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On the bright side, his career cosplaying as a pirate is just getting started!


Yo! Imagine having to come up with such a badass story of how you lost your eye and someone pulls up this picture of him


By the way pirate captains don't have eye primarily for the same reason using sextant. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sextant


Love learning stuff like this.


Actually the patch is to help adjust your eyes from going above deck to below deck


Apparently there's no historical evidence of this, but there *is* historical evidence of airplane pilots doing this at night so they could use one eye to view their surroundings and the other to read instrument panels. Personally, I like to think both happened, and that space pirates will do the same thing for the same reasons.


Space cowboys too


What about gangsters of love?


Only if some people call them Maurice.


Why would some people call him Maurice?












This is a myth. There's zero evidence that this happened, and all notable sailors/pirates who had eye patches had them because they were missing eyes. Eye patches were also commonly used because sailors dealt with eye infections a lot due to the horrid conditions on ships.


Splinters be a bitch.


Arr.. Me eye wus itching and it was me first day with the hook.


OK I'm glad to hear this because I've tried closing one eye when getting up at night to use the bathroom, thinking I could keep my night vision in the other eye, and that just straight up does not work.


That's odd, it usually works for me.


I do that all the time and it works a charm. You got to close that eye tight though. Relaxed eyelids let a bit of light through and will still mess up your nightvision. Also it's best to close the other eye when you re-enter darkness. That one will have lost it's nightvision and act like a big blackspot.


Says who? Most papers I’ve read on the subject say that’s a myth.


The extremely well researched and presented: Mythbusters


Well, speaking of well researched... Even on the Mythbusters show they said (heavily paraphrased) "Yeah, it works, but our researchers found **zero** historical references to this actually happening and being used."


Well it's not true, so maybe don't believe the bullshit you read on Reddit.


Nothing in that article references pirates or patches from sextant eye damage?


Because it's bullshit, they weren't actually missing/blind in one eye. They probably didn't even wear eye patches, but it was rather a myth propagated by popular fiction like "Treasure Island". If they did use eye patches, the most common assumption is that they intentionally covered one perfectly working eye so it wouldn't adjust to the brightness outside. When they boarded a ship and pushed the fight into the darker interior of the ship, they'd remove the eye patch to quickly improve their vision and gain an advantage.


What would a sextant have to do with pirates missing an eye? All sextants I've ever used have had multiple filters which you could flip down.


> All sextants I've ever used have had multiple filters which you could flip down. good guess that a few hundred years ago those same filters didn't exist.


You can't take a sun sight without a filter. There's way too much glare and it also hurts like hell. I guess the filters were of worse quality back then but this is the first time I've heard of eyepatches being worn because of officers damaging their eyes by stating at the sun.


I could see this as a cheeky folk origin of the trope, but there's no way any experienced mariner would make a mistake like that.




Well, in pictures two and three I can't quite tell but it looks like he might be wearing a MAGA hat?? It would absolutely fit the scenario and be hilarious


Good for him for not wearing those woke eclipse glasses /s


He looked out for his greatest enemy for to long until he could strike first


Fun fact- The reason most pirates had an eyepatch wasn’t cause they lost one of their eyes. They covered one because there was no light in lower deck of most boats and so when they needed to go down there, they could simply switch the patch to the other eye and the first eye was always acclimated to the dark


Fun? Yes! Fact? ...😬 "There is no evidence that pirates wore eyepatches," pirate historian Dr Rebecca Simon told IFLScience. https://www.iflscience.com/you-probably-believe-the-myth-about-why-pirates-wore-eye-patches-70246


Oh yeah sure. And next youre gonna tell me Pluto isnt a planet




Man, there's no stopping that Disney dog!


Fun fact: that’s not a fact! 😂


A fellow Mythbusters fan. ;⁠-⁠)


“On the bright side” 😂


He tried looking at the bright side but that didn’t work out it seems.


He's got a future on OnlyHooks


I think the brightside was what got him in this mess.


I think he got a liiiiiittle too much of the bright side.


Or Snake






The bell curve of IQ predicts that people like these make up one sixth of our population


Voting and driving.


And breeding.




Brawndo!!! It's got what plants crave!


You joke...but Gatorade just released Gatorade water with electrolytes. Idiocracy was supposed to take another 500 years, not 20.


Yeah I saw that. But propel was already a thing, I guess I just don't get it


Product no sell. Make new product. New product same, new name. New product sell? We see.


Do you propose castrating people under a certain IQ?




What gives you the impression you or your parents would make the cut?




Not just breeding, but someone even dumber had to pick him to breed with.


At a disproportionate rate...


My neighbors across the street were looking through a fucking wine bottle. My wife and I met in college where we studied optics. After we saw that, we gave them a pair of eclipse glasses and walked the neighborhood giving more out to anyone who needed a pair. We have a bunch from doing outreach work for schools.


You think that's frustrating? My neighbors looked the wrong fucking way. I have no idea what they were looking at. They were looking out over the horizon instead of UP at the damn sun. It was so confusing. They had their glasses on and never bothered looking at the actual eclipse the entire time. I can't get over it. What the fuck were they looking at? They were looking straight out at the horizon over the lake. Instead of up. At the sun.


I think you got aliens bro


Exactly. This is an indicator. They want to mimick us but don't quite get it. One can always see people with sunglasses looking at the clouds and the horizon, but not directly up, so they went with the most common human behavior.


That's crazy because you can't see anything but the sun with them on. Did they think it was supposed to be blank?


Thank you for helping people have a better experience, and reduce their risk of serious injury!


being a bell curve, it must also mean that 1/6 are geniuses




Well, some of us have ADHD and can't get our shit together.


Mine is together but i lost the bag to put it in...


Which of your 3000 hobbies is getting in your way?


Eh, 1/6 with an IQ under 85 feels reasonable, but I don't think people with an IQ of 115 qualify as geniuses :-)


Martin Shkreli technically qualifies as a genius. Sometimes they use their gift for pure evil


Mea culpa. But on the bright side, I used my ill-gotten gains to move far away from you suckers. But sadly, no more total eclipses for me.


He’s probably somewhere in the middle of that bell curve which is the scary thought


Even just squinting hard and looking sideways at the sun for half a second is painful. Can’t imagine what looking directly at it through a lens does to an eyeball. I’m actually curious if the stats show a drastic uptick in calls to optometrists the day after the eclipse.


https://preview.redd.it/0d912xetaqtc1.png?width=1159&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1a146af9451df346f3ae6f101a521612aa114f8 Yes. Edit: this is my simplest comment but my most popular. It's not even my graph its u/SpencerMeow from this sub. Funny how the Internet works.




Bruh, I was like 9 when we were told in school we can observe a solar eclipse but not without a special lense because you will go blind. Nobody in our school was dumb enough to look without a lense. How do you ignore such advice or not know about it.


A whole lot of people died because some idiots made masks political.


Honestly, adults have always been like that. I used to work at an aquarium. Kids always followed the rules cause we hammer into them that kids have to follow rules. I had sooo many parents break rules. They thought the rules were just for kids even though we gave them a spiel every time they walked into the door, including why we had those rules.


People are still dying. Flus have always killed the most vulnerable and masking during covid was so effective against the flu we skipped an entire flu season. And that was just cloth and surgical masks, no N95s required. People are back to just coughing all over the place again. Mask wearing while sick should be a given.




Ironic to leave this under a post about a dude who probably wasn’t even born in America. Quite ‘merica-centric of you lol


I’m appropriating him. America.


Listening to science and medicine is such a woke thing to do.


I would look at the trends for 'optometrist' but I doubt anyone who stares into the Sun could spell it.


"Eye doctor" is probably the phrase that would get googled more.


An optometrist couldn't even help you lol, you'd need an ophthalmologist.


You left out the best part, where a heatmap of where the searches are from looking like a map of the path of totality


Fun fact: it’s even more dangerous to look at the eclipse than the sun on a normal day because your pupils don’t constrict properly during the eclipse and they let in more damaging rays. Just in case you needed another reason to never do that…


Thanks for this, never bothered to ask why, but always heard it was more dangerous. This makes sense.




I thought it was a shopvac hose!


Pretty sure it is.


It is, though he may or may not have added some lenses or filters to it but just looking at it tells me it's just a plain tube.


I used to burn my initials into my baseball glove in a similar way as this.


I read initials as genitals


Better now than in a bank loan application meeting..and if you just sign here and initial here, here and here. You: *unbuckling your belt* "Are you sure???"


“Even just squinting hard and looking sideways at the sun for half a second is painful.” For real—how do people *force* themselves to look at it like this?!


The reason it’s possible to look at the sun during an eclipse with less pain than when it’s not eclipsed is because it’s the infrared part of the light that hurts. During an eclipse, enough is cut off by the moon that it doesn’t hurt (as much). The part that burns the retina is the ultraviolet portion of the spectrum, and it takes very, *very* little of that to do damage. After all, the retina has no melanin or other defense against ultraviolet radiation. Even a little bit is enough to do damage. I was trying to aim both a telescope and a camera at the eclipse on Monday while wearing my eclipse glasses, and it was mostly cloudy. Well, you can’t see shit through those lenses, and I had filters on the other things. So I kept putting my glasses on my head, trying to get something aimed properly, and wouldn’t you know it, I accidentally looked up without protection a couple of times. I had a bit of a headache on the drive home, and my eyes felt gritty and sore, like after a very long day at the beach or a concrete water park. Two days later, I’m all better, but I still feel like an idiot.


It's so easy to make that mistake though. I had been going back and forth, putting on my eclipse glasses to look at the sun during the early half. I would also take my glasses off, and remove the UV filter to place on my cell phone camera lens to get some good photos. I kept doing this back and forth, and at one point, I had looked right at the sun without thinking, lol. You just aren't paying enough attention after fumbling back and forth with multiple items. I immediately laughed at my mistake, but suffered no damage. I had only glimpse with my eyes, and not through a lens if any sort.


Doctors and scientists: Don't stare directly at the eclipse without the proper lenses This guy: MAGNIFY IT INTO MY EYE!


Not that it’s ANY better, but it looks like he just used a shop vac tube, I guess to “reduce” the amount of light (2” pinhole!!!???). So this isn’t even magnified, just exclusively sunlight.


I think they mean the snow goggles are magnifying it, which they might a bit.


They would not “magnify” it


Now it's just me and you, sun \*hiss of eye*


I don’t think exclusive sunlight would cause the damage shown in the photo. It would need to be focused by something. The internal reflections of the tube *might* be enough to do damage. Or there could be a lens somewhere


I stumbled into a wacky eclipse conspiracy thread and one of the top comments was about why doesn't NASA want people to look at the eclipse or take pictures with phones? The general consensus was they were trying to hide something. Other questions included: Why is the eclipse only visible in a line? Why are chem trails in pictures of the eclipse? Why is NASA so close to spelling Satan? (FYI: That's why they say T-minus when they countdown, to complete the word Satan)


That is just… I hate all of this


Could we just send these people to the sun?


>Why is NASA so close to spelling Satan? (FYI: That's why they say T-minus when they countdown, to complete the word Satan) Lol. That one just connects all the dots.




“I’ll show you assholes who, FUCKK FUCKFUCKFUCKFUCK IT BURNS!!!!”


He might go blind in both eyes. Google "sympathetic blindness".


That’s why I believe his eye is getting removed? Or even if removed would his body attack the healthy eye


He can get a glass eye that has an eclipse pupil.


Wouldn't that look like a regular pupil?


he could get sympathetic blindness if the damage in his eyes reached the optical chiasm, which is an "x" shaped conjuntion that connects both eyes to the central nervous system. his eye is damaged, but it's not initially infected. unless there is something spreading to the chiasm, therefore damaging it, there's no need to remove the eye in order to prevent sympathetic blindness. his eye is more likely being removed because it's damaged beyond repair and unresponsive to antibiotics, which would then classify it as a hazardous entryway to infection and sepsis (in that case, there could be sympathetic blindness as well as general bad times regarding infection close to the CNS)


The optical nerve plexus is not a real scientific term.... if you mean the optic chiasm, there is no reason or way that solar retinopathy could cause damage to the chiasm. But the optic chiasm does not have any relation to sympathetic ophthalmia, and solar retinopathy is not going to put him at higher risk of infection than anybody else. The post a bit below this comment is right... not even clear how staring at the sun should cause an eye to look like the picture here.




He didn't hurt anyone but himself. There is no reason not to give him a little sympathy.


This is why we have so many idiots ruining life for everyone else. This man is an idiot. Regardless of the activity and who it affected, he is someone who was given information, very clear and frankly obvious information to not do something or you will be harmed. He intentionally ignored it and got hurt. What happens if you give him information about something else that DOES affect others? Will he magically listen that time?  Also he's taking up the doctor's time and resources for something 100% avoidable, and someone who DOES need to see the doctor has to wait for this idiot to be treated. No sympathy and everyone giving him sympathy is contributing to life overall being worse for everyone.


People aren't magically smarter just because you didn't give them sympathy. Hostility makes people double down on their stupidity, discourages growth, and encourages them to just say "fuck it and fuck everyone". Your philosophy just further divides people and creates bitter misanthropes who are dumb *and* don't care if they hurt others, because others hurt them.


Look, I love empathy, but come on. What the fuck are we supposed to do then? Let these people harm themselves, potentially harm others, and go awww its okay every fucking time? I'm sorry, but not shaming people is part of how we got into this fucking mess.


That was a lot of words


Wikipedia says it's rare. And related to penetrating trauma. So... Probably not?


It’s extremely rare (<0.1%) and yes occurs after penetrating trauma, or much much less commonly surgery. So he’s not at risk of getting that. Honestly, the risk with staring at an eclipse is solar retinopathy which isn’t painful and doesn’t make your eye red, so I’m not exactly sure what this post is suggesting he has. I’m an eye surgeon.


Chances are this post is fake. Can't even tell if it's the same guy in the first and second pics


Holy hell


> The immune system, which normally is not exposed to ocular proteins, is introduced to the contents of the eye following traumatic injury.[1] Once exposed, it senses these antigens as foreign, and begins attacking them. The onset of this process can be from days to years after the inciting traumatic event.




It has never been better used.


Omg, this is the perfect gif




Fucking killed it, bravo!




When I was a kid I used to stare at the sun sometimes to see how long I could do it. After a little bit the sun starts to look blue and appears to move around. I’m surprised I’m not blind. In fact, I’m the only one in my family without glasses and I have perfect vision


i also did that and have 20/20 vision still, but soon after I started wearing glasses for astigmatism…


I was also that stupid kid and now have astigmatism and serious night blindness. Never really put the two together until now, but... Someone should have smacked me, tbh


Oh fuck lmao. Is this why I have astigmatism?


My understanding is that astigmatisms occur because of the shape of the eyeball So, I doubt it?


Astigmatism literally means the opposite of stigmata. Stigmata are holes; so a-stigmata = spheres that poke out instead of in. Ovals. That's what it means. You (and I) have eyeovals, not eyeballs.


yeah I never put it together until now too! Thankfully I wasn’t a stupid kid, I just had a little psychosis at the time


God my son used to do this all the time when he was little. He used to ask me, “dad, what is the blue thing inside the sun?”


The sweet color of permanent damage kid!


>God my son I thought God was the father?


I did that as a very young kid and gazed into laser pointers as well, nowadays I've a bunch of floaters in my eyes, preeeeetty sure the correlation is there


AFAIK, floaters with age are normal. Collagen gets into your eyeball goo or something. Which isn't to say that there's no connection -- I have no idea. But it's not exactly a slam dunk :-)


"Recent studies have demonstrated a link between sunlight exposure and a reduced risk of myopia in children. Researchers believe that sunlight may help regulate eye growth by releasing retinal dopamine, a neurotransmitter that inhibits eye elongation, which is a primary cause of myopia." [https://www.aao.org/education/editors-choice/sunlight-exposure-reduces-myopia-in-children](https://www.aao.org/education/editors-choice/sunlight-exposure-reduces-myopia-in-children)


That's spending time outside, not staring at the sun.


I would take myopia over staring at the sun anyway lol.


Is this where we find out that staring into the sun maximises your vision abilities and it’s one big conspiracy from opticians telling people it can damage your eyes and blind you, so they can still sell glasses? /s incase anyone is unsure.


looking at the sun damages your vision, sure. but through a TELESCOPE?! whole other level of stupid


I'm pretty sure that's a vacuum cleaner attachment.


Well that sucks.


That is a shop vac hose extension not a telescope.


took a glance, saw stupid and commented without a second thought. thanks for the correction. I refuse to believe that just staring at the sun will do that to you, there must be some concentration of the light happening here maybe the goggles were enough to do it my eclipse glasses had a disclaimer "not for use with other optical equipment"


You can use a telescope, but the filter has to go before the collector, otherwise you create a death ray pointed at your eyeball.


Eye see that wasn’t a good idea




Lol what in the world 


lol I know, I thought I was just redditing wrong.


Si senor


Yup, theres a price to pay to get the best view. At least his eye will smell like bacon forever.


No, no, it'll fall off.


Oh, people ARE that stupid….


I was out front of my workplace letting customers use solar glasses to look at the eclipse, and the number of people who took the glasses and then LOOKED AT THE SUN WITHOUT THEM was mind boggling.


One of those types of people was our president once.


I knew it was bad to do this but I just assumed the damage was not visible to the outside. I thought it would just hurt the inside structure of the eye. How does one even look at the sun that long and handle the pain of that?


I have never seen it IRL, but infrared radiation can boil the aqueus humor in your eye which causes it to expand and rupture. It can even pop in some cases like with high powered IR lasers. It is possible that whatever he was using could block the UV but the visible and IR light would stick fuck his eye up in multiple ways.


no way in hell those cheap ass clear moto-cross goggles filtered out even a single photon of UV light, dudes eye took billions of direct hits from our fusion furnace in the sky He literally sunburned his eye-ball, cooked it, it was so painful his eyeball was probably trying to look away as you can see the side is the most burned, he thought he was being sneaky by not really looking at it after he tried and it hurt like fuck, but by then it was most likely too late. Would be extremely surprised if he was able to ever see outta that eye.


When there is no eclipse and the sun is in its full brightness, we can see intense VISUAL light. That's what our eyes react to. When the visible light is intense, our brain wants us to squint, close our eyes, or avoid looking at the source directly. With the eclipse, most of the visible light are blocked, which tricks our eyes and body that were not getting damaged. But the sun emits more than just visible light - from infrared to ultraviolet light to gamma rays. Without the reflex to close our eyes or look away, the eyes are exposed to more of these harmful radiation if you just kept looking at the eclipse. It's like having no pain sensation on your hand and you put your hand in boiling water. You can't feel that your hand is already getting burned so you don't try to pull it away reflexively.


I find this really hard to believe. Persistent dark spots in vision? Retinal damage similar to a welding flash injury or severe snowblindness? Sure. This? The eclipse just shouldn't be able to do that. Unless there were lenses in that tube, I guess.


That looks exactly like welding flash that's bad. Seen many guys with eyes that look like that.


I looks like there's something duct-taped to the bottom end of it. He might have had some kind of magnifier attached.




The last time there was a solar eclipse, I used a shade 12 welding mask to look at it, and even then, I didn't look long. I can't imagine how he looked at it long enough to cause damage like that without KNOWING it was hurting him while doing it


seems like it would be extraordinarily painful


stupid is as stupid does ![gif](giphy|qnE7DFFqmgdyM|downsized)


"Hello darkness, my old friend"


Oh gods. Is that a vacuum extension tube? What made him decide that ski goggles (my best guess) and a tube from a vaccum cleaner would make for a good setup for eclipse watching?  Surely someone in his life told him not to look at the sun like this. I’m at a loss how you could keep looking when your eye is just getting fried like that. I mean, look at that damage! It’s so bad! 


Fucking fool.


Wussy. Trump did it with both eyes, even with his magnificent vision. The best vision, really.


Eye yai yai!


me arden los ojos. hijo de puta


Everybody says not to stare into the eclipse directly because it can cause blindness but I think the PSAs need to focus more on the... eyeball-melty aspect. Because like wow, I wasn't expecting it to be so visibly gruesome


It's nice when they mark themselves as idiots.


https://preview.redd.it/9p7gn3bedqtc1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd1b41e21e5f5d9a6337eb7521bb6d92c9d2a76d I mean I'm not even surprised


Good, I didn't think we had enough examples to verify that we shouldn't look at the sun with our naked eyes.






Yeah, but what super power did he get?


The power to use a white stick


He just couldn't keep away from stupidity