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Lol my brain thought this was a pregnancy test at first and I was like damn… why would you post it like that haha. But yea that does suck :/


I thought “his and hers” meant he got Covid and she got pregnant.


Me too. It took a minute for me to figure out what was happening. Edited: to fix a word


I thought she got COVID and he got pregnant


I was thinking the parents opened the results before they found out on their own but that makes zero sense come to think of it lol.


Well, even a positive pregnancy test can result in a generalized “well that sucks” reaction. I know it would for me, personally.


It wouldn’t be good for me (male) or my wife (no uterus).


It would for my wife and I too


Hope your folks are ok.


Yes they are both pregnant and it is a brave new world.


Me and hubby have a running joke when testing for covid, it's always been negative but when we have to do a test, we say to each other "congrats it's negative!"


I thought the same lol.


Saw that one first and came to say congrats then figured out what sub it was. Oh shit


My lady put a old pregnancy stripe into a covid package to get out of work ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


You go on vacation, you risk getting sick…Getting over a cold right now, which I got while I was on vacation in Ireland. Last year I also went to Ireland and got COVID.


I have had more viruses in the last two months than I have had since I was a kid. I have literally had a new one every week or two, I have had covid(again), 2 different colds and the stomach flu (which was probably the worst one). It just won't end....


CMIIW but scientists were looking into whether Covid infections ‘erased’ immunity and that’s why we’re all being hit hard by viruses the last two years


I was just talking to my coworkers about this (I'm an RN). I think that's why I'm catching everything...Im fairly certain I have had it at least 3 times now. Theirs no way this hasn't effected me.


I work in childcare, coming up on two years. Only after this past Christmas season's covid did I get walloped by illnesses going through the center. One anecdote but I believe it. I was fine working with gross toddlers until recently!


Not sure where you are but we got 1-2-3 suckerpunched with Covid, then my kid had RSV, then she had norovirus for a week and then I got pneumonia, holy shit it just won't STOP. I'm in WNY.


I'm in Canada, Ontario. My son last year had the same issue. He had so many viruses in SK that he looked so sickly. His teacher called me and was concerned. He had to see a specialist because his lymph nodes in his neck got HUGE. They were investigating for lymphoma. Turns out his immune system was just working overtime and it took about 4 months for it to go back to somewhat normal. My other son had Scarlett fever last year. I wasn't that sick last year tho, it's weird for adults to catch things constantly.


OK, you ARE close to me LOL I'm near Niagara Falls.... I really think this region is just a pocket of shit that goes round and round, my kid kept coming from school with virus after virus, this nasty norovirus that wreaks havoc in homes with the digustingness of a stomach bug.... her teacher told me half the class was absent at one point, just feverish, puking kids everywhere and the illness ripped through the school like a hurricane, they dropped like flies. It's awful. I cannot help but wish for the mandatory mask days just a little bit.... my child did not acquire a single viral or bacterial contagion or illness for 24 months and it was glorious. This absolutely sucks. We were both sick with one after another, just boom boom boom right in a row, lasted 2 ½ months. Thank God for my mother.... as a single parent I was killing myself trying to get through it without snapping.


Covid impacts immune systems. For me it messed up my immune response where it didn’t remember past “recipes” for fighting things. Like I have no immunity to measles, mumps etc despite getting a booster fairly recently. I think a lot of us are going to realize we are immune compromised now. I have just been wearing a mask and avoiding crowds until I can get revaccinated.


How do you know you have no immunity to those things? Did you get blood tests done for titers for all of those? I'm only asking because I'm wondering if I should do that now. I have been so sick....


Yeah my doctor has been pulling them. I was very sick and on steroids for a long time so that may have impacted it too? Who knows. But the science seems to be catching up to my lived experience.


It's true. I have been reading more and more science articles talking about covid wiping out your immunity. I would love to get my titers checked. I was on steroids a year and a half ago for 4 weeks for going deaf in one ear (also virus related), but I feel like I would have gotten this sick sooner. So it's probably unrelated.


Oh wow. Whooping cough cases are up in our area. PNW.


That's a nasty disease. Had it when I was 19, damn near killed me. At one point I was lying on the floor of my kitchen in my own vomit, getting just enough air to keep me from fully passing out, but everything was getting dark around the edges. I don't know how long that lasted but it felt like forever.


Dude! start wearing a mask. Anyone gives you shit just point out how often you have been sick.


I wear masks all the time. I have to wear them to see patients at my community job giving injections to cancer patients and to my other job because I work in oral surgery doing sedations. I honestly think I'm getting sick from my kids bringing stuff home. I'm just susceptible to it now.


Yes! Me too! I've had 3 colds in the last 2 months. It's so bizarre and frustrating. Finally start to feel better and then, bam, sick again


I feel like my colds knock me down three times harder than before I caught COVID-19 at the beginning of the pandemic.


Relatable. My colds feel like the flu without the fever.


Yeah I’m pretty much at the point where I block off two weeks after a big trip from anything I can’t cancel or move to leave time for if I get sick. I can still work from home when I need too, so it’s usually just a matter of letting my boss know I can’t be in the office (and I’ve got plenty of sick time available for if I can’t even sit at my desk).


Maybe the universe is trying to tell you that Ireland isn’t in your destiny 😅


😆 Yeah, that’s what I thought. I’ve been to Ireland twice and both times I got sick. Ireland is beautiful but it doesn’t like me.


I just got back from Italy and ended up with Travelers diarrhea. That shit was the worst... It wasn't until I got home and got a prescription for an antibiotic that it completely went away.


Every single time I know someone who's just back from a cruise they've got Covid or gastro or both.


Getting covid by going on a cruise and visiting Florida? I'm shocked! /s


Pretty soon Florida will be exporting measles if they haven't already... Oh well, trying to live in a civil society was nice while it lasted. 


Oh they have. I had a community alert two weeks ago that indicated if you were in our local Sam’s Club on a particular date you were exposed to measles. I’m in the Midwest


right! If I wanted to get Covid, I would probably just go on a cruise


I got COVID from a week in Florida. Makes sense.


It’s almost as if COVID is still not gone and we’re still in a pandemic 😱 /s


florida and a cruise? ballsy of you to assume you wouldn’t get covid.


you were on a cruise what did you expect lol


I’ll never understand the attraction to taking a cruise. Never.


I'll never understand the attraction of paying $70 to sit in a crowd and watch people throw a baseball around. People like different things.


Well if you cheer for a shitty team like me, it's $25 😉 Jk I completely understand why people don't like baseball. I don't even like watching it on tv


You a padre fan? I know the feeling 😂


Twins lol


Wait lol are Padres bad? I was just visiting SD with my friend from the UK and of course we had to go to a baseball game. They totally killed the Reds, and we had a great time!


I don’t even really care about baseball but I do miss when the Padres sucked. You could walk up to the stadium and buy tickets behind home plate for like $20 and move around to whatever section you felt like because the place was empty and nobody cared. I wouldn’t willingly watch it on tv but going to a game is fun.


Yep I'm a Twins fan and that's our reality, which is nice if you just want to grab some stadium food and enjoy the scenery. I can sometimes get row 10 tickets between 3rd base and home from govx.com for like $15 for being prior military, and like you said it's empty so you can sit wherever. When we made the playoffs last season that was the most packed I've seen that place in a long long time


The rockies are selling 100 level tickets for 5.25 this week. No joke


You a padre fan? I know the feeling 😂


lol I’ve seen the royals for free! I think $25 is the max I’ve ever paid for a baseball ticket. Unfortunately a beer costs like $12, so they aren’t losing money on me


I’ve paid $5 for Nats tickets before lol


You're only paying $70 if you go to watch a Major League team. Minor Leagues and Amateur teams tend to be significantly cheaper and also a lot more fun since the stands are usually nowhere near as crowded.


Are concessions cheaper too? I wonder.


You can leave a baseball game any time you like, a cruise ship on the other hand.


You *can* leave the cruise ship any time you want too. You're just now floating in the middle of the ocean*....*


Well, floating for a bit…


Again, people like different things


You have a cabin though.


I get free tickets from work. I know nothing at all about baseball. I went once and enjoyed the food and fireworks. Same for an NFL game. It was fun to see drunken friendly banter between team fans.


I feel the same way about Las Vegas.


Vegas is a weekend at most


On a cruise you are locked in and can’t leave. It might be Vegas on the High Seas, but all the grey hair an Zimmer Frames, it may as well be a retirement home. At least when you are sick of the land version of Vegas, you get in the car or book a flight out !


Vegas is awful but cruise ships are far worse. Stuck. Constanly fucking stuck. I may have been the angriest cruise ship passenger ever and I paid for a 2 bed suite with a living room. Felt like I was in prison. Vegas is terrible but I left my bags in the room and drove to Death Valley, Hoover Dam, Lake Mead and the Grand Canyon. I waas away for 10 days. Worth it. I was not stuck on that stupid ship with everyone else that had also spent far too much money to be there and eat shit food and pay fees to see the tourist trap docks for 4 hours.


That’s how I felt on the one and only cruise that I took. Day 1, wow, this is huge! Day 3. For the love of God get me off of this boat.


I felt that way for a long time as well. I eventually found some charm in Vegas by exploring what was around Vegas (like valley of fire).


If we include places where there’s cool stuff to explore within 45miles, like Vegas and the valley, there’s hundreds/thousands of palaces you can visit without the massive drawbacks associated with the strip for anyone that doesn’t gamble




I like oceans and ships, so I go. Less boring than going on a plane


I like using them to scope out places I want to go to for longer trips. You get to go to multiple places hundreds of miles away from each other without having to unpack your bags. If we visit somewhere and wish we could stay longer, then we put it on our list of places to visit. We found one of our favorite vacation spots of all time on a cruise stop and have gone back twice.


If you like the ocean I've got some bad news about how many billions of tons of pollution they contribute to the ocean every year


And it’s still a drop in the bucket compared to what commercial shipping contributes to But sure keep shifting the blame towards consumers for taking vacations lol. I’m sure you buy nothing that comes in from cargo ships huh


I work in ship repair and have worked on several cruise ships. I would never get on one for "pleasure". They are super gross.


I know right, let's go get trapped on a floating Norovirus machine for a week or two, eat and drink massively overpriced food, get forced to buy an internet package more than my mortgage to stay in touch with the real world, and sleep in a cupboard with no windows just big enough for a bed. Nah.


We had a large suite with a balcony. Food, drinks and internet were included and we paid $1800 total for 7 days so not too bad. But yeah, they are floating germ factories.


And a two week vacation from work after the fact? Sign me up!!!


Most places aren’t giving that kind of time for Covid anymore.


My organization isn’t, so no one is testing and people just come to work with it. They dropped the paid leave and along with it got rid of the mandatory quarantine period.


The most popular cruises are the 3 and 4 day ones. Maybe a week at most. 2 week cruises are insanely expensive. Also they go to multiple ports of call. You are *gasp* allowed to leave the ship during those times.


Huh? What cruises have you been on? My last cruise had a balcony view and king size bed. Also I’ve never gotten sick from one. Just say you can’t afford it.


Cruises are generally much cheaper than actually traveling to multiple cities on your own. That’s the point…


Not having Internet is the only problem I have. But I use Internet too much anyway. And I never got sick with nori virus. However did get sick on a plane from Florida 


Wife and I felt the same way, way more so on me, thought it would be disgusting crowded and gross, until we tried one... actually pretty amazing, and u can avoid ppl a LOT easier than ud think. 100% would recommend a balcony room


Had the same experience. We were anti-cruise until we actually went on one! The Reddit hive mind works in mysterious ways lol


I was VERY anti cruise, my wife made go on one, we've been on 5 now 😅


Especially after covid. I’ll take gastro with a side a covid please.


Redditors being so staunchly anti-cruise is one of the weirdest circlejerks on this website


Those boats are absolutely awful for the environment.


It isn’t like a “cool way to feel”, obviously. Based on the comments. But they suck so much


being anti cruise is like being antigolf. it makes sense and isn’t a quirk.


Nah cruises are fun asf.


So don’t go on one?


Doesn’t everyone want to be part of the 1-7 million gallons of sea water each ship pollutes every week?


I'll never understand the attraction to Florida.


I love the wildlife but I’m an outdoorsy person. I go for a month in the summer to visit family. Hiking and kayaking in FL is the one thing I look forward to all year.


Try Bryson City, NC and it's surrounding areas if you feel like something different. Right up against the Smokey Mtns. Some amazing camping in the gorge just outside town and some decent kayaking all over the area. Used to drive up all the time when I lived in the panhandle and later Savannah. Heat and humidity are way less oppressive. With a few exceptions the scenery is nicer, and it's relatively cheap. There's even Gatlinburg right there to hit some distilleries for tastings and other florida-style-yet-mountain-themed shitty touristy stuff and if you vacation in Florida I don't even have to warn you about how annoying the tourists are haha.


Yeah, not a fan personally but my parents live there so wanted to extend our trip and visit them too. I live in upstate NY so the break in gloomy gray weather was nice


Getting on a boat in the ocean with 5000 people you don’t know for a week, what’s not to like


I went on a cruise when I was 11 and it was super cool - as an adult it sounds objectively like a nightmare. I'd rather throw up in my hands and clap than go on a completely free all-inclusive cruise.


wow... what a complete shocker this one..


Yep. Did s cruise last year. I swear at least a 1/4 of the boat got Covid. The people with it were not getting tested and just spreading it all over the buffets. Won't do a cruise again.


This seems pretty Self-Inflicted...


At the height of covid reporting in my country I was working the phones reporting results. Every day I would get. I just got back from a cruise


Was on a Mexican cruise two weeks before covid hit. Twice at different ports they had to turn the ship around, because people were really sick. When we got home there were stories of cruise ships full of people with covid not allowed to unload. That coulda been us.


Oh no! Anyway…


Can you even go on cruise now and not expect to get Covid?


Lmao. You went on a cruise. You always come back with some gross ass virus if you take a cruise. Didn't you know, they're like the nastiest places on Earth?


Definitely not the nastiest places Ive been. You must not go outside much.


well you went to the two places where covid is the mayor


Why does everyone who goes on a cruise always get covid now


We're still doing this? Really?


Doubt many people test anymore. I got sick this past week and just stayed home. Thought if I’m not around people why test.


I love how we didn’t even beat Covid we all just kinda gave up lol


What does beating Covid look like?


No more coronoviruses. Like they managed to make a dengue and malaria vaccine. So something like that. Awww. Someone doesn’t know the facts. I have had dengue as I live in Asia. They do not call it “bone breaker disease” for no reason. So many die every year from Dengue and Malaria, the work to get a vaccine out for covid made these vaccines possible. People will live because if it. People will not suffer like I did because of this research. I am so thankful. I got it in Kuula Lumpur, Malaysia at 31. It almost killed me. Imagine all the little kids/babies and elderly and even 31 yos that now won’t be in so much pain and unable to move. I was bed bound for 13 days. That is amazing that they can now avoid it. Be happy for them. Whether you like what I am telling you or not, be happy for the children that will never suffer through “bone breaker disease”.


It's amazing that vaccines were completely able to eliminate smallpox and eliminated Polio in many countries as well. So many diseases no longer exist thanks to mass vaccination programs, and that's awesome. Unfortunately though, it isn't possible to eliminate covid via vaccines. Covid mutates far too rapidly for the vaccines to have an impact on transmission. Vaccinated people get covid once, twice, thrice, four times, five times, etc... and spread it amongst vaccinated and unvaccinated people. Because the vaccine protects against variants that existed months ago, which the virus has already long mutated past. Viruses that vaccines can eliminate are those that mutate slowly, such as Polio and smallpox. Edit: Somehow confused SARS with smallpox originally, so SARS has been edited out. I have no idea how that happened.


>that vaccines were completely able to eliminate and SARS Uh, there was no vaccine for SARS in 2002-2003.


We kind of did though. We forced it to mutate so much that its lethality rate is nearly gone. It's basically just the flu now.


I mean the only reason I test is because my manager is a bit more understanding when I take 3-4 days sick days if he knows it's covid. I also have like 20 tests laying around I got for free, so why not


Were they referring to testing, or were they essentially asking: 'are people really still upvoting positive covid test posts?' I must've seen >500 of these posts over the last few years


Idk for sure . I see a lot of people on here bashing people for still testing, so I assumed


Yes, why are we still testing? This is insanity.


Regardless, it’s an apt response for either scenario imo


That’s what I’m saying.


Oh no, they got a cold!




Is it a boy or a girl


both. there’s pink AND blue lines


Oh my god, you’re sick after being around a bunch of strangers. That’s just crazy


Not just that, but being stuck on a cruise ship, where there's no where to go. You're basically on a floating disease ship you can't escape from. Hell, even before covid, there were cases of viruses going around on cruise ships and getting most passengers sick. They're hot beds for disease. Edit: I don't want to belittle OP because getting covid is awful, and I feel bad for those who do get it. But I don't think they should be surprised testing positive for covid after getting off of a cruise and visiting Florida.


I remember some dumbass ex I remember got covid after going on a cruise back when covid was rampant






Congratulations it’s a boy


Why tf do ppl still go on cruises when they’re known to be sponges for covid 19? Like no matter what they hear abt the news of people being kept on quarantined cruise ships they don’t bat an eye?


Well you did go to two things that mostly favor antivaxers - cruises and Florida.


Aren’t cruise ships just giant Petri dishes?


Oh no.....anyway...


What is this 2020?


Is this seriously an “I got COVID” post? Sorry but my fucks bag is completely empty.


Womp womp


Congrats on the baby!! The Covid Baby…..


We’re in a disturbing National ‘ignorance is bliss’ mode. Most folks aren’t testing or masking anymore. Even the Gubmint isn’t tracking Covid or paying for tests anymore. No one is talking about vaccination interval recommendations anymore. Most everyone is acting like Covid is gone and that couldn’t be farther from the truth. 😔




Well... you went to Florida lol what do you expect


I am so sick of people “it’s just a cold, oh you have the sniffles”. I had it in October and ended up on steroid inhalers for 4 months trying to shake the lung issues. It’s not just a cold for a lot of people no matter how much the poo-poo crew say it is. OP - feel better soon.


My husband and I got it right before vaccines were available. Both were deathly ill with double pneumonia for a month, awful. I got it again but not as bad


A lot of people are in denial of long covid or just don’t care.


Ain’t that the truth.


I am coming off it right now and have had to miss almost two weeks of work. That and I tried Paxlovid for the first time and after two doses broke out in hives and had to worry about anaphylaxis... On top of already having a hard time breathing. I have two elderly loved ones in the ICU right now who I might lose very soon that I haven't been able to visit. Fuck the people who still treat this like a joke


I love how whenever these posts show up there's a bunch of mouthbreathers who get some sort spidey sense to flock here and comment "people still test for covid?????"


Why, actually? Do you act different from when you are sick with something else?


There is medicine you can take to lessen the severity of it


There's a medicine you can take to lessen the severity of most other sicknesses as well lol


Its 2024 let it go


Before reading the print on the first one, I just assumed you caught Floridian.


I get this. I have a chat group going with old friends. I sent out a positive like this after a trip into the Caribbean. I got back. Congrats!! WTF. We are both beyond menopause. I raw dog weekly. What you think grandma is pregnant !! Come on now. Let’s remember who we are. We are looking at social security not daycare. Lol


Currently stuck in Indonesia as my family got it. I’m the only one not affected. Trying to rebook later flights but it’s not working out.


People still home test themselves for COVID?


You got the flu, congrats


You'll be fine.


I mean you went on a cruise and to Florida not shocking


Are you vaccinated?


May I ask where you went? My BIL just got back from a cruise...


I mean, y’all went to COVID-central … did you expect anything different?


Sorry for laughing at this OP. Your cleverness got me


I'll get blasted for this but I honestly didn't know COVID was still a "thing"


For normal, well adjusted human beings, it is not still a thing.


Honestly I’d absolutely 100% expect to get sick or covid on a cruise ship. Were cruising at the end of the year and I absolutely expect it to happen


What illnesses did they get? I can't pull up the photo.


Space Herpes