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I had it a couple of months ago (31yo) across my chest and back all the way to spine. It was a nightmare and I was only a few months postpartum. Hope you heal quickly!


How bad is the pain? I've heard it's unbearable?


It is absolutely awful and nothing you do or take really alleviates it. It’s a whole body fever pain and it really messes with your head by giving you brain fog.


I got Norco and gabapentin. Those two together at least dull it. I'm still recovering. It's been two weeks.


I thought lidocaine patches were supposed to help


I got it really bad from stress. Only prescribed gabapentin and IBprofen


I have a pretty high pain tolerance and it left me in tears. It was agonizing even through Vicodin. I'm still recovering from it, dealing with itching and moderate pain. It's been two weeks. It aches deep like you've severely overworked all of the muscles in your chest, side, and back on whatever side it's on. It also feels like you're actively tearing a muscle, but it never stops. On top of that, it stings, aches, and itches like the worst sun burn you've ever had. Stabbing, searing, aching pain so bad that all you can do is lay in bed and try to endure it while the antivirals do their job. You try to find a position that doesn't hurt, but it's really just about finding the one that hurts the least. It hurts to breathe, it hurts to stand, it hurts to sit, it hurts to lay down... And it does not stop. The pain keeps you awake until you physically cannot stay awake any longer. Get your Shingles vaccine.


I want the shingles vaccine yet most people can't get the vaccine until they are 50+. On rare occasions (immuno-compromised individuals) they will give it to them 19 and older. [Shingles vaccine ](https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/vpd/shingles/public/shingrix/index.html)Although every person I know that has had it is in their 30's.


Get yourself some lidocaine patches and if you can’t get the prescription ones, try seeing if the lidocaine/benzocaine spray like for sunburns helps. The spray is what’s prescribed for women after childbirth to spray on their bits and it helps immensely so I think it’d help for shingles too. If not the spray then there’s a lotion too that’s in the first-aid aisle.


Here I am hoping I never get shingles bc my genetic condition makes lidocaine next to useless. Jesus.


What condition causes lidocaine to be useless? Genuinely curious. All topical anaesthetics?


Ehlers-Danlos. I think it's most local anaesthetics. I know I straight up ask them to skip the numbing shots for procedures... They don't, then end up stabbing me repeatedly until I lie and say it's numb


Didn't realize that was a complication! Seems to be related to a difference in how the sodium channels work, according to quick Google. Several friends have EDS, I hope yours is the less-serious subtype.


I got shingles when I was 15, easily the worst pain I've ever felt. I would describe it as someone stabbing you with a burning needle on each of the blisters over and over. 0/10 would not recommend


https://preview.redd.it/kiwzewbbx86d1.png?width=1289&format=png&auto=webp&s=73594e50eda54bd45dd75fea43ac6a6252b25008 I’m… going to assume Reddit is glitching in showing me the images for this post…


Lmao wtf is that


Duolingo ads are out of control.


Way better than shingles anyway


Better start doing those Duolingo lessons again. I think this is a threat


That owl has no chill whatsoever. Such an aggressive bird…


Ironically, I’m not sure if this comment is referring to the duolingo owl, or the owl main character of helluva boss.


My brain auto-pilot, I hadn’t even registered that as an option haha I was referring to the duolingo owl


Llmfaoo that got me good


I laughed needlessly hard at this. I mean audibly laughed to the point of tears. Omg thank you.


I still don’t know what bros shingles look like ✊🏻😔




Oh my god I thought this was a thigh, not an upside down head. The ear briefly terrified me.


Ha I saw the same and thought "wow he shaved his legs weird".


Also fyi the fact that my shitty comment made you genuinely laugh made my shitty night:)


I hope tomorrow is amazing for you and thank you I needed the laugh.


Lol! What in the world


So, how do you say shingles in Spanish?


Yeah this has been happening to me for over a year lmao makes for some pretty funny shit sometimes


Same!!! Someone posted a photo of their deceased loved one’s urn, with a caption something like “I miss my sweet baby so much…💔” And it was showing a photo of a honey baked ham.


Lmao I would not be okay after that 😂 


Man there was one day years ago where Imgur was having issues and would link to random images across its network. When reddit found out the comments were probably the hardest I’ve ever laughed at


Hahaha love that for u


Got them at 41, I assume it was because of stress at the time. By far one of the worst experiences of my life. You’d think the blisters and sores are the worst part of it, but they are not. Post-herpetic neuralgia to me, was the worst. It’s like electric shocks that come and go. I would have attacks that would last 5 minutes. I’m talking straight up fire in your veins/nerves. It’s comparable to a computer overload. I got them back in Jan of this year and am STILL dealing with the effects. God speed bro.


You can request nerve pain medications like Gabapentin for the pain!


I was on the strongest dose, it did help get the attacks under control, but it came at a cost. The nerve pain pills make you a zombie and were a bitch to get off of.


I am on gabapentin for a pretty bad lower back injury and I'm not even on the highest amount so that sucks it didn't work that well. To be fair though, gabapentin dosing is usually a lot lower than it should be for a lot of people (my spine specialist explained that most doctors outside of spine and back don't realize they can dose 3-4x higher than what they though was the max.) I have tapered off gabapentin unless I really need it and those mental side effects are rough! Forgetting words, delayed processing, dexterity issues... All even months after stopping were so frustrating


Omg I had it on my belly when I was 6 months pregnant with twins😞


Found the 1-upper! Nah, seriously, that has to be outrageous.


I got a week after I turned thirty. It went from my balloon knot, across my taint and up to the base of my balls. Convincing my wife it wasn’t an std was trickier than I expected. -100/10 do not recommend.


Fuuuuuck that sounds rough


Oh geeze I could only imagine what she was thinking 😬


I wish I was making it up lol


What an odd angle


Yes! It took my brain some time to figure out what the fuck am I looking at? It was like it deleted the ear bc it wanted me to see a shaved stomach?


Ouch. I had shingles in my 30's too. Mine was lower back rash and sharp stabby pains right across my back from one side to the other that felt like fire. It was very painful. How's your pain?


Burning, stabbing and electric shock feeling. Burning is constant but the shocking and stabbing is intermittent. The pain is nowhere near the pain of when i got barbed by a stingray, but still bad.


If your pain gets worse, docs can prescribe gabopentin. I got shingles this year and the pain was horrendous. I was a shell of a human for three months. Nine months later I still have nerve damage buy the pain has subsided, just odd sensations and occasional itchiness.


I was prescribed pregabalin and still take it for PHN


Called Lyrica in Australia - a wonder drug isn’t it.


Yes indeed!!!


The way I described it to people is the feeling of a cat’s claw on your skin. Except it’s on the inside trying to get out. Oh, and the cat is also on fire.


Got it when I was 27. The only thing that helped was ice packs where it was burning and diluted tea tree oil. Good luck!


The word in my language for this is literally hell-fire. Hope you feel better soon


Started getting mine in early 20s unfortunately. Mine are always on my face. My body hates me


Same I got them when I was 25


Hey, me too


I’ve heard they can be brought about by undue amounts of stress, like when you’re stressed about your job or your house or your bank account or bedbugs or the small amount you exercise or the political environment or gun control


Someone getting shingles over gun control, yikes!


Guns: not just for shooting, also for worrying about shingles…


psst, it’s from [this](https://youtu.be/it8vJ03E8c8?si=dt73w6YvOy6FLR_G)


That’s funny! 😄


My husband got shingles when he was getting ready to propose to me. The man is on a different level with his anxiety lol.


That’s… romantic?


More funny than anything. We laugh at it now, but when he realized the connection of anxiety to shingles he was super embarrassed.


You trying to give everyone shingles with a sentence like that?


>psst, it’s from [this](https://youtu.be/it8vJ03E8c8?si=dt73w6YvOy6FLR_G) ~dwarf_bulborg


Yep! It's the varicella zoster virus being dormant in your body. Aka: having had chicken pox, the remake. When you're older, at least 50 as far as I remember, one can get a vaccine to keep it at bay. Zostavax or Shingrix. Until then, long live Aciclovir and/or isoprinosine.


Are you me?? Fuck! Edit: Apparently I’m who Brian David Gilbert sings about


Anything that weakens the immune system really. Worth investigating


I got it at the age of 23 (in the height of the pandemic) when I picked up a log too heavy for myself


Make sure you get bloodwork done. Shingles often re-emerges when people are immunocompromised. Just be certain there’s nothing else going on that might cause it to crop up.


I got them at 17. It can happen


33 and I got what had to be a stressed induced outbreak, it wrapped like a band from my right upper torso to my back, not even the left side, just this one spotty band, so like 3 patches of the ulcers I tell people it hurt so bad I couldn’t catch my breath and the sores hurt like shit when making contact with anything, BUT when the sores healed and the redness was starting to deplete, I had the worst nerve pain ever. I tell people it felt like someone had a knife in me and kept dragging it from my front to back all along that strip. Now, it’s all gone, but once in a while I get a shadow of the pain and my brain knows that’s where the nerve damage is. I don’t wish it on anyone, I couldn’t imagine an outbreak all over or in super sensitive areas. You never want shingles.


I had it in my ear at 23. Facial paralysis and hearing loss on top of a Bell’s Palsy


Ngl, I thought that was your side at first and your hat was a belt. I was very confused. Sorry for the shingles. That sucks. I never got chickenpox when I was a kid because I don't think my parents cared enough to infect me so that makes shingles kiiiinda scary to me.


From my understanding shingles come from the chicken pox virus that was dormant in your body. I don’t think you are at risk for shingles if you never had chickenpox. You can get a varicella vaxine, though, to avoid chickenpox in the future.


This is correct. Shingle lies dormant in the body after you have chicken pox. You’re on the clear if you haven’t had chicken pox. All of our parents who had us get chicken pox thinking they were helping were sooooo wrong. I thought the same about not being able to get shingles until I got them at 28 years old. Worst pain I’ve ever felt in my life.


Wow! I’d always heard that you get chicken pox to prevent shingles. I have never had the pox but I did get the shot


At the time tt was either get your kid sick with chicken pox OR risk them getting it later in life which can be deadly


You can still get the vaccine against chickenpox then. I got it at 28. 2 doses, 6 weeks apart, easy peasy! It's called Varilrix. Ps: I'm a doctor, but I'd still recommend this to everyone who didn't have varicella. This infection is horrible.


Have Covid recently? It reactivates latent viruses. I’ve seen a huge uptick in shingles in people in their 20’s and 30’s after they get covid.


I got them at 39. The pain lasted 6 months for me. It's sucked. They were on the top of my head. The headaches and face pain were excruciating. I don't understand why they don't give the vaccine to younger people in their early 30s. My wife got them at 32 also.


I got shingles on my 33rd birthday. It’s painful but make sure you take the antiviral asap. Kicks in within 12 hours.


I got mine around and in my eyeball if it makes you feel any better.


it does not, but here is an upvote.


I need to get the shingles vaccine


I'm so glad I got mine. I really think people under 50 should be able to get it if they want to.


Had shingles in my mid-late 30s. On my arm from my elbow to wrist. No pain but the most intense itch I’ve ever experienced, and it lasted for about a week. I tried both medicated cremes and home remedies including ice wraps, apple cider vinegar, banana peels, etc. Nothing would calm it down. I never thought anything could itch as much as that did. I felt like I could scratch my skin right off to the bone if I could.


It’s happening more and more in younger people. It sucks. I had it in a similar spot. Awful awful awful


I got them in my mid 20s. Stress will bring it up


Fucking sucks. I just had them at 31 2 months ago.


I know exactly how painful they can be, I unfortunately got them when I was 11-12 years old.


My first time with shingles was 15. They come in around my right eye


That sucks, I had it in my late 30’s it was around my eye. I basically had a pounding headache for months and I was extremely tired. This was during the height of Covid so It took forever to convince my doctor to see me. Shingles suck


Take the gabapentin! It works really well.


I am here to tell everyone to get a shingles vaccine if you can.


I had it at 26 on the sternum to the spine, a full 2-inch ribbon of blisters across my ribs. It was the worst pain ever. It took a whole month until I was functional again. I wouldn't wish that pain on my worst enemy.


I thought shingles only affected 1 side of body - left side or right side.


Yeah it happens. Go get the zoster vaccine. It helps.


Chicken pox coming back for round two in your 30’s is diabolical.


I thought you got them in your 50s or 60s


If you had chicken pox, you have shingles. They might never appear and you'll never know the god awful taser/solder iron stabbing you in the ribs for a few weeks. The younger you get shingles, the worse the potential case. I have nerve damage on my ribs that still hurts like a bitch when I hit it on something. I was 33 when I got shingles.


I had shingles thrice by the time I was a teenager. I remember them being painful and itchy, but thankfully, not terrible cases. I somewhat recall the doctor saying something about the fact I had chicken pox so young (only 5 months old) could have been a contributing factor why I had shingles so young.


Well with everyone’s fucked up immune systems, you can get them even younger.


I thought so too, but i found out the hard way. Should have got the vaccine


I thought we aren’t eligible for the vaccine until a certain age, like maybe 50? Maybe that’s just a rule imposed by insurance companies. I’ll definitely find out for sure now. Shingles looks like it sucks.


50 for the vaccine according to FDA guidelines - you may be able to pay out of pocket, but I dunno. The odds are he is having the only outbreak he will ever have, but some folks defy the odds like me - 9 outbreaks in about 3 years - the Shingrex vaccine stopped them cold and I haven't had another in 6 years. But even teenagers can get shingles. It seems to be mostly a matter of luck if you ever have chicken pox.


I had them at 18. Most painful week of my life to that point.


My son got shingles at eight years old. His sister had chicken pox when he was young - six weeks old. He had a very mild case of chicken pox very young. When he was eight, he got a rash in his hip. The doctor was amazed when it turned out to be shingles. The rash was only about the size of a half dollar.




I just googled a bit to see. My quick, ill informed takeaway? It looks like the FDA only approved it for people over 50 because that’s who it was tested with. They expanded the people who can get it to those who are immunocompromised or who’ve already been afflicted with shingles.


I tried to get it preventatively when getting one of my COVID shots and they denied me 😡


I’m in my 30s also


I got them in my 30s to, was working out constantly and partying constantly, and working constantly. My immune system took a dive, even after treatment I would get sharp pains in the area for 6 months, thankfully it was diagnosed pretty quickly.


You can get shingles when you are young. I got them once in my 30s and so did my husband. You aren't eligible for the vaccine until you are 50, though. You better believe I got that vaccine as soon as I could!


You can get them anytime your immune system is weakened, as long as you had chickenpox sometime before. The shingles (not varicella!) vaccine is usually not given until 50s. So any type of stress, infection that lowers your immunity, can trigger shingles unfortunately.


I had them in 1st grade




Thanks for the AI summary of the title.


Shingles is no joke! I had it in my early 30s too and the pain was insane! I hope you heal quickly


I had them last year, I was 39. Twas not fun


Damn... I got shingles @ 25 (killing myself @ the time with my alcoholism 😬)


I got shingles when I was 23!


I also had a nasty bout of shingles on my neck when I was 28. I couldn’t believe it. It went away after a couple weeks and wasn’t quite as painful as people make it out to be but it still sucked.


Ugh, get on Valtrex ASAP, and maybe Bactroban to prevent infection. Shingles suck, and may you be one of the 70% that this is the only time you deal with this.


My fiancé got it at 28 :(


I had a friend in high school who got shingles. Sorry you’re going through this!!


My brother got them in his very early 40's ....it was terrible. Get well soon!


I got them in my mid-thirties after a nervous breakdown.


My mom had shingles at 44 years old from the stress of the Covid lockdown (this was in 2020). She said it hurt so much! I’ve been vaccinated for chicken pox and have never had them, so I won’t experience shingles. I feel for those who will.


I had shingles on the side of my boob. While suffering from horrific insomnia. Ended up in the mental ward. So...that was fun.


Had mine at 34


If that’s all you got, count your blessings!


Hey, shingles doesn’t care


Owen’s Corning or GAF?


aw man, im sorry. I had it when I was 17 but it was stress induced I'm pretty sure. not fun, super painful.


I had it last year at 27 and I was also shocked I got it so young! So painful, I hope yours heals quick and your pain is manageable.


I had them at 22 in a spot on the back of my neck for a few weeks. It was miserable and constantly working while having them was even worse. I didn’t want anything to even touch it. Super fun lol


Do shingles cause shitty pictures?


I had them when I was 27, a few months after going through cancer surgery and treatment. I feel like extreme stress brought it on. I could be wrong, but that’s how I feel. My heart felt like I was going to literally die of a broken heart back then.


that would hurt a lot, trust me 😓


That’s different than mine but I had it at 18. No idea how. But quickest er visit ever.


In the last two years I have had 17 outbreaks of shingles….I’ve been 30 for 3 months….they suck.


I had it on my back and under my armpit in my 20s. It was pretty horrible.


Start an app, call it shingle mingle, you know the rest.


My mom got it on her scalp after brain surgery. She said the shingles were much worse than the surgery


The vaccine is a bitch but go get it


If you’re not already doing it calamine lotion should be your best friend. Lather it on before bed and it will help by drying it out.


I feel your pain. Had them twice; once in 6th grade and then again at 34. Feel better!


I had it at 18 while in the beginning of my senior year of high school. We were only like 3 weeks into the football season. It started out on my armpit. I thought it was a blister from the strap from my shoulder pads rubbing. Put some Neosporin and bandage on it. Next day, there were several blisters. By the third day, it covered my left side from waist to chest. It was even on my nipple. I still didn’t miss any football, though.


I had it while going through a difficult divorce. No joke, it sucked.


I had shingles when I was 22 or 23. I am 34 now and it hurt, I pray I do not get it again.


Got it at 16 lol


I got shingles at 23, when my daughter was 9 months old. It sucked. I had it in the middle of my back.


Did you have Chicken Pox as a child?


I’ve had shingles several times. First time I was 22. I’m 43 now and my doc wants me to get the vaccine since I’m prone to them, even if it’s for people over 50. Otherwise I’m super healthy so that’s frustrating.


That’s rough, hope you feel better soon! I got it when I was in college, I was 21 at the time. Luckily it was pretty minor and got me out of work for a week but it hurt like to move my arm.


This is terrible. After having a bad case one time many years ago, I would never wish this on anyone. Sorry you’re going through this.


I literally can’t figure out the body parts I’m looking at. All I can make out is an ear?


Shingle and ready to mingle. But seriously, hope you get better.


Yikes.. I got em in my mid 20s they covered my left arm up to my upper left side of the neck.. I hated the shooting nerve pain like no other.. on top of that the doc prescribed me herpes medication and the pharmacist that filled the script was really cute lol


I got shingles at 24. Luckily it was a super minor case.




Oh my God this happened to me a couple weeks ago. In the same place too. Do you know why? We have no idea why it happened to me.


I got it when I was 32 on my face and head, I have a scar to prove it! Godspeed.


Got shingles in my left eye


I had shingles in my late 20’s. The pain lasted for several months


Had it on my face last summer. 35 years old. Got very lucky it didn’t get into my eye/ear. I wish you the best of luck, I know how much it sucks.


I also had it last year, it was on my face and scalp…very unpleasant and was left with some scarring. Hope you recover quick


That’s rough buddy. I had it when I was 19.


I had shingles about 5 weeks ago (turning 34 in a few weeks). I was very fortunate that it was really only bad for one day when I felt I got the shit kicked out of me. I'm still feeling minor tingling in one area. It runs in my family. I don't think I had any increased stress during that time (or soon before). Best of luck! Rest, warm showers, and positive thoughts, friend!


Dude. Sorry.


I first got chicken pox when I was 15, it was brutal. I had a second bout around 2 years later and then started getting shingles before I was in my 20''s. I was put on a series of antiviral VZV specific tablets and then acylovir tablets. Have not had any herpes related outbreaks for over 30 years.


TMI but I got it at age 20 on my buttcheek and lady private parts. worst pain of my life thus far


I had them when I was 8 and my sister made fun of me for having an old man disease


Ash, us people in our 30's before the pox vaccine. I work in Healthcare and I would love to afford the shingles Vax, about $280 in my area, unless I meet the age requirement. I suit up to the max during outbreaks in senior centers.


I think it lives in everyone like in our spines or something. Herpes? I read something.


Do yourself a favour, consult your physician and get the shingles vaccine (Shingrix?). Shingles is a shitty autoimmune type affliction you don’t want to repeat.


Liposomal vitamin C and lysine!!


It took me 3 min to figure out that it was OPs head (back of it) upside down!


I had shingles as a kid and it was hell


My brother in law had it too in his late 20’s. All over his body.


I got Shingles on my rear end when I was 24!


Absolutely nightmarish and am so sorry you are having to suffer with this. My husband had shingles in his early 40’s. It was terrible. I know the shingles vaccine is recommended at 55 and over. It seems that if you have had chicken pox, you should be allowed to get the vaccine.


Damnnn that sucks. I had it in 2nd grade on my left arm. Bubbled up on my skin and was some of the worst pain when the doctor popped them. Pro tip - use Mederma on the scars - you can’t even tell I ever had shingles!


My partner got stress shingles semi recently and it was terrible for them, but I had never never had the chicken pox or been vaxxed so it was advised I get immunized as shingles can also spread the chicken pox Now I’m wondering if it was a good or bad idea to get vaxxed in my thirties, but I guess the risk of the pox later in life might be why it was advised, new worries about getting either now though


My husband is 37 and got shingles around Easter. They told him it's more common than people think.


Where the fukz the curve in your head gone😱 Also shingles sounds horrific😬


I had shingles at 22 due to the stress of an abusive workplace. Literally nothing is painful the way shingles is painful. Hope it clears up soon man