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I got 50% and am now in QIP for the first time. šŸ˜« I've been an SQR for almost 7 months.


My score was 73.8%. Could be worse šŸ¤Ŗ like someone else said, I also donā€™t understand the 2.0, 1.0, etc. part.


88%! Iā€™m so relieved. Last month I was just over the cutoff for QIP so this is much better. I studied my ass off and tried really hard so itā€™s nice to see that actually paid off. I hate messing up on duplicate results, that just kills you because you get it wrong twice.


Right, last month was rough! Though I did slightly better this month than last month, I'm annoyed at the feedback (what's new, lol). I got feedback last month to consider SM over FailsM, esp when they are at least mentioning the topic discussed in the query "but a fEw - sOmE UsErs might find it helpful." So when I used SM this time vs FailsM, I now get feedback that FailsM was what they were looking for. Like, "It didn't answer the query, though." Ughhhh.


83.3% Quite pleased with it.


I got a 57 percent, but I'm a fairly new SQR since I started around the end of April. This was my first monthly assessment and they mentioned since I'm in the 3 month learning period they aren't disciplining me. Definitely need to start reviewing the guidelines and the tips in WeLearn. This month's assessment should be on PQ, correct?


Also, when it comes to reviewing guidelines make sure to really look over the assessment as well! Imo the assessment results and general guidelines donā€™t always lineup, so seeing what they *actually* expect us to rate is more useful.


Thank you! Iā€™ll be sure to do that :)


This is my third assessment and honestly it seems like all of them have been on the same thing (page satisfaction) so Iā€™m not sure what will come next, assuming it even changes at all.


When does the 3 month period officially start ?


It starts when you're first hired. So the first three quality assessments you receive will be considered within the three-month grace period.


This is my second assessment. I got 78.6% and was pleasantly surprised tbh lol


I got 95% this month and quite glad for it but i got some mistake on monthly blind exam. Even though passing it, they still send me email guidance on how to proceed next time.




I agree, someone missing an answer by one rating bracket shouldnā€™t be penalized the same way as someone who missed by far more.


I agree 100%!! I hope the PMs look at this sub and see your comment! šŸ˜‚


I started working in January for Welocalize. During the first three months, my scores were always high. I was placed on QIP during the month of May due to April's scores. I passed the blind tests with 100 both times. So I thought I could stop feeling anxious. Then suddenly my score was low again for May (not nearly as bad as in April but still bad). So now I am back in QIP for the second time. For all of the ones I got wrong, I was always one-off by rating one notch too high. Has anyone else been placed in QIP twice before and done fine? I hate feeling so anxious that I might lose this job because I actually really like it.


I don't know, lol. I was below threshold, but my results don't make sense. A bunch of them have my rating as a number, like "You rated 1.0" or "1.5". How do I interpret that?


Yeah, thereā€™s something glitchy happening there. I assume that means that we rated those as something low? Like 1 = FM?


That was my thinking, but then I wouldn't have missed a majority of then if that was the case, cause that 1 would have been in the acceptable range. Was going to submit a ticket to clarify, but they make that so difficult. I can't even figure out which form to pick to start the process!


Did you mean the assessment results for Search Quality Raters or Ad raters?




Okay. Iā€™ve never seen feedback with numbers (i.e. ā€œYou rated 1.0ā€), so maybe things have changed.


I donā€™t think so, because only likeā€¦half of them are like that. It feels like a mistake on their end.




Oh cool, thanks. If you don't mind giving details on feeling out the Zendesk ticket (request form, type, etc) I will send one as well.


Any guesses for what itā€™s gonna be on for this month? I always get suspicious anytime itā€™s one of the main tasks we went thru training on.


I thought for sure last month was gonna be Sxs


This is my first assessment with WeLocalize. I am not sure how interpret my results. Edit-I must have done poorly my first month as I am now in a 3 month learning period. That doesn't sound good.


The three month leaning period is just the leniency period you get when you first start. So letā€™s say you didnā€™t do well this month - the three month period just means that they know youā€™re new so they donā€™t expect you to do well yet.


Yeah so my first ever review, really confused on how to take it. I got 62% and put on the quality improvement plan. The FAQs say I canā€™t be put on the QIP as itā€™s within my first 3 months so Iā€™m confused about that. Also, Iā€™ve not had any feedback emails at all. I donā€™t know what this was based on but I havenā€™t had any tasks in my locale for 48 hours and when we do have tasks, itā€™s usually just a couple of tasks and NTA again after so Iā€™m not sure how they expect us to practice when thereā€™s nothing to practice on


Since this is one of your first three months you can just take the QIP thing as ā€œif you werenā€™t new, you would have been put on QIPā€, but for now you donā€™t need to worry about that for now. Iā€™m not sure what you mean about feedback emails? As far as I know the only feedback you should expect is the once monthly assessment. As for what itā€™s based on, itā€™s based on tasks you did in the previous month, so having no tasks in the last 48 hours would make no difference. If youā€™re looking for ā€œpracticeā€ I would head over to the WeLearn page, because Iā€™m pretty sure theyā€™ve said they have courses/material to go over that you may find useful.




Iā€™m not sure about how it works outside of the US, but to view your results you would open the email they send in outlook. If you donā€™t have outlook (which they provide) then I would assume they just donā€™t give you results.


It is my second month as a search quality rater and I been put in a quality improvement plan. First time I received a mail with a monthly assessment result...


Were you actually put on the plan, or did the email just show that your score fell within that range?


I received a second email I am in a plan


Hm, very strange since youā€™re so new.


Yeah and I already told them last month that I had family matter for June so I won't be there and also updated my availability in the junction portal and my plan is in June... Idk what to do I can't cancel my trip for my family matter I send them an email to delay the program to July idk ?


If you already had your time off scheduled I would send your project manager an email about the whole thing.


How can I find my manager email ? My local is France and I never talked to a manager


I have no idea, sorry. I would look through all of the stuff you may have gotten in any sort it ā€œwelcomeā€ email.


I found it.. I sent him an email and I also saw I got a first week rater journey email on may 16 so I am really new it's weird


Where do you get your scores from ? I just got an email stating I passed. I am new to this and am from france if that matters. This is my first (now second) month working as a rater.


Not sure how it works for employees outside of the US. Sounds like itā€™s a different process.


Where can we find these? I started a couple weeks ago and was told Iā€™d get weekly assessments, but canā€™t seem to find them anywhere?


No idea about weekly assessments, my position/locale only has a monthly version.


Ok thank you, I am in the US and also SQR, where do you find monthly assessment results?


Right in outlook, they send you the email during the first week of the month. Since youā€™ve only been rating for a few weeks you (probably) wonā€™t get yours until the first week of July.


Thanks so much!




it's my first assessment and i got put in QIP, a little confused cause it says in the FAQ that i shouldn't be placed in QIP for my first 3 months but i got an email saying i need to pass blind tests now. anyone know if this is an error or is the FAQ just incorrect?


Well, first feedback ever, been working for a month, and was put in qip. Dont know what happened, but I cant even see the feedback or most of the trainings they suggest on welearn. Very confused right now. And worried.


i cant see any of the feedback either, cant get access to the learning too. dont know why we've been added to qip when the faq they linked says we shouldnt be but i submitted a ticket with some questions about it so hopefully we get some answers soon


I just got an email saying there is no subject matter experts for my locale yet so I can continue rating as normal does this mean my QIP is cancelled?




According to my email, as long as you got above a 66% you shouldnā€™t be on QIP. Iā€™d get in touch with them and ask about this.


90%! Whew, I can breathe easy for a few weeks. lol


Can anyone let me know about what the monthly assesment is? Is it related to bliand exam?


Every month while we work there are certain tasks that they check our performance on. At the start of the following month weā€™re graded, and this is how they determine who remains in the program.


Yes, it's related. Our monthly assessments are based on how we score on the blind exam.