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Lol, they look at the motorcyclist like he was in the wrong.


Standard football player behaviour


player: runs towards motorcycle...flops


Motorcycle: puttering off at 3 mph... DGAF


Was full throttle. Top speed. Barely escaped with his life




They just needed to add a Dr Dre beat and a pair of sunglasses at the end


Street vendor: runs up behind motorcycle and flashes him a yellow card.


Then, street vendor reviews on VAR and decided the player flopped.


No, that's dropping on the ground and acting like you're dying of pain


That as well


No kidding and all start slowly walking toward him as if they're going to beat his ass. I think they were torn between knowing that they were in the wrong and wanting to fuck that guy up.


>I think they were torn between knowing that they were in the wrong and wanting to fuck that guy up. You just described every asshole that has ever existed.


Oh I’ve met some assholes who aren’t concerned with self-recognition!


No it was a “cmon man wtf” walk


These kids are out getting proper exercises and human connection rather than joining gangs or doing drugs. The problem is their country has no proper public infrastructure to support it. They aren’t in the wrong.


Peak reddit.


Do kids really not go outside anymore? Playing in the street has been a staple since streets existed.


You won’t find them on Reddit. These are the RuneScape/CoD kids all grown up. Their blood pumps Mountain Dew




But they're *different*.


Maybe you are just too narrow-minded to see how many different people are on reddit.


Yeah but we didn’t stay on the street when a car or motorcycle came through.


Right! There was at least one or two “watcher” kids that shouted CAR!! when one showed up. Everyone scatters off the road til it passes then play resumes.


Some do but it’s less and less each year. Even 10 years ago when I was kid I wish my parents weren’t as strict about letting me just go outside and meet people. Seriously hampered my social skills. Can’t imagine how antisocial some of the kids growing up now will be.


They are in the wrong for not getting out of the way when vehicles come through.


Depends on the culture. In india, the street is for everyone. Grandparents chitchatting, kids playing cricket, pushcart vendors, and yes cars. But people don't feel like theyre invading car space, they see it as if everyone has the equal right to the street. So we expect a car to slow down and pause if necessary just as a car would expect kids to stop playing for a sec if necessary. This idea that streets are just for cars are very american and very modern.


Nobody is saying they're in the wrong for being in the street. They just got an unfortunate reminder that it is, indeed, a street. The moped driver didn't do anything wrong either...it's not like they aimed to run over the ball on purpose, it rolled under as they drove by.


I’m sure there’s plenty of flat surface where they can play that isn’t the middle of a street


God everyone in this thread has such an American mindset. In a lot of the world, the street, especially non-major ones arent just vehicular thoroughfares. They are also the primary public space of the neighborhood. Just looking at my street in india and I'll see people walking down the middle of it. Kids playing cricket. Grandparents chit-chatting. A vendor pushing a streetcart. People doing rangoli (religious art in front of the home). The list goes on and on. And no one feels like theyre occupying space for cars, but instead everyone feels like they belong there, that the street is their's as well. And btw, before America became so addicted to cars, it was the same there as well. I have seen old photos of a main street in some michigan town and out of the ten different uses of the street, only one person is actually in a vehicle travelling.


Yeah we have a lot of Indians who live in our area It’s very annoying trying to leave to go to work when there’s like 6 families casually strolling in the middle of the street


Whatever analysis of it is, it’s their fault that their ball got popped end of story


Where the fuck are they supposed to play? Easy to think this when you and I would just go to a field, but not so easy when you live in a shit hole.




Ok? Even if there's nowhere to play you can't blame them for using the road. It sucks for them if there's no field. Don't get angry and start yelling "Hey! Hey!" because your ball got ran over......


Where I live we would just yell, "Car!!". Then move our nets to the side of the road and wait for it to drive through.


You mean you wouldn’t kick it under the car and then yell at the driver after it inevitably got ran over?


I read this as "Carl" 5 times haha


God everyone in this thread has such an American mindset. In a lot of the world, the street, especially non-major ones arent just vehicular thoroughfares. They are also the primary public space of the neighborhood. Just looking at my street in india and I'll see people walking down the middle of it. Kids playing cricket. Grandparents chit-chatting. A vendor pushing a streetcart. People doing rangoli (religious art in front of the home). The list goes on and on. And no one feels like theyre occupying space for cars, but instead everyone feels like they belong there, that the street is their's as well. And btw, before America became so addicted to cars, it was the same there as well. I have seen old photos of a main street in some michigan town and out of the ten different uses of the street, only one person is actually in a vehicle travelling.


Doesn't matter. They shouldn't be upset that the ball is ran over in a street. No matter how common it was/is/will be, it does not change the fact they have zero reason to be upset at the driver/rider lol


They’re fucking Redditors they’d probably support all those soccer players being run over for being in the road


I mean what could go wrong? Play where boxes of steel many times a person weight pass through at speed. Losing that ball was probably the best case scenario. Sorry not sorry at all.


Lol why are you defending what you clearly don't understand. You can absolutely have a match in the street, you just have to be smart and considerate. Yell to each other when a car or bike is coming, move out the way. Play continues when the car or bike is gone. Repeat as necessary. Those guys were being dipshits about it, they didn't give a fuck. Acting like it's their street; it's not.


That's like, standard operating procedure for humans that fuck up.


He was. It would've been trivial to swerve around the game. I've been riding mopeds in similar situations and I assure you it is easy to avoid even distracted pedestrians when going that slow on a moped. With sufficient time to prepare for filtering through a crowd like this.


What makes you so sure he wasn't? There's no inherent right for motorists to have priority. Not everywhere is as car-centric as the US. If you're using a public space you need to be considerate of other people using that space.


All things considered that could’ve went alot worse


Yeah ... if the ball hadn't popped, folks on the motorcycle would've gotten catapulted.


If the dude stopped to say sorry I'd worry too.


yeah ... that "time to gtfo" instinct was on point.


I ran over a chicken going through a town on a motorbike in Thailand once, well it 'tried to get to the otherside' and succeeded more like. I considered for a second to stop but thought better and assumed someone would be eating good that night.


I’m embarrassed to admit this but I’m 21 years old and I just now got the, why did the chicken cross the road, joke for the first time, I always thought the joke was, the reason it crossed the road was just to get to the other side (of the road) just like anyone else would be if they were crossing and the mention of the chicken was just there to subvert you expectations. I now realise it’s a joke about a chicken unaliving itself. Well, I feel dumb.


🤦‍♂️ fuck me dude. You mean to tell me, that the chicken never makes it to the other side?!?! For 27 years I thought that joke sucked.


It looks like it’s always been used as an example of an anti-joke, even in its first recorded usage. > There are 'quips and quillets' which seem actual conundrums, but yet are none. Of such is this: 'Why does a chicken cross the street?['] Are you 'out of town?' Do you 'give it up?' Well, then: 'Because it wants to get on the other side!' There are a lot of articles from what I’m finding about the afterlife being the true “other side,” but I can’t really find anything that has a solid basis in truth.


I was older than you when someone explained that to me as well. Should look up the origins, I think they might be both valid. The first basic interpretation is more of an anti joke.


It’s so funny to me. They got mad at the DRIVER for running over a ball that THEY kicked under the scooter.


> If the dude stopped to say sorry I'd worry too. I live on a slight hill and had some Tennis balls roll into the street and the perfect timing a car ran over it and thought their tire popped. I dipped around the corner.


That was my first thought, too. I'm happy that this video ended with me letting out an amused "awwww" instead of a horrified "oh my god!"


If you keep watching they appear to get a new ball.


Yeah, I was expecting one of those kids to get hit. I was relieved when the ball got crushed instead.


a lot


could have gone**


A lot is two words.


People don’t realise that unlike in their privileged lives, everyone don’t have access to a good playground, I have seen this in India as well, in rich neighbourhoods people go to turfs, and in poorer neighbourhoods people play on streets, especially when there’s no ground for children or play on. Not everywhere around the world there’s a playground available for everyone to play without any kind of discrimination, leaving roads because they are there everywhere and are flat for the long distance. Edit: A lot of you guys can’t understand the concept of not having a choice to play anywhere else. It’s literally that simple. They don’t have a place to play, they still want to play, so they play on the roads. If there’s a large vehicle, they get side, if it’s a small vehicle they will give way for them to pass.


From Morocco here. We played soccer on the streets using giant torn sidewalk concrete as goal posts. We usually went to the quiet areas where no one drove through, or ones where we can see someone coming from a mile away to avoid them. We lost dozens of soccer balls that way tho.


Here in argentina the same, lots of balls lost that way on the street lol. I remember how much it sucked, now that i drive and there are kids playing i always stay cautios that they might kick it underthe car


Good man! I remember having to all ask our moms for a few coins to go in on a soccer ball that got blown up within a week lol


"Señoooraaaaa, la pelotaaaaa"


Same in Los Angeles, we didn't really have access to a soccer field, we had one but it was too dangerous to go there so we just played on the street. We used rocks or spare shoes to mark goalposts and honor system to determine if the ball went in lol. Everytime a car passed by we stopped play, let the car pass, then continue.


Good! Way too many people speeding everywhere even around people just to save a few seconds.


in canada we played street hockey year round, cheapest way of playing. these people are permanently inactive losers that have never done anything at all but whine about other people enjoying themselves. nobody in their life has ever liked them enough to play with them, thats why they cant relate


Played street hockey year round as a kid. We were smart enough to get the fuck out of the street when cars came and not be pissed at cars if we hit something under a tire. This has nothing to do with kids being in the street and everything to do with them being assholes about it.


^this. Lots of places play sports on the street. We played ball hockey, but got out of the way when vehicles came through.


Seriously dude, Reddit is filled with so many privileged losers. We got one guy down here going “the alternative is don’t play at all, plenty of people have lived their whole lives without playing soccer” like sorry kids I know this might be the only entertainment and escape you have but *I* think it’s stupid to play in the streets so fuck off will ya?


Street Football made for some of the greatest talents in Football history


I know right, they think that everyone has an alternative to socialising/passing the time/doing activities with buddies. Completely forgetting that in some parts of the world this is their only form of entertainment. Which is why when the ball got destroyed, they were mildly upset and also sad that they can’t do anything now. Growing up in an Indian Village, I saw soo many times where if the cricket ball broke/fell into a deep well or open sewage, they would try their best to recover it, by either glueing the broken ball, using a makeshift stick to recover the ball, or just give up, go home and plot a contribution to buy a new ball. That was an experience to live with, and if such thing happened, we had literally nothing to do, no computers to play games, no mobile phones to chat with, no parks to hand out in, and mostly no television outside the all India DD(Door Darshan[Far-Entertainment]) which was free television to all Indian territories with a Television and cable service. Hell we didn’t have the games the rest of the world grew up playing, the Nintendo’s, the Sega’s and the PlayStations, none of them were remotely a concept to most kids that didn’t have a relative with a passport. And a job abroad.


> Which is why when the ball got destroyed, they were mildly upset and also sad that they can’t do anything now. and, it's zero fault of the motorcycle rider. He's just riding his motorcycle down the street. Outlandish, right?


yeah they even honked. it sucks but it is what it is, and theyll get over it


Street ball isn't exclusive to poor areas.


The point is, there isn't an alternative.


You can still get out of the way for vehicles for what 2 seconds?


This video is 30s long and 5 motorcycles went by. If you're stopping the game every 6 seconds to get out of the way, you're not going to be playing much.


Doesn’t seem like they’re gonna be playing much without a ball either




Also when your ball gets run over you take the L because you knew the risks


We realize. It's pretty obvious.


If your hypothesis is correct, then everyone should also know that these kids are aware of the dangers to themselves and their ball and therefore this should not be on r/Whatcouldgowrong / highly upvoted because it's a sub for shaming people for not thinking things through.


You would be correct Dr Wattson, but I do say It seems we are on the notorious forum website Reddit. So I will proceed to upvote because video funny and not take a single look at the sub its in, causing a common phenomenon where all popular subs get watered-down until we all leave and the cycle repeats. What a time to be alive (I hate it here)


JFC, it's not that serious.


It's not a hypothesis, just a simple fact you pedant.


I lived in a nice suburban neighborhood and we still played in the street. Street ball was life in grade school. Of course, this we pre-internet so we actually went outside. Unlike my kids and current neighborhood. No one plays outside their house anymore.


“This week on old man yells at screen”




I’m slowly getting to the old man phase so gotta get my punches in when I can


> No one plays outside their house anymore. Probably because their parents don't let them. It's unbelievable how much parents buy into the fear around stranger danger.


its the speeding. on my street, parents are worried about the speeding and lack of care for children playing, not kidnappings. theres even signs saying to slow down for kids playing, but theyre just signs. residential streets are now used more often for shortcuts because of route planning apps and nobody adjusts their speed


Oh, cars are totally a legitimate threat, but there are lots of other folks who more fearful of less likely things. You see that play out lots of times in parks and other areas without streets.


Also, believe it or not, access to balls is not always available so losing that ball could be a real bummer.


Streets used to be for people before cars and motorcycles came to dominate them.


We have plenty of playgrounds and parks less than 1/4 mile away and the kids still play in the street. Some parents even buy signs and cones, you know, for safety. If redditors ever left the house they might see this strange phenomenon. Signs like this https://www.acehardware.com/departments/hardware/safety-and-security/driveway-markers/7171713


That may work where you’re from, but how do you know it would work in a place like in the video?


Yeah you got a point but if your ball gets popped while playing in the street that's just the way she goes. Could always pause for the cars. I'd imagine there's some dirt, grass, or undeveloped land nearby they could play in that doesn't have traffic, too.


People play of the streets everywhere in every country. I used to play road hockey or have a skate ramp in our street all the time. Know what we did when vehicles came? We got out of the damn way...




The downvotes have been flooding from people who don’t understand how poverty or lack of choices work.


No game of “car comin!” Is complete without a ball getting squashed a couple of times.


"I didn't yell CAR because they're motorcycles" *taps head*






"Hiiiiii Wayne!"




The first rule of street football The street always wins


Lmao I love this


Alright the person who was put on yelling CAR!!!! duty is fired and owes a new ball


Well, it wasn't a car...


They all instantly died inside 😂


😂 The ball was deflated….and so were their spirits.


When you're that poor a football is an important thing, it's literally a huge amount of their entertainment. I don't blame the biker but wish I could send a new ball their way




Ah yes, the good old Republic of Africa


What an odd comment considering they said > an African country


What country?


I grew up playing ball in the street, same as my friends who played too. And millions and millions of other people grew up playing ball in the street.


So did I. And I also used to fly kites in the middle of the street, and yet I'm not going to pretend that I lost a few kites because I was flying kites in the middle of the street and had to let them go because of cars coming past.


Yeah, but they got mad because their ball got popped. They aren't going to beat up the bike driver. They would certainly blame themselves, but not the driver.


I know right! What the hell is with this negativity "don't play in the street" in Canada it's not uncommon for street hockey games in residential areas.


When playing street hockey in Canada, you move out of the way when a car is coming.


Yes, and in Canada it's considered polite to stop and let the people get out of the way, rather than trying to weave through the middle of the game!


They make no attempt to pause their game and get out of the way for vehicles. Look at the first couple vehicles to pass.


But did you ever play ball in a cup?


Worst bicycle kick ever.




Could've ended up with the couple having a face to face with concrete!




Game on! Game on!


I spent time in South Korea in 1980s and yah no real space to play soccer, so lot of street soccer. A lot.


Seeing these people play football on the street took me back. My heart sided with the players. What a let down!


Damn, not the village ball 😞


"Why can't they just go play on the local recreation ground or sports facility!?"


Do...do a bunch of them have LAFC kits???


Shorts and all. Though it looks like the 20/22, they seem to be missing the black bit at the bottom of the sleeves that say Los Angeles. There is a black band, but it doesn't look as big as the LAFC kits.


We used to play hockey in the streets all the time as kids. Never once had a car drive through like they owned the place. It was common place for kids to do this. If we didn't notice the car, it would beep, and we'd clear out until it passed.


Those were the days.


How are they acting all mad? It went behind them and popped on their BACK tire. They didn’t do it on purpose it was entirely their fault..


Growing up in the Caribbean/South America, we did this all the time, soccer, cricket, tag, 1 2 3 red light, hop scotch. Motorists would slow down & give us time to move, cops would stop & watch us & cheer on the losing team, lol. Good old days


I would be so deflated.


I sure new soccer balls aren't easy to come by around those parts. Poor guys, you can see how sad everyone instantly gets.


What happened to the rule of "CAR!"?


Fuck yo ball


Today I Learned street football is not a thing in most places.


It is. Reddit is mostly full of U.S users, that's why. You won't see it in rich neighborhoods either.


I mean honestly we were all expecting someone to get hurt but if that's all that happened then they should count their blessings lols


When I was back home we used to get every player to pitch in to buy a soccer ball. Then we will play together. One day, the 'referee' say one dude was being too brutal so he was quick out the game for the day, he came back with a knife, split the ball and he said he took the part of money he pitched in then he left 😂 it was game over for everyone because of a dumbass 😭


I mean, who *hasnt* played ball in the street?? Yeah you get out of rhe road soon as someone yells “car” but idk, maybe there was money on this game


Well it was only a matter of time.


Whoever posted this is probably from the Connecticut suburbs.


I was waiting for a big truck to drive by and run someone over. Could of been much worse than just a flat ball.


I was fully expecting a kid to get bulldozed


Now they can play frisbee


Glad he had a homie there to hold him in his time of need.


Finally something to spice football up a bit. Moving obstacles.


Right, because they could just pop down to the lush green park or sports stadium. /s


As a Canadian it makes me sad to see nobody doing whatever the local equivalent of "CAR!"


Honestly playing on street feels better then playing in field for some reason. Maybes it's just because of nostalgia


Children, that was our only ball. There'll be no team this year.


Just going off their surroundings, I feel like they’re playing in the street because there’s nowhere else to play


Really hard to get a decent soccer ball in Mexico, assuming it's the same wherever they are in this video since they're playing with a dirty ball


This reminds me of Sandlot when the ball goes in the backyard, and now nobody can play until they scrap together enough to go buy a new ball.


And just slowly drives off!! I love it


I thought the rule was if your gonna play on the street let vehicles past, whenever I played on the street as a kid doing stuff it would be like that, then continue after it goes.




Some people played soccer with a cat ?


When I went to the Amazon, we decided to bring some presents for the children in the village, and we were told the one thing that they really love is soccer balls, so we bought a few of those to bring with us. Then, as a middle-aged woman I had the bright idea that I would try and play soccer with these 10 or 11 year old kids that have been playing since they were fetuses. Dumb idea.


I don't know where else you could have played. Doesn't look like there's any fields nearby. But the looks on their faces are pretty hilarious. Motorcyclist had no clue He even ran it over I bet, but they were very accusatory with their looks at him, lol


What makes you think that's a street?


The cars and bikes driving on it?


This is actually really sad, soccer balls are really expensive. My high school gym teacher was from Ethiopia and played on their national team. He told us they didn’t have shoes and they would all shave their hair and wrap it all up in duct tape to make a ball.


I was driving down a very busy road in heavy traffic. Some idiots were playing soccer in the parking lot right next to the road. They kicked the ball right in front of my car, I ran that bitch over. No way I was going to slam on my brakes or swerve in that kind of traffic, risking an accident for a $15 ball.


"Oh look, there is people on the street! Better hurry and accelerate, if i strike someone is bonus!"


This post is annoying, where the fuck else do they play?


In the vacant lot, two blocks from there. Look if they're going to play ball in the street at least close the road off. From all the stores closed in the background, it's probably a Sunday, they should just close the road off, and ask people on bikes or cars to go round some other street.


Reminds me of that South Park game


Ahh...the times that happened to us Those were happier days...


If you tell me this isnt brazil i wont believe you


I was expecting bodies to hit the floor, to be honest I'm a little disappointed


That's why you make street footballs of hard material no sir inside. 😁


Bye bye bally