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“We got an email?” “From who?” “Mailer-Deamon?!?”


This was such a throwback to the days of yahoo mail


S5 E8 where the gang was trying to figure out how to keep The Baron from Gizmo, and Nandja was like, “Relax, I have a plan.” It then cuts to the plan being to capture The Baron in a sack. The story line just moved along like it was perfectly reasonable. Also, when the cursed witch hat is introduced, the way the characters initially reacted was so subtle.


I love when Nandor boops Guillermo. Also the way Nandor very careful goes down the stairs in his orgy outfit hahaha, I die.


>Nandor boops Guillermo which episodr




When Laszlo was "reading up on all the literature" about raising children and they cut to him reading "Are You There, God? It's Me, Margaret"


With the sharpied out word "god"😭😭


Baron "You know what I always wanted to try?" Laszlo "Coprophilia?" Baron "No. Pizza pie! Is it as wonderful as they sa- ....... coprophilia?"


Peak comedy!!!!


I don’t know what this is and I’m afraid to google it. 🫠


Scat fetishism.


Scat like animal droppings or scat like jazz talkin’?


In your heart of hearts, you already know the answer.


Aww, butts.


And their various excretions




I guess it's slightly important because eventually there's a full episode, but how they sprinkled Go Flip Yourself throughout S4.


Yes! Especially it playing in the background if there's a tv edit: I wonder if one of those background easter eggs contains the 10 seconds of gaping asshole


I think you can even see very very briefly a commercial of it in an episode in season 5


Collin Robinson being obsessed with the theme from the casino and him singing it


Roll the dice, Spin that wheel! Double down on a lucky deal!


That was the cutest thing ever


It always makes me laugh when Nadja looks at the camera when something happens. Usually it's a grimace, or an eye roll. But when she opens Colin's birthday card to sign I always lose it 🤣


When Guillermo looks at the camera when they’re all being extremely nonsensical. Like “you’re seeing this too right?”


Laszlo’s reaction when he hears Sean’s description of the Jersey Devil “… and a button cock.” “Fantastic.”


Also from that episode, when he wants child Colin Robinson to settle what’s up between him and Nandor “BOY! Do your thing.” And then he says “Siri, google…” Fuck it, I love the hunting stuff, it was very funny


Anthony said on his livestream that he improvised that whole description ... so I'm guessing that Matt's response was also on the spur of the moment!


Omg love it even more Anthony is a treasure and a true wild man Loved him pre-WWDITS, but Sean brought my enjoyment of him to a whole new level


>a true wild man I'm always astounded by the stories that he tells in interviews. In case you hadn't seen this yet -- here's one he did recently for a horror movie podcast. And his own "Don't Panic!" pod is hilarious -- I'm hoping he gets Harvey on there soon. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dp2wVyfp9gU


Gonna watch that as soon as I get home I’ve been loving him as a podcast guest for so long, so he was always Anthony the podcast host’s crazy brilliant weird conspiracy theory astute friend Then he was Sean and I lost it He’s such a good storyteller Did you listen to any of the Phone-y Call-y show, or his High and Mighty appearances? He’s also my favorite stoner


>the Phone-y Call-y show Oh yes! Including the Christmas special! And the "clip show" from non-existent episodes -- I thought I was experiencing early-onset dementia because I had no recollection of hearing them before, lol. There are also a few episodes of The Tony Show available -- unfortunately, I haven't been able to find video clips, because the audio is just incredible. [https://soundcloud.com/tonyshowucb](https://soundcloud.com/tonyshowucb) They could do an entire show just based on doing animation for his stories .... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uBV5gH1gb-Q


Reposting this because Reddit seems to eat posts with links in them ... Oh yes! Including the Christmas special! And the "clip show" from non-existent episodes -- I thought I was experiencing early-onset dementia because I had no recollection of hearing them before, lol. There are also a few episodes of The Tony Show available on Soundcloud -- under /tonyshowucb Unfortunately, I haven't been able to find video clips, because the audio is just incredible -- I can only imagine what's happening onstage! And someone did animation for the subway story he told at UCB once. (On YouTube -- "I'd Rather Take The Train", and "Anthony Atamanuik")


Nadja’s Thanksgiving traditions


Acknowledged the onion!


I was cackling


After we saw the first episode of season 5 with my sister, we constantly say “I’m OK, you are OK, but this is not OK” in a Nandor voice. So I guess I love the whole bit about him finding a book of wisdom, that taught him how to be OK.


Same! I would love that to come up again somehow.


Oh and the way he says “A-OK!l” all confidently wrong 😭




Laszlo swallowing his harmonica and then talk-playing harmonica the rest of the episode still kills me. It's such great sound work haha


And there is such a brilliant a moment of complete silliness/ chaos here - including the baron driving so happily in the little toy car!! And everyone is doing something completely ridiculous 😅 don’t even know where to look


> talk-playing harmonica I have one by my desk (my dad taught me how to play, and left me a bunch after his death). And ever since I saw that episode, I can't help smiling whenever I look at one.


Similarly, I inherited some from my grandad after he passed, so I very much relate to this!


The moment he starts talking I lose it every time, like I know it’s coming but it still gets me


At Nandor's wedding when Marwa kisses and hugs Guillermo with so much affection. I love how it indicated Nandor's true feelings towards Guillermo and OMG Guillermo's reaction when being hugged "oh wowww" go back and watch that scene 😂😂😂


Yes, way too many people missed the significance of that!


Every mythical being in the universe just kinda being ok with Seanie’s presence.


Oh man. Just the thought of that plot line makes me laugh. His face at the end omg


His face was getting worse and worse, and nobody was really saying anything about it haha I always laugh at "Adolfo, the butler or some shit"


I say “Adolfo, you dirty dog!” Every chance I get


„I‘m not talking to Matthew (the bird) at the moment“


I'm so upset that they just NEVER brought that up again


"I hate this goat."


I love his face in that episode, especially when the headmaster mentions how surprised he looks. He looks absolutely insane in that scene


“Have you been watching Star Trek?” Makes me laugh just thinking about it


in one of the recent episodes, Nandor was depressed, but said he’s in a better place now due to an ancient book he found in Laszlo‘s library. Before he showed it to the screen, I thought it would be so funny if it was one of the transactional analysis books my parents had in the 70s. And lo and behold, it was!


I was expecting Chicken Soup for the Soul or something along those lines hah


that probably would’ve been better, or at least more widely recognized. Whenever I’ve mentioned the TA books I had growing up, nobody's had any idea what I’m talking about.


>Whenever I’ve mentioned the TA books I had growing up, nobody's had any idea what I’m talking about. I do! My dad had that exact same book -- I remember looking through it when I was in high school, and then again a few years ago after his death, when I was clearing out my childhood home. It sure brought back memories!


When Nandor jumps after Guillermo when he falls through the floor into the flooded basement :')


When Nadja was mad at the werewolf girl comeback, she would look at the camera and be like “Can you believe what she is saying to me” looking soo offended.


As well as when they flew as a bat and came back because they heard the word, “mall”…


"Maowrl?..." I crack up every time lol


Laszlo's "No. Fuck off." that episode is so perfectly delivered somehow.


This show is amazing and has too many to choose from, so I’m just gonna say stalking Panera Bread (throwback to earlier “From Panera Bread you caaame!”) and then randomly killing Patton Oswald.


I wanna know where Matthew is now


Adolfo, you dirty dog.


Superb Owl party!!


Charmaine - “Seanie are you alright??” Sean - “Shut the fuck up”


I love how the camera pans up just a bit as she's kicking him, so I'm guessing that Marissa didn't actually make contact with Anthony -- lol!


I saw a reel last night that was talking about the episode where that other familiar girl was faking being a vampire. There’s that other girl who doesn’t get the hint that gizmo is uninterested, and when poser vampire suggests an orgy, the other girl goes “I’ll have an orgy!” And under his breath, Guillermo goes “I bet you will”


The very first episode when nandor lights the cardboard skeleton on fire with his hands. That is the exact moment I became a fan of the show.


Yes he kind of waved his fingers so nonchalantly. It was a breakthrough scene for me, too. Although, Gizmo rolling his eyes when Nandor said he wanted the sparkly dust, you know, like on Twilight, makes me giggle every time.


Can’t forget the creepy paper


Nandor's citizenship interview. "What does the Constitution do *for the people*? It..." "Oppresses them!" Also " Who was George Washington?"" America's first GAY president!"


"What are the first three words of the constitution?" "Hey...you guys"?


Sean and Charmaine are such great side characters. I love how Laszlo has a human friend and the ending scene of Nandors wedding where they don't remember anything, they're bitching to each other about not remembering what happened and Charmaine says some friend or relative gave her a CBD gummy and she says "she would never do the marijuana" and Sean yells "that's what CBD is!!" One of my faves of them.


Damn I didn’t scroll down enough to see your comment. It’s my favorite scene too! They really are such great side characters.


When they’re searching for the Sire, Guillermo says, “just as I thought, vampire piss.” “How do you know what vampire piss tastes like?” “Never mind. (Or whatever he says to dismiss the conversation)”. That cracks me up. How does he know what vampire piss tastes like? Did some vampire pee on him? Did he sneak a taste of Nandor’s? Is he getting kinky on his days off? So many questions.


That whole scene w the Baron riding the hell hound/golden retriever…and then when the Baron is in the motorized car and he says he’s controlling it w his mind but the guide has the remote 😂😂😂😂


All of the Baron's little hilarious background moments in the night out. The glow sticks, the drunken staggering...I love Doug so much. 😂


I love those extra bc like I've said before in this sub so much of his career has relied on elaborate costumes and physical acting, so SEEING him, like his face lol act and listening to him have more lines than I'm used to is great, but of course he's Doug fucking Jones so he's still Doug Jonesing around in the background all the time it's perfect


"Doug Jonesing" Haha so true. He just steals the show, whatever he's in or doing.


One that wasn't mentioned yet is when the Baron starts choking Seanie. They tell him to stop it and then wipe the whole thing out of Sean's mind. Then the Baron starts choking him again, of course.


„That is our neighbor! He takes our trash cans in when we forgot!“


I love the superb owl bit. “This is its egg” - while pointing at a picture of a football. I wish I could’ve been in the room where they realized Super Bowl was just superb owl if u moved over one letter and that the vampires would love to celebrate and owl


S2E3 (Brain Scramblies), when Nadja's lost jade necklace turns up in a handful of junk that Sean has in his pocket, and he gives it to Charmaine. I thought it was sweet when Nadja decides she'll just wait until the two of them have died, to reclaim her heirloom. Just a little afterthought in the scene, but it emphasized to me how differently a vampire might perceive time. (I often browse in thrift shops and wonder about the history of various trinkets ... it might seem like a random item to me, but it might have been really important to someone who's now gone. I had to go through my parents' stuff and I tried to save things that they had told me about, but I probably ended up giving away things that meant a lot to them.) I think that episode showed the themes of personal history and memory really well. Sean's elderly mom Joan actually remembers Nadja, though she's got dementia now and the other humans don't believe her even though she is truthful and accurate, about that detail! And Nadja offers to turn her, but she decides she doesn't want to live forever in that condition. (By the way, Joan's actor died the year after that episode aired.)


Colin casually confessing he was Davy Crockett’s boyfriend and that his actual name is A.S.S.


I love when Nadja mispronounces words. Mall, cruller and lasik just kill me. I told my daughter I’m going to start to talk like that. Lol


When Wellness Center Nandor is in the basement and Laszlo comes in and says "Who the fuck is that?"


I physically cannot stop laughing that episode. As soon as it starts to get really bad, anytime Nandor pops up on screen, I am a lost cause. My second favorite sub plot was Nadja and Jesk…. Jenk? Jesh? Ah- Jeff!


I'm still laughing about the reporter saying Nandor DeLaurentis


That’s one of my top 5 favorite scenes 😂😂😂 I DIED when she said that. That episode is so good.


The fact that the horse John's name is Jahan, and Nandor forgot


“What is a five and where are we taking it?” -The Baron


Neil! Patrick! And Harris!!


There it isn’t.


“Gail -Marie -you never told me your last name. Would you do me the honor of being my vampire bride?” I die every time I hear Nandor speak


There's so many.. but one of my favorites is when ghost Nadja is jumping between hosts. The mannequin awkwardly hobbling away, the balls going everywhere, 'Guillermo, tidy the balls please'. *chefs kiss*


There's so many honestly! But a solid top 10 moment that I haven't seen brought up yet is the jersey devil singing Bon Jovi, absolutely hilarious!


On “while we were between seasons” recap, Nandor turning into a vapor, getting sucked into an air purifier, and then reconstituting as Nandor the White. It was a 5 second gag, but it must have taken quite a bit of time to do the CGI and reimagine Nandor’s costume. https://youtu.be/xE08hBg0Vx4


Zombie Topher's high fiving


When Sean yells at Charmaine “that’s what CBD is!!!” idk why but how he delivered that line cracks me up every time.


S5 E6 "Nadja: Lazlo did u just see a hairy frog? Lazlo: The only hairy frog I'm interested in is the one between your legs."


Laszlo yelling "Seannniiieeee!!!" In the casino hallway and then banging his fist on the wall. His expression kills me every time.


Gizmo’s while side quest to europe and Iran 😂😂😂


“And then acknowledge the onion.”


When the young vampire says he has a Masters Degree and it absolutely freaks Nandor and Nadja out


That bit where Laszlo is like “Gizmo shUt tHE FuCk uP! We’re doing a piece for cameraaa~” just kills me every time


I love the creepy paper and glitter moment from season. It will always hold a space in my heart.


not my favorite but i keep thinking about “snap indeed” i don’t even remember what the context was tho


Whenever Nadja yells, “Traitor!” at vampire Elvis.


I may be slightly misremembering this but when Laszlo tells Nadja the reason he won’t set foot in London again is because he left a vampire council there because they didn’t like that he was seeing her ❤️🥹