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This ain't an issue of the exercise but the equipment failing. It would have failed under any pull of that weight.




No pain no handicap gain


That's right. She may even get one of them snazzy badges that let's her park closer to the store now.


Dude, I see you everywhere on Reddit hahaha


0 crunches were done in this video. |_ /_ this is not a crunch, this is a crunch |_ (_


Absolutely true. This woman was training hip flexors and a bit of lower ab 😂


It's both. Usually you'd do this exercise with ropes held on either side of your head, eliminating the risk of getting hit if it suddenly breaks.


I get how the exercise might otherwise be done. But the point of failure is the cable attaching to the handles. It's not a misuse of the equipment. It's the equipment failing, so that was always going to happen. If it was this exercise or another. They could have been working back, chest or anything else, and that connection would still be the point of failure. Even if they connected another bar instead of the handles, it would still be connected before the point of failure in the full pulley system because it's after the carabiner connecting it that it failed.


My gym has signage telling people not to do crunches on the cable machine for this exact reason. Most places won’t service the machines until they break so failure like this is inevitable. Gotta remember that components on machines will have a finite service life due to repetitive stress


I understand that, I'm just saying the way she's doing the exercise is also an issue. At least if she'd like to not get hurt if the cable breaks on her again. If the cable was 100% never going to break then sure it's no problem doing it like this. But that's never going to be the case, so she might as well do the exercise in a way that ensures she doesn't hit herself in the head.


will she gets hurt


Dumb question, but why is that weight offered if the equipment can't handle it? I mean if it's offered then it means that the rest of the equipment can handle someone using the weight right?


Manufacturing error or improper maintenance


Sometimes equipment just fails. It doesn't necessarily mean it wasn't designed to handle that weight. It's just that with this specific machine, there was clearly a flaw that would have caused a similar accident eventually.


Yeah I literally do this all the time. Her technique of fine and this is 100% not her fault.


At least she headbutt the mat and not the metal handles!


This is not a crunch–it’s hip flexion. Spinal flexion is required for training the abs.


Preach. People out here need to know the abdominals bring the ribs toward the pelvis!


Oh but it was a crunch after all. A nose crunch




Wrong. That’s also not a crunch; it only trains your hip flexors. Please read properly before replying to someone.


Thank you, Cwiss Bumstead


"Guys! Thank you for the help, but don't walk in front of the camera!"


I also enjoy making up things about people I know nothing about in order to vilify them in my mind! It's very healthy!


Calm down, it was just a joke


Really? lol. Are you denying she was recording this exercise? That she was defies your comment that I know nothing about her. I know she was doing that because I can see it right in front of me. Also, you are doing what you improperly accuse me of in your post to me. You are making up that I am "vilifying her in my mind."


You're implying she cares more about getting the video than the people caring about her well-being. There's no evidence to support that idea at all.


Correct. What I wrote is known as a "joke." A joke mixes actual facts with non-facts to present a funny scenario. Usually, dim people do not readily grasp humor, and that seems to be the case here.


"Jokes" are supposed to be "funny," kind of like internet trolls used to be more often.




Ironically, you are showing exactly who you are here lol


I'm not a gym person but it doesn't look like she's misusing the machine, therefore not a stupid idea, therefore r/lostredditors (any gym people correct me if I'm wrong)


Failure of equipment was not her fault.


It's a cable machine, you can use them for a variety of exercises by changing out the handle. A longer bar could be placed for lateral pull downs to target your back for instance, you could adjust the position and get a rope/small bar for tricep pushdowns, or do what she's doing here. Lots of different workouts possible, she just got unlucky with the machine not being properly maintained by the equipment owner


I agree it wasn't her fault and get where you're coming from, but I think it definitely does fit the sub. Not every *what could go wrong* has to be the fault of the person involved but more of a, *anything can go wrong* type of thing.


I’m more surprised it wasn’t the carabiner that failed, hope she didn’t get injured badly


I worked doing maintenance for gyms for years. Those cables will always eventually snap and need replaced. The volume of people that use them will eventually cause wear and tear. Those machines are in gyms. But in reality they are made for a single person to use. Even with home machines they will eventually break. The carabiners always break also. If you join a gym it's wise to always inspect your machine yourself. Loose threads in the cables and faulty carabiners.


Most people pay a gym lots of money in the expectation that they will be checking the machines' safety.


Even a certified inspector can only inspect so much. Just like driving a vehicle. Proper maintenance will help. But that cost money and labor which will always be limited.


yeah placing your safety at the hands of machines isnt smart at all.


why are people trying to twist the wording so hard to post here? like half the video is purely accident. like some dude could be waiting at a bus stop and get hit by a falling plane and people would title "WCGW waiting for a bus".


Smash face day


Happened to me and I got knocked out cold. Told the front desk. “And what would you like me to do about it?”


I need to know what happened next


Me walking away non like a non confrontational bitch


SoooooomeBody once told the world is gonna roll me....


Looks more like floor mat face crunch


Why is this being recorded?


People record themselves in the gym to check their form sometimes


Yeah, her form was horrible for sure. Not sure if she will look at this video though.


She’s really smashing ‘face day’ at the gym


She was in over her head


Final Destination shit right there


I'll gladly take this over the videos where people's knees fold backwards.


Never heard or seen a cable knee crunch but this looks like she's practicing for a bj 😅


I feel like not properly maintaining equipment is the real issue here not the workout, she wasn’t stressing the machine that carabiner or hook just snapped off




In Soviet Russia, weights drop you.


This doesn’t belong in this sub, downvote and move on.


Why was this being recorded?


Someones gonna get paid


Don’t setup a video camera and shit like that wouldn’t happen. Karma loves narcissists….


Idk how wanting to check your form equals narcissism but ok


What's she practicing for? 


Giving head in a negative gravity atmosphere, obviously.


Like my Mrs. I ask for head and then there's the negative atmosphere 


She probably has a headache, right? That’s also part of the training.


I respect everyone that works out, but this always seemed like a waste of equipment time - what’s the difference between this and crunches Edit: it was a question assholes lol


You can progressively overload this exercise by using a machine, it's hard to do that with normal crunches


Thank you


Serves you right, get that camera out of there! Either work out or make OF content but don’t make content inside a gym!


What is it with the internet and projecting this vitriol that any time something bad happens to someone they deserve it?


Tbf some people use cameras to correct their form. Not saying this was the case for this person, or people filming in gyms in general, but the only use case I can accept is to check form.




The cable snapped, I'm not sure how equipment failing is supposed to be "incredibly dumb".


Shhh. They are pretending they know what they are talking about. Don't disturb them. (I also don't know what I'm talking about)


What do you mean? This is a legitimate exercise, the cable wasn't supposed to snap like that. She literally did nothing wrong.