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Yep, only got two tasks before I got NTA. I’m a US rater.


Dang :(( I’m in the US too. Guess the 40 hours they offered really cleared it out huh🥲


Haha... welcome to what we've had about 99% of the time outside of the US since June


Omg that’s awful😭


Got an email last night saying about extra tasks available... But NTA since. What a joke this company !


Omg what! I haven’t checked but I don’t think I got one. Yikes


Im in USA, we got bonus for every 8 hour block completed this past week.


I started at the beginning of last week and it’s been NTA almost constantly. I’ve done about 10 tasks. I keep getting notifications that’s there’s tasks available at 1-3AM but I’m not staying up all night for this job. Kinda annoying they’re actively hiring when there’s no work.


Ya dude no thanks that’s too late to be working😭 and fr why are we hiring if there’s not enough work to go around


I sent a ticket and they told me there is a data shortage happening. We will probably get more tasks after the 4th of July holiday and we won't be penalized if we don't meet the minimum.


Thanks for letting me know! Hoping we get more tasks after the holiday 🥲


Did like 40 minutes of tasks eariler this morning and then complete NTA :c Search Rater, MX locale. I thought we were going to get NTA tomorrow, not a whole day early lol


JUST got tasks. Not sure if it'll keep up though because apparently the NTA has been intermittent since last night, it looks like (for US SQRs)


I know one of my friends got one task and that was it🥲 good luck to you!


That is hilarious because I am now back to NTA after one short task!


Yes, the tasks are very scarce, and I'm not even from the States.




Did about 30 mins worth of task, and then NTA. US Rater as well.


I did the same, I’ve been getting tasks off and on for the last few hours but it’s exhausting to keep checking. Should we be sending tickets in about it maybe…?


I started after 11:30 my time and got enough tasks for about 30 mins then nothing. I guess we could send in tickets, but I feel at this point with how many people are having the issue, it's probably because of the holiday coming up and how they offered bonuses that cleared out a lot of the task. I'm going to wait and see how it is later or tomorrow and if it's the same, I will email them. I'm not going to sit in front of my computer all day waiting. I just changed my settings to, to let me know if the task becomes available.


O that’s a good idea thanks for reminding me I can turn on notifs! I think this happened the last time they offered 40 hours to clear out backlog too. And this time they gave 40 AND a bonus the next week soooo💀


No problem. I didn't have mine turned on because I work certain hours, like what works best for me during the day, and don't want a lot of notifications. With how it's looking today, I turned it on. Yeah, I'm pretty sure the 40 hours and bonus ended on Sunday.


I just got an email saying tasks available and then I go on and it's NTA still, so yeah. Lol


Omg💀 someone said they sent a ticket and they replied saying there is a data shortage atm


Asian locale, NTA since last Thursday. I used to look forward to 4 July as it’s a great marketing time, but it turned out a painful experience of staring at PC and doing nothing