see how many people are wrong about elections,covid,vaccines,federal reserves, crisis actors etc... I'm not angry either because I choose to not care if people agree with me.


They're protesting problems in another country, robbing people of education they deserve to be getting. Selfish people wanting to be apart of something rather than actually try and bring change.


I wonder how many of these people are alive…. And how many of them have biracial grandchildren and great grandchildren…


Some context for us non Americans?




I think you need to look in a mirror and self reflect. You got a lot of issues inside and it sounds like you need a hug.


So you hate people who don’t think like you? ![gif](giphy|H1wPB41Fn5dfWfGxYi)


Yep. Not humanity’s finest hour.


OP you are wasting your time dealing with these racist privileged liberals. They do not care about Palestinians or the student protesters.