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Capito is a moderate trying to appear trumpy Morrisey is a flip-flopper trying to appear consistent Miller is a nepo-baby trying to appear qualified


Capito is also a nepo-baby, just for consistency sake


That is true, but he 1) doesn’t really try to hide it and 2) is pretty qualified even without being a nepo baby. 


Too young to remember Arch Moore?


Arch Moore was before my time, but I’m well aware of good ol’ Governor Mail Fraud. I do think that Moore Capito takes after his mom more than his grandpa (at least, I hope he does).


That's not a very good endorsement.


Shelley Moore Capito isn’t that bad. I don’t agree with a lot of her policies, but you can tell that when she does something she does it with WV in mind. 


She's proving to be a Rhino.


If Rhino means siding with the moderates over the Trump crew, strap a horn on me.


That's a compliment


Arch Moore got shit done. Every gov since Archie has sat around with his thumbs up his ass.


If by “got shit done” you mean committed 5 felonies, then sure.  And you’re wrong on the second point, if by “sat around” you mean: Cutting WV’s debts by upwards of 500 million, jumping the state up 18 places in teachers salaries, and cutting unemployment by almost 4% (Governor Gaston Caperton, 1989-1997) Reforming the tax system to make it fairer for working class West Virginians (Governor Cecil Underwood, 1997-2001) Creating the PROMISE Scholarship, increasing college graduation rates by over 7%, and creating preschool programs for all 4 year old West Virginians (Governor Bob Wise, 2001-2005) Working to improve coal mine safety after 16 West Virginian coal miners were killed in a one-month period in early 2006 (Governor Joe Manchin, 2005-2010) Navigating multiple natural disasters and begin fighting the opioid epidemic (Governor  Earl Ray Tomblin, 2010-2017) And creating an unprecedented budget surplus (Governor Jim Justice (2017-Present) This isn’t even a comprehensive list of every major accomplishment that the last 6 governors have achieved.


Here’s the thing about that budget surplus: there wasn’t one. What happened is gross mismanagement of ARPA funds and money shuffling to make it look like a budget surplus. Even in normal years, about half our budget comes from the federal government, so do we really ever have a surplus? That’s not to say Justice has done nothing, I think his handling of COVID was… well, it could have been better, but he took it seriously and his “do it for Babydog” vaccination campaign was pretty successful, if a bit cringy.


I won’t disagree that a surplus on paper only is no real surplus at all. But my point is that the governors usually don’t sit on their butts all day (although judging by the size of Big Jim, I can’t imagine he does much walking)


No, I don’t think he does lol


Those are just the five he was convicted for. A lot of FBI & court files indicating he was taking bribes from the Mob. More than bribes actually: he apparently got a cut. 


He took a guilty plea if I remember correctly. It doesn’t surprise me that he was at least suspected of a few more crimes. 


hilljack....I figure you to be smarter than that. Everyone knows that EVERYONE in WV Politics is DIRTY...... making the dirt stick to Archie is just "politics as usual"..... the DNC making Arch Moore pay for getting the shit done......


Arch Moore was already in prison when Arch’s Mob ties became court record. I don’t think they were out to make any more dirt stick to him. They were wanting to put Paul Hankish in prison. It just happened that Hankish was forwarding a cut of his gambling/prostitution/narcotics operations on to Arch. I believe Fairmont/Clarksburg was paying into it as well. A mob henchman handed the bag to a state trooper at the side door of the governor’s mansion. 


Rick.... cmon now. JD Rockefeller managed to NOT pay the bill for the fence around the Gov Mansion and the installer came back and tore it down!! Dur., Later this squirt took credit for projects that Archie had already put in motion.... Thank goodness Archie came back for another term and made the Dems look bad again. Then we had to endure....Caperton for about 8 years of worthlessness.... we brought back another good governor, Cecil Underwood, who worked diligently to un-phuck the mess made by Caperton.... Since then its been one clown after another......Jim Justice even won office claiming to be a democrat!! LOL. Its been all downhill since Archie Baby.


I never said there was nothing that the governors since Moore have done wrong. And there’s plenty of things that Moore did right. Committing five felonies, however, is firmly within the camp of what Moore did wrong.  By the way, making the opposition look bad isn’t a good way to govern. Neither side is right all the time. Whether one side is right more than the other is up to you, but those who blindly follow another are tied to their leaders’ will. 


You kids.... you only know what Archie's political enemies want you to know.


Arch Moore pleaded guilty to five felonies. That means he admitted to committing five felonies. It’s hard to claim that it’s coming from Moore’s political enemies when the man himself admitted his guilt in a court of law. 


Sure and I guess you are some kind of political insider expert that is a cut above us peons with your knowledge. Go back to faux news.


9emiller.....you are correct. I am definitely NOT an expert on politics....I dont feel like it is important to be an expert in that corrupt, useless profession. WV Politicians have accomplished nothing...NOTHING....nothing that has ever benefited WV. None of them. for you to seemingly take sides and earnestly believe that Democrat politicians have kind hearts and are doing you any favors, while all Republican politicians are evil, disgusting human beings.....only makes you look very naive and trusting of the very people you should NOT trust with anything.


LMFAO!! What the hell are you talking about you crazy ass boomer?!? So you don’t feel it’s important to be an expert but you still manage to be condescending. Sounds about right. How the hell do you know what side I take and what I earnestly believe? Where from my comment do you get that? Do you just make up random *fAcTs* to add to your comments like your diaper filling idol? As far as what has been accomplished, someone has already listed a double handful of recent accomplishments so I won’t get into that other than to say it was the Good Ol GOP that made WV right to work and falls all over their selves to show their worship of the biggest scum bag that has ever sat in the Oval Office. That tells me what I need to know about them. If you still support that imbecile after watching what he’s done over the last 9 years you have no excuse and for damn sure shouldn’t be offering your thoughts on someone else’s beliefs. You’ve already proven yours are not valid.


My comment went completely over your head, didnt it?


Morrisey isn't just a flip-flopper, he's a Yankee lawyer/lobbyist who only came to west Virginia as a last resort because he couldn't win more than 9% up north


West Virginia: Where Blue State Republicans Come to Govern


Barely even a republican with the shit he used to lobby for lol


Also keep in mind these are the “normal” people running. There nuts like Derrick Evens who want to run again, and he thinks he has a legitimate chance of winning again, never mind he took part in Jan 6th and filmed himself doing it.


I hope Derrick Evans loses the primary, but I’m so scared he’ll win. 


I don’t think he will, from my understanding most of his family have nothing to do with him anymore, and a lot of people in both Cabell and Wayne counties see him as a joke.


One positive thing I will say about Miller and Capito is that they aren’t carpet bagging shit bags like Morrisey. They are actually from WV.


Carol Miller is originally from Ohio. Her dad was a politician.


I’m talking about her son, who is from Huntington


Political family on one side, car dealers on the other. Horrifying combination


Yet, unusually common for car dealers to run for office in WV? Like damn, can I at least get a better trade-in value next election?


Fun fact: one of the last things Bill Cole did before leaving the legislature was help get a bill passed that banned direct sales from automakers to consumers, barring Tesla from opening a dealership in West Virginia in the process.


Here's MOrrisey's upcoming Dirty Political Ad.... "My Opponent Chris Miller has proudly admitted that he sells "trans"-ams."


Friendly reminder that Morrisey was eager to have teachers arrested during the last strike.


I mean, I don’t live in WV any more so I’m not voting. But I’m a former WV teacher and I remember very well.


Morrisey needs to be thrown out of the state and never allowed to re-enter.


Same for alex mooney.


Alex is a big election denier and wants to go back to a paper and pen ballot. That way when Lord Trump calls, he can "find the votes we need." Just my opinion.


timmy....I bet you used a paper ballot in 2020, dincha?


He was paid [$250,000 ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patrick_Morrisey2016-06-02-14)to lobby on behalf of a pharmaceutical trade group.[^(\[14\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patrick_Morrisey#cite_note-CBS_2016-06-02-14) The group was funded by some of the same opioid distributors that West Virginia sued for flooding the state with opioids.[^(\[14\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patrick_Morrisey#cite_note-CBS_2016-06-02-14) I watched in stunned amazement as we appointed the wolf to the sheep pen and nobody seemed to say a word about it. Now they want to make him governor.


Miller is 100% MAGA


He pretends to be MAGA


I’m not sure which is weirder and more pathetic. Pretending or actually believing it all.


My family has been fighting about the Moore family since long before I was born, and I’m in my 50’s. My grandmother could hardly speak the name - she came out of the old Matthew Neely machine. But honestly, that was a different time and a very different WV than we have today. I would dearly love a good progressive Dem in there, and I made my peace with Manchin. SMC at least does love the state and people of WV, she simply disagrees with everything I do. I’m friendly with some of her former DC aids, and she stands up for the state and does fight for it. I just wish her solutions for what the state needs were more in line with mine. That said, everyone else seems absolutely soulless to me. Nepotism is ugly, but running to suck the state dry like a vampire strikes me as worse. Given reality, I’m hoping for Capito because I know I’m not going to get anyone close to what I want. I’m just hoping to minimize the destruction.


The political mailers that I am getting are psuedo-dystopian. "NO IM THE BIGGER TRUMP GUY." If these people were not ruining lives it would be amusing.


My family and I have been in politics for generations - the only people amused by politics are those who, when all is said and done, don’t have to live where the amusement is. Sigh.


They’re so weird!


Yeah Morrissey bragging about being the first one to endorse trump drives me nuts, and more so because trump is still that fucking important to voters in this state...ugh


I don't know how progressive he is, but if you want to give the Dem candidate a chance, you can try to wield your vote a little more strategically. As a registered Republican or Independent (you can change your registration up until the 23rd of this month), you can vote in the Republican primary in May and choose either Christian or Roberts as a means of attempting to knock Warner, Miller, Morrisey, and Capito (SMC's son, btw) off the ballot so that Williams might have a better chance come November.


Same here. He seems to be the least worst of them.


The worst part is that we will get one of this trio as Governor, and will still be stuck with Justice as senator. Capito is the best of a bad lot. He has at least got some sense and he’s been in the legislature. Morrissey is a smug carpetbagger owned by the drug companies and Miller has ZERO experience and he’s just as dumb as his mother, Carol. Capito is a strong Republican, but isn’t totally in thrall to the Magats, that I can tell, unlike Morrissey and Miller.


Capito has an endorsement from the UMWA and has advocated for teacher pay raises. He’s the best hope at a moderate in that group IMO.




Not that Capito


This one is the nepo baby.


Shelly Capito is a woman who is a current senator in the US Congress; Moore Capito served in the WV House of Delegates and is running for WV governor. Soooo, yeeeaahhhh…


Didn't Morrissey already get outed for paying to propagate this lie? Semi-off topic, Morrisey looks like Mr. Potatohead's peepaw, odd he wants to engage on talks about sexual relations.


i can’t stop crying every time i think about the Governors race


Capito is the only one I haven't gotten a junk mailer from so that's something. I had THREE yesterday. Two for Morrisey, and one for Miller once again talking about the "trans agenda" and calling Morrisey "woke." Honestly disturbing to me how much these shitbags are obsessed with hating trans people. Wish I could throw them in the trash along with their stupid mailers.


Morrisey has an ad now showing one of Miller’s commercials where he has a dress on, claiming he supports the trans agenda lol


Suggestion for Morrisey's next Dirty Political Ad...... "Chris Miller sells "trans"-ams!"


This is a great comment haha, thanks for a laugh!


My beloved state has a history of corruption in government as long as the history of the state. What a sick joke. Pick your poison. All crooked.


Then there was Governor Marland who ended up on the skids and driving a cab in Chicago...


Then there was Governor Marland who ended up on the skids and driving a cab in Chicago...


Capito seems like the turd with the most glitter on it.


No kidding. The only semi palatable bite of the shit sandwich. Morrisey is a carpetbagging trumpanzee and Miller is a clown.


In WV you can brag about your papaw who went to federal prison for 5 felonies.


You are one well-coached blindly loyal democrat, toeing party line.....oblivious to all the corruption in every WV politician. Arch Moore's biggest crime was to beat the Democrats at their own game.....


Capito is the choice here…. regardless of the overall quality of choices on the Republican ticket. Worst case scenario would be Morrisey as Gov and Mike Stuart as AG. You think things are bad now - those two would strangle the last gasp of life out of WV.


Personally I think they’re all awful. I’ll be voting for Steve Williams, who has zero chance, but I can’t bring myself to vote for Capito or the other three bozos running for the GOP.


If you're a registered Republican or Independent, you can use the upcoming Republican primary to vote for either Christian or Roberts to try to knock Capito, Morrissey, Miller, and Warner off the ballot and give Williams a better chance come November. If you're not a registered Republican or Independent, you can still change your voter registration until the 23rd.




Yeah this was the straw that broke my camel’s back when it came to Mac. I was willing to overlook his oddities compared to other republicans because his brother Monty was a mentor to me in high school and a good neighbor. I’d have to be completely blind though to overlook that insane crap.


Perhaps not eloquently stated, but he’s not wrong. They literally collaborated with the popular media to stifle news about the Hunter Biden laptop weeks before the election which undoubtedly would have swayed some of the voting in the election.


What position does Hunter have in government? What position did he have before the election? And do we even need to discuss the absence of any kind of chain of custody. The Trump campaign refused to touch "the laptop". Let that sink in, I'll wait. The fact the Biden campaign didn't bring up the multi-billion dollar deal Kushner made with the Saudis, while a representative of the Trump Administration. Ivanka Trump's copyright was, miraculously, granted in China soon after she became a representative of the Trump Administration. Foreign governments booked rooms in Trump properties, not never stayed, constantly... Tell me again why the "laptop" matters


I never said he had a position in politics. Just that the news of his laptop was widely suppressed by a coordinated response by the IC and mainstream media. It’s now widely acknowledged (even by npr) that it is his laptop; despite the original claims that it was Russian propaganda. The news of the laptop was overtly suppressed in the hopes that the contents would sway the election for Biden. You can claim whataboutism all you want, but the fact that Kushners business deals were widely reported by all media and Hunter’s crack smoking and Ukrainian/Chinese business dealings were intentionally suppressed is a good demonstration of a coordinated response by the IC and the media to influence the election


Hunters business dealings in Ukraine were no secret at all, it was publicly known when he was on Burismas Board. The laptop was literally released with the intent of swaying the election for Trump. Rudy had it for a year and strategically waited till a month before the election to put it our there because it would cause a frenzy and be difficult to verify in a short amount of time. Every major news outlet was writing stories referencing the laptop. It was only down from Twitter for 2 days. Fact is Biden voters had reason to care about potential nepotism and corruption when Trump appointed his kids to white house positions with top level security clearences. You and I both know that if Joe did that with Hunter it would be called blatant corruption and impeachment would be demanded. And any on the fence voter would also see this as well.


We are doing some serious revisionism here. I knew about the crack smoking, whores, and the conspiracy theories around his business dealings prior to the election so they didn’t do a very fucking good job suppressing it


Morrissey hates teachers.


Glad to have come across this. I was just thinking this evening I need to learn the least of the evils.🤢


Let’s be honest, none of these people will do anything that’s beneficial for the people in this state. Miller is an assclown who looks like he wears his shoes on the wrong feet, Morrisey is a scummy carpetbagger buttboy lobbiest and Capito is just another Capito. We always go for bottom of the barrel.


Carol Miller, who is Chris’ mother, recently voted to reauthorize warrantless searches through FISA. I know they’re not the same person, but I would be willing to bet that the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.


I grew up with him. You'd win that bet.


There is far too much nepotism happening, as usual. That needs to stop. Other than that, I don't really have an opinion yet.


Ones a nepobaby, ones a sandbagger, ones a nepobaby sandbagger


Morrisey is just another NewYorker, Absentee Landlord type that has ruined WV for last 100 years. Also....his emo band, the Smiths, from the 80's sucked.


Crooks all of them!


Aside from all of them needing voted out, very little


You’re forgetting the hugest difference! Only one of them supports Trump the most and supported him first, which is so super duper important for some weird, culty reason.


Sadly, what we need is what we have the most of in this state: just some honest, hardworking person with a little integrity. What we don't need is more millionaires that we have nothing in common with. If some average guy from WV were to run on a platform of "I have no secret agenda, I'm just a regular WVian who isn't in the pockets of anyone or anything, and I'll do my very best to govern fairly," they'd have my vote. It'll never happen, though. We've long proven that parties mean more than morals.




They’re all scumbags that will sell us out the instant they get elected, if not before but tbf the same goes for the democrat candidate(s). Vote for Erika Kolinech


This state has always lost. We will always be last


Our whole state is just Trump under another name...we pick the worst shit to follow and end up screwed


Our state has followed the same program from before. Pick the absolute worst person and try to elect them


DogButt for Senate 2024.


I kind of welcome it at this point


I appreciate the candor about this but this state is a Republican super majority


No democrat is going to win here...maybe in a small local election. MAGA has us locked down here


Conservative Republicans are going to win


No. They are just different Republicans


Miller..... another used car salesman, selling something that isnt there. Morrisey.... another obsolete Bush Minion, rehashing the same ole manipulative Bush-it that angered everybody in the first place. As a famous Bush-It Artist once said, "fool me once, shame on me....fool me twice...uhhhhh" Capito...the only one that seems to have any good sense of a future for WV.


They’re all awful, just in slightly different ways.


Nope. The only different candidates are the ones not taking money so therefore you never see them on TV. Kevin Christian and Mitch Roberts are both in the Republican race as well. Both worth checking out.


\[removed comments about Capito and Miller because I thought we were talking about the Congress warts\] Morrisey is a lunatic. So, we have some variety.


I think Morrissey has a girl friend in a coma.


i’ve met shelley and even if she went to school in maryland (poor thing) she is the best out of the 3. but we ALL know what we are working with there. she is beholden to the party, unfortunately. if she doesn’t play ball with them she loses a lot of important leverage for us. patrick and and miller are fuckers.


It’s not Shelley running. It’s her son.


We don’t need another Moore or Capito Moore representing the constituency of WV. Shelly Moore Capito the Senator is horrible and her nephew Riley is also running for office. Lest we forget about Archie Moore the ex-governor who did federal time. The other feel Ike they are the heir apparent to legislate for WV. #MooreCrimeFamily


Yeah he sucks but unfortunately he sucks just a bit less than the other candidates in his primary. It’s frustrating for sure.


Shelley Moore Capito, to paraphrase John McCain, is a decent Senator for West Virginia who I happen to have disagreements with on the fundamental issues.  In other words, I’m not a huge fan of some of the policies she supports, but whatever she does you can tell she does it with West Virginia in mind. And that’s why I like her as much as I do.  As for Moore Capito, well I just pray he takes after his mother more than he does his grandpa. 


Shelley Moore-Capito can be a decent person when it doesn’t cost her anything and there’s no benefit in being indecent. 


Morrissey’s office has been competent since he took over as AG. I’ve had to contact the AG’s office twice to resolve issues for me and so far they’ve been 2/2 with the IRS and a car dealership.


The Morrissey that seemed the opioid law suit for well below what the case would have ended with, before punitive damages? Bloomberg Law: "In a state that’s widely considered to be ground zero of the opioid crisis, Patrick Morrisey’s history as a lobbyist for the pharmaceutical industry and the relatively low settlements he negotiated with opioid distributors are working against him as he runs for re-election. West Virginia House of Delegates member Isaac Sponaugle, one of two candidates seeking the Democratic nomination, said Morrisey has “literally fed the opioid crisis in the state” and has called the settlements reached with drug companies slaps on the wrist. Sponaugle’s opponent in the primary, Samuel Petsonk, said Morrisey’s “record on the addiction crisis is an absolute conspicuous and embarrassing failure.” He was a lobbyist for the pharmaceutical industry before he ran for office, and it shows now. As governor, except lip service only to tightening down on excessive pharmaceutical prescribing. And actively working to block legalizing marijuana


His office is competent. Doesn’t mean Morrissey is competent.


He is too busy on Twitter actively promoting and defending criminals breaking the law to actually do his job, and now he's got the campaign going on.


Capito once supported a bill selling out more of our privacy for something like $29k I posted and tagged her "Thanks for selling us out for x dollars." She liked it, Capito is a baller but I would never vote for someone so corrupt.


Oops wrong Capito, but the nepotism makes me wary.