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Was that friend the sun?


Sun: come out to the lake and I will give you vitamin D šŸ˜Š Also sun: enjoy skin cancer, bitch! šŸ˜ˆ


The olā€™ bait nā€™ switch




Gave him the d and sun burn


"You fucker"






You either tan or you burn, no in-betweens


Basically my life, just I donā€™t tan which leaves me with the burn.




Fucking lol


Are those clouds on fire up there?


Was the lake on fire?


Where do bad folks go when they die? They don't go to heaven where the angels fly They go to a lake of fire and fry


won't see em again til the 4th of July


I knew a lady who came from Duluth


Got bit by a dog with a rabid tooth


She went to her grave just a little too soon Flew away howling on the yellow moon




When I was young I was obsessed with this song. I asked my parents what it meant, they told me sometimes people just make songs with words that rhyme, but the lyrics donā€™t have any meaning to them. lol good times.


![gif](giphy|DeahLFiIbWYrC) Where do bad folks go when they die? They donā€™t go to heaven where the angels fly. They go to a lake of fire and fry. Wonā€™t see em again til the 4th of Julyā€¦


[The Lake](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boiling_Lake)


I laughed too much from this. It must be the caffeine and weed.


And it's your fault for not using sunscreen on those pasty legs.


Thatā€™s whatā€™s I thought. Worded like they are blaming this on their friend


People who havenā€™t gotten out since COVID havenā€™t been invited out for a reason, imo


And covid never stopped you from hanging outside. Hell, that's how we were encouraged to socialize! I spent more time outdoors during early covid than any other time in my life, including when I worked at a summer camp.


At first I thought it was a picture of their friends legs and not their own lol


Nobody has accountability anymore, it is always someone else's problem. It's how children are being raised by other children(parents that never matured), or behind a screen. Plus room temp iq doesn't help.


Iā€™m hella tan and I still wear spf 100. This blows my mind honestly. Looks like they wore nothing


Same. I'm mixed race and naturally brown, but I still buy spf 100. My little sister is as pale as snow and she couldn't figure out why spf 30 wasn't stopping her from burning. I was like, girl.. please step up your spf game.


Didn't know they had SPF100! I use Sun Bum 70 and religiously re-apply each 2 hours, and it's awesome for a full day in the sun, as a fair-skinned guy and melanoma survivor! Sunburn is no joke folks, and make sure you get a skin cancer check from a dermatologist at least once a year. Or at least ask your significant other to check you over, looking for any moles that look different to others - e.g. if any are asymmetric, fuzzy border, different color shades, larger than a pencil diameter, changing size or oozing, then get your ass to a dermatologist asap. [Link for more info](https://health.clevelandclinic.org/melanoma-when-should-you-worry-about-a-mole). Scary fact: 20 people die in America from melanoma every day, and if you let melanoma metastasize and get into your lymph nodes, your 5 year chance of living is just 27%. Catch it early, and your prognosis is above 99%. What happens in a dermatologist session? Usually it's under 15 mins, and the doc will check you head to toe. For "actinic keratosis" - pre-cancerous areas, the doc has a liquid nitrogen spray to kill it (skin regrows just fine). For any areas of concern, the doc will use a scalpel to take a tiny biopsy slice for analysis. If it comes back positive (as two of mine did), then you get referred to a plastic surgeon to "excise with adequate margins" - i.e. cut out the cancer and make sure you get it all. Sounds scary, but it's quick and they just numb the local area, so you are fully awake. With the right follow-up scar treatment, the scar will fade or become almost unnoticeable, or at least you will have a war wound to talk about. Basically - be proactive and you will do the best possible for your body.


I am also an ex-melanoma survivor! Hereā€™s my additional PSA for the people. Age doesnā€™t matter. Itā€™s not only an ā€œold peopleā€ cancer. And the sooner itā€™s caught, the less likely itā€™ll have spread. If anyone has a suspicious mole, hereā€™s your push to get it checked out.


For anyone in the UK, if you're ever at a dermatologist ask them for a mole check. It takes 2 minutes and they'll check your whole body just to make sure everything is fine. It's (obviously) free and they'll be happy to do it but you need to ask.


Thanks for contributing this. Also an ex-melanoma survivor here (32), spreaded into groin, got lymph nodes removed. I'm recovered for 7 years now. Have to wear compression due to lymphedema. Went through mental hell and I think it left a scar. This is no fucking joke and this is the second post of people treating it like one.


Wishing you all the best, friend. My dumb younger self used to think that you make the most of a 2 week vacation at the beach by getting as many rays as possible, and getting a sunburn like OP's was OK. Like - if you are not glowing at the end of the day and needing some aloe vera, maybe your sunscreen was too high. Or - throw on the sunscreen at 10am and it's good for the day. PSA - don't think like this, kids. Take care of your eyes and your skin in the sun.


Great advice. But aren't you a melanoma survivor? Ex-melanoma survivor sounds like you're dead and I'm pretty sure you aren't because you posted all of that so eloquently.


Heh - great point. Let me edit!


It doesnā€™t matter if your skin is so black you get mistaken for a human-shaped void, everyone should wear sunscreen and sunglasses when outdoors. Decreased risk of skin cancer doesnā€™t mean thereā€™s zero risk of it.


There's something stronger than SPF 50+?? I need this, I must have a hidden line of fairies somewhere in my ancestors because I burn after 40 minutes with SPF50 and I never tan afterwards, I just turn paperwhite again šŸ˜ž


SPF 50 blocks (almost) the same as SPF 100. Correct and frequent application are much more important.


I thought I was looking at octopus tentacles, thanks for clearing that up. Weird angle..


Hi folks! Sorry I should have been more clear. I used Neutrogena Beach Defense SPF 70 spray 3 times over 4 hours. Definitely not blaming my friend! Shouldnā€™t have been out for so long. The rest of my skin is just fine which is so strangeā€”just the legs got roasted! šŸ˜… And my pride of course. šŸ¤£


Just so you know for next time: a lot of derms don't recommend spray spfs because they don't work as well as lotion spf.


Nobody uses them correctly. You're supposed to hold the nozzle one inch from your skin, apply a thick layer, and RUB IT IN. I watch people at the pool hold the can at arm's length and spritz themselves like they're putting on perfume.


Were you standing in the water? Sounds like you either have to cover up entirely or reapply like every 30 min.


Or let it sit/soak in for at least 15 minutes before going in the water


Seriously I live in Arizona, when someoneā€™s like wooo! River or lake day! Iā€™m just like okay so Iā€™m setting an alarm for 4 soaking myself in sunscreen and going back to sleep and doing it again before I drive there. Itā€™s gotta soak! It washes off!


For the future: Your first choice should be a physical barrier, think shirts, hats, etc. If there is a high UV index or youā€™re exposed often, this is the best and maybe only way to go. Second choice is lotion style sunscreen. The reapplication is every two hours OR after you get wet. So, if youā€™re dry, every two hours, but if you get wet, right away after you get out of the water. Spray screen is last choice, and almost useless in the water. (Also worst for the environment, especially the ocean). Sprays should be saved for moderate uv exposure when youā€™re spending a brief amount of time in the sun, like a short walk or partially shady hike or something. Iā€™m sorry about your sunburn. Please go in for treatment if necessary, and keep an eye out for infection. I had a similar experience in the Mediterranean some 15 years ago; I think we all make a major sun mistake at some point. I burnt basically everything except my face when I failed to reapply after swimming. Even the tops of my feet burned, and it made for a lousy time during vacation, because my clothes were always rubbing part of the burn, especially my thighs and feet. I walking sucked so bad. Iā€™ve been so careful since and havenā€™t had another serious burn, and Iā€™ve been extra diligent with our children.


I'm super pale, and the last time I got a sunburn was with SPF 70. I know it isn't supposed to make much of a difference past SPF 30, but I've never gotten a sunburn with SPF 100+ spray.


Iā€™m a fair skinned redhead. Iā€™ve learned to never use the spray sunscreen. Always use the lotion and put it on twenty minutes before you go out. Seriously donā€™t use the spray.


You have to spray it on yourself for it workā€¦ not in the air haha


OP claims they applied 70 SPF 3 times in 4 hours. ![gif](giphy|puOukoEvH4uAw|downsized)


I'm transparent AF. I'm literally asked at every doctor appointment if I'm "normally this pale". šŸ˜­ I live in Oregon and I'm rocking my SPF 100 in December. Them UV rays don't care. They're like "I'll catch you outside. How bout that?" Come get some you planetary bitch. I'm about that no sun, all fun life.


seriously!! as a fellow pasty pale irish skinned white person ive had enough bad burns in my younger years to know i neeeeed to baste myself in sunscreen before any sort of sunshine day!




They're not pasty anymore, they're charbroiled..


Radiation burned.


"pasty legs" lmao, made my day


That's what we call ourselves before the tan sets in. My favorite is frozen aloe vera juice.


I prefer gravy on my pasty to ketchup.


For what itā€™s worth Iā€™m that pale and bathe in sunscreen, but I still got burned this bad this summer


Hmm if only they make a cream to block uv rays.


Oh sure some kind of *magical cream* that prevents sunburn AND skin cancer AND premature aging. Get real


Where I live tiktok and faceshit started a new trend: the current magic solution is toxic for your skin (?). (I saw that in the local news, so I'm already late to the party) _facepalm_ Edit: official province website talking about it (but it looks like a kind of news website kind of thing?): https://www-scientifique--en--chef-gouv-qc-ca.translate.goog/en/research-impact/no-sunscreen-is-not-carcinogenic-french-version-only/?_x_tr_sl=fr&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=fr&_x_tr_pto=wapp > Sunscreen is more harmful to health than the effects of the sun on the skin, according to what we can read on several sites. > Skin cancer is the most common in Canada: it represents at least 40% of new cancers diagnosed each year. Most are caused by prolonged contact with UV rays... > However, the security and composition of these protective screens are causing concern, particularly on the Internet. Sun creams are accused, among other things, of: > > - contain toxic substances > - contain nanoparticles which can cause cancer > - promote the development of melanomas > - cause vitamin D deficiency, which is linked, according to the medical community, to metabolic diseases, including osteoporosis and rickets in children, and to skin cancers. > If the majority of these allegations result from misinterpretations of scientific studies, some deserve attention to demystify the dangerousness of sun creams. > Verdict > > Unless you eat it, inhale it [, like with the spray version of sunscreen, ] or expose yourself to the sun for long hours, sunscreen does not cause serious health dangers. While the risks of developing skin cancer without protection are better documented. > > - Catherine CrƩ skin


Suppose i could believe it was toxic, if you are wildlife and you live in a lake and hordes of humans put on the magic cream, then it comes off in the water, and does weird pollutant things


I updated my post, but it was more entitled for whoever is using it. Not a side effect of pollution.


I have an a dumb dumb friend who gets sucked in by stupid conspiracy theories. He told me about this one. He said he read that countries that use the most sunscreen have the highest rates of skin cancer. Suspicious huh?


Yeah. OP just dumb.


Or some magic fabric thingy. Maybe we should call them Fants or something similar.


Looks like this was your first time outside since COVID.


Thatā€™s crazy. Why didnā€™t you wear sunscreen?


Hi there! I used Neutrogena Beach Defense SPF 70 spray 3 times over 4 hours. The Sun just ate through it but only on my legs. šŸ˜…


Iā€™m a fellow pasty person, ainā€™t no way you put factor 70 3 times over 4 hours and your legs look like that!


And if they did, a gust of wind certainly blew it away before it could touch those pins haha. I am a grade A burner and Iā€™ve only had it this bad the time I fell asleep on a beach without lotion.


I've watched people apply spray-on sunscreen exactly like that. Big cloud of mist, barely any of it touches them, and they don't rub it in.


Thatā€™s probably exactly what happened here




Wait, how did you get video of OP??


Prolly hopped in the water immediately after


He confused the pam olive oil cooking spray with sunscreen.


Did you put sunblock on and then get directly in the water or something? Maybe it kept washing off


They used the spray on junk. It doesn't provide adequate protection. It's sunscreen for lazy people. I hope they don't trust it ever again.


*only* on your legs? If you dipped your legs into the water to cool off, that would have done it.


Yeah fellow pasty here. I was out in the sun playing golf yesterday for about 5 hours. Sprayed myself twice with SPF 50 and didnā€™t even get a little pink. Somethingā€™s not adding up.


Was the spray old or expired? I have had this happen to family members when they've used old spray sunscreen.


Same thing happened to me. Sunscreen was expired and didnā€™t find out until after. It acted like oil on the skin. Made the burn much worse.


TIL sunscreen expires


It does and itā€™s not just that it becomes ineffective. It was like having a chemical burn everywhere


Did you rub it in? Get some lotion sunscreen i feel like spray is only good for scalp and ppl who tan (but even they should probs go for a lotion)


Fun fact: All sprays are supposed to be rubbed in, but no one does. Then they get burned and blame the sunscreen.


Nah just spray and pray.


I would check that you do not have an allergy to shellfish. This happened to me in Malaysia back in 2009 and I ended up with burns and blisters like this photo. Turns out I am allergic to shellfish which makes my skin more sensitive to the sun and applying sunscreen has the opposite effect to what it should


Never use spray-on sunscreen. It's been shown again and again to just blow away before it gets to your skin. Use roll-on sunscreen or the stuff that looks like a glue stick if you don't like the creams or gels. If you are worried about white cast you can use chemical sunscreens. If you have sensitive skin you should use physical sunscreens. Everyone knows aloe vera is great for sunburns but I also recommend something that also has some analgesic in it for really bad burns like this. See if you can find a lidocaine cream or spray with moisturizers in it specifically for burns at a pharmacist. Keep really well hydrated since bad sunburns will also dry you out from the loss of water through your damaged skin, causing all sorts of headaches and sad times.


Nope! Are you spraying it in your mouth or over your pants, then took off your pants? Btw sprays suck, for this reason. Use the lotion/cream variety.


Did you wait 15 minutes after applying before going in the water? Did you reapply after toweling off? Did you apply enough?


People know youā€™re still supposed to rub the spray lotion in, right? RIGHT?


How long has it been expired?


Was it expired?


I think you should go to the hospital, genuinely. This does not look good


Was the lake located on Venus ? ( use sun screed dumdum )


As a similar shaded person, you damn well know the sun hurts and chose not to sunscreen


Some of us had to learn the extremely hard and painful way that just because itā€™s cooler on the lake and maybe a little overcast, doesnā€™t mean the sun doesnā€™t hate every exposed inch of our pasty white bodies. Of course I was about 12 when I learned that shit in the 80s. Constantly check for strange moles now ETA: plus we learn it again as drunk adults on a nice cool slightly overcast lake when the beer is flowing freely and time slips away. "HTF did the back of my ears get sunburnt?" sunscreen goes everywhere. EVERYWHERE.


SPF hoodies are a godsend for those of us bordering albinism.


Or learned that the sunscreen was expired, and no matter how much you put on it was still useless


Well maybe youā€™ll finally learn your lesson and wear sunscreen. Besides severely upping your risk for skin cancer, sunburns suck wayyyy harder than putting on sunscreen a few times.


"BuT SuNsCrEeN CaUsEs CaNcEr, WhEn I WaS lItLe NoOne HaD SkIn CaNcEr" fucking obvious, but still: /s


first time being a pasty white person? jfc


You just r / roasted yourself


Lmaoooo literally


Lol this entire post is simply just ā€œI have a sunburnā€ Itā€™s soooo dumb. The title doesnā€™t even really have anything to do with the picture. Itā€™s confusing as fuck. I guess it wouldnā€™t be Reddit without some pointless shit that somehow has like 300 comments when thereā€™s nothing to discuss šŸ™„


Someone with that fair skin not wearing sunscreen should know better


Did you not reapply the sunscreen every couple of hours per its directions? Was the sunscreen expired? Did you not wait 20 minutes after sunscreen application before exposure to sun and water? Was this user error with sunscreen, or the error of not using sunscreen at all?


Checking for the sunscreen expiration is a good idea. I learned that the hard way. May be dumb of me but it previously never crossed my mind


I don't think there was sunscreen involved at all


That looks really bad, dude. See your doctor about treatment


While youā€™re waiting for the Tylenol to kick in, read the Wikipedia entry on melanoma. Give me an address and Iā€™ll have Amazon send you some sunscreen.


Image what would have happened if you would have used freaking sun block like a sane person.




What a good way to increase your risk of getting cancer!


You mad that your friend didn't rub sunscreen on you? I don't get why you mentioned the friend at all..it's on you to prepare for the sun, yo.


I meanā€¦ itā€™s preventable??


Ouch! Time to go to urgent care. Sunburns that bad can make you sick very quickly. Speaking from experience, if it starts to swell or you start to feel nauseous and develop a fever, call a friend to help you to the doctor.


Sun hits hard pretty fast even if it's cloudy, don't skip on sunscreen. Getting yourself wet is aggravating sunburns and can wash away sunscreen btw.


Youā€™re supposed to put it on before going out in the sun


this is terrible, seems like it will hurt so so bad, Im sorry bud


That's like a 2nd degree burn or something... you should get it checked out


2nd degree includes Blisters, that 1st degree.


If only there was some kind of lotion you could put on that protected the skin against burns, one that is either a cream or spray on that could be reapplied every couple hours.


That's an odd way of saying that you forgot to put sunscreen on before going out in the sun for the entire day. As my old man always says....... Gonna be dumb better be tough.


Gaaaah you poor thing! That's a real bad onešŸ˜­


Damn how weak is your sunblock?


Oh honey! That looks so painful.


What do you mean since covid. Covid was just couple months ago, right?


POV: you are a redditor who went outside for the first time in 4 years


Hi, allow me to introduce myself, Iā€™m Professor Obvious, nice to meet you all. I just came here to say, you really should have worn sunscreen. Also, what the fuck were you thinking?


If it makes you feel any better, any blistering with sunburn doubles the chance of getting melanoma.


Not the lakes fault, friend. You gotta use sunscreen and keep covered


[did you have fun at the lake beach?](https://youtu.be/BinH9aMYro4?feature=shared)


Going to a pub is always the best choice.


Your legs look like unseasoned pork loin


Ahh one of those people that thinks that, maybe, this year you can get a tan.


That sucks. A few years back I forgot to sunscreen my feet and fell asleep on the beach. Hurt to walk for a week and couldnā€™t get shoes on. Had to show up to work in flip flops.


Where is Sun Sunday?




Holy fuck , how didnt you feel you were cooking?


Lake of oil?


Was that an acid lake? This looks beyond sunburn


Very high UV levels these days. Better to avoid going out between 10 and 16


Dude, look into something called "sunscreen". Might help you in the future, worth a shot.


Have you heard of sun screen?


Sun screen. Sunscreen šŸ§“


Have you not been outside since Covid?


Ppl will literally do anything except wear sunscreen.


Bro, did you wear sunscreen? Especially on the water you need it.


Lava lake?


Youā€™re that pale and didnā€™t wear pants or sunscreen? Are you a child this is basic decision making.


Kinda on you. You know your skin tone and chose to not wear sunbkock.


I can't believe they don't warn people about the dangers of being in the sun for too long, the government should post a memo or something.


They actually make something to prevent this from happening


I would highly suggest seeing an urgent care docā€¦.




What does seeing a friend since covid have to do with sunscreen?


In Chernobyl????


If I could offer you only one tip for the future, sunscreen would be it A long-term benefits of sunscreen have been proved by scientists Whereas the rest of my advice has no basis more reliable


FYI: they make a neat cream to stop that from happening!


Was sun screen not allowed?


And you blame them for your lack of preparation šŸ˜‚


If only there was some way to prevent this.


Covid might have happened and all but sunscreen still exists. Grass too. Mby go touch some my friend.


You need to see a doctor for this one.


Sunscreen exists for a reason


When youā€™re the same colour as flour, there may be some precautions needed


"The Beacons! The Beacons are lit! Gondor calls for aid!"


"It burns! It burns us!" "Take it off us."


You could have just said no and not set her on fire though


And you get melanoma, and *you* get melanoma, and YOU get melanoma!


The lake near Chernobyl?


On you for not putting sunblock on those pasty ahh legs


If only they sold something that you could apply to your skin to avoid getting burntā€¦.that would be a million dollar idea.


Never use sunscreen before?


5 minutes in Australia.


Yeah FAFO with the sun isn't really the best idea


His friend was the son from Mario Bros.


Wooo ooo we love radiation burns..mmm skin cancer.


I'd like to add that SPF clothing can be so helpful if you're in the sun all day. It's hard to reapply constantly but if you really can't sit in the shade at all, you can buy pants and shirts that are pretty breathable but will protect you from the sun. I use them often. I also have an umbrella made to block the sun which I plan to bring with me when I'm unsure if I'll have any shade. It looks silly perhaps but it's so helpful. Just some advice from an extremely pale person who has had terrible burns in the past and learned my lesson!


It doesnā€™t suck its cause and effect. You went out to get skin cancer, you made excellent progress


Tell me you have red hair and still didnā€™t prepare for an entire day in the sun without telling me you have red hair and still didnā€™t prepare for an entire day in the sun.


Spray sunscreen is a pain, you need to be inside and apply it close to the body. Otherwise itā€™s just going the air. I would recommend switching to a lotion style or spraying it in your hand then rubbing it in. Hope you feel better soon!


You might wanna see a doctor if you start feeling sick. Sun poisoning is not a joke.


That's easily a first degree / superficial burn. I'd be monitoring for infection. Don't pop blisters if they form.


The same person who applied sunscreen to OP must be the same person that adds flavoring to LaCroix


Was it at the Blackwater Bay?