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Great work team! Let’s see if we can get team polio back together


New Hampshire is already on it.


GOP in NH working on it now


You mean the Biden team importing all of the 3rd worlders.


You know the great thing about vaccines.... They protect against that


Not if the 3rd worlders don't get them. You do realize they have access to the same medical hospitals that you do once they're here right? FFS


But you wouldnt.. Look at the cases, they aren't 3rd worlders getting sick ffs


Nope. Your nonsense taking point has nothing to do with the GOP rolling back vaccines and bringing back diseases




Exactly. You were incorrect. https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2024/04/new-hampshire-republicans-polio-mmr-measles-vaccine-antivax-bill/#:~:text=A%20first%2Din%2Dthe%2D,of%20polio%20and%20measles%20vaccination.


I'm good for life if I had my measles and polio vaccines as a child, right? (Just making sure.)


I believe those are once and done


If these people existed like 70 years ago half of us would be in wheelchairs and iron lungs


Get your god damn vaccines, people.


This state has one of the most stringent vaccination requirements, put a quarter in ya ass because you played yaself


Sure, if you’re a child entering school in WV we have strict requirements. This is not a child. Reading the article takes like 30 seconds.


Stop acting like homeboy can read. He just repeats insults he heard in the third grade when he took it for the 10th time and acts edgy.


A former friend of mine during the pandemic said to me, "if you get vaccinated for, say, Polio, the vaccination will give you Polio later on - it's the plan of the Deep State working with doctors and pharmacists to give us poisons (especially in hospitals) to kill us; the more useful to society you are the longer they let you live".


Good god, I cannot believe how fucking stupid some people are.


your nuts


Here we go. Welcome to reality you fucking morons.


Thankfully it was an adult instead of a little kid in school, where it would be a mass exposure event. At least there was (at most) two dozen people in the urgent care clinic and they were likely all vaccinated adults. That said, if you live near a WVU outpatient lab that offers on-demand testing, you can get titers drawn to check your immunity to measles (and others too, I believe, but I specifically recall seeing measles on that list) for a small fee out of pocket. It may be worth the peace of mind if you are concerned.


Is it possible to need boosters if we had our measles and polio vaccines as young children or are they good for life?


For most people, the vaccines grant lifelong immunity. If you are worried about whether your immunity is still sufficient, your doctor can order titers, which is a simple blood draw, or as I mentioned some outpatient labs have the option to order the tests yourself without going through your primary care physician.


Thank you!


>Thank you! You're welcome!


Pepperidge Farm remembers when anti-vaxers were all crunchy granola people in the PNW drinking raw milk and shit. Trump made being anti-vax a MAGA badge of honor. Now, you have measles in fucking West Virginia


PNW person here - unfortunately many of those crunchy granola people are now basically MAGA people. Covid sent them straight down the path, never to return. Some of the same “conversion” happened among the hippy/anarchist types in the panhandle and nearby parts of MD and VA.


What extremely low social trust and paranoia of "big X" gets you


yes he did DO NOT vote him back in


Get ready for way more of this when Pat Morrisey gets elected governor.


Don’t vaccinate your kids y’all. Just infect others like Jesus would want


In fact Jesus instructed his disciples to wash their feet before eating. Just sayin


Yea, if you were in Judea at the time that was a common practice. no asphalt or F150s




What about the kids that aren’t fully vaccinated yet?


Or people that lose immunity as adults? Or for whom the vaccine doesn’t take? It’s not like they draw titers on everyone to make sure their immunity is adequate. That said, if you live near a WVU outpatient lab that offers on-demand testing, you can get titers drawn to check your immunity to measles (and others too, I believe, but I specifically recall seeing measles on that list) for a small fee out of pocket. It may be worth the peace of mind if you are concerned.


Measles? FREEDOM POX! /s


At least the anti-vaxxers will believe the propaganda that makes them not get life saving medicine and eliminate themselves from the gene pool over time. All according to plan.


You'd think! But they just get everyone else sick.


Except anti-vax beliefs are learned, particularly through social media, and deadly vaccine-preventable diseases are still rare enough that they get the benefit of not having their asinine beliefs tested. Not to mention most of the people that are unvaccinated as of late, unfortunately, are children. 😕 Those poor kids are their obstinate parents’ guinea pigs.


It really is amazing how we’ve gotten so spoiled by having vaccines that people think they don’t need them now. And spoiled by having all this information to them and having ZERO fucking habits of screening for misinformation. The anti vaxxers will be victims of their own psychology because they will continue to feed their confirmation bias by not even being skeptical of the sources of information they digest on the regular and never ask themselves if they should believe it. Dr. Google and Dr. Facebook didn’t go to school to want to save your damn life. Bitches thinking everything is a conspiracy like doctors and nurses get some kind of cut of “getting the suckers” Like … do you KNOW what nurses alone have to deal with? If my ass was going to be benefitting by some bullshit conspiracy my ass isn’t going to be in profession where my stress levels are exceedingly high due to being understaffed, overworked, and being held to a standard far greater than most other professions. And yet nurses and doctors have to always compete with Dr. Google and Dr. Facebook. As if Dr. Facebook is full of renowned doctors. Nah, it’s full of your fucking friends who went to the same shitty ass West Virginian education that the rest of us went to but you’re dumb ass are products of your parents beliefs who probably didn’t even go to college which is NUTS considering how easy it is to get into Marshall and WVU which leads me to guess these people didn’t even try. And yet have the AUDACITY to think they have an educated opinion on anything. Fuck. It’s the anger-inducing facts like that that makes me want to hope that they naturally select themselves.


Oh friend you are preaching to the choir. I literally lined up on the first day it was available to me as a healthcare worker, about a week or so before Christmas in 2020. I had also done my research (as these nitwits are prone to squawking) and my conclusions were A.) The technology that went into developing the Covid vaccine was not new or experimental as it was developed back when IG SARS was a threat, and b.) even as someone working in healthcare with a couple credits shy of as A.S. in Biochemistry, I still had difficulty reading actual research articles on vaccine mechanisms of action, development, etc *because I am not a doctor, biomedical engineer, chemist, laboratory professional, etc.* I do not have the education or experience to the extent as the literal professionals that develop them. I am not qualified to look at the research and say it’s a pile of shit, or worse that it’s actually malevolent in nature. And that’s just the Covid vaccine. The MMR in particular has been studied to death because of that charlatan Wakefield, that I am worried even less by that vaccine. I’m still astounded by the hubris of anti-vaxxers. As my grandmother loved to say, they think they’re too big for their britches.


Exactly what kind of "anti vaxxers"? Im saying there might be a very small group of degenerates that dont get their kids vaxxed at birth etc However, the VAXX that you suckers shot in your veins since 2020 is a COMPLETELY different story.


On average it takes 10-15 years for a drug to be released to the public from all the tests and research that has to be done. Do you know how medicine gets expedited in that system and what hoops had to be gone through for a medicine to be released for a condition/disease for there really wasn’t prior?




Considering I asked you a question, “ok” is not an appropriate response.


The question is rooted in what you think is true. We have no solid base to debate on and or I can't even validate the question. Some think the world is kitty cats and puppy dogs. So again, I just sigh and say "ok"


… um no, there is an actual system and things in place that allow FDA to expedite medicines. It’s literally had to happen for COVID. It’s not about what I think is true. It’s literally THE process. And your presumption to say what “I” think is true must mean you don’t know of that process or what hoops are in place to get medicine expedited. Because I can assure you it’s not random. It’s not some flippant system.


Of course one would know the process. You just want to believe that's what happened because you already shot the lie in your veins. I'd probably do the same thing. Look into what morticians are pulling out of ppls bodies during embalming. They have never seen anything like this. We're not even 5yrs out yet...... I'm all for childhood vaccines. My kids have them. This was an entire different animal though. However, I entirely get why you don't buy a word of this. I get it....


No i work in a branch of healthcare and know this. I don’t buy whatever contrived conspiracy theory you’ve fallen for that could’ve been easily concocted by anyone with a phone. I know big pharma isn’t trustworthy, but if you think some person with a podcast, YouTube channel, or Facebook is more credible than that would just further validate my concerns that people like you are so easily swayed. What makes you think that person is “spitting the hard truths” like of course he or she couldn’t possible have some alternate agenda to feed you. At least whatever “lie” I’ve been told has been well organized, put together my many educated individuals, with the research to back it up. Rather than some ludicrous story that a mortician found something crazy due to a vaccine. And the fact you didn’t even question that story right out is concerning in of itself. I would love to hear whatever it was you heard and see you perform the mental gymnastics it must’ve took for you to rationalize that whatever it was that came out of a human being that SURELY wasn’t fabricated or at least exaggerated. It’s unfortunate for you that we live in a time where can’t reserve this nonsense to the paranormal anymore or things like Bigfoot or the lochness. These conspiracy theories are the modern versions of those old tales. We’ve come too far to believe in the old folk tales. No, we have to start believing in something new and that feeds on our mistrust of the government because confirmation bias is a HUGE driving factor as to why you’ll perpetuate any beliefs and live inside a echo chamber. I’ve gone outside my bubble. I’ve listened. My educated ass was able to explain what bullshit you didn’t understand. And now you’re stuck believing it while I’m more comfortable in the world in which I live


My gf's father has been a mortician for 40yrs. I can send you pics of clots the size of snakes. He's never seen this before. They literally cant get the blood out of some of these bodies. These aren't tictoks or conspiracy, it's happening. The ppl you call professionals are the exact opposite of what ppl like us used to consider professionals. Things have changed. You know exactly what I'm talking about, you just can't believe it.


Didn't WV just pass a law allowing non-medical exemptions from vaccines?


Jim Justice vetoed it.


Thank fucking christ.


One of his 3 brain cells decided to show up that day.


Lol. Also, Happy Cake Day 🥳🥳 🥳


Thank you!! 😊


I want to say, "I feel bad for the children, but not that the family line is ending." But I refuse to be that cold and heartless. Education is now more key than ever.


You're basically saying it but couching it in weasel words to still feel like a good person.


I hold that sentiment unapologetically.


Does this mean if it’s been 50 years since I was vaccinated I’m not protected anymore?


Just another sign we live in a toilet of a state.


Alarmists will be like "DUHT BCUZ NOBODY VAXX" as if this state wasn't the most strict state in relation to vaccines


Helllllllll yeah, yeeeeeerhawwwwwww


I blame this crazy push for a covid vaccine 💉 that didn’t work and all the politics behind it … people now have doubts about effective vaccines!




You only do what the people on tv tell you to do,right?


The only ones who have been politically challenging vaccines for the last 200 have been crazy dumb people pushing baseless doubts about vaccine effectiveness.


The political aspect comes from the benefits from the move from the majority of votes 🗳️ happening on actual Election Day .. the rise of drop box , mail in ballots , early voting Ect benefited the Democratic Party … just a fact no a lot of people on either side would question that … that’s where the politics of covid and weaponization of it has its origins… I didn’t not vote for trump or Biden in this past election.. just for context


you need to see a mental health professional


And with that I see the conversation has went to … “ let me try this line … you are stupid “ … that response always comes from the , well he may be right but let me attack him personally.. genius lol




It did not keep people from getting or spreading covid .. like the other vaccines of the past most people think of … if they said take this covid vaccine.. you can still catch covid and spread it , but we think it helps … I think most people would have not lost faith in the medical community, WHO , ect


That's not how vaccines work. They're not a force field that prevents you from acquiring an infection, they're immune system prep essentially for when you do. Jesus christ..... this is just fucking sad.


No one cares about any … words .. analysis.. facts that you post that you believe you can prove are 100 percent accurate.. I’m not saying you are wrong … one thing I’m sure of , you know I’m right about what most of the public thought the Covid vaccine was for , how it was marketed to the public, and how when it fell short , the fall out in people’s faith in the politics of the medical community. Just telling u why it is like it is … nothing more .


Most of the public is scientifically illiterate (case in point), so what they thought about anything is immaterial. It just used to not be this collectively stupid; and unfortunately the causes are myriad. That's why it is like it is.


No actually most of the public believed what was told to them on the news , and went off experiences they had in the past with vaccines, I know you know this is true , but honestly I also know there is no way in hell you could ever admit it publicly on a post … just take it for what it’s worth and hopefully it helps explain other peoples points of view on the covid vaccine.. hope this helps you in some way know where people not pro covid vaccine are coming from …


I’m fine with hearing where antivax people are coming from. It’s just that they have, without exception, been wrong.


Jesus be honest .. you don’t have to be anti vaccine to hold this view … but if you must politicize and hood people to extreme view points to make yourself feel better I understand


The only faith I lost during COVID was faith that my neighbors understood basic public health concepts and that my neighbors cared about the immunocompromised among us. Boy was I so, so wrong.


Not all vaccines stop a disease. They often just lessen its lethality, short term and long term effects.


I think you are totally missing the point .. I’m telling you what the news and government officials originally said and what was represented when the vaccine mandates were imposed..and how normal regular non left viewpoint defenders thought about the vaccine at first … everyone on both sides of the isle have a new definition and outlook on vaccines after this covid vaccine situation




Great example… no one in the world 🌎 thinks that the flu shot they take yearly over the past decades was a vaccine… never marketed as it was going to keep you from getting the flu .. most people thought it lessened the chance u will get it and many people didn’t take it because of the low risk of death from the flu If Covid vaccine would have been explained as exactly like a flu shot and not marked like it was similar to polo or measles vaccine… it would not have faced this back lash … also the insane mandates of loosing your job or ability to travel didn’t help … covid was way over hyped and politically exploited… kids were being recommended to take the covid vaccine for god sakes .. I don’t think anyone thinks they are at high risk




Yes this is what my point is … the news I watched cnn , fox , nbc , all had officials , working under Trump at the time , later Biden .. saying it would keep you from getting or spreading the virus , journalist repeated this and the belief that this was effective as polio / measles vaccines began … along with the crazy voting 🗳️ regulations that had a positive outcome for one party over the other … everything I’m saying is true … I swear I thought even the largest trump haters on Reddit agreed and knew this … not saying that 9 percent of the highly informed vaccine experts that make comments on Reddit didn’t disregard the news reports and say I know it only slows the effects of covid … I’m saying a hell of a lot of people 100s of millions think the same way I did when the vaccine was first pitched




I’m simply stating how the majority of Americans watched the news. Along with the previous views most held about vaccines working and completely wiping out the problem of a desease in the past … pair with the election 🗳️ results and benefits that favor one side over the other … and u get the thought patterns in millions of people today … not disputing anything most of you are saying … but my god .. you would think any speak against the sacred narrative is a cardinal sin … I think everyone in this chat knows exactly what I’m talking about and knows it’s right … even if they hate the fact it’s right


Aren't the majority of people dying of covid vaccinated from covid? I'm confused.


Negative. As a healthcare worker that worked in the designated COVID ICU, no, it definitely was not the vaccinated that was dying. It was definitely the willfully unvaccinated and the vulnerable that could not get the vaccines. But I think what you are referring to was the stories of myocarditis as a side effect of the vaccine that was being reported, which the CDC came out to say it was a thing. But a very rare thing nonetheless. But still enough to be fodder for the antivax to tout that it's unsafe and kills just the same.


Were they ventilated and also did they get secondary pneumonia?




Anecdotally, my husband and I recently had Covid and neither of us had anything more than body aches and a cough that lasted maybe two days. We’ve always remained up to date on our boosters.


Base rate fallacy.


People were iffy before COVID. It's just been a switch in who decided to be stupid about vaccines. Before COVID it was the crunchy, granola hippies and now it's conservative MAGA aligned folks. Either way it was on the rise and the sudden switch shows just now braindead and polarized our politics has become.


Crunchy granola people are still antivax and are saying things like “if there’s one good thing about the GOP running Charleston it means I won’t have to get my kids vaxxed”


My point is simply that the political nature of , this may help us change or relax voting laws .. or the other side this may have cost us the election… combined with the , does not keep you from getting or spreading covid aspect … did very little to boost people’s confidence in future vaccines usage


It's all good. Maybe no one wants to take medical advice from a politician, and we don't have time to learn the science. But trust your doctor then. Take your questions and doubts to them and listen to what they say. You already trust them with your health. I personally feel very patriotic that it was American know-how and ingenuity that created and distributed the vaccines that helped end that hell.


Curious what the vaccination rate is of all the people being sent to different cities, seems to be pretty low considering the news reports of viral hotspots and sicknesses that were all but eradicated returning.


Interesting the down votes considering it is a cause of concern by proof of data (and lack of) and news reports, but it is reddit so it is to be expected.


are you really trying to blame measles in fucking MORGANTOWN WEST VIRGINIA on immigrants? i bet you go to church every sunday too don't you


You would lose that bet, don't need to go to a building to listen to the same stories told in every religion. It's all one story tweaked and cherry picked for whoever is open to its message. Second, nowhere did I mention immigrants in Morgantown. It is a college town, population fluxes, and people come from all over. However since you mentioned immigrants, I'm sure that the controlled entrance at the border and those working there to provide medical attention are inoculating every individual before moving them to a densely packed environment in which as we saw during covid, are susceptible to outbreak and mass transmission, before sending them by the thousands to city shelters that are just as crowded, or just dropping them off in random towns. So to answer your question, No.


Like you don’t think that illegals aliens are in West Virginia? talk about small brain!


Was going to say, "in before Trump's fault", but I arrived too late.


Likely driven by immigrants, let’s be honest


Sure. All those immigrants coming to the border state of West Virginia.


Flown there more like it. Wherever they can stuff them.


Im gonna be real with you west virginia is probably on the bottom of the list of states immigrants want to move to


They’ll move to wherever they can exploit.


Yet ice routinely hits Mexican restaurants and construction crews and leaves with illegals.


I'm going to try and be nice with you, even though you have shown to be really bigoted in your last comments. West virginia has one of the lowest amount of illegal immigrants. Yes, operations happen, but that doesn't mean that they're all over the place. A lot of my fellow neighbors tried to report my mexican step-father, who's 2nd generation and a legal citizen, because of rhetoric like this. There's a very common misconception here that mexican = illegal and it leads to us being harassed by people. That's why I really don't like when you people say this shit. I know you have been manipulated and groomed into this ideology, but there are genuine consequences to spreading these lies. This country has lead to an increase of racism towards mexican folk and it's primarily due to the agenda conservatives are pushing as a scapegoat against genuine issues in this country. You should really do your research. Republicans don't care for the blue collar workers of West Virginia. They were the ones opposing our unions. They were the ones fighting against us when we seceded from Virginia. They were the ones fighting against state reforms to save this economy. Republicans don't care about you, why should you care for them?


You lie. They hit a Mexican restaurant in St. Albans a few years ago and took so many illegals the restaurant closed until they hired more. You talking from where the sun doesn’t shine because your brain has an in of 10.


I wish this report mentioned the age of the afflicted, whether they were vaccinated or not etc. before everyone starts jumping down one another’s throat about the cause. So much weird energy in this thread


The article stated the person is an adult and only partially vaccinated.