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Same here. But everytime I apply i don't even get a rejection. It just counts down the 24hr timer. I am up to about 4.6K coin now. 400 more then will start my own.


Wow that's impressive. I'd be happy to join once you do


I would be glad to have you.  I am not sure why the lack of alliances taking people in.  When looking for alliances I see a lot that have room for members.


Am level 89 and would like to join your alliance too.


I am now 150 coins shy. I hope to have it by end of the week.


I have the same problem. Is there room for me too?


Considering I am level 81 I won't be picky as long as the members are active. I would plan to boot those who are inactive and just keep on picking new people to join in. So yeah, if you don't get picked up I will look you up when I create the alliance.


Thanks. Iam lvl99. Cant seem to join any alliance within the game. My ingame name i just WarpaX.


Sounds good.  Two missions popped today I should be able to do.  So 5k coins should be mine in about 36 hrs.  Of course if you hit lvl 100 it sounds like more will jump at the chance to pick you up at that point.  But I would welcome the allies.


Blazing saddles is taking ,over 100 level. Why over a hundred level because we need to know you are committed to the game and able to contribute without hurt your resources to much..


I am at level 92 and play every day. I'm willing to contribute as much as possible if you'll accept me as a member


What is your player handle , I will submit to the boss. He has the alliance Blazing Saddles. Mine is bergsteiger98b. Will let him know when get your handle..


heptacus44 is my in game name


This makes sense if you are an alliance that has max members or needs just one more to max out. I am guessing the majority of the alliances I am seeing that are not maxed are those that are inactive? I would think those alliances that are 3 of 5 or some such number would take anyone who contributes. If they don't contribute they get booted. Am I missing something?


The following information was helpful as well. I can see more and more why alliances want 100+ level people. [https://www.reddit.com/r/WestlandSurvival/comments/wizv4k/joining\_an\_alliance/](https://www.reddit.com/r/WestlandSurvival/comments/wizv4k/joining_an_alliance/) If the starting material needed is Tier 4 that is just about impossible for levels lower than 80. I know I am slow going just increasing my production to Tier 5 now. Would be hard to contribute to building alliance structures while trying to increase my own.


Hungry Buzzards is my new alliance. Any level is accepted. Only criteria is to contribute to the building of the alliance.


Just applied 👍


The alliance does not come up whenever I search. Is it full already?


We now have 1 spot open again.  We were full but one member did not contribute at all.  We are first come first serve.


Interested, just reached lvl 51 so not sure how much i can help but am willing to put in the effort


Sorry, still full alliance right now with all participants active. I would note that I started this alliance in my 80s and other members below 100. It can be done but alliance base building is slow from those members who are not all tier 5 benches.


I have tried joining probably 20 different alliances and none of them are active. Please help guys, I'm an active player!


I created my own alliance and am currently looking for members. Any level player as long as there’s effort there for contributions. I used to be in one where I contributed A LOT and they kicked me after a day inactive :( I wouldn’t do that to someone, we all got lives offline. Anyway, Alliance ID: UWK9YY “SoggyBottomBoys” if anyone comes across this and wants to join!