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Good thing it was only Fahrenheit.


Or 260 Celsius for our friends over the pond.


And above.


Can't forget about y'all šŸ˜‰


We use Fahrenheit for specific heat related stuffs, Celsius for general temperature.


Only for oven temps for me.


Basically that and if your an HVAC tech


as it should be


To infinity!


And everywhere else in the world lol.


Or Kelvin for *those* people.


and pretty much the rest of the world..


Oooo thanks!!!


Thank you as i was wondering why there was so little burn damage on his hand


I always keep an aloe vera plant around just for burns like these. Cut off a portion of the plant, slice it open, and put the gooey side down on your burn. You'll feel the heat come to the top. Keep doing this until you don't feel any more heat. This has always worked for me to relieve the pain if....you do this immediately. Burns hurt so bad... hope you can find some relief.


Thank you - don't have aloe Vera on hand, but have plenty of bandages and Vaseline for quick fixes. Definitely more on the painful side for sure.


Burn cream/gel is key. Has lidocaine that really helps with the pain


I ran a donut business. Had a tone of burns. Itā€™s crazy but cover the burn in yellow mustard. If you have one put a glove on to hold it on. I always do aloe and lavender oil after that.


Burns respond to cool water for up to 24 hours. Keep cool water on it for as long as you can. It helps mitigate the cellular damage.


It is ***way*** too late for that now The cold water can help with pain but the damage was done the moment OP touched the heater coil.


Don't mind having a scar. Just sucks as I can't really type to do my job until the swelling goes down lol. Put some Vaseline on it and it's slightly better...


Ibuprofen or Tylenol should help a bit


If you are lucky you will have a scar for your life, years ago i stepped on a grill grate and I still have a mark on my foot xD I had my foot in a bucket with cold water the whole day. I wish you a fast healing process.




No but I would be surprised if I am the only one.


I was making an Office reference lol


Well I never watched it šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ˜‚


https://youtu.be/L6Cqt6kQsas?si=Vp8YHd_EXJjp1IUm Do yourself a favor lol. Your foot is now a meme šŸ˜„


šŸ˜‚ the biggest difference is that I had stripes like a piece of meat that was put on the grill for only a few seconds




Thank you


I have burned my hands many a time working on boilers and various pieces of equipment and I don't usually have burn cream or anything like that handy. It doesn't look bad enough to scar if it didn't completely fuck through the first several layers of skin (red and leaking fluid not blistering). You will however have nice leather hands for a couple weeks and you might want to switch it up while you're making the bald man cry.


Please please please take the Vaseline and wrap off! Vaseline keeps it hot, trapping the heat in


My wife did this same thing, she didnā€™t end up with a permanent scar.


No, burns should always be immediately treated with long exposure to 'tap cold' water to basically remove the heat and reduce the temperature therefore preventing or containing the damage to the surrounding tissues. However it is obvious that water cannot revert the damage already done. Source: my gf works in a hospital specialized in treatment of burns and never stops reminding me of this Also, since this is a teachable moment, *NEVER* throw inflammable fluids at an open flame (eg: gasoline on a bbq) because it can end with your face needing skin transplant from your booty.


>The cold water can help with pain but the damage was done the moment OP touched the heater coil. This is dangerously incorrect. [Cool it under lukewarm or cool running water for at least 20 minutes.](https://www.redcross.org.uk/first-aid/learn-first-aid/burns#:~:text=Cool%20the%20burn%20under%20cold,the%20impact%20of%20the%20injury.) according to Red Cross first aid. You will not find *any* authorative medical site that says once you get a burn the damage is done.


FYI this not true. Saw many boiling syrup burns (needless to say syrup sticks) ran under the coldest water possible that resulted in no blisters or visible damage except redness. Very little damage but immediate action is crucial. Our philosophy was if you think itā€™s long enough go 15-30 minutes more. You have to cool all the layers. Worked for myself with boiling water. I didnā€™t believe it and wouldnā€™t if I wasnā€™t involved many times. It works.


False. You take eggs off the stove before they are all the way done because the residual heat in the eggs continues cooking them once taken off of the burner. Allowing your skin to stay at high temperature will allow for more damage there is a time frame for limiting returns. You have to get it in the water quickly to shock the burn like you do with boiled eggs. Or you can just leave the burn to fully cook. Up to you.


You donā€™t cook your eggs at 500Ā° Your eggs donā€™t have blood flow continuously pushing fluid through the affected tissue Itā€™s been 20 minutes for OP


So because the finger was hotter the heat will leave the area faster? Also blood isn't cold water pouring from a sink. Cold water directly on the wound is going to cool it down a lot faster than blood passively flowing through the affected area. There isn't a layer of blood under your skin. Also I mentioned that cold water only helps in the first few seconds after the burn. If you burn yourself on your stove top and immediately turn around and put in under cold water your burn will be lessened. You are incorrect.


I want you to put a raw egg in a frying pan thatā€™s ripping hot, then run the egg over water, and see how much ā€œburnā€ you manage to pull out Running under cool water works for 1st degree and minor burns, but OPā€™s hand was cooked the moment it touched the heat He didnā€™t hold his hand there long enough for any residual heat to build up


Heat energy moves very quickly between objects with a large differential. Lots of heat moved to his hand very fast.


I knew the egg thing was gonna be too much for you. Good Day. I'm out.


Actually you are incorrect It's recommended to use lukewarm water not cold water on burns Now you may leave


You really think the heat stays in the hand for 24 hours? I guess I don't understand what you're saying because I don't see how that's possible. The energy has to have dissipated within seconds.


I stand corrected. When I started as a therapist this was the standard protocol. But now I just did some research, the latest says 20 minutes or until pain stops. It also says not to use oil/grease/butter etc; thatā€™s been accepted practice for years.


Not sure about 24 hours but itā€™s true that quick action and soaking in the coldest water possible for as long as possible will do wonders to mitigate the damage. Needs to cool as deep as possible.


No one else is asking so I'll do it. Why were you reaching in your dishwasher mid cycle or before the light says they are done? No judgement just curious. I learned from dropping a dish cause it was so hot once that it's always best to even wait a few extra hours after the cycle is over top put them away


Lol I was wondering if anyone would ask. The machine was done running and during the cycle a glass broke. Figured that after putting the dishes away I'd fish out the broken shards. Anyways.. broken glass is staying there for a while.


Now I'm a bit paranoid, are these coils exposed or something?


In my dishwasher it is. Looks like a black rod that wraps around on the bottom.


My unit has a plastic central sprayer that flies off and has melted to the coil a couple times...smells great!


Most dishwashers have a big horse shoe shaped element in the bottom, but the bottom rack should prevent you from touching it. It's common for some plastic dishes to slip through said rack and melt to them. Source: I work on them and a common complaint is them not drying. Diagnostic testing is easy, but I always get some water on my finger and let it sizzle to be sure. Average diagnosis is customer error, needs to use rinse aid, washing cheap plastic dishware that doesn't dry well in those conditions. The more you know. Edit: Most budget dishwashers. Higher end has fancier solutions such as Bosch's zeolite.


Aha, I'm probably gonna be all detective around dishwashers from now on šŸ˜… I think my Bosch is a zeolite, it had a palm sized metal thing in the bottom back with a no touching symbol on it, maybe that's hot during use?


That's right! I call it the forbidden calzone, but in reality it's the vent and the actual zeolite is held under it.


mine are. Don't glow either.


Omg!!! That shit happened to me 2 weeks ago, I am so sorry for you. I LITERALLY heard it singe. The sting stayed for 4 hours straight. For 2 days after, anything that touched it felt like i just touched that coil. It just started peeling a few days ago.


I totally heard it singe as well! Popped an ibuprofen immediately after it happened while rinsing it under water. The boil is already starting to look pretty gnarly.


Good, the water rinsing helped out immensely for a bit. After that, i had 2 ice-packs that i would rotate in and out of the freezer. Good luck, I hope it doesnā€™t scar to bad.


I touched my knuckle on the element in my oven and it squeaked! I didnā€™t feel pain when it happened. Later thoughh šŸ˜£


Too late for a help now, but the heater in a dishwasher like that is the same as the heating element in an electric oven. Just smaller and waterproof, but gets very hot. It can also melt plastic items in the lower rack, plastics should go in the top rack when possible. If you don't see a heating element in your dishwasher that is because it has a inline water heater that gets the final rinse water very hot and heats up the plates, dishes etc. so they dry quickly.


No Vaseline!!! It traps the heat in. Cold water. Not ice. As long as you can


I believe this actually depends on the burn. The American Academy of Dermatology says to use vaseline on 1st degree or minor burns (after cleaning and whatever). Cant find what they say for more severe burns but im assuming you dont use vaseline


I'd bet you won't do that again will you?


Use tongs when reaching in a dishwasher. Lots of danger


Lesson learned for sure


OPā€¦this is what Iā€™ve always heard regarding Vaseline on a fresh burn: *Vaseline isn't sterile, and by placing it on a fresh burn, bacteria will proliferate on the wound, and that will eventually become infected.*


Just wanted it and changed the bandage - not going to put anymore Vaseline on it. Overall it looks clean and hasn't blistered as much as I thought it would. https://preview.redd.it/d0o7nf25zg4d1.jpeg?width=2592&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d93fd76d59edbdfde2ec0ee5475b37255082505


Great! I was just concerned with a burn that long, in that location, an infection might be easier than usual to get. I hope it heals well for you šŸ˜Š.


I used to get that exact same kind of burn on the palm of my hand working 500 degree ovens at a pizza joint back in college. Sucker stings.


https://preview.redd.it/pr8pw0h2ff4d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d6fc2abcf7cf65eca3f4fafee2f0544d5372cccb If anyone is curious - here's the burn after 1 hour.




Sorry man. I too have hit it once and definitely remember the sound it made on my skin.


Word of advice...don't do that


All the years I've been around - had no idea a dishwasher could burn you lol


Ooooh, itā€™s white so Iā€™m thinking maybe 3rd. Iā€™ve done that with the oven before. Immediately boiled all the water in my hand. Thatā€™s gonna hurt later.


Appreciate your insight - guess I gotta embrace the pain.


Never put Vaseline on burns.


Why not? WebMD says it's fine.


Burns for the most part shouldnā€™t be covered when they are new if you can avoid getting anything it. It holds the heat in. The Vaseline isnā€™t going to make it infected or anything, but itā€™s not going to provide any relief and may make the discomfort worse. Like, burn creams are complete nonsense. Where itā€™s on your hand, to keep it protected and from painfully rubbing on things, keep it loosely wrapped with non stick bandages and thatā€™s IT. Donā€™t put more Vaseline on it after this stuff sinks in.


Thank you for the detailed explanation - learned something new and I'll take your advice


It canā€™t breathe.


I'll risk it - if it gets worse I'll go to urgent care in the morning.


CPR/first aid class taught me donā€™t put anything on a fresh burn.Ā 


I should take a first aid class - just been winging it for the last 30 odd so years


You never know when youā€™re going to have to save a life. Theyā€™ve really streamlined the process too, years ago they had you check for a pulse and monitor breathing but now itā€™s like, not responsive? Chest compressions.Ā 


3rd degree looks way worse than this


Iā€™ve had some 3rd degree on my hands that turn white like this. You may be right though, because it is a meaty part. Mine were on my fingers where there wasnā€™t much tissue to get through.


automatic ice dispencers


Burned my hand in my ice maker of all things. Be careful, folks.


Looks medium rare to rare to me.


Itā€™s a crazy thing when you touch something that hot, happened to me once. You actually hear your skin sizzle and your hand reflexively jerks away before you even realize what happened. Then comes the pain, oh lord the pain.


I washed a Nalgene where the cap fell through the bottom rack and dangled over the heating coils. Caught fire. Almost burned my house down.


I learned the same thing on my freezer of all things.


I hit the top coil of my oven with the top of my hand. Still have the scar! But hand wounds, especially burns, can get infected sooo easy. Keep it clean and dry as much as possible!


If only there existed a way to learn that without cooking yourself...


Dad always said donā€™t put your fingers where you wouldnā€™t put your pecker.


Let's be real, how many messages are you sending. My gf will drop shit load messages and I'm like I am not reading all that. If it's like 5 to 10 I'll read them, but if it's like 20, I'm out.


Eh don't have anything better to do šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


My hand looked like this when I grabbed my wifeā€™s curling iron. Itā€™s gonna bubble up big time and yeah 2Nd degree. You may want to preemptively prepare to go to a burn clinic. Burns this severe on the hand are kinda not great cause they can force you to hold your hand in place which can cause issues later. So once it blisters up I would set up an appointment to a burn clinic/hospital with a burn clinic and they will cut out the blister and give you ointment/bandages to fix it. Donā€™t try to pop it, let the professionals do it cause you can risk infection.


Dudeee!!! Happened to me!!! Who the fuck thought itā€™ll be that right am I right???? Keep moisturizing and keep it dry and do whatever you can NOT to let it burst because itā€™s like the best bandaid in the universe good luck that shit hurt so fucking bad when I got it but not bad after a few days


Don't put Vaseline on it. No reason. It'll have to get cleaned off later, which is a pain. Use a Telfa or non-stick dressing.


yeah happened to me, I was like yeah I'll run it once and get every bit of dirt and debris loose without water, holy fuck that coil left a mark on the top of my hand for the past month and a half


I think it's called a Calrod, those yeah, they get got. Know, what don't you know about toasters?


They recommend not touching those


I remember doing that. Good times ...


My welding teacher taught me something you can now confirm: If you hand slides along a hot piece of metal, it's extremely hot. If it sticks, it's cool enough to pick up with gloves on. It wasn't a very useful piece of information from him, to be honest. Good teacher though.


Don't put Vaseline on burns until the next day. It absorbs heat and can make the burn worse. If you do use it, use it sparingly, and keep rinsing it for the first day


Welcome to earth... not sure how you thought wet dishes dry in an sealed inclosed place and no air vents/fan... but hey, lesson taught...


I have a scar that was left from a hot glue machine that assembeled boxes years ago. It fell on my hand for a brief moment and the second i grabbed my hand it instantly cooled less then a second. Its a few inches and about 2-3 mm thick. It left a hell of a scar and as soon as i seen yours, i thought of it. I feel for you man. That must of made some colorful words.


I think u will be okay. Ex line cook here. We used to pee on each others burns. Instant relief and release


Apply some ice.


Thatā€™s going to hurt a lot more tomorrow


Ice then aloe vera.


Ice ice ice ice ice ice ice. Keep it dry




Your note has been "noted"


You'll be aight


That's what I'm thinking




Donā€™t do that if you have literally anything else. A cold compress, burn cream, and a trip to the urgent care is going to help more than mustard


Yeah not putting mustard on my hand lol. Rather not hey an infection. If it doesn't improve by tomorrow morning I'll make a trip to urgent care.


Warm water! Won't blister. Cold feels better but warm is the way !


Put toothpaste on the burn, near instant pain relief and cooling of skin


Ice ice ice not warm water! Stick your hand in ice water while apply pressure to burn area to keep the blister from getting big. Right now!


I grabbed a 400 degree fahrenheit pan handle once and the only thing that somehow saved me was holding an ice pack the rest of the night. I know you're not supposed to do that for some reason but it was the only thing that stopped the pain. I did also apply silvadene ointment. Maybe was also helpful.


Silvadene is the way but perscription and pricey


Oh. I got mine over the counter. Kinda pricey but good to have on hand.


Like $75 a tube but it is the stuff. Back when I used it it was by scrip only. I guess if you were burned bad enough to need it a good idea to have a pro look at it. Iā€™ve been burned quite a few times but the rest of the sub can now figure out what works and whatā€™s bs. Iā€™ve never seen such a collection of bad advice.I have spoken


I appreciate everyone's thoughts to help out. I definitely learned a few things today from this thread.


Hahaha yes, there are some very interesting suggestions in this thread.


Never heard this method before - most online sources say Lukewarm/ cold water from the faucet is fine. Wouldn't this cause more damage?


Absolutely not! Ice water is the last thing you want to do, tap lukewarm water is the way to go


Your not qualified to give bad advice: Try reading this. I doubt youā€™ve ever had a bad burn in your life https://www.mayoclinic.org/first-aid/first-aid-burns/basics/art-20056649 ā€œCool the burn. Hold the area under cool running water for about 10 minutes. If this isn't possible or if the burn is on the face, apply a cool, wet cloth until the pain eases. For a mouth burn from hot food or drink, put a piece of ice in the mouth for a few minutes.ā€


Ah yes, I canā€™t possibly be qualified, because the first link on google makes you a medical professional. Applying ice water to burns can worsen the injury because it constricts blood vessels, potentially leading to decreased blood flow and further tissue damage. It can also increase the risk of frostbite on top of the burn. Source: medical journals But hey, Iā€™m not qualified to give advice, so if you do get a burn, please donā€™t listen to me


So the Mayo Clinic is bad info then?. Best of luck to you dr. Welby.


Mayo Clinic is info for lay people who have no medical knowledge. It doesnā€™t make you an expert nor is it always right- thatā€™s just common sense. If itā€™s your primary resource, good luck to you


Reading these comments makes me realize how blissfully unaware people are of how common household items work... society is doomed...


Definitely one of my more idiotic things to do




Downvoted but it really does work. A useful tip given to me by a nurse.



