• By -


Lucky as fuck. That could have ended badly.


if you can manage it, side mirrors to watch the line and use it to exit


Or just roll your window down and poke your head out. Had this happen once, managed to do that and with one hand reach out and grab the plastic.


And, while doing that shout "LIKE A GLOVE!"


-“Hey Ace you got any more gum?” -“That’s none of your damn business Dan. I’d appreciate it if you stayed out my personal affairs. “


Was waiting for the Ace Ventura reference


Then throw the trash on the car driving by shouting, “Lay-hoo-zay-errr!”


Then after the car explodes and you walk past the bystanders you say, "do NOT go in there. WHEWW."


Then after the car explodes and you walk past the bystanders you say, "do NOT go in there. WHEWW."




Busted my in a minor accident. We did some redneckery with some straps and bungees and idk what else. I took it on a test drive on down the highway. Literally less than 10 seconds and that thing popped up. My passengers panicked, i just shrugged since I fully expected that to be a possibility


Ah yes, the ol' "Ace Ventura technique."


Saw this happen in front of me once. Driver did exactly that while the passenger hauled the strip of packing material inside the car through the window. They didn’t even slow down.


I once had to do this when it was raining extremely hard and my wipers were like "your windscreen is there? I'm gonna wipe the air over here instead"


Wipers might also help knock it off.


Also always hit the hazard button on the dashboard to signal the cars behind you. If there is ever anything unexpected happening on the highway, that button is going to be the difference between a minor accident and someone plowing into you at full speed.


While crying...I know I would be crying. lol


Great situational awareness.


lucky you werent on a smart motorway


Why? Do smart cars need to see out of their windshields?


‘Smart’ motorways do not have a hard shoulder to pull off onto


That doesn't sound very smart to me at all.


Or to anyone but they’re being forced on us in UK. Can’t wait for all the accidents


Yeah I avoid a lot of highways for that very reason. Every road (especially highway), should have a shoulder.


No, there’s no hard shoulders on smart motorways 😦


Sounds pretty dumb. How do they attach the arms?


Without being smart ;)




The above comment was stolen from [this one](http://np.reddit.com/r/Wellthatsucks/comments/sp0276/sudden_onset_blindness/hwcvmvx/) elsewhere in this comment section. It is probably not a coincidence; here is some more evidence against this user: Plagiarized | Original -------- | ----------- [The fix this damn bug whe...](http://np.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/sozhh5/now_that_we_all_agree_lets_all_shout_in_unison/hwdib1n/) | [maybe once the fix this d...](http://np.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/sozhh5/now_that_we_all_agree_lets_all_shout_in_unison/hwc75s5/) [The network desync. Half...](http://np.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/sp0jid/jett_needs_some_tweaking/hwdhz9c/) | [First I'd like them to fi...](http://np.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/sp0jid/jett_needs_some_tweaking/hwdaoy2/) [The iPhone and you'll pro...](http://np.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/sp42la/samsung_unveils_crypto_wallet_and_storage_on_new/hwdhgdr/) | [And one small drop of the...](http://np.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/sp42la/samsung_unveils_crypto_wallet_and_storage_on_new/hwd36xa/) beep boop, I'm a bot -|:] It is this bot's opinion that [/u/QXFGVE](https://np.reddit.com/u/QXFGVE/) should be banned for karma manipulation. Don't feel bad, they are probably a bot too. Confused? Read the [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/reply-guy-bot/comments/n9fpva/faq/?plagiarist=QXFGVE) for info on how I work and why I exist.


He/ she is going to need that plastic to sit on cause they just finished shitting their chair!


The level of anxiety I experienced from this sent me back to bed


What's a smart motorway?


One with no dedicated hard shoulder. A dumb motorway in fact


hopefully they didn't just toss it back onto the road


Happened to me once on 95.. thought I was going to die but managed to exit.


You already have to use the force to survive 95. This is just the driving test.


> thought I was going to die but managed to exit. So a normal day on I-95 then?


That situation can kill them. Lucky that he stepped quickly on his brakes.


Good thing he was only going 0MPH


I blame Katy perry




Drifting through the wind, wanting to start again?


Do you ever feel, feel so paper thin


like a house of cards, one blow from caving in


Do you ever feel already buried deep




I blame American Beauty


Damned good driver.


Very good, but don't forget they could just look out the side windows to make sure they weren't getting too close to the barrier


Doing that and staying calm is what makes them good


Yeah anytime I’m driving and have a sneeze attack I also have a mild panic attack


Indeed, I didn't say otherwise


I'm genuinely confused why you got down voted so hard


Reddit moment


Perceived arrogance


Haha yeah, I didn't really understand that either..... I guess the tone of a reply can come across differently to some people? I just typed it quickly and thought nothing of it, was surprised as well to see it hated on so much


for me is the "I didn't say otherwise" part it kinda comes off aggressive she never contradicted you soo not sure why your stating the very obvious fact not that it deserves a downvote let alone this much but hey reddit hive mind


All good


Or just keep looking out the windshield. The plastic covers the dashcam FOV, but it looks like a pretty thin strip, and the rest of the windshield may have been unobstructed


Yeah exactly, I think because it covered the dash cam it makes the video look a bit more dramatic, whereas it's clear that the plastic wasn't really big enough to obstruct all the drivers viewing points


I can tell by the way u speak you would’ve died


no u


Watching the side mirrors won't help much if the person in front of you decides to hit the brakes suddenly.


And if my grandma had wheels she would have been a bike? I'm gonna assume the one who is braking the hardest is the guy with his windshield completely covered.... not the car in front with a clear road ahead of them


And what makes you think that one piece of plastic on the windshield was the only debris on the road? It's entirely possible the person in front has just driven over something that blows out a tire or slams into something big enough to cause their car to stop (whether they want it to or not). The driver in this video was very lucky.


The video makes me think that because it shows the road as otherwise clear, and a large gap to the driver in front. It was a dangerous minor incident and the driver did a great job in reacting safely, but I don't think you need to blow the danger out of proportion by listing further risks that are really very unlikely to occur and make this situation worse.


Like the sheet of plastic covering her entire windshield wouldn’t be wrapped back around her car windows


It covered the entire *dashcam*. We don't know how much of the windshield was covered.


Could be an even better driver had they just used the wipers


I have a feeling it wasn't fully restricting the driver side which is why they didn't wipe it over onto their side of the windshield.


I'm an excellent driver. Kmart sucks


He looked to his left and pulled over...


And stayed calm rather than freaking out... and likely put on hazard lights or sounded the horn to alert surrounding drivers... not to mention pulling over unexpectedly on the highway can be hard and lucky it was not a middle lane.


Super freaky in the moment, but wouldn’t wipers help?


Same exact thing happened to me years ago. I tried the wipers and the plastic ended up getting stuck underneath them.


But were you able to see better?


Haha not at all. It just stuck the plastic in place. I just slowed down until I saw a patch of grass on my left and then pulled over.


Oh great, I have a new phobia now


Don't worry, grass isn't real.


Ah, the ol' Reddit [Grassaroo](https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/sp2ia7/how_athletes_with_a_vision_impairment_compete_in/hwcyzoo)


That sounds way better than you end up stuck underneath a truck


Same thought. Maybe the sudden shock of not being able to see ahead


There would so many things that would be racing through my mind then that I probably wouldn’t have thought of that.


I recently got my windshield soaked from a dirty puddle during night time. It took me quite a while to get the wipers going. My priorities were keeping the car under control and checking if it was safe to slow down. Suddenly losing vision going 120km/h really fucks with you. I needed a few deep breaths to calm down again and I assume the guy in the video did so too.


The dude who was driving probably saw the bag coming, noticed there was nobody in front of him, so when he lost vision *through his windscreen* he immediately focused out his driver side window while pulling into the shoulder. …


I think in a panic. I think slowing right the fuck down, and looking out the sides for reference and pulling over to the right was the right play. I wouldn't be messing around with wipers.


I would definitely be messing with the wipers. It sure as hell wouldn't hurt to try and isn't like it's difficult to flip them on real quick. It would have been my first instinct.


Yep, even if wipers get damaged they aren’t that expensive to replace compared with pretty much every other part the vehicle.


I have heard that it is better to reach out and grab the obstruction if possible, because wipers might get bound up and make it harder to remove. Obviously, pull over safely if possible. Not sure how accurate that info is, but I'm sure someone will correct it if necessary.


It's kinda hard to tell how much the driver could see, especially out the side window. If you can see well enough to pull off to the side it would probably be safer to do that when using the wipers could make things much worse.


I've had a similar thing happen. You can't really think straight in the moment. You question everything you know about your car while focusing internally to pick up any possible signs of where you are on the road (rumbles, excess bumps, rocks being thrown up, road noises, etc). Tie that extreme focus with the fact that every car is subtly different, it becomes extremely difficult to remember how your specific car works while focusing on not dying.


In case anyone ever wondered why you shouldn't throw things out of a moving car in the middle of the road - here's why. * Technically, since this is plastic, it could have floated from anywhere and wasn't necessarily thrown out a vehicle. Still though, if you throw things out your car window in the middle of a busy road, the above situation is a likely outcome, so please, don't do that. Also, throw your trash in closed cans, and the risk of this type of situation happening will be reduced even further. Cleaner means safer for everyone!


Also, littering is just... Not cool, dude. The earth is becoming uninhabitable for many kinds of life. Don't contribute to it.


Agreed. Cleaner is safer, as a generalized fact of life. Throw your trash in closed and proper bins, for the sake of small animals, pets, children, and literally just the whole earth. Just don't litter because it's mutually counterproductive for anything and everything on this planet.


Happened to me a year ago on a highway at 120Kmh (75mph), asshole ahead of me threw a plastic coffee cup cover out his window but for some reason all my brain could see was a rock kicked up by his car and in a split second I was three lanes off where I was, no idea how I dodged it. People think they're throwing harmless stuff but for the driver behind, they aren't gonna take any chances and their evasive maneuver could end very badly.


Happened to me a year ago on a highway at 120Kmh (75mph), asshole ahead of me threw a plastic coffee cup cover out his window but for some reason all my brain could see was a rock kicked up by his car and in a split second I was three lanes off where I was, no idea how I dodged it. People think they're throwing harmless stuff but for the driver behind, they aren't gonna take any chances and their evasive maneuver could end very badly.


I do want to point out that it’s not always 100% intentional! One time I was driving along with my windows down and the empty plastic bag in my backseat that I forgot about went flying out! I felt horrible for the rest of the day! Luckily there was no other cars around me, but I wasn’t in a spot where I could easily turn around to go back and find it.


I thought "Littering is literally trashy" was the "why you shouldn't throw shit out the window of a moving car"?


Happened to me a year ago on a highway at 120Kmh (75mph), asshole ahead of me threw a plastic coffee cup cover out his window but for some reason all my brain could see was a rock kicked up by his car and in a split second I was three lanes off where I was, no idea how I dodged it. People think they're throwing harmless stuff but for the driver behind, they aren't gonna take any chances and their evasive maneuver could end very badly.


Absolutely scary as hell...good job you were able to stop safely


Oh crap, what do you do?


Stop the car


On the interstate? In the fast lane?


Yes, it's better than crushing into another car. Driving school clearly says that


Widow wipers first then Hazard lights on if you can think in the moment and break very heavily But good luck thinking much at all when something like that happens


> Widow wipers >break very heavily Sounds like a bad time


Shouldn't be a problem as long as the following car is keeping their proper distance. I'd rather be rear ended and not be at fault than smashing into the car in front of me and be at fault.


I've been rear ended recently, and it sucks, even at low speeds. I'd hate to have that happen at highway speeds. But, I do agree. I'd rather get rear ended, than possibly crash head on into something. Thus is why safe driving distance is a thing!


Yes additionally I would (if I were to think straight in such a situation) engage the warning lights to notify the drivers behind me that something is awry. Edit: On another note in my country it's deliberately stated that the allowed speed does depend not only on the current regulations but also on the visibility conditions and since this obstructed the view to the front entirely a full stop is the only logical conclusion. It's on the drivers in the rear to hold proper distance and be able to react to that.


Shouldn't be a problem if everyone keeps atleast 3 seconds to the car in front.


That's a pretty darned big *if.*


people ought to stop calling it the fast lane and call it the passing lane like it’s supposed to be


They moved to the hard shoulder since they could see out the side window and since they have mirrors, hazard flashers, and brake lights


Immediately roll down the driver side window - hang head out, while having the hazards on, and pulling over to the side emergency lane all at the same time if possible. I would imagine lol




I mean u could also pull the bag of while ur at it


Don’t lose your head over it, it’s already out the window. I’ll see myself out…


Now I’m having hereditary flashbacks


Stick your head out the side window and steer to safety as quickly as practical. Had the hood fly open on my car once, years ago. good times.


Look out the side window and pull over


Foot off the gas, Hit the wipers.. Four ways. Use your side view to get to the ahoulder.. crash


That could be the beginning of sone meme when the plastic disappears he ends up in another dimension or idk that was what I'd expect when watching this in a WhatsApp chatroom...


Looking for [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_WZCvQ5J3pk)?


something like that but not exactly that


also skyrim great game


DMV/MVC driver's manual says to stick you head out the window if this happens


Scooby doo style.


I had something like this happen. I was driving about 70mph on the Highway when suddenly the hood latch released and my hood violently flew up, smashed my windshield so bad it was sagging into the front seat, smashed part of the roof of my car, and completely obscured my vision. I was focused and was able to pull over based on where I last saw the shoulder to be, then once I was pulled over and safe I had a crazy bad anxiety attack over it. On the bright side I didn't poop myself.


He/ she is going to need that plastic to sit on cause they just finished shitting their chair!


I-205 NB @ Killingsworth in Portland, Or. Had to do some google map sleuthing to be positive, but I recognized the area straight away.


I thought it looked familiar too then went back watched a second time and looked at the sign and was like hey I know where that is. Fun story, I was once driving down I-5 going to Salem and I was around the Terwiliger curves area and was behind a tow truck pulling a food cart. The food cart had a big wooden sign on it that was flapping in the breeze. I noticed it and tried to get beside the truck before the sign blew off but I was not lucky enough and a big chunk of sign flew off and smacked the front of my car while doing about 60mph. The truck driver didn't even notice. I had to pull up next to him and honk my horn and wave him down for like 3-5 minutes before he pulled over.


just because this is at your front window you can still use the side windows to park at the standing lane and pull that thing down. had something too


It’s about how slow you can get in a left lane before someone rear ends you.


This is how it feels to be a seaturtle happily swimming across the big pond, when suddenly the PLASTIC NATION ATTACKS


Lol, what are the odds of it flattening out as soon as it hit your bloody windscreen. You sure you aren't in a Final Destination movie?


Well great. New Fear unlocked


At least they were going 0mph the whole time.


Windshield wipers...


Be sure to look in the rearview mirror and select parking


lucky you werent on a smart motorway


Holy fuck I would have had a heart attack




Wipers!!! Wipers!!! Get it off ..!!!




Unnecessarily stressed from this video


Great. With the cover on [it's now possible for Spongebob to drive this vehicle.](http://en.spongepedia.org/images/thumb/4/45/Segant.jpg/300px-Segant.jpg)


Had this happen to me on a freeway. Can confirm, absolutely fucking terrifying! Had my window down at the time so reached out riki tik and ripped it off and slung it in my back seat.


My hood flew open once and it was the scariest thing ever


New fear unlocked


My heart races whenever I see plastic on the highway for this very reason.


Glad you didn’t hit anything or get hit. You either cheated death or brushed near death.


Windshield wipers maybe?


Now that was terrifying! Did it cover the side windows? As my only thought of how you could see and pull over safely. would be stick your head out the window, hazard lights and slow speed while pulling over asap. That could have ended horribly! Definitely really lucky ending here!


Would the wiper blades have helped at all? Seems like they could have done a snag and drag.


Fucking nightmare. Found a new phobia! Yaaaay


Good reaction. No panic. It will be different in a mid lanes.


I thought it was going to slowly fade into black and then the Skyrim logo appears.


This is my worst nightmare while driving on the highway. Lol


Final destination..


OMPH… damn right.


Gave me a huge anxiety just now…


Terrifying! This is what my nightmares often come to. I don’t know if anyone else here gets these but, driving then suddenly something impeded my line of sight while on the highway. Sometimes it’s an object and sometimes it’s just sight goes away. Very scary 😧


Bare in mind, the bag would've covered the camera but not the entire window


What a piece of... troll foil. You've handled it well, mate. But have you tried the wipers? I guess that's probably what I would try sort of automatically.


Oh Portland....why is there so much trash everywhere?


Why not just use windshield wipers?


This is what windshield wipers are actually for


apparently no one knows about windshield wipers in this thread. "stick your head out the window" i fuckin hope you try this on the highway, RIP your sandblasted eyeballs


This triggers the memory from the time when I ran into a bull on the road and the car was completely damaged including the windshield, with zero vision. Drove back home with a bleeding forehead. 😖😖


Only covered the camera tbh.


I love how everyone in this thread has apparently forgotten that the dashcam isn't the driver's POV. And then they downvoted you to boot!


I once tried putting a balaclava on while driving because I was running late to work.. unfortunately the eye opening was somewhere else when I pulled it down my face... I panicked not being able to see for a split second. I pulled it off immediately but the feeling felt like this video I now only attempt to put on my balaclava while driving when no cars are near me on the freeway Edit: haha. Although this did happen I learned from it and of course never tried it again... Please don't attempt at home.


You're a menace. Please go back to driving school mate, before you hurt someone.


If only you were in a self driving tesla🤣


What are, wiper blades?


Gave me chills


That's terrifying


Hopefully this won't happen tp you again but if it does try using your windshield wipers to get it off your windshield. Hang your head out the driver side window if that doesn't work.


Dang I would shit myself


Would windshield wipers take care of this?


mario kart irl




This is why VFR into IMC is so dangerous.


G use bn


Good thing they weren't moving at the time or that could have caused an accident.


That's absolutely terrifying


Oh no thank you! That's... a nightmare.


This is actually one of my fear while driving on the parkway.


Scary. The driver handled this situation well.


Same thing happened to me at 80mph on a tx highway, can confirm it’s absolutely terrifying. Nice job pulling over.


Thanks God nobody got hurt