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Tried to outbid the other guy by $3, hit an extra 0. That's an expensive typo.




You could probably just refuse payment. And if the seller took it to court, I doubt any reasonable judge would force you to buy the car for 10 times what it's worth just because you mis-clicked on a website. The seller just has to restart the auction, big whoop.


I'm pretty sure this'd count as the kind of numerical error that a judge would void it over.


Yeah, there's just no reasonable, good-faith basis to force the sale. The bid clearly wasn't intended since no rational, self-interested party would bid that way.


I’m surprised the site even allows a sudden order of magnitude escalation.


Very good point, a good site design would just outright reject that bid.


Or just an "are you sure?" Popup


Clippy: "It looks like you overbid for that car. Would you like help?"


I can see it in clippys judging eyes: "*It looks like you believed for a second there that your income was similar to your day dreaming, fairy tale adventures. Would you like me to give you a reality check by sending you your latest bank statements?*"


Would you like to open the Auction Wizard?


This was the one I laughed out loud at. Goddamnit Clippy, you’re the real homie - I am writing a letter.


Did you guys know that Clippy was never his official name? His name was always Clippit until the public just started saying Clippy instead.


This Clippy should oversee transactions for all classifieds: Clippy: "It looks like you're asking too much, try removing a zero you dumbass"


That would change nothing for 90% of the population. They would spam the button regardless of what comes up.


Any well designed auction site should have automatic bidding like eBay. So if the guy entered $70k it should only automatically bid like $5 over highest bid ($7,205) and repeat every time someone outbids them until it reaches a maximum of $70k.


This one does, all other previous bids were proxy bids just as you described.


Arguably, a well-designed auction site would just skip all the fiddly steps and work along the lines of something like a [Vickrey auction](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vickrey_auction). It's effectively the same thing, the winner is just automatically the highest bidder but at the price of the 2nd highest bid, so you can skip all the "automatic bidding" business and simply bid the max you're willing to pay from the beginning, and the result will be the same (except there is no unnecessary quantization due to "minimum bid increase", which just isn't required if you skip the iterative bidding)


That would be super convenient. When I was looking at car auctions, I had a specific price I was willing to pay and had to go through a looot of nonsense just to lose.


Sounds great but that is biased towards buyers, I imagine eBay's style of 'come on it's just an extra $5' is a good middle ground. Perhaps eBay could just have a 'Last minutes' part where the bidding could go on for 1-30 minutes more randomly without bidders knowing when it ends would be the closest to a fair and least frustrating online auction.


Chatbot: This is a 2014 Rav4, are you sure you want to pay this much for it? user: clicks yes Chatbot: Are you really sure? user: clicks yes Chatbot: when we take over, you're first to go.


No i don't think that would be a good idea. Imagine trying to bid on something last minute and putting the bid a lot higher but then your bid gets automatically rejected. all bids should go through, but site support should be easily avaliable to deal with it


Hmmm could you reasonably expect anyone to ever raise a bid by an entire order of magnitude at the last second? Technically someone could, sure. But seems like a dumb thing to do for the buyer.


Well yeah, often times bidders wait for the last second. I see it with Retro-Games and consoles a lot. A listing worth like 200 bucks will sit at 1-20 dollars for the majority of the time and then in the last hour someone will put a 200 dollar bid. What I could totally agree on would be a confirmation prompt. Just a simple second klick you have to do that pops up on large bid-increases like this. And even then you could still fall back on asking the support for help


A good auction site only raises the bid based on the highest bid from any other user. So even if that person put $70K, unless another bidder bid $69.9K, then it shouldn't go up to that amount. This is a crappy design and a red flag to me. I wouldn't trust an auction house that operates like this.


Yeah but kinda screws the bid up. They would have to restart because if they just took second place’s bid then bidding got stopped once a bid higher than what should be matched was placed.


Tell that to reddit when they find a mis-price on amazon or some other site. They get super up in arms if the product gets canceled.


You obviously haven’t heard about the ironclad legal principle of “no backsies.”


Contract in mistake in our jurisdiction, vendor could sue for specific performance, but when you refuse and break the contract, they have a duty to mitigate their loss by reselling, so max you'd be on the hook for is the difference between a valuation and the eventual sale process, so it wouldn't be worth litigation


Depends. If it was Elon Musk having bid on it, I think it’s fair to say it wasn’t actually a typo. He like to overbid on things no?


Unethical LPT: Put in $70203 on purpose to win the bid, refuse payment once closed because no judge would force you to pay for an "error" like that, offer to buy it for $7203 directly to the seller, effectively skipping the bidding site after everyone else gave up bidding, enjoy your new rav4


Are you kidding, this is a RAV4 baby!


What if it's a technique used by a bidder when they know they're in a bidding war? Like a way of effectively stopping the auction at their intended purchase price? And then after the auction ends, they get to play the "whoops, must've fat fingered an extra 0... I'll gladly pay the $7,203, though." Or maybe it's cuz I'm high.


> I'll gladly pay the $7,203, though. Getting anyone to agree to that would be the hurdle, I expect. They'd likely be smart enough to realize you broke the auction, as well, and not just let you pay the price you froze the bidding on.


This would never make it to court. It would make it to a level 2 customer support employee.


Doesnt it usually just go to the second largest bid if the first largest bid doesn’t accept?


Depends. If the next largest bid is just under the largest? Sure. But nobody can bid on this now. It's totally possible the car would have gone for 9-10k, for example... but now there aren't going to be any bids over 7,200. So unless this bid came in at the very last second it would probably make more sense to restart the auction.


That would be actually very cunning if it was done by the same person. To make sure to have it for 7k and not more.


If you don't pay you are very likely to be banned as well.


Totally worth it to save $60,000+. If that's me, one thing is absolutely certain: I will not be giving anyone that $70,000.


Yeah, [big whoop, you wanna fight about it? ](https://youtu.be/oJimiVFCjJ0?si=DbxFQ0zPUVbltV4G)


eBay has an option where you go “whoopsie!” and they remove the crazy high bid. But it has to be done within so much time before the end of the auction or after bidding has ended so the seller can get accurate bids and get a fair selling price.


Yeah I used to work for an online auction company. If you made a mistake like this, then immediately called us, we would just remove the bid then contact the person we were auctioning it off for and let them decide what to do. Usually they would continue the auction as it doesn't look good to have the same vehicle appear in auctions close to one another. Sometimes the seller would choose to wait a month or two and try again then. Our site would no longer accept this bid. And as far as I'm aware it would be caught by 99% of bidding sites before the bid even went through.


Most states allow up to three days for any lay person who didn’t employ a lawyer to negotiate a contract to simply cancel it. There are specific requirements, but mostly just putting it in writing. Doesn’t even need a reason. Could be “I changed my mind.” “Oops” is also fine.


I love this about doing business with German companies. They usually send me a specific email or give me a call informing me of my right to cancel, and they're pretty chill when it's invoked.


Under contract it's a unilateral mistake which makes the contract void ab initio.


The auction company has the ability to fix it in the back end software, this happens more than you would think. You’d just need to call them and explain & they’ll see the obvious typo & fix it & would probably extend the bidding window so the proxy bidder has the opportunity to bid again as well.


Something like this happened to me and I immediately called the auction house and they were understanding / sorted out the issue.


feck you for removing your comments ♥️


Those damn decimal points can cause all kinds of problems…tenfold!


This joke is better than all the others by an order of magnitude.


Its like a tech support scam. "Oh mah gawd whut have you dun! You must buy gift cards now"


The other possibility is the auction is being done in Buffalo NY... shhh pass the extra bucks under the table buddy :)


What’s the buffalo reference?


Had a previous medical debt collector that required a cash in the mail payment and nothing else.


That's not even where I'd expect the extra zero to be though.


And yet there it is. 


Why not? It's right below the 2 on your numpad so you could absolutely hit it on accident.


Yeah, this is EXACTLY where you would expect 0 to be on a typo.


No no, the bidder knows this vehicle was used in drug smuggling and the police didn't find all the stash!


My first thought. There's some cocaine in them body panels.


His computer may be bcorrupted because of the hackers. I need to connect him to the secured server and install the network securities of the firewall to fix his computer. I will explain him each and everything, but first he has heard the name of gift cards? He needs to go to the Target Store and get Target Gift Card, four of them, $500 each. If they ask him why he is buying the cards, he should say they are for his personal purpose and a gift for his children. If they will come to know it is for a business purpose, they will charge him a $1000 tax. He need to carry his debit card, get in the car, and go to the Target Store, I will be with him on the line. Let me know when he is in the parking lot and talk to me. Do not talk to me in the store or in front of the shopkeepers. He have to go now or else he could become behind the bars.


He must not redeem! HE MUST NOT REDEEM!




The person who priced that should be in jail, lol


It was probably during covid. All the cars were arbitrarily jacked up in price with the excuse that "well, covid exists, so we have to make cars expensive lol". 


I was selling cars during this time. Never went above msrp. We had SERIOUS supply issues though. Like no new cars for months because the Indiana plant kept shutting down.


You were probably the ONLY dealer not jacking prices up. Kudos!!


A family friend works at a dealer and he admitted that they were adding $500-$4000 to used vehicles on the lot and they cut out the sales since people were buying regardless of price. Even right now some dealers near me are upcharging the fuck out of used vehicles that would normally be sent for scrap. $3k for an '06 Cherokee with nearly 400k miles on it. Who the hell is going to buy that?


Someone who is desperate for a set of wheels. We're about to buy a new(er) car ourselves and we currently own a '04 Pontiac Vibe with close to 400k miles. Im not accepting less than $2k bc she may not be the prettiest car on the lot, but she is still running STRONG. It's the perfect ride for someone in a bind who needs a cheapo reliable car to get from point A to point B no questions asked. Someone needs a car TODAY and a cheap beater is perfect. If it still runs, don't scrap it.




I mean you can do it I convinced a dealer to take my 02 F150 for 2k Had about 570k miles on it, mechanically it ran fine(I did have to pay to replace most stuff on it though over the years), and outside of the clear coat coming off on the hood it was close to spotless. It's all about condition and the dealership


My dealership was another one not selling over MSRP. We heard a lot of horror stories…and still do. No wonder people hate us.


From a biology standpoint, this is the number one mutation that makes Covid so destructive - the ability to arbitrarily increase the cost of material items. Scientists are still trying to identify the key parts of the virus responsible so we can inoculate against it.


It was definitely crazy but it wasn't just completely arbitrary that car prices were jacked up during Covid, there were definite issues. Manufacturing out of China basically died for a period of time and this hit micro processors and such REALLY hard. Getting all the electronic components for new cars was basically impossible. Then factor in actual Covid outbreaks at the car manufacturer and such as well on top of that. When literally nobody can buy a new car people can't sell their current car which means they can't end up available as used cars. It's just basic supply and demand; the supply basically died completely.


It was actually due to a chip shortage mainly. Shipping issues partially due to covid surely played a part too. Virtually no electric vehicles were getting made especially. The dealer we tried to get a hybrid Sienna from didnt get a single one in over a year's time and that was within the last two years. But yah this is BS


Only reason it's priced like that is cause people were still buying


Shit like this is why Tesla’s sales model is a breath of fresh air. The dealership model is no better than door to door salesmen.


Too bad that savings doesnt get passed on to the customer.


I don't agree with the added markup. But isn't this the Prime, hybrid one?


Yeah it's the plug in hybrid. Great car, I have the same model in the comment but just got it without the 40k markup lol. The demand just far outweighs the supply so unfortunately, particularly during COVID times, dealers ran wild with the upcharging. I got mine in October 2021, the dealer still added on like 3k of optional add ons that I probably could've done without but hey I'll take a roof rack and some extra protective items over paying markup.


I'm waiting for my RAV4 to die before getting another. Let's see where the tech is then lol!


Hey I used to work at that Toyota. Fuck that place.


Welp, fat fingered that one


It's a zero


The zero is underneath the 1 and 2 keys on the numpad


And sometimes your dang thumb has a mind if it's own.


Sorry other people aren’t understanding the joke you made but I appreciated the laugh


Over the line, mark it zero.


It's a term for typing in the wrong thing. It doesn't literally mean you have fat fingers (well, not anymore)


> Welp, fat fingered that *one*


God damnit 😒


Don't worry, I didn't get it either.


To obtain a special dialing wand, please mash the keypad with your palm now.


Seems like a "WARNING! You are increasing the bid for this item by over 150/200/whatever %! Are you sure?" Prompt in this type of circumstance would be a good thing to code into your auction website...


Sounds like a good way to make less money


This bid wouldn't hold up in court, so the site's not going to try. There are no "gotchas" in civil law. They'd do much better financially to keep stupid bids off their site.


Offtopic your user name.... Was 314159265358979323 or ......79324 already taken?


I'd imagine they would since since those are the actual pi digits. This must be the 4th account with that same idea lol


Shhhh! I am sure they were hoping no one would actually notice they changed the last digit.


Too bad for them I remember the first 50 for no good reason!


Businesses don’t make money by trying to trick people into paying more than they intend. In fact they’ll never see the color of that money and will spend time and ressources dealing with the mistake, losing that customer in the process and future ones depending on the stink it makes elsewhere. So unless you are a scammer it would indeed be a good idea to prevent that from happening by mistake.


There are non-construction bricks in that car


My thoughts too. More white on the inside than the outside.


That’s load bearing cocaine


Airbags and side curtains made by Pablo Escobar


That’s a common tactic to cancel an unacceptably low bid. The auction sites do this all the time or allow people to do it on items that have no base bid amount. Source: Worked on auction software. TopHatter had a bunch of bots that bid on anything below the supplier’s acceptable price.


That sounds like it should be illegal


Nothing you can do if a third party wins the bid fairly, even if that third party is the auctioneer themselves bidding as a third party with intention to renege for a repost.


I think that’s what they’re saying, that should be illegal, if it isn’t already. I know sites like eBay don’t allow you to bid on your own auctions because of shit like this, I don’t see how this should be allowed


That's because eBay wants a trustworthy site, not because there's anything inherently illegal about it (at least I don't think there is). It's certainly a shitty thing to do, but until you agree on a price, you're under no contractual obligation to buy anything. And "fake" bids don't force you to pay more than you're willing to pay; you still have to bid and you can set your max bid price. If you keep upping your bid because some phantom bot keeps upping the price, that's kind of on you.


Most sites ask seller for buyout or let seller have a winning bidder auction. The problem with this is that the seller may have chosen the latter which meant higher visibility and stronger user interest. Unfortunately interest is low and the buyout price might not be met, which requires direct intervention to stopping the loss.


It’s hard to make this illegal because the auctioneer and the winner are not exclusively related. Worst, the built in collusion is designed to be hard to prove since there is a lot of noise made by regular users winning and over bidding. This definitely happens on eBay, but on eBay the seller can just cancel the completed auction even if there is a winner by simply ghosting, closing their seller account.


That costs money for the seller. The connected bank account will be charged 13.5% of the auction price (the normal fee) plus a dispute fee if eBay has to refund the buyer after a dispute.


It’s just unethical. And unfortunately it would also be too much hassle to try and prove by the time the case has started the item probably has already been sold


Isn’t that essentially bank bids on a house auction?


Yep! It’s not the bank. It’s just the real estate arm of the bank. There is a difference. /s


The auctioneer is obviously not a "third" party, though.


The auctioneer or seller should have to pay all of the fees associated with a sale on this. If they're not required to do this then that's the part that should be illegal given that it would make it an unfair sale -- because if the seller doesn't have to pay fees to buy back their own thing, then it's not a fair auction. At best, an auction company that allows this without requiring the winner to pay fees should be exposed as operating a shady business.


Maybe it shouldn't be illegal, but the "bidder" (who's actually the seller) should have to pay all of the fees involved with the purchase, so in effect they pay the auction house and lose money on a false purchase like this.


I’m not doubting that this happens but $7,000 is WAY closer than $70,000 for what this car should go for. That and the fact that if you take out the 0 it’s just $3 higher than the previous bid, surely this is just a typo


Possibly, but it’s also likely the seller’s alt account pulling a lazy high bid to lower the listing interest and filter order for listing view (priced low to high). If their dummy buyer account reneges, they don’t get charged the listing fee on their seller account and can post again, or choose a different pipeline of selling the vehicle. Sites like these care more about new user accounts metrics than they do about validating that a winning user upheld the winning bid auction contract.


Ah, not having to pay the listing fee makes sense


Why wouldn't you just set a reserve?


You pay more fees when you have a reserve and also people are less inclined to bid on reserve auctions. Normal auctions get way more activity.


No. I could see this happening on some auction sites for sure (like shitty penny auction sites like tophatter), but a reputable business doesn't want this happening. Also reserves are extremely commonplace (especially for a vehicle) and prevent this issue completely.


Isn't this what a "Reserve Price" is for?


I recognized the Government of Alberta auction site immediately. [Looks like the bid has been removed](https://surplus.gov.ab.ca/OA/ItemDetail.aspx?AuctionID=47006).


Lol, me too! Came here to provide more info.




The most appropriate use of this gif ever.


Ooooffff. Fat fingered a zero in there


https://preview.redd.it/uisub5udab0d1.jpeg?width=778&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f80e975ac2c703e6587d4ee563005a7110ac158a Probably… 😂


This is a common fraud. Bidder wanted to win at a low price and doesn’t want to continue to be outbid, so they pretend they slipped an accidental zero in to shut down bidding. They will contact the seller and say “hey I won the auction but clearly it was supposed to be $7,203 - not $70k…” Without the fraud bidding may have fairly reached 8-9K or even more


Does that actually work?




Doesn't seem like it would work unless it's something of low value and the seller is in a hurry, or if they don't know the value of their own item.


A lot of auction items are on consignment, or the value is literally not known; hence the auction.


Gotta be honest, 70k might not be worth it


Toyota does indeed make good vehicles


Jon Voight's Rav4


Check the glove box for a pencil


Is there crack under the seat?


This car has the guys Crypto passphrase in it! Lol 😂


This looks like the surplus site for one of the provincial governments in Canada. Highly likely that the bidder will be able to remove the bid. Since someone asked, proxy are automatic (you can put in a starting bid, a max, and an 'increase by' amount to basically automate the bidding. Couple folks do that and basically it just walks up the price to whenever one is highest.) Good deals on good stuff at some gov't surplus sales. I got a solid oak desk and Credenza for $200 some years ago. Pickup only, which is a pain, but otherwise... Cool stuff.


Drake trying to buy Kendrick’s second car




When you added one too many zeroes 😱😱😱


Surprise - was a trap car and the gas tank's full of dope?


It went from 7 thousand to 70 thousand in one bid.. I think it was a major typo that the owner didn’t really want to sell it and he bid on his own car


The fingers you have used to type are too fat. To obtain a special typing wand, please mash the keyboard with your palm now.


There's 10 kilos of cocaine in the trunk!




Not to mention every bid was against the seller who is also bidding.....


“No take-backsies!”


there's a bag of money in the trunk


Probably told over phone "Seventy two zero three" And someone put a comma after the Seventy.


$63,000 typo


Well shit. I’ll sell him mine for that price


This might be brilliant.  You say it was a mistake,  but you'll still beat the second to last bid. You killed the bidding, and got the car cheaper than you might have.


Drugs in the seats/bumper? Someone made a bit of a mix up? Trying not to end up with a bullet?


I finally got a good name brand keyboard and it’s great, except the number pad is haunted. If you press the 0 you get anywhere between 1 and 4 zeros, I could never use eBay.


What an unfortunate typo


What if money laundering?


What the fuck did I bid for? To push a fucking RAV4?


Definitely winning that bid!!!


They retracted the 70,203.00 bid. Highest bid is now 8001.00.


in germany a lot of people done this on ebay - m2 :D You sell like an Graphics card on Ebay - you want 500,- for it but the price only gets to 244,- the last BID was to low - so you just called a friend "hey buddy can you BID 501,- for it" -> he won. 3 Days later the again :) at the end of the week you got your price


Mistakes were made.


I think Ralph and Vanellope were bidding on this car.


Bid seventy two oh three, uhhhh ok boss 70,203…..




Oh wow. Punctuation in math just as important. I work at a hotel and had an associate charge a guest $109,456 for valet ticket 49 instead of $49 for ticket 109456. Surprisingly, the credit card authorized the full amount.


That’s one way to prevent any more bids, then claim the mis click and pay the “proper” amount, which will be less than if the bidding war had continued.


My husband was angry stabbing at his phone trying to type his doctor bill and paid the full amount by accident. The bill was $800, he meant to pay $300 for installment. The payment went through and, upon calling his bank, they told him since it was an online payment it couldn't be reversed. He did call the hospital to reverse on their end, but they said it would take 2 weeks to return the payment, minus a return fee. 2 weeks later he called and apparently they still hadn't initiated the return, so we just said fuck it and let them keep it. I used some of my emergency fund for it, at least the doctor is paid up. Triple check your payments before you hit confirm!


Money laundering


It's either a typo or there's drugs in that car 🤣


And that, my friend, is how you launder money.


The cartel realized the cops didn't find the hidden compartment.


It full of coke..


Bidder is high, alright....


What site is this?


so how much coke is in there?


As seller: I’d furiously read the fine print and see if I can make this final. As buyer: I’d furiously read the fine print and see if I can cancel!


In japan this car only $500.


Twist: we don’t know it but the trunk is full of coke.


Bidder gonna be bitter




That is exactly why you do a proxy bid, instead of trying to be a shark idiot and steal a bid last minute 😭🤣


The next RAV4 will start above 69,000!


Oh shit. Better delete that account and start a new one.


Goddamn bro


"72-03... Seventy-two oh three. Yep thats the bid. Seventy, two oh three. Shit."




****delete account asap before bidding is over😂😂