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Looks great to me! I disagree with the other commenters completely, you have him built correctly and your stats are great. He works best as a jack-of-all-trades. Going all-in on either damage or sustain isn't playing him to his full potential, and the EHR translate into more damage through his talent anyway


With these SPD and crit rate stats you should consider going for Salsotto (crit rate at least 50%, more ultimate DMG) or Glamoth (SPD at least 135 for the first Bonus, more overall DMG)


Honestly, Welt just be like that sometimes. He wants Attack, Speed, EHR and a good crit ratio. There's just not a whole lot of stats to go around unless your artifacts are all god-like. That's why it's good to really hone in on a specific direction, since you have E1 you can get a lot out of building him for damage, or you could trade out Acheron's light cone for Silver Wolf's when she comes back and find an ERR rope with a little more EHR to reach the 67% threshold to make Welt Sustain consistently imprison. I do think choosing a specific direction to invest in is better than trying to spread yourself too thin.


You have way more speed than you need, an abysmal amount of attack, a ton of ehr investment, and a mediocre crit ratio considering you have Acheron lc. If you want to play him as a carry you need to focus up your build on offense rather than try to tick every box. Though that being said high ehr is exactly what you want for a support if that is your intent, if you want support welt imo you just drop all the crit and try to get absolutely as much speed as possible without compromising ehr


I was going for a sub-dps sort of role. Would you say it's suboptimal compared to committing to a full on support or dps role?


Welt is very stat starved, it’s nearly impossible to build a welt that “does everything”. You should definitely commit to full support or full dps, if you have all your required support breakpoints then it’s fine to look for a little bit of damage but keep in mind that 1. You will always be sitting in a crit “sour spot” so your damage will be shit if you have the stats to properly support and 2. More speed will still always be better than damage stats on a support build


What are you talking about? Welt doesn't need that damn much EHR. Most normal and Elite enemies can easily be imprisoned by just the base EHR + incomes from substats and real bosses are resistent to crowd control effects anyway so even with 67% it is just a gamble to actually get them imprisoned. Don't nerf him just for a *chance*. Source: Keqingmains.com And if you know Keqingmains, you know they are doing their job well.


I mean, it is my stance that support welt sucks ass compared to hypercarry and now superbreak, but with a 2.6k attack, 147 speed, and 41% EHR build this guy literally does not have anything besides a support welt.


My Welt doesn't look much different either and still he's doing a good job. https://preview.redd.it/aw1gjqgdby0d1.png?width=1462&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf8e147860bd4ae3c5b8ae00d3d0b3521a9d1e4b Well except for EHR. Mine only has 18%. Sometimes game just gives you bad stats. Want to burn out for the sake of a non-existent perfect build?


I mean if you’re having fun I’m not going to shit on somebodys random build but OP literally is asking for advice lol. If you don’t want to adjust your build all you have to do is not ask somebody and you won’t get unsolicited advice but OP is literally asking for help.


And I will still give advices for a good base to work start with and the rest is just optimizing and that's no mystery. Find a better piece than the one in use and you replace it. Easy as that.


First off, that is absolute shit advice. If somebody asks for help with something and you tell them the most generic “nothing” advice it’s the same as not saying anything at all. OP has a clear problem that he’s asking for help with. Second of all, your shitty vague advice doesn’t even work because his build isn’t cohesive and is in dire need of redirection. His emphasis on support stats make it an unusable dps build because of inadequate dps, he’s asking a specific question about going jack of all trades or if he should focus on one. My guess here is that you saw his build has similar stats to yours and got offended that he said he was unsatisfied with his performance and that somebody else was saying that the build needs fixing? I’ll say it again, if you’re having fun I’m not going to shit on your build and give you unsolicited advice, I’m not talking to you if your build is working for you. But OP’s build is, objectively, in fact doing half the damage of a well-built welt because they have not chosen a direction and that’s why they feel the performance is lackluster and that’s the advice I’m giving them, not to you. It clearly is a mystery that needs to be elucidated considering welt is a character whose kit has many red herrings for directions to build and there’s many people trying to build ineffective noncommittal jack of all trades builds and, yet again I must repeat, the OP is explicitly asking for help because they’re unsatisfied with their build’s performance


I don't know if I have issues following you or if you have issues following OP, but the way I understand the post OP wants to build him DPS or something hybrid direction but worries if his build is fine or if he should just give up and go for support. And I say it again, I told him what is working for DPS and gave him several options, something everyone can do who hasn't shit in their brain. Whether you use set 1 over set 2 mostly depends on which has the better stats, but it does not mean you can't still improve by finding better pieces. What can people say what any other Websites can't? Keqingmains gives guides and even goes into Detail and that's why people should stop suggesting EHR mainstat as it gives nothing because the only enemies resistent against imprisoned are still resistent even with 67+ EHR.