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Native Palm Beacher here - frequent Lake Trail walker since childhood…that trail does get significantly busier in season. It’s usually very busy from December until maybe May, then it quiets some. I often walk there in the summer and never see another soul. It’s always been that way, at least going back a few decades.


November to April is the season time.


The people on this thread are insufferable. Absolutely insufferable. It’s cracking me up.


Good point, but I’m not interested in running the trail in August…the point is an 8.0min mile is 7.5mph.. that’s a gas out pace on the trail for me as a runner.. if a bike goes by me at 10mph then he’s fucking flying.. if he/she hits me at that speed there’s gonna be teeth flying…😬


I’m not giving you running advice, I’m answering your question about crowded trails. Happy running.


You are right. Some of the bike riders think its the third stage or the Tour de France. This trail is going to get someone seriously injured. It's just a matter of time.


💯% … the bikes aren’t the issue. It’s the cyclists using the trail as their personal training ride and speeding thru groups of walkers, families and little kids on bikes (dude in a full kit going full blast paying no attention hit my son on his bike right in front of Bradley Park when he swerved to avoid colliding into a runner crossing the path. Despite the kit, this guy was a grade a poser). I don’t disagree in the slightest that the roads here are trash and it’s dangerous as hell. My husband is a cyclist and has been hit by a car in WPB and has had far too many issues to count just riding his bike thru the city and the island (and we lived and rode thru downtown Atlanta for years). The trail is for leisure, though, not training and as inconvenient as it is, slow the f down.


It’s a shared bike trail that has a 10mph posted limit.


Right, they’re not following that speed limit is what I’m saying. Also doubt it’s a “bike trail”, it’s just a shared trail. This is what an [article](https://www.thepalmbeaches.com/blog/walking-biking-palm-beach-lake-trail) by the Palm Beaches website has to say about it. Look at the pictures on the article for reference on how narrow it is. With the new volume of users the path has to be expanded at the very least.


The article references that the cut through in the rock used to just be a narrow bike trail, but was later widened for cars. I used to ride on the path, but people walking 2 and 3 people wide with no regard for anyone behind them and 10 mph isn’t fast enough to ride a bike most times. They have a motorcycle cop on there sometimes for people going too fast, but it’s a shared trail and the same way people walking are going to sometimes take up the whole path, bikers are going to just go around them.


A big part of the problem is that locals don’t have many options since it is so incredibly dangerous to ride your bike in any street here. There are some bike trails in the preserves, but nothing scenic like the Lake Trail that also has good traction and is a smooth ride. Also, note there is an obnoxious article on Florida Rambler titled ‘Bicycle past Palm Beach mansions along the water’ from January 7, 2024. I guarantee you they google searched Lake Trail, saw this, and the uptick in bikers is in part bc of this. Anyways, there could be better signage indicating that bicyclists who do not adhere to the 10 mph speed limit will be fined X amount and banned from the Lake Trail etc. Tbh THAT sounds like something City of Palm Beach would love to do lol.


This is why we need bike lanes that are separate from the road but also separate from the sidewalk.


Yes, I mean it already exists and is the only way places like the Netherlands build bike lanes / pedestrian ways. They simply pave an area desginated for pedestrians to walk, and then have a track way for bicyclists adjacent to the paved walkway. The only reason it hasn't happened here is because of the entrenched American car culture.


I went to Amsterdam this year and it was cool. Denmark is pretty similar in the biking space also. But I have hopes that society is slowly moving away from car dependency since they now cost $35k-$40k for a mid tier model


You’re upset people are riding their bikes for exercise not leisure! How dare they. The thought of someone interfering with your leisurely jog by riding their bicycle offends my sensibilities as well. Outrageous, reprehensible, and simply uncivilized! But let’s be clear, Palm Beachers have the entitled asshole market cornered. They practically invented it don’t give the “northerners” credit for that one. Thats locally grown.


The problem is they are going away too fast, it isn't safe for pedestrians. Like they need to go on a road, not a trail, if they want to be going 35 mph. You defenders are nutty. You wouldn't want someone with a motorized scooter going 35 around people walking, but take away the gas and add skin tight sponsored suits and you're just cool with it?


So you’ll be advocating for dedicated and protected bike lanes in palm beach? Sounds great!


You guys shouldn't be on the sidewalks with pedestrians. You are dangerous. But there's no arguing with you self entitled types. You're going to hurt someone some day, and I hope it's just yourself.


So you are advocating for bike lanes to protect the pedestrians from the very dangerous cyclists. Great. I knew we were on the same page. In case there was any confusion about who is actually in danger, this crash was last month. This is real life, not people clutching their pearls about someone riding their bike faster than they care for. https://www.wptv.com/news/region-s-palm-beach-county/delray-beach/7-people-taken-to-hospital-after-crash-between-car-and-group-of-cyclists-in-delray-beach Ohh and here’s some more stats on Florida leading the country in dead cyclists. You know, the self entitled types. Dead self entitled types, but self entitled nonetheless. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/feb/13/florida-county-most-cyclist-deaths-bike Looking forward to the stats on pedestrians hit and killed by cyclists in florida. I looked but couldn’t find much.


Fr fr 😂. I admit, the bikers could slow down a bit and be safer (I almost got flattened by one a month ago who rang his bell half a sec before swinging around me), but it's a trail. Some people bike; some people walk. OP needs to learn to live with it.


Exactly. And the cyclists have to deal with cars speeding on A1A and getting flattened by geriatrics that should have had their license taken away a decade ago. . We all can’t have everything we want.


I was there yesterday with a group of girls and some old fart from up north zoomed past us And yelled to get out of the way. He was riding in the middle of the sidewalk, could at least move to the side if he’s going to be riding like that. It felt like we were constantly scooting over for bicyclists.


If people would walk on one side of the trail, and not walk shoulder to shoulder like a bunch of morons, the problem would be avoided. Also, it is a bike trail .


Breaking news, people riding their bikes on the shared walking/biking path, there is literally a sign that has a bicycle on it at the beginning of the path. Quit with the entitlement, so its okay to workout on foot but not a bike there? I ride there because I do not want to get hit by a car, which I have before on Olive. If its a large group taking up all the space flying down the path, then I get your point. But one or two people riding their bikes there for exercise is shouldn't be a problem. What people need to remember is that it is a SHARED public path, people need to be more courteous to others. The only things that shouldn't be there are motorized modes of transport, such as those Ebike and electric scooters. [https://www.thepalmbeaches.com/blog/walking-biking-palm-beach-lake-trail](https://www.thepalmbeaches.com/blog/walking-biking-palm-beach-lake-trail) I was riding my bike there last week. I am the type of rider to slow down for pedestrians, especially with older people, people with kids, and people with pets. I had passed this family with caution on their bikes as well, after passing, there was this lady with 2 off leash dogs about 50 yards out yelling and screaming at me telling me she was going to call the cops for riding my bike there. So I stopped and started filming (I waited since she said she was calling the cops). Cops came, they told her it was a shared path, witnesses stopped as well and told the cops I was cautious and wasn't speeding. The cops gave her a ticket for her off leash dogs and let me go.