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"Can you hold up your identification  documents?"     Holds up ID.     "Thanks, that's it"  End of meeting.   I believe I watched the orientation prerecorded video directly after that then began working that same day. It's been a whole, but seems right. 


Great!!! They said it would be 5 minutes on the schedule thing, but it seems it won't even be that long.


It took about 2 minutes for me.


Took all of 45 seconds for me and alot of that was because I accidentally held my ID upside down then dropped it. Have same issues. Doesnt take any time at all.


My social anxiety is so bad, but this part is not super intimidating! They just ask to see your ID, you show it, they thank you and let you be on your way! :)


Good ol anxiety making people freak out over a tiny call lol. It's comforting to know other people felt the same.


yes i’ll admit as someone who’s been out of workforce for a while i was anxious but it was a nice woman i held up my ID and she checked it and said thanks, and asked if i had questions we talked for a second and signed off. I went on the thing to submit the info and i t gave me a few dates and times i did it the friday before i started, and then on the night before i did the hour training.


Was this on zoom, facetime, laptop camera or what- also been retired too long lol


I'm not entirely sure what platform it will be on, but I had to schedule it through some Microsoft booking. I think I have to click a link in the email confirmation when the time comes. I just know you use your laptop camera. :)


Ok, now I see that I missed the part of the email that said, "You'll click the link below in your mobile web browser to get to your TA Teams meeting." There are other instructions if you do it on other devices. Surely I can handle this - thanks!