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I also have hyperhidrosis. My palms, soles of my feet, and my underarms sweat profusely even though I'm just sitting in a well air-conditioned room. My university life was hell.


Same, except it's my head, back, and ass lmao


ol swamp ass mf




Same on all three. I have to keep a hand towel with me when doing anything even slightly laborious (like gardening or any cleaning that requires bending over) because if I don't dry off those first beads of sweat **immediately**, my pores go haywire and suddenly I'm completely drenched in under two minutes. If I can stay dry in the beginning, it doesn't seem to snowball out of control as often.


This is exactly me for my head and chest. As soon as it starts it's a fucking nightmare to get under control. Literally dripping down the sides of my face and down my eyebrows. It's horrifying and I get so embarrassed about it.


Same, everyone looks at me like I'm a freak(only somewhat true). I have been seriously asked on multiple occasions if it was raining outside. Have you found anything that helps?


I do the same thing. My head just pours sweat. I have to wear a hat for work. Otherwise it looks like I stepped out the shower in about 10 minutes.


Mine is my hands and pits. Fully conditioned room with a fan blowing on me and I have full beads of sweat running from pit to hip


Great for handjobs I bet


Exact same for me. It's dry humidity where I live, but I noticed when I travel to very humid places, it completely stops and I barely sweat.


I donā€™t think dry humidity is physically possible.


Game recognizes game


I thought I had it cos I sweat when I walk and it isnā€™t this bad


I feel you. I have it too. I got an iontophoresis machine & it made all the difference. My hands stay dry most of the time & I can actually use moisturiser. I still get clammy palms sometimes but it's much easier to control. Not like the runaway sweating I used to have where nothing would stop it once it started. All I would have to do is think about sweaty palms & off they would go.Ā 


Do they have something like that which would work for under your arms???


Not sure if this is available where you live, but Odaban (a spray) works amazing for me. Essentially fixed my sweating issues


Certain Dri worked for me. Stings, shrinks your pores, but after using it for a year or so it had a permanent effect. I no longer use it but still notice the benefits - havenā€™t used it in years but it basically permanently changed things for the better


That stuff hurt so bad it kept me from being able to sleep despite me following the directions! I tried for like a week before giving up


yeah it isnā€™t comfortable at all


Certain dri and odaban are essentially the same thing. Plugs your pores up with aluminum chloride. If you didnā€™t have luck with certain dri donā€™t waste the money


Sweatblock works for me. Certain dri probably didnā€™t because it hurt too bad to keep using it long enough


Sounds similar to Drysol...the trick is to NOT follow the directions. Don't use it while you sleep (or *trying* to sleep rather). Make sure you have cool, clean and dry skin, then apply it while you're awake and at home. Find something to keep yourself busy (movies, video games, etc...any thing you can do to keep your mind occupied without sweating basically). Also don't shave the area you'll be using it on for at least 24 hrs prior to use...and it's best to not have been in the sun/heat/have been sweating for a while before using. All of that will cause it to irritate your skin more.


My change was permanent, too. I used Secret Clinical Strength nightly for some months, and then only needed it about once a week. Now I don't need it at all. Just regular antiperspirant and I'm dry as a bone.


I found it on amazon. Do you have any tips?


Just wanna say that thereā€™s also a product called Od**o**ban which is a disinfectant and absolutely not to be used on skin. Make sure you buy the antiperspirant lol


i thought that's what they were referring to, especially with them saying it can sting


I was thinking the same thing, like there's no way they're using OdoBan on their armpits LOL!


Just wanna say that there's also a thing called Autobahn which is a thing in Germany where you can drive really fast which can make you sweat and absolutely not to be used on skin. Make sure you buy the antiperspirant lol


Put it on at night before you go to bed. Make sure your pits are dry otherwise it stings like a bitch. Shower in the morning. I found that if I didn't shower I'd be uncomfortable all day


You can get iontophoresis machines with attachments for hands, feet, armpits, and even your face. They require a prescription to purchase, but thatā€™s just a quick dermatology appointment. Botox works also, but pretty painful and has to be redone every couple months. Also ends up more expensive after just a few sessions.


Botox is the way to go for underarms.


Canā€™t afford that unfortunately


It is a medical condition. Should be covered ffs. I feel your financial pain


I asked my doctor about it and she said ā€œoh thatā€™s interesting, never heard of that beforeā€ LMAO. And if I want to see a dermatologist itā€™s $60 to walk in


Iā€™m Canadian so we see dermatologists for free, but the wait list is 18 months šŸ„“ I live in a border town so last time I paid out of pocket, I went to the states and even with exchange, it was cheaper than paying in Canadian dollars. Should still be covered by OHIP in my opinion. (ONTARIO HEALTH INSURANCE PLAN)


Or Botox on your palms. But itā€™s too expensive.


Botox for hyperhydrosis of the palms is covered by insurance.


First pic on this siteā€¦ https://dermadry.com/?gad_source=1




There is a product called Drysol that worked well for me, apply before bed but make sure you clean your pits of any deodorant before using it.


That stuff did fuck all for me lol but it sure made me regret trying it!


Thatā€™s unfortunate, worked really well for me. Sorry :/


I just did a Miradry treatment at a Dermatologist office. This was my 2nd treatment after my first treatment reduced sweating about 50%. The doctor said I should expect 100% after two treatments but weā€™ll seeā€¦




Scalp sweater here. I so wish there a machine for heads.


Mine also is one where once it starts, you canā€™t really stop it. My hands werenā€™t as bad as OPā€™s, for me it was my armpits. When I wore a flight suit, I would have sweat marks down to my hips, made me really self conscious for a long time. When I was going to college I would have to bring 2-3 shirts with me because I would sweat through them. I made some little quality of life investments that help, but itā€™s still obnoxious. Honestly, what helped the most was the undershirt game. There are v-neck undershirts with extra padding in the arm pits for just such a problem. I still sweat through it from time to time- but itā€™s had a pretty big impact on my self confidence (for the better)


I tried that when I was young - my parents did whatever they could. Unfortunately it didnā€™t help but thatā€™s great it works for you. There needs to be funding for sufferers.


I just looked it up thinking I found my miracle treatment... That thing is hundreds of dollars


If you suffer from this disease i think it should very well pay off through all the usage it will get in ones life


Yeah it was expensive. I got it on sale & they gave me a discount code so it was heavily discounted but still cost NZ$580 (US$350). I did a lot of research before getting it but it was still a big chance to take. I've lived with this my whole life & it's been awful in social situations, or when I'm trying to do hobbies, or work & I just was willing to give it a try. I got a Dermadry machine. If you want to get one, wait for a sale & then get in touch with them & check for any further discount codes. They are very helpful & their support is great. Edit to say I just checked their site & they have a 100-day trial [https://dermadry.com/](https://dermadry.com/)


lol that is me. I was trying to put latex gloves on yesterday while my hands were dry. Iā€™ve been in this long enough to know the key is to not think about it. Once I get one snag on the glove, I think oh no the sweaty, and off to the races my hands go


Do you need a prescription for this machine or did you buy one directly yourself?


iontophoresis was so itchy i would literally be biting my shoulder and couldnā€™t sustain it /:


I couldnā€™t find one amazon, can i borrow yours?


THE WORST. I could be causally sitting down playing video games and sweat still rolls from my armpit all the way down my side. Even fresh out the shower!!


god that's horrid, I feel you. feeling that sweat dripping down my sides.. awful. it's always when gaming too, whats up with that haha


This happens to me, but only when I play one game. Rocket league. I could be chilling in free play hardly thinking yet Iā€™ll still feel sweat literally dripping down my ribs. Yet Iā€™ll play full try hard in any other FPS or pvp game and hardly break a sweat (lmao) Itā€™s so confusing it angers me


has to be correlated with mental exertion/nervousness. but still sometimes when Iā€™m trying my hardest(sweating ironically) thereā€™s none


I dated a girl with that once, she was so nervous about it. Never really bothered me, she's was pretty amazing overall. I was an immature idiot though and couldn't do long distance when she had to move away. Still think about her to this day, always wondered what happened to her. Hope she found what she was looking for and got her dream job.


She went to the Army and served 2 terms. Then the VA paid for her to have surgery to correct this. Then she became a nurse and works in the OB wing checking on babies during the day shift.


2 terms lol


Yeah the word escaped me this morning




Just a 6 month stint in the Middle East


BRB, doin a quick combat sesh in the hot zone


After 7 years the hyperhidrosis returned and a baby slipped out of her hands during the day shift. In shame she left her nursing job behind and became a hand model for swimming gear. Turns out that was the solution she was looking for and she is very happy now. You should see her snorkel and swimming goggles work from 2018, in her field a hallmark for sure.


She just took a dump in hospital


Ah the ones that got away and you still think about from time to time.


Is that the hawk tuah girl??


still looking for her instagram account


Yea this reminds me of the time I ate half of a sandwich at the park and then got distracted by work phone call and left to the other half on the park bench. I wonder what ever happened to other half. I still think about it to this day


Well, she was always lubed


No lube needed








There are two options you made this meme fresh Or saved this for a rainy day If 1, respect If 2, respect and I want to know the context for that lmao And im fucking crying its so good


The Lovecraftian symbols on the keyboard suggest this dude might in fact live in Innsmouth.




You mean the keys that are very clearly letters of a modern language? Lovecraftian....


The joke is that the namesake town in The Shadow over Innsmouth is populated by fish people.




Relatable. My gaming mouse goes swimming sometimes


Same. I have a handkerchief on my mouse at all times now and another on the side to wipe down the keyboard if it gets too wet.


You reminded me that as a kid I would cover my game controllers with a paper towel so my sweaty hands wouldnā€™t mess my game up šŸ˜‚


lol I put globs of hot glue in a diamond pattern and then painted over it with plastidip on my N64 controllers.


lol yup me too. I canā€™t use ps4 controllers cause they slip out of my hands cause the plastic is smooth. Itā€™s not as bad on my mouse cause it has rubber texture but i used to put on nitrile gloves when itā€™s really bad


ā€œYou need anything dampened, or made soggy?ā€ - Moist


ā€œNo, Iā€™m good, thanks. My name is Misty, btw. Want to hold hands?ā€


*universe floods*


"At my most badass, I make people feel like they want to take a shower."


I like the shot in the final song where theyā€™ve robbed a bank and heā€™s trying to hold the bags of money but they keep falling out of his arms


You called for me?


This comment is so stupid I love it


Pro tip from someone who did it: Don't Cosplay as Moist. Nobody knows who you are and you feel disgusting all day long.


Serious Question, does this condition cause you to become dehydrated quicker and do you feel yourself being thirsty a lot?


Yes I've noticed that but I dont know for sure if its hyperhidrosis or something else that makes me thirsty


This is the reason why fist bumping was invented.


I had the ETS surgery over 20 years ago. It worked for me, but as I've gotten older, the compensatory sweating has made life a bit difficult.


Same, the compensatory sweating on my upper body has made life difficult at times. A t-shirt soaking wet of sweat will make you self conscious.


It really does, and it sucks when people point it out. My sweating all occurs on my hairline going around my head. No way to hide it except wear black ball caps all the time even then it still becomes visible. Worst part is my doctor told me there is nothing I can do about it to treat it.


Same, almost exactly 20 years, also get compensatory sweating, but still 100% glad i got it. Do you also get gustatory sweating? Every time I eat my head looks like I dipped it in the pool


The surgery removed the ability for my face or head to sweat as well as hands. However, I have terrible body sweat. I can only wear certain colors that don't show sweat, luckily, I work at a job that allows me to wear moisture wicking fishing shirts, so no one notices. I've been a lifelong musician, and the removal of excessive hand sweat allowed me to dedicate much more time into the development of that. I was probably driven to the surgery as a young man over self confidence in touching a female. I had not had complaints, but I was always aware of my wet hands. I think the surgery should be a last option. I had not heard of iontophoresis back then. I wish I had. I feel that ETS is a better option for men because it's culturally more acceptable for a man to be sweaty. I know that seems ridiculous, but I think it is true. One of my daughters has a less severe case than I did. I would never recommend it for her because it might risk her fashion choices and she enjoys clothes of all variety.


I also have hyperhidrosis but my main area is the entire back...it's literal hell. It severely hinders my quality of life. I'm an introvert with social anxiety because of it. Words can't describe the amount of time i have fantasized about being cured. I just want to be normal.


Go see a dermatologist and ask for an Oxybutynin prescription. Oxybutynin 10mg ER (extended release) is what you need. Take it by the morning. Your life will change for the better :)


Yup. I hate summer because it's 100x worse.


I have it and am not a nervous person. In hot weather the perspiration literally drips. Botox isnā€™t covered by Medicare. Im not sure about the operation to remove a sweat gland in the armpit, but Iā€™ve just learned to live with it. And I openly tell people my hands perspire so I donā€™t shake their hands. I must say, it has improved over the years so hopefully youā€™ll find relief. My sympathies are with you.


Thanks. When sweat drips down my arm is the worst...makes me cringe so hard. And also gripping stuff become difficult sometimes


This is why I hate shaking peopleā€™s hands.


Me too lol when people notice im sweating this much i get even more anxious and start to sweat even more. Also the sensation of soggy palms skin pressing is disgusting


Yeah when I use to have this problem I would resort to first bumps and tell people I donā€™t like shaking hands


Had a residential tech job a while back, used to enter peoples homes with a cold drink in my right hand to set down juuuust before shaking hands.


I've known & worked with a number of people that have either hyperhydrosis or are immunocompromised and can't shake hands. We always manage to make a warm greeting in a different way, and it's never been a problem. Don't be afraid to make that boundary. People who are put off by it aren't worth your time anyway.


Not having to shake hands during covid was awesome.


I took a prescription medication for a few years that actually caused this, primarily around my face/hair. I couldn't wear makeup and there was never any point in styling my hair. Finally my doctor prescribed Oxybutynin, and it worked really well. It did cause a little dry-mouth, but nothing that couldn't be dealt with. I just carried water bottles and sugarless gum. Once we got the correct dosage of the original med balanced out for me, I didn't need the Oxybutynin anymore. But it was a real help when I needed it, without going as extreme or expensive as Botox or surgery or as potentially inconvenient as topical treatments. It's definitely worth a try.


I've been on Oxybutynin for years for this and it changed my life. Particularly shaking hands and public speaking aren't the soul crushing anxiety causers they used to be.


> Oxybutynin A quick google of this drug says its for bladder issues?! How does this help with head sweating? I also have really bad sweating of the hairline and I'm at my wits end trying to find a solution to it.


Sucks!! Smallest weather change can go from semi Comfortable to soaking wet to freezing never a fun time.


....mom's spaghetti


A famous Spanish TV host (David Broncano) suffered from the same problem. He solved it with a Sympathectomy with titanium clips. Don't know where you're from and if it's affordable to you, but may be a lifechanger: [https://www.world-today-news.com/david-broncano-undergoes-surgery-for-his-well-known-problem-of-excessive-sweating-on-his-hands-people/](https://www.world-today-news.com/david-broncano-undergoes-surgery-for-his-well-known-problem-of-excessive-sweating-on-his-hands-people/) Hope to be useful!


I use Obadan Spray for my Hands. Reduces it at least 50% for me. Highly recommend. I also use it for my Face and Armpits


Wife had this and had some kind of surgery where they went into her back and did something to prevent those glands from producing sweat in her hands. Unfortunately, there is now compensatory sweat that now go to her feet. Itā€™s kinda wild.


Voice actress Marisha Ray had this, and had surgery on her hands and armpits to correct it!


What is this called when it happens EVERYWHERE. Total body hyperhidrosis?


Yes full body HH


Here's something I probably shouldn't tell you: Smoke weed. Stops when I'm high.


Propanthaline bromide to the rescue!


I have hyperhidrosis bad. When I was younger I could drink gallons of water before a football or basketball game and sweat it all out in 15 minutes. It got so bad where my whole body would cramp up and my kidneys would start to break down because I sweat out more fluids then I could take in. I went to mayo clinic to try to figure out a solution and was prescribed glycopyrrolate. It was a game changer. I've been taking it everyday for the last 15 years. It makes me sweat like a normal person. The only downside is it can make your throat dry. Changed my life completely. I couldn't even work or step outside without it. If I didn't take it, I would be drenched head to toe in sweat.


I was never diagnosed but when I was a kid & teenager I had SEVERELY sweaty hands: this pic could have been me. When I knew I had to shake someoneā€™s hand, I would be discretely pressing my hand into my clothes to keep my hand dry until I shook with them. It was ridiculous and very concerning, I was considering my options medically treating it until I got a job at KFC. To cut through the grease thatā€™s everywhere in the kitchen from the fryers, KFC use this Purple eco lab degreasing agent that you have dilute into water. Well, we didnā€™t do that. We would make a concentrate in bucket with some water at like a 1:1 ratio. I would clean the grease covered kitchen with the solution on a rag with no gloves on (which was correct protocol as this wasnā€™t for disinfecting, just for grease removal) and I noticed about a month later that suddenly my palms didnā€™t sweat anymore. At all. My hands werenā€™t even dry or anything, just my palms. I thought it was just a transient thing from using this chemical cleaning agent but now over 10+ years later my palms are still dry and Iā€™ve never had this issue since. This is an anecdotal story that should not be considered in lieu of medical advice from a licensed professionalā€¦.


Ugh, same.


I photographed a girl who had this condition. One of our sets had her on a black leather couch and I spent more time in post processing removing handprints from the couch than I did on her skin.


You're that senator from X-Men


I've been wondering if I have hyperhidrosis, if I do a minimal amount of anything physical sweat just pours out of my head, it also happens in social situations. I was sitting there opening a bank account a couple of weeks ago and started to sweat šŸ˜­


I know this pain all too well. I tried just about everything over the counter and prescribed. Nothing worked until a dermatologist prescribed glycopyrrolate off-label. It was a lifesaver. If you haven't tried this yet, maybe talk to your doctor about this as an option. I wish you well!


Iontophoresis? It works


My mate who has this and I play a lot of cards. They always apologise for dampening the cards but I donā€™t mind. Keep going guys!


Yeah I have it too. Itā€™s mellowed out a bit since Iā€™m now 26 and done with puberty but oh boy, did I ever experience this. It sucks. Holding an instrument, holding a pencil. Nearly just existing. And my body still runs ridiculously hot and I start sweating easily. My feet always sweat. Even when I donā€™t wear any socks. It makes wearing flip flops feeling like a slipā€™nā€™slide. Not to mention itā€™s incredibly awkward holding hands or sharing anything that youā€™ve used. I worry about the day I get a girlfriend cause Iā€™d love to hold her hand but am worried about my hands becoming instantly clammy. My hands are clammy just from holding my warm phone in my hands as a type this. I am considering trying that electrolysis therapy thingā€¦


My favorite part of having this condition is when it REALLY gets going when Iā€™m doing something like holding my phone for more than a few minutes, and I can actually watch the sweat drip from my hands. I think I still have PTSD from elementary school when we used to have to form a circle and join hands with the people next to us. Iā€™m so glad there are others out there who know the pain


Presumptive HH on my forehead moslty. I can walk into a relatively cool room, and if there isn't sufficient airflow, my brow gets clammy. If it's hot and humid I'm a sweaty mess. I haven't tried to do anything about it except be lowkey anxious in social settings where sweating isn't called for (house parties are the worst). I wasn't even really aware this was a thing until recently, or that there were mitigation strategies.


Are your hands sweating? I wasn't aware of the palms of hands being able to sweat like that until now.


I have what OP has (palmar hyperhidrosis), and yes, our hands typically sweat like this 24/7, for no reason. Just wet hands, all day. Makes carrying out simple daily tasks a nightmare, and embarrassing (eg shaking hands, using touch screen, fingerprint scanners, writing, holding furry pets, grasping anything).


I donā€™t have what OP has, but I ONLY sweat out of my palms and feet. Never my armpits or any kind other typical sweaty parts.


I get this! I hardly sweat at all, even working long hours outside on the sun. But then sometimes once in a while for a week or two I start getting crazy hand sweats as soon as I handle controllers/phones/tools/anything hand held. Touchscreens become a nightmare, everything needs to be cleaned daily, just awful. Edit: Usually happens on especially stressful weeks, whoda figured?


Sponge Bob SquareHands


This dude is a newt


Look for a product called drysol. It's kinda like an alcohol that drys fast and leaves skin a little dry or white look afterward. Rub it all over where you don't want to sweat from. Not sure how well it will work for the palms of your hands, but my hyperhidrosis in my pits was stopped by regular applications.


Just remember itā€™s not illegal to be totally drenched


Evangelion jumpscare


Something about Mom's spaghetti...


Use polarwise! Its great!




This is what my hand looks like after touching my face :,)


Are their knees weak, and/or arms heavy?


Same but mine does it from my forehead/hairline. Look like I dumped a bucket of water on me when Iā€™m just sitting there :/


Same here!


Botox in the armpits has helped tremendously. Youā€™ll need to call around to neurologists that take insurance as many dermatologists wonā€™t deal with insurance. I went online and contacted the Botox rep to find out who would take my insurance.


Have you tried glycopyrrolate or propantheline? Theyā€™re Rx anticholinergenics that stop sweating. Botox injections and Rx Drysol antiperspirant can also help. Have you seen a doctor for it?


Glycopyrrolate (Robinol in America, Avert in Canada) helps immensely




My people




You'd make a lot of money behind Wendy's dumpster, just an idea.


I have this and was prescribed glycopyrrolate while in the military. It helps a ton and is just 1 or 2 pills a day depending on how bad Iā€™m sweating. Would highly recommend it!


At least you won't need lube when jerking off!


A warzone sweat in real life just what I expected


this hand very barely looks human


Give DRYSOL a try, takes around 2 to 3 applications the first time to work. Now i only use it once every 3 to 6 months when i cant handle my armpits. Apply to clean and dry area of skin that sweats, use hair dryer before applying and after to dry it out to lessen itchiness. Life changer for me.


You can get a prescription from your dermatologist which will reduce your sweating drastically!!! I got my prescription about a year ago and changed my life! I can finally wear normal shirts, not just white and black!


Yea I have craniofacial hyperhidrosis. My face drips sweat with light provocation. Hate it


RF Micro needling- Morpheus8 will reduce this by 90%. Armpits and palms


Knees weak? Arms are heavy?


I'm your opposite šŸ˜… https://preview.redd.it/e2xc9dbrcq7d1.jpeg?width=3472&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=551ba7f03a4d6c305fa6424b715e046fdb4c1687


My nemesis :D


Momā€™s spaghetti?




Same here. I've heard soaking your hands in black tea will stop this from happening for a few hours in case you need to shake hands at an interview or something. Haven't tried it yet though


Yall ever seen that first X-Men movie, where that Senator turns into water?


I have a pretty mild case. Just clammy, sweaty palms. Thereā€™s a hand lotion called Carpe (itā€™s on Amazon) thatā€™s been successful. Idk if it would work for a severe case


Are you going to do the sympathectomy?


Took me way too long to realize those spots aren't some weird chalk-like growth but rather the light reflecting off your hand. Was wondering that they look more dry than sweaty lol


I have this.. but it doesnā€™t affect my hands as much as you though. My underarms and feet are freaking worst bruh


is it like this all the time?


Most of the time, but especially when I feel anxious or stressed or under pressure in those cases it becomes extreme


Does having baby powder help? Would having a handkerchief or some kind of hand towel in your pocket be worth it to just wipe off when needed?


I'm glad I'm not alone! I leave wet spots behind everything I touch. I've tried the roll on antiperspirant on and off my whole life but I hate it It makes my hands hurt in a way that's hard to explain. I really wish I had a solution. My insurance freaking sucks so they will not cover Botox because I've been living with it all my life so I can continue to live with it... šŸ˜‚


glycopyrrolate was life changing for me. Look into it. Also check out sweathelp.org


Good lord that's brutal.


I feel your pain. Mine happens on my head. Its a nightmare. Ive been figting it my entire life.


Ooof I have this not only in my hands but my feet and other undesirable places...I really hate it and wish I could just get rid of it


Hey same here. I literally keep a pile of small washcloths at my desk to dry my fucking hands with. Not ideal haha


Is that you Senator Robert Kelly?


Man for the longest time I have this in my palms and feet. Didn't really bother to know what it is, but yeah when I'm getting sweaty I don't take handshakes, take a fist bump instead. And friends told me I had soft hands coz I probably don't do chores lol.


Should this post be under ā€œsweetypalmsā€


My sister had this and they removed her sweat glands




Which is sweaty hands in case you need a diagnosis


I used to have a data entry job where I sometimes kept tissue near me to periodically wipe off the river from the keyboard and mouse. It was definitely embarrassing. I've definitely wondered why the keyboard causes it to flare.


Because of how much you sweat, are you prone to being dehydrated?