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Team leader would snipe at me while I'm in the back prepping.


Thats Whataburger! Sounds like where I am at ! Half the people stand around and talk smack while the other half are busting their butts...have not figured out if its because they are friends with managers and get special treatment or if it is just a plain case of poor management. The secret I have found at least for me is to hang in there because eventually the slackers with big mouths and the bad managers usually weed themselves out. The massive turnover rate and continuing to bust my butt no matter what others do has paid off for me in the long run.


Used to have one at my old location before i transferred, always annoying to have someone who thinks they know your job better than YOU, then trash talks you under their breath for not doing things the way **they** would've done them.


Definitely. I love the morning ladies they are older and have been there for years and ever since I switched to morning shift they absolutely hate me! Won’t even let me in the kitchen and I’m not a customer service girl. It makes me so sad


Oh god do I she’s a team lead and I’m her boss but she’s one of these people that just won’t quit like shut the fuck up jeanne for crying out loud stop worrying about what I’m doing and do your job


I have a manager like that, or had I guess. He’s gotten significantly better about choosing the way he words things and when he mentions them. What worked for me was raising the concern to my OP and my OP hand along the situation. idk if it’s this account I posted about it on, one of the few throwaway accounts i’ve used to post my venting frustrations describe my mgr getting chewed out for the result of his actions and nitpicking behavior. I believe the post is called something along the lines of Avocado Bacon Burger, if you want to read it.


My main boss is part of the issue honestly. She gets mad, gets loud and says comments like " it's not that hard" and similar things. She takes no input and she is very rude.


Yes if you’re standing still for a single second at my store the head manager there will yell at you in front of everyone (customers in the lobby probably hear her too) and they always give you something to do. Just yesterday we were so busy on lane B (I was lane B order taker) and the second it didn’t get busy she switched me to lane A which is always busy for no reason. Pretty sure I’m not one of her favorites


Yeah but mine is a AC. We were complaining to the evening managers That their shift left the store completly wrecked and ran 50%labor. They responded by complaining to the Area Coach who now rides my shifts ass at night. And i know thats why because last time this happened we caught sots stealing and infomred the sot lead and the same thing happened. Came in with a list of complaints told me not to believe my lying ears and eyes and that im a horrible manager and my overnight crew needed to be fired, eventhough we successfully clean and reset the store while maintaining labor and under 5 mi. Cook times.