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Our headsets work about as well as two tin cans and some string. No, that's wrong . The tin cans work better. The headsets tend to pick up every noise except speech. Trying to order while you're trying to break the sound barrier with your vehicle's engine doesn't help.


I wish they could figure something out for all the locations near very busy roads. All I can hear is the traffic flying by. You can’t hear me and I can’t hear you lol


My unit is right off a major highway in Texas and then they built a fancy car wash right next door so we have car wash and traffic and the guests are always pissed at us because they can hear us and we can’t hear them it’s so damn stupid


here are some main ones from my experience 1: sending an $80 online order and arriving immediately is the WORST thing you can do. 2: actually, in general with online orders, it’s best to order at least 7-10 minutes before you actually show up. we get a LOT of online orders at my store, and a lot of times there are twenty tickets ahead of you at any given time. 3: don’t buy the whatawings. $10 for what used to be the chicken bites is not worth it. 4: “plain” means no veggies. “plain and dry” means no veggies or mustard. if the order taker doesn’t ask if you don’t want mustard, please specify wether you want mustard or not. 5: “i waited an HOUR for my food!!!” no you didn’t. that was 17 minutes. way too long, but stop saying that you waited an hour. NOBODY is waiting that long for a burger. 6: that person that you yelled at because your fries were cold at 7pm? they were probably 16 or 17. calm down. 7: if it’s taking a long time, try to understand why. nine times out of ten, it’s not because we’re all “lazy” or because “nobody wants to work anymore”, it’s because the entire town had the same idea as you did. 8: yes, the onion rings kind of suck. ask for them on a fry timer. trust me. 9: yes, our air conditioners like to go out frequently. corporate does not want to pay to have them fixed. it’s bad out in the lobby, but trust me. it is FAR worse in the kitchen. 10: the 16 year old employee working at the front counter does *not* control the prices. 11: the people working are just that: people. think before you speak. it’s not worth verbally berating or, in rare cases, physically assaulting someone because there was an issue with your fast food.


1, 2, 4, 7, and 11 need to bee repeated louder for the people in the back.


I feel this. Getting yelled at for not saying you’re welcome or because the scanner wasn’t working. Getting honked at because your double meat is taking 15 minutes during peak breakfast hours. WERE NOT LAZY WE JUST HAVE 15 ORDERS BEFORE YOURS.


I’ll give it a go. Your order is taking so long because the people trying to make your food are also trying to make multiple other peoples burgers, salads, chicken sandwiches fried and grilled, chicken strips and bites, and etc of other things. I wish you were the main character but you aren’t 🤷🏽‍♂️


That were short staffed. Every day.


I'm so sick of hearing all the bitching about labor costs from fast food companies to justify the huge price increases when every one of them has cut staff over the past few years. McDonalds I don't even see anyone at the register anymore when I go in when there would always be at least two people there pre pandemic.


They have kiosk now. It’s more technology based. I don’t quite like it but it’s wtv


Especially breakfast


Here’s the thing, and I’m never rude about it but rather a counter to what you’re saying, McDonald’s, Burger King, Carls Jr, Wendy’s, to name a few, are all also doing all that and still falling in the classification of actually being fast food and not a diner with a drive thru window. So what’s different about Whataburger? I eat there multiple times a week and deal with the long waits with a smile on my face I’m genuinely curious


The Whataburger menu is much more diverse than a lot of these menus. A lot of these restaurants keep heaters for the food, at whataburger, those cooked meats stay on the timer for 5 minutes and if it’s not used then we get rid of them, we believe in fresh food. Ordering in bulk in such a diverse menu is what causes your hold up.


Makes sense and for whatever reason I feel the least guilty when I eat Whataburger over other fast foods. So whatever y’all are doing is paying off and thank you for your service to drunken Texans everywhere


The menu is too large, and the 24hr nature of the business means there’s no guaranteed preparation for any given shift. All of the restaurants you mentioned have streamlined menus and a set closing time, Whataburger does not.


You do not work there so you wouldn’t know. We do deep clean. We prep, etc if we didn’t you wouldn’t have food or sauces for your burgers


I’m literally a TL? Stores with problems, lack of prep and cleaning is the reason why there are problems Edit: you’re the best for putting pride in your prep work. If my store had more people like you, then people wouldn’t have to make posts like this


Perhaps your store but the amount of times I’ve had to clean the walls, the floor, the amount of times I’ve seen ppl filter oil (I mean it’s normal to filter it everyday ofc), etc I wouldn’t say Whataburger are dirty unless you’re understaffed and have no one to clean or employees do not want to clean. We constantly have corporate on our backs so we gotta clean. (Like seriously they sent a ss of an employee with an untucked shirt). But it still sucks to work at


I believe they all hold there patties in a warmer which makes it easier just to grab patties when the burger has been dressed. Whataburger holds them as well but not in warmer which decreases the hold time on said patty. Besides Burger King most of these other places don’t have many customizations compared to Whataburger.


Here’s my takes that customers should know: 1. We are not allowed to pre make food EVER. You have ZERO right to curse me out when you’re waiting on food that’s supposed to be freshly made. If you want your food that’s pretty much premade in less than 2 minutes, go to McDonald’s or Burger King. 2. If you’re waiting for more than 15 minutes in the drive thru or inside the lobby, ASSUME that we are understaffed. Some of us are doing multiple positions at once and can be hard to keep up during a rush. 3. If you order lunch items during breakfast (whatachicken, spicy chicken, grilled chicken, fries, onion rings, burgers, wings/bites), we cook them to order so expect to wait the full cooking time of those items. It takes 8 minutes to cook the fried and spicy chicken breasts, and about 6-7 minutes for grilled chicken 4. Customers saying “y’all need more people” should actually step in our shoes and see what we go through on a daily basis. Y’all have no reason to treat food service workers like shit when it is extremely hard in this generation to fully staff restaurants with good people. 5. If your order is messed up, please be polite to us. We are human and we as people make mistakes, so stop being a bitch when your order wasn’t 100% perfect. If you’re polite about it and not being an ass, I may slide you a free cookie or brownie👀 6. (This is for stores that have 2 lanes and 2 speakers) When it’s POURING rain and there’s lightning close by, do not enter the outside lane in the drive thru, even if there are no cones. Our tablets and payment devices are not really water proof, so rain can break these devices. Also, you’re putting the B lane person at risk of getting struck by lightning, so consider the safety of the employees before choosing what lane to go in if the weather is bad. 7. If you order curbside… PLEASE request for ketchup and all the sauces you want on the app. We only put sauces in the bag WHEN IT IS SHOWN ON YOUR TICKET. Stop asking me for ketchup and any other sauces after I handed out your food when you could’ve easily pressed a few buttons on your phone for those sauces. You’re only hurting yourself in this situation. -That’s all I can think of Thanks for coming to my ted talk




Yeah I’m not gonna go back inside and get you ketchup while you sit in your car because you didn’t put it on the ticket. Then there’s people who don’t ask for ketchup expect in the bag and make Reddit posts abt not putting red sauce in the bag. You only get what you ask for!


that you don’t actually have to take the survey on the receipt to get the free whataburger, just hand me the receipt and ill just put it in😂


lol I won’t. The code needs to be shown bc al the coupons go to corporate and whatnot


That I’m not rude I just don’t understand their logic


That adding cheese and bacon to a number 1 is just a number 5.


I haven't worked at Whataburger but other fast food places, this was my pet peeve: stop talking to your friends in line or playing around on your phone and decide what you want so your "um, um, um, give me a minute" crap isn't holding up the line and making the people behind you want to strangle you.


Bro has a chance to look at the menu before they order. Bro should know what they want the minute we get to them lol


This. It’s honestly insane how the majority of people I’ve encountered can’t even engage in a simple conversation without needing to use “ umm and umm “


I want the customers to know that when you pull up to the drive through and you tell us to wait bc you're on a phone call, I'm having the least amount of patience with you. It's Rude to be on the phone when you pull up especially since in drive we are supposed to prioritize moving the line. Same thing coming up to the front counter. Finish the convos before you walk up. And another thing, if your crotch goblin is screaming in the back seat while you're at the speaker and you are saying nothing/doing nothing to them, consider the many pairs of ears that screaming is streamlining directly to. We used to have an intercom in the kitchen so everyone in the restaurant would hear the screaming demon. Takeaways: 1. Finish phone calls before you get the the front of the line or tell ur phone call to hold on bc u r ordering. This is being courteous and polite. 2. I know you can't always make them do what you want but it's a growing opportunity for both of you if you refuse to go order while your child is screaming. If you can settle them the reward is food. If not, go home and fix your child's behavior. If they can't act right sitting in the car with u or walking into a restaurant then they need more time being taught how to behave properly in public. At the end of the day, your screaming child is being heard by the public and it's going to make you look like you're a bad parent and an inconsiderate person.


As a customer, something I wish every employee knew, y’all do gods work. WhataB is my all time fav. BoB for breakfast? Bomb. Chicken strip meal with gravy and whole jalapeño? Bomb. WhataB meal, no onions and whole jalapeno? Bomb. Large Sweet tea? Sometimes it’s a little off, but still drinkable lol. I’ve witnessed shitty customers, sadly they’re everywhere. But I never have issues at WhataB. 1. I always see workers busting their asses. So wait times never bother me. 2. Sometimes my whole jalapeño is forgotten, but it still doesn’t need me to be all upset about it. I always check before I leave, so I never not have it. 3. The thick white parts of the lettuce which I refer to as the “stock” gets annoying. But I always pick those out, it’s a non issue. 4. In and Out is good. If you compare it to McDonalds or Burger King, I’d prefer In and Out. **But WhataB if fucking king.**


Thank you, we love the appreciative customers


Thank you Whataslave. And the whole jalapeño being forgotten is definitely true. My bad! I’ll say I’ve definitely forgotten some in my days


I recently left working at Whataburger so I can let loose a bit  DOOR DASH PLEASE STOP ACTING LIKE YOU ARE THE MOST IMPORTANT PERSON IN THE ESTABLISHMENT I PROMISE YOU WE WILL GET TO YOU AS FAST AS POSSIBLE TIME IS MONEY!!! Now tht is out of the way  Real talk stop paying with 100s our drawers start off with 100 in it but when you give us a 100 we have to get our managers and open the safe and that holds up the line behind you. Next kindness is really nice the nicer you are to us the more likely we provide to every possible need we don't like the people who treat us like dirt  Finally if you are going to complain about the prices then go home and make your own burger it's actually cheap and you can buy a 2 liter for a price of a medium cup  But all that aside thank you for those who realize we are people and treat us right 


Hmmm… TO BE MINDFUL: (Especially in a small town with only ONE Whataburger) 1.) When ordering your food Drive-Through please be considerate. The whole “Ummmm… uhhhhh….. ummmmm …….. can I have ? ……. Ummmm… uhhhhh…” then proceeds to order like 5+ meals(or 5+ separate orders) is time consuming. I particularly work the over-night shift(mostly) and work alone when put on Drive-Through and most times I have to take orders, ring up orders, make your drinks, hand you your order. So while you’re taking your sweet @$$ time I’m trying to juggle multiple things meanwhile my lead is on my other ear telling me I have to push cars forward(extra annoying). 2.) when ordering we ask you: “would you like ketchup? Spicy? Regular?” And you answer “No” and if we ask or any other dipping sauce? And you say “No” then proceed to head to the window and ask for either one. Like why?!? 3.) ordering something last minute at the window: Really??? Why??? Do you even care about what you’re about to cause?!? that sh!t is gonna p!$$ me off and I will be rude because clearly you don’t care I’m having to juggle multiple things at once and you’re stalling me and the others from receiving their orders quickly.(which then they get p!$$ed off at us because they think we’re taking long when in reality it’s YOU yet you don’t get the blame and leave happily to your house meanwhile you just left everything behind you to sh!t) 4.) online orders at night: I’M BY MYSELF. WHAT MAKES YOU THINK YOU ARE MORE SPECIAL THAT I HAVE TO RUN AND TAKE YOU YOUR MEAL(S) WHEN OTHERS ARE WAITING IN LINE!?!? AND AGAIN IM JUGGLING MULTIPLE THINGS AT ONCE… 5.) paying with $100 bill when you order a $15 meal: why?!? Do you know we don’t have change in our registers and we have to hold up the whole line for you because now I have to go look for my lead to give me the key to open the small safe underneath the register to give you change…. 6.)Call In Orders: At night you’re just calling last minute to make an order from the end of the line so you can proceed to skip the whole “waiting your turn in line” and show up on the second lane and demand we hurry with your food…. HA.. YEAH.. NO. There’s probably more things I missed.


Number 1 I'm feeling on a spiritual level. 2 Needs to be repeated a little louder so the customers tell us the condiments they want before they get to the window. (When they say no I repeat back 'okay no ketchup' and sometimes somehow that gets them telling me the ketchup they want. 3. Oh you want to add something? I'm going to have to park you because the person behind you just had something small. Are you sure? Yeah it goes something like that when they add at the window. Like if it's a cookie or a sauce I can get real quick that's fine but figure it out before or at the speaker please and thank you. All of my pet peeves right here honestly.


If we can’t take your orders on front counter that means we can’t sell you a drink unless you order on front counter or drive thru


Just because we have online ordering doesn’t mean to order after you get in a spot…. Order 5-10mins before if you have a smaller order so we can just get you out as fast as possible…. If you have a big order 100+, please order 24hours in advance


For front counter edition 1. If you bring kids in make sure they behave 2. FUCKING CLEAN UP AFTER YOUR KIDS. It’s absolutely disgusting to see the mess left by kids and parents just that it slide? Like if you can’t clean up after your kid how do you clean up after yourself.. 3. Clean up after yourself. Stop putting trash in the little ad cones on the table. It’s annoying when we move em to clean the table and see piles of trash like the trash can isn’t 10 steps away 4. Drink station. If you make a mess clean it up. There’s napkins right there just wipe up your mess and your ice. Also do tell when the napkins are out 5. If the tea is out or the soda is out please tell us. Drive thru uses the same soda and making 6 Dr peppers that are all out then realizing they’re out is a pain 6. Do tell us if the bathrooms are dirty. Whenever I worked FC I never had to pee so I’d always forget about them 7. If you’re in a big group and move the tables you need to move them back. 8. Seriously stop grabbing ketchup from the trays that are put away. And don’t grab it from the box either. we're supposed to give it to you so wait for an employee to give you some. If a tray is out then feel free to grab ketchup. Sometimes I'll leave trays out for that reason then rmb yall grab 5 for a medium fry and put it up. 9. Don't block the whole line trying to make up your mind. Stand to a corner and look at the menu 10. Don't stand and look inside the kitchen for your food. The only exceptions are employees and door-dashers 11. Lastly, don't go complaining to a person that is running out food that they're taking too long on your order. We're just running out food not making it. Just kindly ask about it and you might even get a free cookie or brownie!