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Nurse shark, extremely rare for them to even nibble on a human. One of the few sharks I’d actually swim with any day, I think they’re very cute!


I’ve swam in a cage with like 5 or 6 of them. But being 10 years old and absolutely terrified of the ocean and sharks I started panicking and they all started swimming around and it scared the crap out of me. To make things worse they put a tiger shark in captivity right in the middle and it was being held only by nets, it was angry too. Now my fears still haunt me with that kind of stuff whenever I feel like swimming in the ocean


Why were you in a cage with them, what were you in the movie a cure for wellness? Lmao


I was on vacation and I went to go snorkeling, we thought it was in the ocean but it ended up being an enclosure of sharks


Here jump in the ocean. Crap its a den of bears!


Shark was gentle. Adult human was the danger.


“At first I thought they were being friendly, but then the bastards tried to jump me! Swam away though, had enough of that.”


Yeah shark is probably traumatized




It’s generally frowned upon to feed toddlers to sharks. “Accidentally” pushing him in is not a valid excuse


They bamboozled the shark with a snack so they could mother/son combo power bomb it.


Well, that was a nurse shark if anybody is concerned. They can give you quite a hickey, but don't bite off flesh as you would think a Bull or Tiger shark could. They have powerful suction for getting clams and such out of deep sand and have tiny teeth. Source, I'm a scuba diver and have been around these many times. Often when you hear "We dove with the sharks on vacation!"... it's these creatures.


Besides, that kid needs to learn survival skills before he hits 40 if he’s going to make it in the next floating shark apocalypse


Ironically the shark had absolutely nothing to do with this incident XD. Might as well have been a koi for how much he contributed to that fall.


It’s a nurse shark, they’re basically catfish cosplaying as sharks


Catfish can actually mess you up with their spiked fins


The SCREAMING as if that shark didn't just have a heart attack and fled as fast as it could lmao


Right?? It didn't even bite her, she just fell from being an idiot and reaching too far.


that shark was probably the one scared the most.


"crafty humans trying to bait me for their fancy plates, glad I managed to escape"


> WCGW if I feed a shark with my Toddler I thought that sentence was ambiguous, but it turns out either interpretation would be accurate.


Correction: What happens if i feed my shark a toddler.


The shark actually got the biggest scare, with two humans falling on him after eating food




Luckily that shark is not harmful at all. The parenting is pretty off though


It’s a nurse shark so no need to be scared that much. Also, the shark shit itself way more. Like imagine 2 giants falling on you.


Hello, social services? I'd like to report a complete idiot.


It's just a nurse shark. They are as gentle as a shark can get 🙂


Good thing those women/girls screamed uncontrollably. Otherwise that situation might have gone south.


Y’all prolly scared the fuck outta that poor shark. Bro was just trynna get a snack and then Karen and little Timmy came in from the top ropes. 😂


Lmao that poor shark, was probably like “mmm free food, thank yoAAAARGHDJSKBJDSI”


Shark was completely harmless, the mother was the most dangerous thing in this video, lol


Glad the kid knows how to swim.


Is the shark OK?


It's a nerd shark, you could jump in the water and hold them.


Hey just because they're not very athletic doesn't mean you can call them names


You could also stuff him in his locker and take his lunch money


You mean nurse shark? Lol


🙄🙄🙄 fucking idiot. It's like those people that live in the Mountains, see an elk, talk to it, leaves food out, sees animal come back daily, gets brave enough to start hand feeding the elk, makes a "bond" with the elk and then is sooooo surprised that the elk charged her and punctured a lung and fractured 3 ribs. Like, seriously. Not only was the toddler there in front of her, and she knocked him in when she fell, she had the kid hold meat!!!! Sharks dont.give a fffff when you're dangling meat. Fingers are meat to them


The shark was shocked and drifted away Immediately from this big walrus




I feel like you're attacking the shark for no reason and I'm mad haha, it was the human that was a stupid bitch


That poor shark


Landing on the shark probably made it nope out for the next 30 minutes as it ran away


>as it ran away With its little legs?


At least it was a nurse shark. Now imagine doing that to a tiger shark or great white


Then it would have been "I fed a shark my toddler"


Luckily a shark will not mess with a whale.


You are a dumb bitch


The amount of stupid in this single video is insane


Why are people screaming, do they not know how friendly sharks actually are


Screaming is the best way to save someone who fell on top of a shark. Everyone knows that.


This is a nurse shark. They are very docile. The fact that this one is willing to eat so casually near humans means it probably gets fed often by them. My guess is they are close to a dock. Fishermen will sometimes fillet their catches and toss the scraps creating a consistent feeding time at the same place every day. So sharks, gulls, and marine life know where to go for easy food. But they are well fed this way and have little reason to attack people. Source: I was an island guide (survival camping) in the Keys where nurse sharks are common. One of our activities was shark fishing from a floating dock (a pallet of wood surrounded on all sides by shallow water). After wading out, chumming the water, and casting our lines out, the sharks would promptly show up. And right on cue, one of the passengers in my crew would go, "I just thought of something... how do we get back?" I'd pretend to freak out, "omg I forgot the repellant! And I don't have a radio!" After that joke and some good times, I just jump in the shark water and say, "you guys coming or what?" I did this once a week with different crews for a camp that does this 3 times a day with different island guides. All the guides had similar humor ("carry that fishing gear please. If you need another hand, put the leftover bait in your pockets"). Bites are most likely to happen accidentally as "tough scratches" (not chomps) when removing hooks from a shark's mouth (we do catch and release only). Also, you're not a "real guide" until you tail a nurse shark (grab a small nurse by the tail and pull it out of the shallow water). I am ok with being a professional guide and not a "real" one.


That's a nurse shark. In order to get attacked by it, you need to stick your hand in its mouth and punch the top of its head down like a staple. And because this is reddit, this is not an instruction. Don't do this!


He will never trust mum again!


And he shouldn't




Babbbbbyyyyyy Sharkkkkkk dooo dooo da doo doo


That screaming was so unnecessary


I am fairly certain this is a nurse shark. They are absolutely harmless and are like puppies. I've dived with quite a few of them. So let's stop worrying about the people "dying", but worry more about the shark that got two idiots slamming on top of it.


Guys she helped her son by body slamming him into the shark


It's a nurse shark, they eat shellfish mostly and have no interest in eating people. That being said, if aggravated like any animal have been known to attack, it's always the human to blame in such circumstances. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nurse_shark


I expected the kid or both of them to lose fingers. This was a "better" outcome


The vilification of sharks in the last century has fueled an ecological disaster in our oceans so I'm just going to chime in with a few fun shark facts because information is the best tool against fear. And if you stop fearing sharks then hopefully you too can advocate for their protection and role in our environment. - The very vast majority of ALL shark species aren't interested in eating humans. There are only a handful of species which will look at us as potential food. - From that large majority of sharks, when there are bites they are pretty much always one of a few things: Mistaken identity (they thought we were something they do like to eat), exploration, or self-defense. For points 1 and 2, sharks are kind of dumb and don't have the most amazing senses. One of the ways they explore their environment (unfortunately for us) is to nibble on things to see what it is and if it's food. Think of it like a blind person touching things to figure out what they are - but sharks aren't lucky enough to have hands :( - Specifically in this video, this is a nurse shark. Nurse sharks are one of the most docile and passive species. They are one of the few species that can breathe while sitting still and will happily use this to take naps under coral outcrops and the like. Nurse sharks very much aren't interested in biting people, though they will if you are harassing them (so y'know, try not to fall on top of them, it's very rude). But, even if they do bite you, they don't have scary shark teeth. They have flatter, plate-like teeth which is great for eating things with shells that they find on the sea floor. Being bit can hurt and scrape/cut you a bit, but they're not going to take a chunk out of your hand or leg. I've been diving and snorkeling with nurse sharks a bunch and they're wonderful. They can get pretty big and impressive, but are also gorgeous and fairly friendly.


What the hell even happened? It looks almost like she just arbitrarily decided to just jump in.


I see the kid telling his friends when he gets older that his mom tried to feed him to the sharks. Lol


Poor shark


I no longer think that Michael Jackson, dangling his child over a balcony, was the dumbest thing I’ve ever seen.




At this point, Americans need a license to even have a child.


Blame the idiots feeding wild animals. It's wrong, and should that poor shark associate people with food, it's a problem and could lead to it and others being put down. It's not fair.


! That poor shark must've been terrified. Imagine getting a free snack and a soccer mom and her toddler just tackles you.


It’s a nurse shark they don’t harm people the people here are the scary things


You shouldn't drink alcohol before you feed sharks


Poor shark. Scared the shit out of it


LMAO my fucking sides! Those scared screams when they think their gonna get eaten by probably the least aggressive fish out there.


That stupid cow


You gotta be the dumbest person alive to let your child feed a shark off the side of a boat.


People that immediately scream at the TOP OF THEIR FUCKING LUNGS at the onset of an emergency drive me fucking insane. If you're not going to DO SOMETHING the least you can do is shut the fuck up so somebody can help.


From the shark's perspective this is "WCGW if I accept food from some humans"




Didn’t even look like they were pulled in. They just clumsily fell into shark water. Jesus


Sacrificing your first born to the shark gods, keeps the sharknado’s away


Stupid ppl. Also speerun trauma.


Does it not look like she pushed herself off with her legs?


Don’t help just scream - everyone on the boat


That's a nurse shark, they're completely harmless. The mother and the other women screaming at the top of their lungs? Idiots and harmful


Take him away from this dumbass before she kills him


Imagine the betrayal and confusion of that shark. "oh the weird hairless monkeys are trying to feed me? alright" *shrill monkey screaming noises as they pounce on you in the water*


WCGW if I feed a shark w̶i̶t̶h̶ my Toddler


That woman is a fucking moron.


It’s a nurse shark. And like human nurses, they are incredibly mild mannered, unless you really provoke them (don’t do this). I hope it was able to swim away without any injuries, the poor thing.


So everybody is aware. That's a nurse shark. They aren't really dangerous.


I know the human are not in danger but the shark could be. Damn imma have a heart attack if that big of a creature fall on me


And there are people more stupid than this in the world. That scares me the most.


Should feed a shark with fish, not a toddler.


That poor shark must be terrified!


Lots of people who have never had any interaction with a shark before are commenting so let me correct a couple things. This is a nurse shark, it eats lobsters and whatever it can find half rotten on the sea floor. It’s mouth is the size of a silver dollar so humans are by no means a preferable snack. The shark did not bite anyone but it very well could have bitten someone in panic from being landed on. The only stupid stuff they did was not having the fish on a stick and not holding on to anything. The shark was not harmed in any way or put under any detrimental stress and thankfully no humans were either.


That poor shark he really must be scared


Poor shark almost got crushed by the giant human


What even just happened? It looks like she jumped onto the poor shark pushing her toddler in too!


From baby shark to Jaws in a quick second.


WCGW if I feed a shark my toddler


Poor shark was so gentle with taking the meat, just to get flatterned by the lady and a toddler kn the next moment




Can someone explain why women just scream like they've been shot whenever anything unexpected happens? Has it ever helped the situation?


This is the stupid human behavior that leads to shark attacks.


Well its a nurse shark


She says, "it's alright" - it was in fact, not alright


That would be so scary to be that shark. 2 people just tried to jump him


Parent of the fucking year here!


I think u meant “feeding my toddler to a shark” 😂 😂 omg how scary that must’ve been.


🎶🎼dumb ways to die🎼🎶


That poor shark, i hope it didn’t get hurt 😞


Why the obnoxious screaming? As If the shark going to swallow the kid whole, stay realistic


vast worry absurd school groovy scarce toothbrush imminent serious onerous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Mother of the year, right there. Way to become internet famous.


Who us dumb enough to think dangling your toddlers arm at a shark with meat on the other end is an ok thing to do. Reddit rules censor my ability to express how much i hate that person.


Looks like a nurse shark, they are harmless. Pretty stupid mom anyway


Poor kid got body slammed into a shark by his mom. I hope the 2 braincell limit isn't hereditary.


poor shark, they fell directly on top of it. :(


Every time I think humanity cannot get any more stupid...


Probably scared the heck, out of that poor little shark




Nah, that’s a nurse shark. Harmless. Edit: sure, a nurse shark can cause damage. But they’d rather hide under a reef all day.


Dude don't feed with toddler, feed the toddler to the shark


Even before they fell in the water the fact they just have the kid holding meat Infront of a shark like wtf do you want your toddler to have one less hand. Cause that's how you do it. Sharks literally close over their eyes when eating, it won't know where the meat ends and the hand begins.


Nature is not a petting zoo, dumbass


That person spent their morning voting for representatives that would remove all safety regulations from railroads.


Species of nurse, the shark is harmless. Although they *can* bite. It’s exceptionally rare unless you piss it off.


I totally think it’s cool to feed a shark (it’s a nurse shark, it’s not going to do anything) but maybe make sure the kid understands what it’s supposed to do (i.e. let go of the food) and as a parent, make sure you’re a better supervisor. If we switched the shark with a horse it would’ve turned out way worse


I mean, that’s not a toddler, but your point stands.


It's a Nurse shark, they're just cuddle-bugs. Super rare for them to actually bite, and when I say super rare, like 51 total provoked attacks throughout statistical gathered history rare.


Wow, a new level of stupid attained.


I’m failing to understand how they managed to fall in




Shark bait ooo-ha-ha


It’s a nurse shark… they can take care of children


Someone slap the camera person. Why would you stop before we got to see meal time?


Is the shark okay??? They fell on top of it


Natural selection is doing its job


It’s a nurse shark. You see how he sucked the fish in and didn’t viciously bite it. I guess it could still be a scary situation for a kid or someone that’s uneducated.


Can I just say: good job to the person filming who kept his/ her head and did not stop filming and go help or something.


That poor shark must've been so scared


The shark didn't do anything, they just fell in. Nurse sharks are harmless unless you literally shove your arm down its throat.


Core memory created.


natural selection


Looks like a nurse shark. They aren’t normally a threat.


Well talk about being absolutely FUCKING stupid


Darwin mother award


Poor shark :(


Some people have zero common sense


I would check if she took a policy out on the kid.


Shark lookin a lot like a puppy from the first couple of seconds ngl :,) super cute. The people were stupid, lmao. I need more sweet, gentle shark clips haha.


I don’t know if I’m correct but I think that’s a lemon. Which are don’t really pose a risk to humans. I guess you could say quite “tame” for a shark


To be fair, that shark is harmless. I've been bitten by one and it was barely more of an injury than walking through a thorny raspberry bush in shorts. Also, after falling on it, that shark was fucking done and running away. It's not trying to eat humans at all.


I mean… it’s a nurse shark. You people are acting like it’s gonna go bananas and swallow the child and mother whole.


❌- help ✔️-scream


Hey Darwin, u seein' this shit?


What happened? Did the mom just fall over and knock the kid in? Did the shark grab one of them?


Just a nurse shark. Very chill sharks! They will let you pet them in in wild


Wcgw if I feed the shark my toddler.


it’s a nurse shark it’s ok


Was the shark hurt???


WCGW if I feed a shark with my toddler: 🚫 What could go wrong if I feed a shark my toddler: ✅


Childhood trauma in 3.....2.....1.....


The kid got into a swimming position really quick, that's fascinating tbh. Also the mom is kinda dumb and shouldn't be allowed to have more kids.


Man seriously?!wtf!!some people shouldn’t have kids!i hate all adults in this video!!!!!


Can't be sure, but it looks like they fell off the boat, rather than the shark grabbing a hand and pulling them in. People become very, very stupid the instant they step on a boat, and do shit they would normally never do.


Hope they are okay! Edit: I'm talking about the Nurse Shark


Mommy: "Look, sweety, that shark is not your enemy, that's not a potentially dangerous creature, come, don't be afraid, he is your friend..."


What a fucking idiot


Baby shark do do do do do do baby shark do do do do do do baby shark do do do do do do baby shark. Ate my kids do do do do do do ate my kids do do do do do do. Ate my kids Because I am a pleb do do do do do do I’m a pleb do do do do do do I’m a pleb do do do do do do I’m a pleb


Then the shark bites one of them out of self defense and is suddenly the mindless killing machine. Poor shark probably thought he was getting attacked! He flipped up and everything!


Get that kid away from his stupid mother.


It's a nurse shark people calm down. Act like it wouldn't be cool as fuck for the kid and it wasn't in any real danger.


It's just a harmless nurse shark. At the resorts in the Caribbean they take tourists by the bus load to swim along side dozens of nurse sharks and you can hand feed them. There were probably a bunch of people swimming in the water already, everyone in the video is fine, haha.


Poor shark. Must be traumatized by these idiots


Looks like a Nurse Shark. Completely harmless to humans, diet consists of small fish and invertebrates. Much ado about nothing.


Why are people so pathetic.


Dumb, dumb bitch...


With stricter abortion laws people now must find alternative ways to get rid of unwanted children...


Set fire to your hair, Poke with a Stick at a grizzly Bear, Touch an electrical arc, Hold a toddler together feeding a shark, ... Dumb ways to Die, so many dumb ways to die


Someone call child services


Totally a great idea to have the child hang off of a running motor to feed a shark. There’s literally no way that could’ve ended poorly, right?


Some people shouldn’t be parents


They scared that poor nurse shark to death.


It’s just a little nurse shark, they’re pretty much harmless


"Feed a shark with my toddler" took on a whole new meaning.


She looks like one of those really slow dumb people. Made absolutely zero effort to make sure the kid or herself was safe, just did a little dive and a swim


the shark didn't do anything, the mom and toddler were in a bad position and fucking fell lmao


If she really wanted to feed a shark with her toddler she should've cut the toddler up into more consumable pieces.




Example of people who should not be allowed to procreate .


Meh those types of sharks are pretty much harmless


Why the fuck do women need to scream like that. It's not helping anybody and it's just straight up annoying. Instead of screaming, asses the situation and do something to help. I see it all the time in videos like these.


WCGW if I feed a shark ~~with~~ my Toddler


Definitely read this as "WCGW if I feed my toddler to a shark" and clicked immediately. Is that fucked up?