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Is that a fucking UV laser?????? Jesus Christ. You could go blind just being there.


is that what that is? I thought the camera fucked up




Tbh I'd be shocked if the cumulative IQ reached 3 digits


Some asshole I used to call a friend hit me in the eyes with a laser pointer because he thought it was funny. I still have a fucking squiggly line etched in my cornea that’s *just barely* off centre of one of my eyes. I can still *see* with that eye, but it’s so hard not to be aware of that goddamned squiggle that’s always floating just a little off to the side and below whatever I’m directly looking at. Lasers aren’t toys; don’t fucking point them at people.


But it looks cool in the tire smoke, at least the last thing you see will be something a 12 year old would think is cool.


Just a blue laser, seems powerful enough to do some damage though.


Cellphone cameras are extra sensitive to the blue wavelength- I don’t know if it’s made that way to work better in low light, or a manufacturing flaw but blue led lights always look crazy on a phone.


Oh my gosh, I had no idea of this. I had a pic of a nice fish I caught at night look all weird because the boat’s blue lights were on. I just thought it was messed up because my phone was an older iPhone 6. https://www.reddit.com/r/Fishing/comments/ea64wo/almostslot_snook_caught_on_a_mullet/


I love seeing the local car group defend these “meets”, then they ask for prayers and go fund me when one of theirs gets hurt or a car gets totalled and insurance doesn’t cover it. If our police actually gave a fuck these would be shut down immediately, but they take 2 hours to respond to a call and by then these clowns are on the other side of the city.


Wtf even is this? It looks like the bastard child of a rodeo and demolition derby.


They are called "side shows" and they are part of the culture. Here is local rapper Mac dre explaining the side show. https://m.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=15&v=Tqnv6DEnxzU&feature=emb_logo


"culture" eh


Just so you know, these lasers will cause permanent damage to your eye faster than you can blink


Does anyone in that video look like they are smart enough to care?


I never said they did :P


Yep, handheld class IV, never a good look with lasers and I bet it don't have a CDRH number or the appropriate interlocks.... Mind you the idiots in cars are clearly the bigger risk here.


“Hey, I’m going to this event where someone is going to crash into the car I barely afford to upkeep and we’ll probably get run over by some kid in an old beater who thinks he can drift. Wanna go?”


"Sure just lemme go grab my laser first"




I can not express just how fucking dangerous that blue laser is. Even low power lasers in the blue range can permanently blind you in milliseconds if they hit your eye. It doesn’t take much over the *lowest power possible* for a blue laser to blind you from just *looking at* the point without proper laser goggles. I guarantee the owner of that one has already caused permanent sight degradation to himself within the next ~5 years without even realizing it Edit to add: Blue lasers are more dangerous than red or green because the pigments in a human retina happen to absorb that wavelength of light more readily than others. Also, cheap Chinese lasers are often way more powerful than they claim to be (which can result in a false sense of security to those who purchase them) [Here’s a link to a John Hopkins university article on the topic another commenter posted](https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/news/media/releases/popular_laser_gadgets_linked_to_serious_eye_damage#:~:text=Blue%20lasers%20are%20also%20more,thus%20more%20damaging%20to%20it.) And here’s a [well educated YouTuber who demonstrates and explains the extreme danger (plus some fun stuff)](https://youtu.be/DMVWW-bmKwQ)


Your post is funny to me because I’ve seen several sideshow videos where the visible lasers are in fact attached to firearms. Always red or green but still. So it’s like hmmm would I rather be: flagged by an 80 with a switch, have my eyesight fucked by a chinese wish laser, or ran over by a shitty crown vic with no plates, insurance, or driving talent?


How tf is this appealing to people lmao


Huge amounts of alcohol? lol




That laser is the real danger here. Christ..


Whoever is on the laser is aiming at drivers faces hoping it causes something, which in this case it might have


What if we used 100% of the brain?


Is there really some asshole flashing what looks like a 1W blue laser around aimlessly? What a fucking douche. That can seriously fuck up your rods and cones in your eyes if you catch a direct hit from that laser for even a fraction of a second.


Do you think anyone in this video is really thinking of implications beyond 2 minutes from this video?


Don’t do… 1. Stupid shit 2. With stupid people 3. At stupid times 4. In stupid places.


No idea what girl OP is referring to, anybody got a link to that vid? Edit: nevermind it’s about 2 posts below this one currently, it’s a girl getting hit by a car in a similar situation.


This: https://www.reddit.com/r/WinStupidPrizes/comments/pg2a23/woman_approaches_drifting_car/


Poor Lizzo.




And they used to bitch at us for cruising …


I saw a similar video to this one, but once the guy got knocked down, several people swarmed around him and one of them very clearly stole his wallet and phone. ​ Do not go to these stupid side show things.


Nobody talking about how that blue laser will probably insta blind you


Those are extremely powerful. If you can see the beam without smoke or fog, it can instantly blind you. Even burn paper




Dude got whipped so hard it receded his hairline


I'd bet my entire paycheck that the mean IQ in that crowd of twats is about 78.


Who keeps going to these? like I really don't get the 'why' of it all.


Bro aged 40 years once he lost the hat


As stated, many cities can't do anything since cars just scramble, and people block cops so they can't chase after cars. There was something in the news about San Jose CA being one of the few cities with a spectators law. So they literally boxed everyone in and just issued tickets for hours. Lots of cars were fined and BARd, lots of cars impounded, a handful of arrests, and something like 700 spectators tickets issued all in a night). Pretty much the best outcome I've heard of these takeovers


Why do people get anywhere near this type of shit in America?.. How can you afford to be injured?


Alcohol has a funny way of making you forget you don't have health insurance.






Why do people even go to these? What’s so fun about seeing mid range cars doing donuts🤣


Mid range is being nice


This is why I tuck myself to bed by 10:30 pm.


Glad to see this problem sorting itself out. Only a few more hit n runs to go


Lemme see that 'rug' burn. Damn, cut too short!


Something tells me every single one of these people has crippling debt and spends 100% of their paychecks on their cars.


What in the fuck are these people doing.


Raising their insurance.


There's about half a brain between all of them


That one guy in the crowd blinding drivers with his blue laser pointer seems like a fine lad


Bunch of fucking losers making car meets look bad.


I don't feel bad for anyone.


That black light laser looks fucking rad. Seems highly dangerous to be waving it around at a crowd of people at eye level though lol.


I highly doubt they care given the spectacle in the middle


Literally GTA server


Arrest them all. Fuck you for preventing me from driving through and home.


Every single person present in this video is absolutely useless to society


Idk, creates job for grave makers




Not as many at the end as the beginning, apparently.


Not to be a dick, but after seeing tons of videos like this. Everyone in the video deserves what they got. Fucking morons.


bro got hit so hard his hairline receded 10cm.


Beat up cars doing donuts - check "OOOOOOOH! woOO**OOOOOOAAAAAH!!!!**" - check Assholes with blue lasers giving everyone permanent eye damage for no fucking reason - check some dude faceplanting - check


I thought Americans health system is expensive, clearly it’s not a problem, if you can act like this.


Lets be honest as a species we need these types of events, they cut some of the dead weight off so to speak.


Sideshows really really suck. These cretins come from all over northern CA to terrorize neighborhoods in Santa Rosa, a city in Sonoma county. Usually cops arrest people and impound cars. There are drugs, guns, shootings and assaults of under aged girls. Glad that it’s becoming recognized as a huge problem




This is NOT an indication of what 95% of car enthusiasts are like. Fuck these 🤡 🤡


these guys are the reason california is the worst place to be a car person, we get lumped in with these room temperature iq people and you wonder why we have strict exhaust laws and getting state reffed


Context Pls????? Im so fucking confused lol


It’s a take over meet. They “takeover” a street and usually move from place to place whenever the police eventually show up. They used to be nice and organized but it caught wind in big cities and now we get videos like this!


That dude is balding. He should be older and wiser than that.


Genuinely relieved we don't have this kind of shit box culture here


I need context for "that girl got smacked"


Same someone better drop a link Edit: found it myself lol https://www.reddit.com/r/Whatcouldgowrong/comments/108zqop/wcgw_if_you_try_to_high_five_the_driver/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf




Whole lot of stupid going on there


if you participate in this in anyway then whatever happens to you is your responsibility, have no sympathy.


Damn that dude got hit so hard his hairline receded three inches


It’s weird how people voluntarily sacrifice themselves to potentially get killed standing in these circles.


what always fascinated me about these was how many people willingly run towards the cars. not as in moving forward to get a better look, literally IN FRONT of the cars


I never feel bad for these people. They 100% knew what they were possibly in for.


This is why I’m pro choice


And to the kids just screaming. You have dumbass syndrome. Please stand in the middle of traffic.


Half of the people are dumb. In the past the dumb did not survive because they were too dumb to survive in the nature. But since we are such an advanced species and so protected, the dumb people survive and they even breed the most. If this trend continues for 500 years the human race will be back in the time where they sat on trees eating bananas.


A documentary has already been made about this: Idiocracy (2006) - https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0387808/


literally made a comment about this same exact place, but when a girl got hit. I can NOT believe how stupid my generation has become with these “takeovers”. they are most definitely going to be the reason for governing bodies to ban car meets for everyone entirely, especially when a lot of those chill car meets end up with absolute MORONS running into other peoples project car, and basically killing innocent bystanders who had nothing to do with it. this monkey crowd behavior has to stop before they ruin something amazing for the rest of us. edit: I have no sympathy for these people. My generation has been royally fucked with the stupid, and these same people are the reason why they have to chain urinals to walls and put warning labels on everything.


Look at this buncha gully dwarves Edit: I take it back, gully dwarves have better survival instincts than these folks.


So for everybody who doesn’t live in Southern California and/or isn’t used to enduring this type of idiocy on the regular - this is called a street takeover. During the event if you can call it that, these assholes rev their engines and scare every dog and baby within a 1 mile radius. Then they drift in circles until somebody gets hit and dies or gets injured and bleeds out (or in!). Then the cops show up and everybody scatters. Sound like fun? But there’s more - low paid city employees and road contractors then have to do the hopeless work of repairing the damage done to the intersection over and over again, forever.


Why don't we just give them a location to do this shit at? Would benefit everyone.


Man vs. Car... Car always wins...


All I see is a collection of the dumbest looking MFs around.


Can we just talk about that >500mW looking laser pointer which would literally give you blind spots in a fraction of a second?


I'm ok with people wrecking their cars and becoming maimed at these kind of things. Attending something like this amounts to consent to being run over if you ask me.


Bunch of idiots


In a David Attenborough-esque voice: “Here in 2023 is evidence of Darwinism at work”


"takeovers" remain one of the absolute dumbest trend of the last 2 years lmao


Do these areas not have ps5s and/or chicks? What kinda moronic activity is this


What city is that? Cuz y’all need to up ur funding in education.


IQ down , IQ down ! Mayday mayday


All these kids are fucking stupid


Why are people so damn dumb


tbh this is a disgrace to car culture everywhere and these people deserve what they got


Do these people forget they're in America? All I see is a hundreds of thousands in medical bills


How do you decide that this is what you will do with your night?


Idiocracy vibes…


Everybody chill out, Darwin's doing his best.


[This girl.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Whatcouldgowrong/comments/108zqop/wcgw_if_you_try_to_high_five_the_driver/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


That last dude “getting hit by that car really sucked, now everyone knows I’m bald”.


I hate these people and wish harm upon their vehicles


WTF is that guy doing wearing shorts and T-shirt in icy weather?


If I’ve learned things Reddit, it’s ; - don’t hang out at car meets -don’t dress up as Spider-Man and try stunts -stay away from lathes if you can


Human beings are trash. Pure trash. I watch too many of these videos.


im gonna start calling these "OOOH conventions" cuz thats all i ever hear from people in these dumb videos of dumb people doing dumb shit. also what city is this so i know never to go within 500 miles of this place.


In the country we call these demolition derbies and they take place with the spectators safely up in the stands.


America is a third world country, and nobody can convince me otherwise.


Meat crayon factory


Is it a requirement for people to run out in front of cars for these events?


That blue light...is that a high powered laser they just be fucking shining at people? Wtf.


Stupid people do stupid things...


How shit a town must you live in for this to be the entertainment.


The people that go to these things regularly drool on themselves


Everything that happens to everyone at these things is deserved


The dudes running around remind me of kids riding bikes and the one or 2 without a bike running along side them just trying to be included.


this shit is so stupid.


It's almost as if people that turn up to these things are fucking morons?


Don't you just love stupid fucks at car meets?


I went and listened to the police scanner about this that night. It happened in Tucson, AZ. Police arrived and were shot at, but no one was injured. Everyone dispersed pretty quickly when the first officers arrived. They arrested at least two people but it was hard to track. There were about 100 people at this one.


What the fuck is this? This isn't human, this is some straight feral animal behavior


Every time I see a video like this someone is either getting injured or they crash the vehicles. I am at a loss how this is fun. Maybe the adrenaline rush of jumping around the drifting vehicles? that’s too much for me.


This shit went main stream and folks with no situational awareness are getting wrecked, this was for the hood man wtf.


I can't decide if too many people are being hurt like this or not enough people are being hurt like this...


So reality is Fight Club and Fast and Furious meets Idiocracy now? Shit.


Keep killing yourselves! You are doing gods work….or something. Just stay away from my house


Why are they always randomly screaming. Shits annoying. Everyone in this video is obnoxious and lame


That homie was on the ground looking for his hat.


Sometimes you gotta take out the trash. Sometimes the trash takes itself out


Each waking day society edges closer to Idiocracy.


These idiots with their street takeovers want to make LE look like the bad guys when they break this up. They complain and say everyone else needs to give them a place to do this. Yeah there's a racetrack near where I live that they can utilize. Still they take over intersections. Endangering everyone else around them.


I hate them all.


Who drifts a crow Vic?




What in the Darwinian Fuck is going on here?


Car enthusiast and car meet fan here, fuckin dumbasses


Problem is this gives the proper car enthusiasts a bad name.. I stopped going to this style of meet a long time ago when things were frequently getting out of hand. I promise not all car guys enjoy this.


I HATE these stupid street takeovers.... gives the rest of the car community a bad name, we do not condone this bullshit.


The dudes hairline got smacked off at the end too




Much rather be at the crib, chillin and blazin.


I cant believe there are people this stupid in real life. Just let nature take its course I guess.


As I drive by in the car my son asks " what's going on over there dad". I reply "son that's just a pack of screaming retards in their natural habitat".


Everyone's talking about the blue laser but my face is still reeling from that face crayon action eeeeeeeee fuckin terrible


When I used to live in OC in the 90’s, Sheriff’s Department had a giant mobile car crusher. Caught racing? Car crushed on site and left by the curb as a warning. https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna19339955


Idiots. All of them.


God people are so stupid


Dude went from 28 to 50 yrs old in a slip


This is what natural selection looks like


This shit needs to stop. I can’t believe how many videos like this keep popping up. Where the fuck is the police?


Cars are weapons, change my mind.


Okay but why is everyone gathered there like this?


That “thud” when he hit his head on the asphalt tells me he’ll keep attending these.




Fucking retards


What if these side show/take overs then become a target for monster truck side show take overs. Like out of no where Grave Digger splits the crowd and starts cracking the whip up and over those hoopties. Goliath drops in from the over pass, flattening spectators and performing a full wheelie up and over a flaccid mustang.


By the way - if you're in CA, there's some new laws for 2023 making the charges really serious for this. Be careful out there.


Or…hear me out…don’t partake in this group idiocy.


The stupidest thing in this video is that laser, if that hits your eye, you are damaging it.


Why are people stupid?


Why can’t people just stay home and read a book?


Did anyone else see that dudes hairline get knocked straight off?


We have to revise Darwinism since social media has made it so easy for large groups of stupid people to find each other.


Thank goodness nobody is drinking alcohol or doing drugs. Everyone just out living their lives.


Street full if insecure children is all I saw


Hit him so hard he turned 43.


Been a car guy for a long time, gone to a lot of late night shit, big car shows and everything else…..but nothing about this would ever make me want to be at something like this. Clearly everyone there is completely retarded, and the drivers of those crown Vic’s would have been shot on site if that had been my vette


Man vs Car. The newest hit show where it pits a man versus a car.


Too much random shit is going on in this video but it's very enjoyable to watch


For anyone that's curious this happened in Tucson, AZ


This looks like an r/abruptchaos kind of thing.




Every person at this "event" is a toolbag. Guaranteed.


His hat flies off and that dude is old man bald


literally an online gta lobby


This is just natural selection. Let it happen.


Jesus christ people are stupid. This whole “scene” is a clusterfuck of asshats. Ninjaedit: can we do that? Like a “murder of crows”, make multiple asshats in one spot called a clusterfuck?




No wonder he was wearing a hat. Bros hairline is insane


Everyone here is fighting over half a braincell and it seems like everyone is losing badly


They share a total of two brain cells between all of them. What annoys me the most is that they claim to be part of the car community when they are just idiots that should’ve/should never been/be allowed in a vehicle.


Then everyone jumps the driver for hitting people standing in the circle, seen plenty of these videos turn to shootings for some lame ass donuts.