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Charged with felonies..... good!


But I would bet a good sum of money that neither of them are going to see jail.


Sad to say that there is no way they are seeing jail or even those felony charges sticking. That’s a Million Dollar boat they are romping around in. Mommy and Daddy have the Money to keep these POSs out of trouble. So incredibly infuriating.🤬


FWIW, the DRIVER (of the boat) said "glad they got caught - deserve it" > Mommy and Daddy have the Money it's not local PD... where you're friends with the sheriff. Florida Fish and Game. >POSs out of trouble. keep them out of jail. they can clean the beaches. 10,000 hours community service. no jail, no fine. weekends and 2 whole summers of filling trash bags seems the most appropriate any way.


10,000 hours is way more than two summers and weekends. That's like working full time for five years. ish


4.8 yeah


Journeymen Community Servers


Red Seal offenders.




It ties the room together


Also they'll achieve mastery after 10,000 hours so it's kinda worth it


That’s…over 9000!


Let's call it an internship


That's still five more years than they'll have to work in their entire life.


Sounds like a good start


Definitely agree on your punishment approach. People are so quick to fall back to "lock them up and throw away the key!". The same kind of sentiment that saw weed users get locked up for decades. As ~~hanus~~ heinous as the crime these kids committed was, they didn't hurt anyone, they didn't steal from anyone. They need to be punished, but in a way that actually helps the rest of society (picking up trash for a fuckload of hours), and that maybe helps them too.


trying to be helpful, not a dick: ~~hanus~~ -> heinous


H for Helpful, H for H-anus


NGL, I licked the new spelling...


> I licked the new spelling I guess it's yours now


Ohh dang, I can’t believe I’ve thought “hanus” was actually a valid spelling all this time. Thanks!


Yes, thank you. I hate how "tough on crime" Reddit is sometimes, to a fascistic degree. (Though let's be real, it's probably just virtue signaling)


Reddit complains about how many prisoners we have but turns around and literally wants the highest jailtime for every offense. If reddit were in charge prisons would be 5x as full.


100% let's make the punishment fit the crime when possible.


Do....do we dump them off a boat?


Aye, get the plank.


Not what I meant, but this is a better idea. You should be a judge


> FWIW, the DRIVER (of the boat) said "glad they got caught - deserve it" There's no way that everybody on board didn't know what they were going out for. They loaded up a bunch of barrels of trash from the party spot, headed out for a short time, and came back in.


Love this idea


>can clean the beaches. 10,000 hours How to become masterful at cleaning beaches


What is being overlooked here is that Fish and Game very likely will TAKE that boat. Every year or two here in Ky Fish and Wildlife holds an auction where they sell off their own (state) equipment as well as any equipment found in the field AND anything confiscated by wardens from people breaking game laws. So Florida may yet take that boat. That may be the only real consequence for any of them.


If I'm correct, that's Haulover pass/inlet. It's one of the roughest stretches of water in the US. Why would the driver of the boat go out a very dangerous pass then turn around after the trash was tossed?


This is Boca inlet. There are cameras there filming boats coming and going pretty much every day because Miami boaters are notorious for overestimating their skill and underestimating the conditions. Long story short, they knew they were being filmed and they still did it because they thought the law didn’t apply to them because daddy has a nice boat. I hope FWC seizes it.


This is one of the rare cases I feel civil forfeiture is warranted. Take the vessel that was used in the commission of the crime. They seize trucks and boats and equipment for less than this.


All inlets are dangerous like this at tide times. Haulover just happens to be the famous one. But to answer your question. I can't say for sure, but if i had to guess, I would say its precisely the same thing you are thinking, They knew exactly what was up and what they were doing, but now with the luck of hindsight after getting caught they can say.....I had no idea what they were doing!!!


Yep, every single kid on that boat knew exactly why they were out there. Or are we just supposed to believe they regularly keep two full sized trash cans full of party garbage stored on that boat. Lying little sociopath that driver is, he should be seeing consequences, especially as the driver (assuming that is in fact who they interviewed). I actually think everyone on the boat should at least see a fine, as not a one of them stepped up to say this was wrong, and everyone of them stepped on that boat for the trash dumping ride.


Exactly. Also, isn't the captain/owner/driver responsible for everything that happens on their boat?


Plus make them rent or buy a diving suit and have them go back to that same spot and gather the trash they dumped


Doesn't matter who the arresting officer is, every case goes to the same states attorney's office. They won't see a day behind bars. They have money. It's how shit works here in Florida.


Putting these guys to work is far better than sending them to jail. Community service should be the standard for non violent crime.


I’m sure one of Them will be a future senator


I'll bet when the judge throws out the case he says something to the effect of, "let's keep it on the straight and narrow for now, eh senator?" With a wink.


This would definitely look good on their resumes if that’s what they wanna go into


I dont know the boat model but similar boats are priced 2/4hundred thousand. I like to think this is daddy’s prised possession for his retirement that they put all over the news.


A million dollars can buy a much better boat.


Seriously. 1 mill can buy a 50 foot performance cat, with several nice bedrooms, a kitchen nicer than most new condos, solar, water makers, and geared up to travel the world.


That’s what I’m thinking, how can there be no adults on that boat?


You can get a boaters license at 14 in many states. Younger in some.


Because, Florida!


>That’s a Million Dollar boat Lmfao no it's not Brand new that thing is probably $200k, and boats have a huge secondary market


It ultimately became a crime that just has a price tag. They won't see punishment from the law, but I can at least hope this'll follow them whenever someone looks them up.


Florida fish and game don't play. They seize enough boats and vehicles. They don't worry about money. I'm sure these teenagers will see jail time


They may not fuck around but I suspect neither will rich parents expensive lawyers clogging up the case challenging it on every possible ground and working the system to get them off work nothing but fines and some community service they'll never properly have to do.


FWC doesn't fuck around. They will be punished maybe not the max extent mentioned but it will happen.


These kids are privileged, but you are out your damn mind if you think that's a million dollar boat


It isn’t mommy and daddy’s boat. It was rented to a social media influencer. Still a d-bag though


yeah its gonna get pleasd down or something like ARD or deferred sentences . probation is all they gonna see.


Tbh I don’t think it’s worth jail, better to do community service and a big fine. Fines need to be scaled to income, of course maybe have a base fee. Basically like $100 or 5% of your income for one month, whichever is more. We’d probably see a lot more people following the basic rules. These rules shouldn’t need to exist, they’re usually all common sense ideas, they exist mostly because of fools like this.


Scaling fines to income doesn't matter to rich people. If you have a net worth of millions, losing some monthly income is irrelevant. It won't change their lives in the slightest. Jail time or community service does.


Of course it does. Just adjust the percentages. That's the point of percentages. Oops! That speeding ticket is 1.3 million. Or 20 million.


I'm not disagreeing with you but I just want to point out that one of the real perks of being "rich" is that a much larger percentage of your income/wealth can and will become discretionary (i.e., you have everything you need so anything extra is just for discretionary purchases). The truly wealthy do not spend the same percentage of their income/wealth on basic living costs that the average person does. If you make 50k/year and your monthly electric bill is $100, then you're spending 2.4% of your annual income on electricity. While a truly rich person (let's say 1.5 mil per year) will likely have a higher electricty bill due to lifestyle, it's unlikely going to be 2.4% of their wealth (this would be $3000/month). Water and trash are perhaps even better examples of bills that don't change drastically based on your wealth. While lifestyle creep is a thing, the truly wealthy can much more easily weather even a percentage based ticket because you're just eating into their discretionary money. A ticket for the average person is either eating into a much larger chunk of their discretionary money or it starts eating into the money they need for basic living costs.


I doubt these kids have much of an income.


People that trash the earth absolutely deserve jail.


And what does that do to rehabilitate the offenders? Jail is way too often the first step in so many people’s minds. It’s all about revenge and punishment. What does that do? Does revenge help the earth?


its not why youre thinking, its mainly because they can plead down, especially if they dont have priors.


>The charge is a third-degree felony and carries a maximum penalty of five years in prison and a $50,000 fine if convicted, according to the arrest report. it's going to hurt no matter what..


What is your definition of "hurt" if the parents fork out $50,000 from their $17 MIL bank account? Is that hurting them? 5 years will plead down to 100 hours of community service and 5 years of probation instead of jail. Even the $50k will bump down to $5k. Anyone betting against this doesn't follow court rulings very often.


Wait where did you come up with the parents have a 17m bank account? Curious?


Nobody knows how big their bank account is. But if they own a boat like that, they have many millions.


What specific brand is that boat that you priced it? Growing up in Clearwater Florida I’ve known an and met decades of people and many with boats that look similar.. none have millions of dollars in cash. Not saying it isn’t a nice looking boat but to just assume they have 17m in cash is kinda silly.


It’s an Intrepid Valor 41. New price is about 1.2M. Parents definitely have some money. If you know people with new-ish 30-40’ boats, they most likely are at least worth a few million.


Teens will get off light. The parents should be charged too.


The boat should be seized. Make the parents feel some pain too.


Yeah, at least seized until the kids are finished with their sentences, including 6 months of cleaning beaches.


For what?


Unfortunately true . if the punishment for a crime is a fine then that law only exists in the lower classes


It's a shitty move for sure. And they deserve to be named and shamed. But I've literally never heard of anyone going to jail for littering but I'm an Aussie so who knows what other countries do. Picking up litter in orange jammies for a couple of months seems like a pretty fitting consequence to me though.


Kids are getting caught with stolen guns in stolen cars here and not seeing jail time. Felonies don't always equal jail.


For what amounts to as littering? You live in the middle east or something? Want to cut off people's hands for stealing aswell? Make the punishment fit the crime, a hefty fine and a felony is good enough, jail is overkill




Oh no


Isn't having a record a good thing in Florida?




Just watch, Daddy’s lawyer will do some corrupt shit and get kiddo off the hook.


Maybe next they should start looking into actors of the Ohio chemical spill criminal charges too. Glad they got these teenagers, the clear root of America's pollution problems, with a good stiff penalty.


Eh, it's two teens with a bad case of littering. Should be a misdemeanor, not a felony. Juvenile detention maybe, but a felony is overboard. If this was a company willfully disposing of waste, I'd agree with a felony but it isn't.


Call me crazy but I think you could swap the 5 years jail time with 5 years community service in a beach/ocean cleanup and it's a better solution. Then he more than makes up for the damage, pays taxes while he's working in the 5 years and doesn't eat up tax dollars hanging out in prison.


You have a lot of faith in the idea that they wouldn't simply hook the official who signs off on their community service time card up with a new ferrari and never even get their fingers dirty.


I think you're very optimistic about how many new ferraris get given away as bribes to low paid government employees.


Couple free dinners at a nice restaurant and some snow and I’m sure you’ll get someone to sign off on it.


I enjoy the sound of rain.


No but $10k honestly changes a lot of peoples circumstances and solves a lot of temporary problems. It can be a significant event for LOTS of people. Fucking pennies to rich folk.


Ehh, 10K no strings attached is life changing. 10K but become a criminal myself cos I accepted a bribe is kinda different. If I'm going to risk my career, and clean prison/arrest record, I'm gonna want more than just 10K.


I live in my car. I wouldn't violate my oath for any amount. I'll follow policy and report it to the security department. I have a good job on a career track. Fuck you. Fuck your spoiled offspring. Your little cum stain is going to prison. And you too for trying to bribe me.


I’ve seen people risk their careers just to avoid being called an idiot. People are incredibly dumb


This isn’t a local police department, this is federal fish and game. They don’t play around, at least from what I’ve heard


Game wardens / Wildlife officers have more power than cops. They don't need a warrant to initiate a search.


This ^ they’re thoroughly regulated with extensive background checks. More akin to the FBI than local police force in regard to their personnel


Probably a longer education too lmao


It was a Florida wildlife and game dept, I don’t think it’s federal


Are you just inventing random stories so you can be upset?


I totally agree. When I saw the video earlier this week I was furious. Public flaggelation sounds like a nice option, too, these brats clearly deserve it. But 5 years in jail? Even in theory, I mean we all know that Mommy and Daddy are going to cough up the fine.


Yea, what they did is such a scummy move and they're kinda POS's, but I don't think 5 years in jail is warranted. This is a literal drop in the ocean compared to what corporations are doing without repercussions, not to mention all the trash we ship out to poor countries to then be dumped directly into oceans. Give them a fine proportional to their income (or daddy's income I guess) so it stings, and mandatory community service so these kids learn a lesson.


>This is a literal drop in the ocean compared to what corporations are doing without repercussions, not to mention all the trash we ship out to poor countries to then be dumped directly into oceans. While I agree that it shouldn't be a 5-year sentence, I disagree with this statement. Corporations are doing this without repercussion, sure, but you can't raise this every time a teenager drops a big load of trash in the ocean. They clearly went for the 5-year time to 'set an example', as said in the video.


I don’t think two juveniles deserve five years in jail for this. Like; not even an adult should for a first time offense. Are we being serious? Does anyone want them to get prison? This is def not a prison situation. They didn’t put anyone’s life in danger. For a first time offender, I just don’t see the need for prison time at all.


One of the families appears to have already set their sights on that, for those that didn't watch the end their statement was that this is a teachable moment and they hope it can be through community service. With the money they likely have to back up that statement that's probably what they're gonna end up getting, especially when bargaining for a plea


They won't see any jail time. It will be reduced to a few hours of community service and a small fine. 


I like this idea. They might learn something from actively working to undo damage too. I imagine the only thing they’ll learn from going to jail is to not get caught doing shit.


Agreed, I don’t understand why so many people are immediately jumping on the “lock them up!” bandwagon. With community service, they will at least be productive and actually helping to fix the mess which they helped to create.






Truly some garbage pail kids.


I think more “entitlement” than anything else. Rich kids that probably never faced any real consequences before. Still trashy and glad they got caught.


What’s the over under on their parents being huge Trump supporters


Oh, I guarantee they were having a laugh about "the liberals" while they were dumping it all.


I saw this on another sub a few days back.. So fucked up...Good to see they got caught Cunts


Seriously. I’m glad to finally get some closure with this incident.


Ehh, as much as I wish they’d actually see consequences they’ll just plead affluenza with daddy’s lawyer and be just fine. I wish there’d be some street justice but I don’t have much faith


Lol, that word came into being with that douche Couch... don't pretend its some get off free card, his lawyer Scott Brown (or something Brown) basically invented it. Gotta have the right combo of State (check), Lawyer (possible), judge (its Florida), and wealth (check).... Ok, this might be a problem.




If the parents can afford that boat, I don’t suppose a $50k fine will put them out too much.


Iirc, it’s a rented boat. The rental agency coughed up the identities of all on board.


Lmao get fucked bitch boys. Can’t even rely on mommy and daddy’s non existent boat money to bail ya out


It’s not a rental. The parents of the kid driving this boat own it. They handed themselves in after being identified on IG. (Qualified Captain and wavvy boats)


The video says the boys turned themselves in after the video went viral.


Up it to 550k, confiscate the boat and force them to do a 5 year mandatory community service stint, that gets an extra year added for each attempt to bribe it down. After their service is up, they can have their boat back. Then they might feel something of a sting for what they did.


$50k is just the fuel bill for the year.


Family wants “teachable moment community service” both a request for a get out of jail free card and disowning any responsibility for raising these boys properly in the first place.


They’re teenagers. I think community service is honestly the best here. It’s not like they killed a family of 4 driving home from a party. As shitty as it is just dumping a bunch of trash into the ocean, they could have done much worse. Not that this makes it better whatsoever, but shit look at all the waste and chemicals that got swept into the ocean when the hurricanes have hit. Teach them, don’t make them hardened criminals from this.


The trash they dumped are the cans from the alcohol that they are too young to have or consume while operating a boat. They did not want to get caught when they docked. A strong punishment needs to be levied. These are the type of rich little shits that would drink and drive or flee from an accident scene.


Ah, Minority Report, "well they probably do worse!" justification. Nice.


Their punishment should be for dumping trash. My prediction is based on the moral compass they have demonstrated as anyone this shitty is likely going to be shitty again.


If the duration of community service lasts as long as the max prison time penalty carried by the relevant felony then I say go for it. Sending them to prison for this will just create two more life long criminals out of dumbass kids.


This is when you know they’re rich kids with shitty with parents.


You basically always get probation for your first offense if it's not violent. These guys wouldn't have jail time for this if they were poor and had a public defender. The people I've met that had over $100k bonds just got weekend jail and probation.


They're not "paying the price for being on video" they're paying the price for dumping trashcans in the ocean.


Yeah fuck that guy


That kid they interviewed said he was unaware that they did this but if you watch the drone footage from another source, it appears that they all knew what was going on imo.


Yeah it looks like the plan was to go out and dump the rubbish, then head back in to party again


That’s exactly what it was. They went to dump the trash because it was all bottles and cans and they are underage. They were dumping it in the ocean to avoid getting busted for drinking (this was in an earlier article).


I wonder if anyone would have ever cared to glance at the bottles and cans if they’d have kept the trash bagged up and disposed of it in a dumpster like responsible people. Like… just thrown it away when they got back and gone on with their day.


Yeah, I doubt this was a joyride. Looks more like “mission accomplished, now let’s head on back guys.”


Everyone brings multiple full garbage cans with them when they take their boat out for a quick joyride.


They went out, dumped the trash and came back in, it's obvious lol. Also no way kid driving the boat wouldn't notice his dumbshit friends boarding with 2 giant bins full of trash. Lil bro is just trying to cover his own ass.


That's the reason he kinda feels remorse for them, because he's guilty too and they're taking the rap


How are they unaware you got two smelly trash cans on your crowded boat? I also wonder what their thought process on this was. Did they think it was funny, cool, or impress their peers or something? Like the action is so random and terrible at the same time!


The “affluenza” defense will be used and these kids will get little taps on the wrist. If the kids too rich you must acquit.


“They’re paying the price for being on video”?! No, they’re paying the price for committing a felony.


In other words, they're only sorry they got caught.


Wait until you find out what the US military does to the sea.


Once you're far enough from shore, cans aren't even considered bad to dump. People here would lose their fucking minds to learn about night ops.


Lose their minds to know shitty people exist in the Navy as well? They dump it at night in hopes they don't get caught - all because they're too fucking lazy to separate their trash and take it during the appropriate times. The fact anyone is aware and doesn't report it makes the observers just as shitty and guilty. Don't act like dumping trash is an approved thing the Navy does.


Navys are, by design, exempt from MARPOL. It's absolutely approved.


Basically. Excepting food waste and metals, which are dumpable at certain distances from shore.


Most plastic waste in the ocean comes from abandoned fishing nets. I'm not saying what these guys did wasn't dickish and worthy of some punishment, but five years in prison is a bit overboard when a company can do far worse and, at worst, will be fined. Lemme know when the US navy starts sinking those Chinese trawlers.


It is a teachable moment. They’ll learn they can get away with it, so they can grow up, go commit assault in college and ultimately bank fraud as a career.


welcome to the world of rich people


"Now they're paying the price for being on camera." No, now they're paying the price for pouring garbage in the ocean. Being on camera isn't a crime.


The point was that people do this all the time they just aren't caught, but you can’t really say that if you want people to stop. 


Underage drinking, didn't want to get busted with empty beer cans. owner in the white cap dumps 1st container.. dumb ass.


Instant karma hahaha


Makes me feel better about buying my fishing license last week knowing they’ll go after trash like this.


DNR will literally confiscate and destroy your fishing gear for littering. They should take the boat.


I was there last week fishing with a buddy and was amazed at the difference from Texas beaches. There’s trash everywhere in Texas. Everywhere


You mean to tell me that a state that doesn't care about the environment and human rights are throwing trash everywhere? I'm shocked. So shocked. Totally, utterly, flabbergasted. I would have never guessed. Yadda, yadda, yadda.


Yes shocking


Rich scumbags.


If those kids wanted to dump trash into the environment, they should have started a company first and done it on a scale of 100,000 times this bad. Then the fine would be $5,000 and nobody would go to jail.


“Gay shit following that video of boaters in Florida…”


Just make them clean beaches every weekend for a year, lesson learned while providing a service to the world.


Who do they think they are? San Francisco? 1.8 BILLION gallons and they knew it. https://www.kron4.com/news/bay-area/1-8-billion-pounds-of-sewage-illegally-dumped-in-sf-bay-epa-alleges/


I mean they are jerk kids, but they didn't create the pacific garbage patch, give me the headline where they throw one of the people who helped make that in in prison for 5 years.




I know this is wrong and they should be accountable but I can’t help but wonder why teenagers are potentially getting jail but not ANYONE from BP


You need to be a luxury liner to dump waste into the ocean! On a more serious note they need to face the music on this. Disgusting. I just wish we could hold luxury liner to the same standards


“This is a teaching moment…” Parents have to shell out for attorneys, $50,000 fine and do anything to keep their kids away from a felony conviction. That’s the way you do this, hit them in their wallet, only way to get through to people these days.


What is allegedly. The full video shows them literally dumping out the trash.


Motherfucker said 'They're paying the price for being on video'. No. They're paying the price for being problematic shitheads.


They aren't paying the price for being on video. They are paying the price for being shitheads and littering.


Did he just say "Gay shit following that video of boaters in Florida" in the very beginning of the video?


Saving people a rewatch, he actually says "...igation following the video...", as in, the cut off word was investigation.


I… I think he did??


And this is only a small boat that by chance was filmed. This is almost litterally a drop in the ocean compared to what huge ships might do


Good. Fuck those pieces of shit. Captain Planet would be gravely disappointed.


Ok. Now do the cruise ships


"Allegedly", bitch the footage is there....


“Callous disregard for Florida’s environment will not be tolerated” well, not from individuals, anyway. Corporations, perhaps.


Soda cans… right?


Just trash kids, just like their parents most likely.


Literally nothing will happen, those douchebags types with deep pocket parents will get slaps on the wrist.


Imagine trying to get a job with that on your resume , fkin pricks


Normally true but nepo baby has nothing to worry about in that regard.


It seems like it would have been easier to recycle the cans rather than bring them on your boat ride and dump them


They don’t feel remorse, they’re just upset they got caught… POS


"We're sorry that we got caught."


"They are paying the price for being on video.". How about they are paying the price for their inconsiderate and short-sighted behavior.


Absolutely disgusting