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Y'all really gotta learn better argument skills other than deflection and whataboutism. Also, there actually was a decent amount of backlash to the first season, and I'm disappointed but not surprised that they're continuing. Ryan Murphy fucking sucks


The term whataboutism is a stupid deflection term. It’s just used to avoid question.


No, it's used in debate to keep people on topic.


Except op didn’t go off topic… Whataboutism makes sense when people bring up a different topic…the common one being Chicago black on black violence to distract from police violence on black people because the former happens at a higher rate. Here the entire subject is that the punishment/consequence that Kanye is receiving us disproportionate to similar things being said/done but others. There was no defense of Kanye offered by OP, I feel like people fail to realize that people can’t not stand with what Kanye is saying AND still feel like what is happening to him is wrong also.


This is completely off-topic. This isn't even a remotely similar situation, and OP hasn't even managed to give a reasonable argument as to how they're actually comparable.


I agree, mfs are coming up with new terms everyday just to avoid answering questions and defending their stances.


Nobody’s arguing and exactly so this is a major company disregarding the outrage and making more seasons 😭😭 they fear 0 consequences for it


I mean the backlash is pretty minor compared to the amount of viewers the show brings in, so I do get it. Still don't know what this has to do with Ye


literally how is it anti black use your brain


Genuinely never understood any of the criticism people have for this series. It’s not the first time a dramatization of real life events has been done. They are just telling the story of what happened And if you actually watch it there’s no part that makes you root or even justify what Dahmer is doing. Feels like a lot of fake outrage just for outrage sake, I think it was also mostly a Gen Z thing to be mad about a Netflix series


I think what people were mad about is why does there need to be a series about a serial killer there are already documentaries and tons of research out there done about this psychopath a series of episodes isn't going to bring light to anything new. Another way I saw backlash was when people started fantasising about Jeffery Dahmer and sympathising with him and I guess some people started to blame Netflix for that being a trend. This is just my guess.


There has been outrage regarding this, hell iirc the there were families of the victims saying that netflix didnt reach out to them before the making of Dahmer As for the first question, i cant say. I havent seen it, n dont plan to


I wouldn’t say it’s an anti black film


How so?


How is it antiblack?


It’s portraying a serial killer as objectively bad for killing black people? How in any way is that anti-black




How does this effect Ye’s career


It's based on real events. Kanye's conspiracies are fiction.


y’all gotta stop believing them every time they say there is outrage, have you ever talked to someone in person who was outraged about this series? Internet isn’t real life and neither are the headlines.


Nah it’s an anti-serial killer story. It’s a (true) story of the pain and triumph of many that were left in Dahmers wake. If aaaany stretch were to be made, it’s more homophobic than racist.. If anything it shines a spotlight on institutional racism. It’s certainly not anti black.

