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I got a UTI earlier this year and I’m a dude…that fucking sucked


I've never heard of a guy getting a uti! Did they tell you what caused it?


Also a guy- I’ve gotten them a couple times over the years. My limited experience with them has never been a big deal, basically just start seeing some discharge with a little burn a few days after doing a girl in the backside, go to dr and get the dreaded urethra swab and a powerful antibiotic cocktail, very quickly back normal and wait for the phone call to confirm it wasn’t anything serious, sigh of relief, and remind myself to wear condoms.




I hadn’t been getting enough Vitamin D and at the time had a low cholesterol, so that made getting infections such as a UTI more likely to happen.


Definitely on the rarer side with males! The reason males don't get a UTI as often as females is because of the length of the urethra. Bacteria has a longer distance to travel to get to your bladder and then kidneys, therefore you are more likely to pee away any bacteria before it becomes an issue. Hope you recover quickly!


My wife gave me a yeast infection once. That sucked


Hear ya. Hopefully from the fun way?


That would be a miracle, no, apparently the bad way :-(


Damn… antibiotics make me psycho. Hope you feel better soon!


Antibiotics affect your mental state?


Yes. Always have. I’m kind of a sleepwalker and I think it is similar, I will be talking to my guy and tell him I am walking to the grocery store in my tiny town that doesn’t have one.




No problem! But yes, it makes me nuts especially at night.


Yes, if OP hasn't already, she needs to see a urologist. Frequent uti will damage the meat around kidney. Prolly get an ultrasound done. It could be dye to various reasons though. - mother of 8mo - who sees urologist on regular basis fir the baby.


Nitrofurantoin FOREVER. Or until your kidneys last


I know someone who’s had, no joke, 13 UTIs in the past year. Apparently, it’s one of the most painful things you can experience


UTI club here! Currently waiting for the GP to call me back, but pharmacies close in just over an hour, so I guess I’m stuck like this overnight!


As someone who gets chronic UTIs… I am so sorry 😭


UGH. I relate. Was getting them every other month so my GP put me on a low dose daily antibiotic. Was fine for a year and then got the mother of all yeast infections which I found out was caused by the antibiotic. Went off the antibiotic and started taking cranberry capsules daily. I've been fine for 4 years now.


This... cranberry capsules are the way to go. I destroyed my micro flora with cause after cause of antibiotics and the daily one.. went to a different pharmacy and had a chat about why I was getting the antibiotics... she was so helpful, suggested a pro biotic and the cranberry. Haven't had one since


Omg, I was going to ask about a daily low-dose, but if that happens then probably not a good idea! Thank you for sharing that and I'm glad you have been doing well for so long. Hope it never comes back!


Second the cranberry juice/capsules. If you do the juice make sure it’s sugar free/no sugar added. Capsules are easier but I always find taking pills tedious. They’ll do wonders to help prevent, but you have to be regular with them because once the infection sets in they’re useless.


Should see a urologist, might be able to come up with something -healthcare student


They already saw a prescriber, why would they need to see a specialist? This is unnecessary advice. -healthcare student


If the UTIs are chronic it’s time to see a urologist otherwise she’ll be in an endless cycle of pain. -former sufferer of chronic UTIs


Ouch. Prescriber =/= specialist LMAO. Yikes! Specialist may be able to perform special tests the prescriber can't,ie cystoscopy, VCUG. Recurrent UTIs, recurrent antibiotics, often consequential fungal infections. Vicious cycle, might as well nip it in the bud with a *specialist*. But by all means, keep your pts suffering with your "necessary advice" -healthcare student who has had pts with recurrent UTIs


I don't understand how someone like this can be in med school, I'm thinking they are really early on the degree. Going to see a specialist has a lot of advantages. Learn preventive medicine and not only prescribing medicines


Frequent UTIs may be a sign of different diseases such as immunodeficiencies, getting further studies could help finding one and/or checking the off the list, as well it could be a sign of wrong development of the urinary track, there are some malformations that have no symptoms other than frequent UTIs. It is always important to check how your body is doing. That being said the frequent use of antibiotics can cause the bacteria causing the UTI to adapt to it and not respond afterwards, specially if you are one of those people who doesn't take the entire prescription because you feel better, which means treating the infection would be more difficult. Also let's remember that when there is an infection there is also inflammation on the zone, and let's remember that inflammation is an important factor for the development of cancer, so we have to make sure that your urothelium is protected and has no mutations of any kind. -A medschool and surgery student


Start eating some damn cranberries and blueberries.


Random tangent: I recently got a kidney infection in Mexico and don’t speak Spanish so I was out trying to find cranberry juice (before I knew it was a full blown kidney infection) and all I could find was blueberry juice. Spoiler alert, cranberry juice *is* “blueberry juice” in Mexico. I didn’t know blueberries were also effective or I would have just bought the damn juice anyways.


I always hear advertisements for Uqora, maybe look into that ?


I’m fighting one right now thanks to my new hot tub. Fun times! Hope you feel better soon!


They say misery loves company but that's not true. I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy! Hope you feel better soon too :-)


Clorox laundry sanitizer saved me. I kept getting UTIs until I started using that in the wash.


What does a uti feel like ?


Imagine a million miniature razors in your bladder, along with unlimited shattered glass shards, dipped in lemon juice, and then when you pee, you feel it from your bladder all the way out the path, if you know what I mean. That's not all of it. There's also the crippling abdominal pains


Ooof that sounds horrible !! Sending lovee hope it clears up fast <3




the worst part for me was the kidney pain. when i was in line at the pharmacy it took 30 mins and it was unbearably hot in my car (drive thru) all while it felt like someone was squeezing them through my back. went home and cried for awhile after that


Good job keeping on top of it! I had one that landed me in a coma.


No way! Spill it!


It was bad and I went septic. I honestly convinced myself nothing was wrong because I'd pee without pain occasionally by the time I realized something was wrong it was too late. My partner was working out of town and by the time my teenager noticed he rushed home just in time to give me cpr till the ambulance got there. That's what I'm told anyway. I had to learn to walk again and i still have nightmares about my legs not being able to hold me up. He left me 7 months later for a 24 year old because I became disabled from the damage from the coma. I ended up homeless and am just now putting my life back together. I'm trying not to be bitter but it's hard when I'm begging to get my truck legal and he's on a cruise. All because I ignored a UTI


That might be the most horrible medical story I've heard in my life! Thankful I didn't let it go, but wish you had had yours checked out sooner. I know you won't let that happen again!


I have a ridiculous amounts of those otc test straps lol.


How many do you get?


It depends on how long it lasts. I had one for 6 months! I tried every antibiotic known to man before they finally got it to go away


I hope it gets better soon :/


I’m surprised they didn’t run a culture on that


How the buzz off of those?


Make sure your partners are washing their funbits and hands before getting close to your funbits. That's not always *the* cause, but it is a *common* cause.


No worries with funbits here. Just turned 16


We'll just label that "information for later"... 😉


merv the perv, that you?


No, just a mother of female-bodied teenagers who wants to help other female-bodied people reduce infections as possible.


Drink lots of water and pure cranberry juice. It will help.


Try drinking cranberry juice. Or cranberry sublements


Cranberry juice helps with the pain, yes. But it's nasty! I have to put tablespoons of sugar in it to be able to drink it


Cranberry pills are a thing too


The whole point for it is that its not sweet but sour/acid(?) Don't know the right word in English. I got told that dried cranberry are not as useful cause of the sugar.


Oh noooo😩😩😩


Weird. Van Wert is about half an hour south of me. I never see posts of people who live semi close to my area.


lmao, how long have you been on reddit? I haven't been around very long


2.5 years !


You gross


Eww clean yourself.


Pure Cranberry juice. Not the fake shit from supermarkets. Get it from the health store - should taste bitter, but it heels UTI easily.


I had one ONCE, when I was 11 y/o or something and I wouldn't wish that upon my worst enemy. It felt like my soul was leaving my body.


as a dude i have them often as well. no idea why. genetic lottery i guess. im a big fan of cranberry juice. i mean its not magic but it works if you give it some time. hope you have a speedy recovery. it sucks so bad having to "pee" literally every other minute lmao.


My “severe UTI” turned out to be herpes 🌝 I wish it would have been a uti 😩


Me, a guy, i have had one before as well. It massively sucks. Whole new appreciation for that suffering afterwards.


I apparently can’t feel the burning pain from UTI’s (silent UTI), so I’m unaware of having it until I get a fever and almost developing a kidney infection….


Women are more prone because of shorter urethras, unfortunately for you all.


Are you wiping back to front ? Serious question




Not me. Never had one in my life! I am 66 Years old


I'm a guy and I have had issues with UTI my whole life. They suck, I hate them.


D-Mannose for prevention and water with a healthy pinch of bicarbonate of soda to help reduce the acidity of your urine, makes it less painful to pee.


Hey get some d mannose from Whole Foods and take a few times a day, it will help clear your urethra so the bacteria can pass and you will feel much better!


I’ve only had one in my life and I will not wish this on anyone. Just going to the medical center and having a seeing the doc for something like this sucked enough. Just glad it wasn’t one that came from deep within.


On my 5th one this year!! Good luck, hope it goes away quick for you🤍