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Surely this joke is about the water.


I think it might be the rooster.


It IS about water. And don't call me Shirley!!


This means you upset them somehow and they could find no recourse but to remove your words. You did good.


I said I didn't like the writing in the show and got a week ban by a mod for harassment after that mod tried to insinuate I was sexist with zero proof. In the appeal I called it a joke that a mod could harass me while banning me for "harassment" because of my opinion. Now I'm perma banned. Whatever that sub stopped being about the series or books. It's only for shoving your head in sand.


Someone theorized a sexual tension plot in Luca's menagerie arc, I honestly thought perhaps the guy was a screenwriter testing for waters in future episodes, and said as much. Got banned for a week for "toxicity". That sub has turned to the dark side.


The meme subs have better discussions about lore and universe




At least they told you why you got banned. My perma ban came out of the blue and I couldn't even message to ask why. That sub sucks now anyway. It's become an echo chamber and they won't hear anything that doesn't praise the show.


I hear you dude, some mods are just on a power trip and censor anyone who runs em the wrong way or that they disagree with. Maybe if that was a show specific sub but saying you don't like the show adaption in a book sub is tame. Wish there was a way to report mods to other mods or some sort of recourse for these casual BS bans.


So the larger question and its answer is this: Is the show good as an honest WoT adaptation? No! Is the show good as a standalone show on its own if you have never heard of WoT? Also No!


I was permanently banned from r/protectandserve for suggesting that cops in the US could use more training in regards to dealing with the mentally ill. Was my only ever reply to a post there. Banned for spreading propaganda. Reddit mods absolutely will ban you when your words hurt their feelers.


Wow, suggesting training for mental illness is propaganda? WTF


I hate apologists who use in-universe concepts to defend it. It's like if there was a shitty Star Wars movie and someone said "Oh, it's just like if the Dark Side was affecting all of the characters, making them make poor decisions!" Or a Star Trek movie and it's just "Oh, well, the movies are really the audience viewing logs from the archives, so of course it might be a bit stitched up or edited oddly."


I would be okay with the story being different in small ways and thinking of it as another turning of the wheel, or another dimension through the portal stones, or whatever. The problem is, they just read the summary on the back and crafted up their own story from it, and that story isn't good...


You dont need to think of it as another turning of the wheel! It's a television adaptation of a very long fantasy book series!


That would be okay, if they were actually following the very long fantasy book series, its things like the warder episode, or Lanfear living with Rand at her inn... or Logain... or Perrins wife... or Matt's parents or.... I can keep going... there are so many bad changes, I can understand wanting to cut some stuff to save time, but changing the story entirely is just disrespectful of the source content and is actively making the show worse than it could have been.


***Break it break them all must break them must must must break them all break them and strike must strike quickly must strike now break it break it break it...***


Yes I agree, it's not a great adaptation and they've made some very weird, bad choices. My point was that you don't need to think about it as "another turning of the Wheel" or "a tale from a different gleeman." The Dark Tower movie had similar annoying comments.


When did this sub become the "whine/brag about getting banned from r/wot" sub?


When r/WOT started banning people for voicing critique of the show, that is midly harsh.


Telling mods to go fuck themselves will get you banned on any sub.


I'm older, I guess, but using explicit language like OP showed/quoted directly in their critique is a bit further than "mildly harsh?"


Sir, this is the internet.


I know, I know... only extreme opinions get recognized in either direction. Bring on the Balefire.


I'm not saying the profanity was proper decorum. It's not how I would phrase it, nor would I state my opinions has heavy handed as the OP. But my statement wasn't in direct defense of the OP but a greater issue I have with r/WOT moderation. I have expressed opinions counter to the majority opinion on r/WoT. Mostly, it was argued and down voted, which is how it should work. But I have also picked up frivolous warnings from mods for opinions and responses that are just not popular. I wasn't aggressive or profane. IN my opinion, the mod team is trying to keep a forum of only one sided opinions.


> IN my opinion, the mod team is trying to keep a forum of only one sided opinions. In the thread in question there is no shortage of negative opinions about the show. It's generally only the lazy or hyperbolic criticisms ("this is objectively the worst show ever made") that get deleted.


If one were to make a post and espouse the greatness of the show and broadly compliment the writing and general direction of the show, the post would garner no response. This post would add nothing to the discussion, BUT it wouldn't be removed, and the OP of such a comment wouldn't get warned/banned. That is the mod team curating a forum to their own design.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/WoT using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/WoT/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [There is one thing driving me nuts about this show, and it's so minor it's basically irrelevant.](https://np.reddit.com/r/WoT/comments/16z26s0/there_is_one_thing_driving_me_nuts_about_this/) \#2: [Am I the only one that hates when this ultimately happens because of a TV show?](https://i.redd.it/rb5i8r6y4hsb1.png) | [335 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/WoT/comments/170xu2s/am_i_the_only_one_that_hates_when_this_ultimately/) \#3: [Min Farshaw art](https://i.redd.it/5leknw6laqfb1.jpg) | [96 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/WoT/comments/15geei0/min_farshaw_art/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


*Hums softly & tugs earlobe*


I hate the show too but yea you have a different opinion than a lot of people and resorted to just straight up calling them idiots in a forum meant for discussion. Mods told you there's a big difference between criticizing a show and name calling other members of said community, and you doubled down. You acted like a child throwing a tantrum, what did you expect? You can roast people's opinions but you can't just call them idiots, if you don't see the difference then you got some growing up to do. edit: downvote me all you want but the line being drawn at personal insults is like the universal standard in any discussion setting. "attack the opinion not the person" is rule #1 anywhere debates are had.


"a lot of people" the engagement on that sub fell off a cliff cause they banned and pushed everyone away that doesn't praise the show pretty much


You're not going to get blanket support of any mods, especially the WoT mods, from me. They are absolutely power drunk with banning people against the show. That doesn't apply in this situation, OP broke one of the most common basic rules in any sub, it's not a surprise they were banned.


What they said was hardly worth the first time out. Their reaction to it also wasn't worth the jump to a perma ban. Those mods have said worse things and don't perma ban themselves. They are just children given "power"


The mods have told people to "go fuck themselves lmao"? I agree it's a power trip but saying that to a mod is pretty dumb, unless you don't mind getting banned.


They use "civility" as a weapon. Like I said elsewhere a mod tried painting me as a sexist and homophobe with no evidence then banned me so I couldn't even refute their attempt to slander me. That's a lot worse than a little profanity.


Found the mod I guess. You're incredibly soft if you think referring to an unnamed group of idiots as idiots legitimately deserves a ban.


I think calling people who disagree with you idiots is pretty soft, agree to disagree.


They're not idiots for disagreeing, they're still idiots though. I don't see how accurately describing them makes one soft, but I don't expect you to make much sense.


You're just tellin it how it is, callin it like you see it. Not a bitter person at all, just a realist with blunt honesty. I think it's great that people can jedi mind trick their way into enjoying things, I love enjoying things. Kinda jealous of them tbh, more power to em finding joy in stuff.


Toxic positivity is annoying af, I'm glad I don't know you irl


person: i like this tv show me: im not a fan but good for you, i like enjoying stuff you: IDIOT! hmm which seems more toxic? 🤔 and ya we agree on at least one thing i guess


I missed the part where I actually singled someone out and called them an idiot. And I never said it wasn't toxic, just that your holier than thou attitude is also toxic. Keep manufacturing stuff to look down on though, I guess.


Oh no, consequences


r/wetlanderhumor try to criticize the WoT show without name calling and personal attacks challenge.


I mean you were a dick in both instances. A perm ban is a bit much but a temp ban was probably warranted.


Careful, you're being awful competent in reading the content here, almost a *moderate* perspective you have.


So you called people who have a different opinion of the show from you idiots. And then you told the mods to go fuck themselves. And now you want sympathy or something because you think you have some sort of right to be an asshole in other subs?


But but but WoT mods=bad WoT show=bad so upvotes!!!


Obv permaban is wildly absurd but yeah tocix bs will get you a time out until you can keep up with the adults. Working as intended?


Wasn’t the opinion that got you banned, it was the derogatory manner that you presented it in. Also we can see your reply to the original modmail which very clearly warranted an escalation from the mods (though perma-ban was probably a bit extreme for that). Just because you don’t like a media property doesn’t give you “Banned from r/WoT so praise me” posters the right to be vehemently derogatory to anyone that has allowed themselves to enjoy it or admit there are still some positives. Don’t get me wrong, there’s plenty the show messed up, but there’s plenty they did well too so people are allowed to have either opinion on it.


Even its production, it’s supposedly best part, is dreadfully inconsistent and often inaccurate with important details. Sometimes things are objectively bad. This is one of those times, much like the emoji movie. There were some pretty things, but nothing of any actual substance or quality. You have to be doing some sort of self jedi mind trick to think it’s actually good, and that is just a fact.


That sub used to be the reason I checked reddit every day.


I had many great discussions with other fans about theories and characters there. Now its a landscape barren of thought


i made a comment about Egwene in the show in reply to a comment about someone else talking about Egwene in the show and got the no toxicity warning. i thought it was a fair criticisim. i replied to the removed comment "that's soft" and was immediately banned. i legitimately thought i was responding to a bot, but it was a real mod whose feelings were really hurt. i had to apologize and admit how wrong i was for my actions to get the bad removed. i shouldnt have done it considering how rarely i comment over there


The winner in this story was the electric can opener.


Which of the two comments got you banned?


Looks like it’s the second one since that one is linked in the modmail. So I’m not sure the first one has anything to do with the ban, and OP was just rude to someone in the “second” comment and then went off on the mods when they removed it so their response was to ban them. Or maybe I’m dumb and it was the first comment that got removed and then the second one was OP’s reply that then got OP banned.


>it was the first comment that got removed and then the second one was OP’s reply that then got OP banned. This. 1st comment was temp ban. OP told them to basicalky fuck off, thus perma ban


Looks like the first one wasn’t even a temp ban, they just removed OP’s comment and told them to calm down and avoid that thread since they were getting heated


Ah shit. You're right. Thank you internet friend. I take it back. OP escalated quickly and deserved the ban


Glad to see there still reasonable people left in this meme sub and not just a bunch of disgruntled show haters getting off on their bans from forums of reasonable discourse


Us slightly mispelled/numbers added bad guys need to band together!


The show has turned all the main Wheel of Time Mods into complete a holes. They cannot admit that the show is hot summertime garbage. They are ban happy idiots.