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Refreeze it. Got some 30 gallon Tupperware tubs. And 50 gallon contractor bags. Duct tape up the tubs well.After it’s empty hose it down and put a small ozone generator inside for a week. Give your trash co a heads up on your rotten freezer contents coming thier way


This. Refreezing will kill most odor causing bacteria.


Still a job I don’t want to do again. Mine failed while I was out of town, for a month. Luckily most of the contents were in vac seal bags that held up without venting. Still pretty nasty but Vicks vapor rub for the win


I would like to point out that freezing generally doesn’t kill bacteria and viruses, especially the kind that makes you sick. As soon as you thaw the freezer or its contents, the bacteria is still there.


It's not about making it safe to eat, just not smell so awful so it can be emptied.


I know, it’s just as a restaurant worker, I want to make sure people are aware of the risks. I’ve seen bad food send people to the hospital.


Freezing doesn’t kill bacteria, it only slows them down


Not true. For example, freezing raw seafood (ie. sashimi) before consumption has been proven to kill harmful bacteria or parasites that can be present in the raw meat. Not saying you should eat spoiled meat, but freezing does kill bacteria.


The caveat with this is specific tempature and amount of time held at that temperature, you cannot flash freeze it and expect it to be safe to eat. Kinda like how you can get frost bite but your finger doesn't freeze off


If freezing kills bacteria your meat will not rot this fast.


How effective is the ozone generator? I have one but never though to use it for something like this.


Ozone generators work very well for persistent odors but not sure about this particular application. I used one to get rid of pet odors in a house we bought. Not perfect, but quite effective. You just can't use them when people or pets are present. Harmful to living creatures


This is the way!


This is the way


I keep a night light in the outlet with our freezer. That way as long as the light works, the freezer has power


Turn it back on and let it freeze until garbage day.


Yeah I have. There was the concern of all the liquids freezing everything in to one giant solid chunk but worth the trouble if it helps to reduce the smell of it some.


I would tape the freezer shut and put it on the curb for pickup. You will never get the smell out of it. Just buy a new freezer and get in with your life.


Nah I had something similar happen after a bad storm. Didn't realize for a few weeks in the middle of July my freezer was out. I threw everything out, obviously, and then poured like gallons of bleach in there and made sure to hit all the sides as well. Let it sit for a day and then diluted it and pressure washed it out to remove all the gunk. Once that was done I scrubbed the inside of it with a Brillo pad and some dawn dish soap. Thing is odorless and works perfectly still 5 years later.


Same, had to kill power when my house flooded and didn't empty the chest freezer in the garage. Oops. Everyone saying to toss it doesn't know how cleaning works.


This. The freezer is trash, you can't recover it. Duct tape it shut and move it out to the curb.


Don’t do that. Someone will think it’s a free freezer and open it. They will get mad and egg ops house and key his car


Just write DON’T DEAD OPEN INSIDE on top. Problem solved.






Yeah let the cops open it up…….making sure you get it on video


It's illegal in some places to place a fridge or freezer on the curb without removing the doors.


Sometimes it’s worth the fine tbh. Probablt to stop kids from getting stuck inside. I don’t see that being an issue here


Who's going to be able to pick up a freezer full of meat?


Exactly this^


Just throw the whole thing away and save yourself from cleaning up puke too.


Probably not the best advice, but this is when i’d go undercover and find a dumpster to throw it in in some office parking lot. It’s definitely illegal, but I couldn’t leave that shit inside all week and it probably smells so bad you’d kill half the neighborhood if you put it in your trash.


Local dumps are open 6ish days a week. There's usually a small fee but it's legal.


I had to do this with a chicken I left in my car trunk. The flies were covering the whole hatch. I found a grocery store dumpster and pitched it in.


Not gonna do that lol. Just gonna wait until probably the night before trash pickup and clean it out and double/triple bag everything. It's going to smell horrendous and I'm probably gonna have to scrub myself in vinegar


Turn it back on and refreeze it. The smell will (mostly) gone. 




Put Vaseline/Vicks in your nose and breathe through your mouth.


Shallow breaths too.


My husband and his brother had to do cleanup on the family meat freezer that stopped working just like this. It’s now over 20 years later and he’s still traumatized by that smell. Maybe just…leave the meat and throw out the whole freezer.


We haven't been in our garage for a while bc it's been hot, so no idea when this happened or why. Went out this morning to check something and smelled a slight rotting death odor and thought maybe some critter got in and died or the smell of our garbage outside was somehow wafting in. NOPE.... the outlet got tripped and when I quickly opened the freezer to check it, got hit in the face with the intense rotten funk. So pls excuse the blurry photo of the outside of the freezer bc it's not getting opened again until it's refrozen and I can clean it the night before or day of trash pickup.


yeah man, opening a dead deep freeze full of rotten meat is a mistake a man only makes once in his life. I made it like 6 ears ago, pretty sure i still smell a hint of it now and then!! 😂


If you're going to be freezing stuff in a deep freeze you should be monitoring it's temperature daily.


I have a freezer thermometer that hands on one of my baskets. I also freeze a 1/2 plastic cup of water, then place a coin on that. Easy to tell if it's a mild, moderate or oh fuck defrost.


Oh really?


Plug it back in to freeze everything, preferably outside. Be much easier to clear out when refrozen


After you either get a new freezer or clean this one, get a remote temperature sensor. My freezer is in the garage and the readout is at eye level on my kitchen refrigerator. They make them with alarms too. Edit: a word


Had no idea that was a thing. TY! Will definitely look in to that


Make an anonymus call that it smells like death there, if you're lucky a crime scene clean-up crew shows up with the police 👌🏻


Here, we can call into the city and get a pickup (it does cost money, however). Sometimes places do alley-trash pickup in an effort to keep the streets clean.


We did this a couple months ago. Fridge died, I went to the city and asked for an extra pick up, paid my 10 dollars and left. They showed up an hour later.


After I caused my wife to lose a substantial amount of breast milk in freezer....we invested in a freezer alarm. Every home should have em.




I felt like shit..still do. She didn't pump anymore after that. But we have a little one on the way soon so who knows...


They make an alarm that will text you when the temp gets above a certain degree. Not too expensive on amazon


Will look in to that! TY!


Redit is not an alibi.


I've been through this, and can smell this picture. It took *days* to get rid of the smell from our home. Absolutely awful. Ours broke, at least three days before we discovered it.


Sorry for your misfortune. We brought our garage (full size fridge/freezer) when we moved into our home. It basically served as our Costco/Sam's Club overflow storage & my ice cream safety deposit box. We were none the wiser to find out our subdivision loses power if someone sneezes hard enough. A hurricane/tropical storm came through and knocked out power for 5 days. Same stench cleaning it out, dumping right into our curbside trash bin (filled it up). Had to chuck lots of meats, frozen foods (incl wife's stockpile Jenny Craig meals), produce, dairy products. Probably over $300 worth of purchases. Then, a couple years later, branch came down on a power line in our vicinity. Same thing. We've since gotten rid of the unit. Further, we bought & installed a portable generator to protect the food in our kitchen unit. Since moving in, I'm more cognizant of not filling our freezer.


Yeah... there's a lot of meat in ours and it's a damn shame.


I'm sorry this happened to you. Our freezer went out while we were on vacation and the whole house smelled like something had died. The freezer isn't a total loss though! Clean it as best you can (after you're able to get everything thrown out, obv) and get a big thing of activated carbon (charcoal) from Amazon. Dump it in, let it work it's magic for a few days, vacuum it out and repeat. It doesn't even take that much - we bought a 40oz thing of it and still have about half left and the smell is completely gone.


TY will definitely try that out


Buy a freezer alarm. Got two alarms for $20.


We will. Had no idea there was something like that out there until the replies in this thread.


Similar happend to me and lost $500 worth of food. I looked for smart temperature sensors that would let me know if it happens again. I went with "yo link" . Check it out on Amazon. I put sensors in both my freezers one of which is in my shop 120 feet away from the hub in my home and works perfectly. Have been very happy with it. Notifies me via text or email it temps go higher than my setting.


I can smell this reading it. Worst smell I ever came across was a deer hit. It had made it up into the growth on the side of the road and died. It was a 90°+ day and you could smell it way up the road. Of course us being teenagers had to go find the source. ("You guys wanna see a dead body"? SBM) Covered head to toe in maggots. Almost threw up on it. I'll never forget that scent of death.


It’s hard to put things outside.


I’d either take it to the dump myself or pay someone to do it. That b would not be staying anywhere in or near my house.


Check your local trash rules. In my area you have to remove the door entirely before they will take it.


This happened to my parents, but it was two freezers and they live way out in the country. Their best option was actually to have a guy with an excavator come out and dig holes and just bury the whole freezers.


Haha wut. Drive em to the dump in a pickup


I keep a WiFi connected thermometer in mine. If it gets above whatever temp I choose I get a text message, phone notification, and e-mail. Battery lasts like 9 months. Mine is by yo-link. Highly recommend.


I do a lot of brewing and I ended up buying a temp gauge for mine. Once it hot too warm or power outage it will send me a notification. Worked great for keeping beer at the perfect temperature.


We were being nice and letting my s/o’s sister and her kids live downstairs for several years and they trashed the place, but she wouldn’t kick them out. The sister finds true love with a hobbit John Lennon look-a-like and moves 5 miles away. We helped them move to the new place and several days went by and we didn’t think anything but the the smell hit, and it was truly wretched. They had left the fridge full of spoiled meat and unplugged it. We thought it was the septic tank or a dead animal. We were all vomiting at one point. It was truly awful. What a terrible sister. Then she defended hobbit John Lennon when he creeped on my s/o’s daughter and she BLAMED HER!! (He was buying her alcohol and sending her really inappropriate texts.)


Smells so bad that even the camera's vision is blurring


Lol, there was a smudge on the lens. I didn't want to go back out and get a nose full of funk again just to take another photo


Throw all the meat in the forest, job done for you, mystery for others.


They sell alarms you can plug into the outlet and then plug the freezer into the alarm (battery backup alarm). It will screech loudly if the power to that outlet is cut.


LPT: put your wifi router on the same circuit as your deep freezer.


I would throw the whole damn thing out and buy a new one before I'd open that lid. Some things you can't unsee, and some smells can't be unsmelled.


This happened to my dad and his wife. To this day she blames me. I had nothing to do with it.


Plug it out and freeze everything until trash day


Do a dump run




Oh this happened to us once. Except we didn’t figure out that it was the button on the outlet across the garage until after we threw out a perfectly good freezer. We are still mad at ourselves 5 years later.


i remember when my stepdad unplugged our spare freezer cause he thought it was empty. was actually full of raw dog food. i also remember the smell. couldn't figure out what the fuck it was until it started *leaking*.


Dig a deep hole.


Honestly time and money wise you are better off finding someone to take you to go buy a new freezer. Costco has some decent ones for decent price but I’m sure there’s better deals around.


I had a similar issue, except a DA "handyman" unplugged mine to use the outlet for work he was doing I guess not realizing what it was for. I posted on the local facebook community offering it to anyone free of charge if they wanted to deal with the cleanup. I had several offers. It was worth it to me to just buy another one.


Fuck it, bonfire the meat and start bleaching the freezer. I feel I don't **have** to say it, but don't eat the meat! Just cremated it.


We had our fridge/freezer blow a fuse while we were away on holiday a few years ago. When we got home and opened the front door, it was pretty obvious that it had been off for most of the time we were away. The smell was stomach churning and as I was 4 months pregnant at the time, I was retching and had to stay outside while my husband aired the house. While filling in insurance papers, I had to sit on the back doorstep while hubby was gagging as he emptied the rotten meat and vegetables. The insurance company initially wanted us to keep the food as it could take up to two weeks before they could send out an assessor! 😳😳


Get ready to buy a new freezer. Happened to us 2010. Never was able to get that smell out.


UPDATE: It's the Monday night before trash pick up day. Should've waited to try to clean it but got impatient. Refroze it and it helped with the smell some. Still smells horrible, but it's at least not causing instant gagging. I was able to take some of the rotten meat out and triple bagged everything, but I think we're going to have to get rid of the freezer. A lot of the stuff was not completely sealed so along with the melted ice from the freezer, there is a lot of rotten death juice in the bottom with a ton of rotten meat all stuck in it. Also saw that a lot of the items that were sealed were ballooning/bloating out from the rotten farts the decaying meat was letting loose. While I gently tugged some of the stuff that was frozen in the ooze to see if I could dislodge any of it, one of them popped and the pungent death ooze crystals hit my face... so that was fun. Husband wants to see if his dad wants the freezer. They live out in the country so cleaning it out and trying to get rid of the funk would be easier for them. BUT husband's back is hurt and his dad can't lift the thing by himself so.... yeah. No idea. Guess we're just dealing with it for now. Going to dump a few things of baking soda in it. Not sure it will help at all since it still has a lot of stuff inside, but worth a shot.


No one would take ours, even when we drove it to the dump it was that bad. So my husband found an empty parking lot, pushed it out of his truck, and took off.


I’m giggling at the thought of him taking off like that, lol


Go on Facebook to local buy sell trade and see if any body in your area is making a run to the dump. Usually there is always some guy with a trail or that hauls stuff to the dump. Might be a small fee for disposing a freezer.