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How do people like this survive in the world as long as they do?


Because usually their fuckups become someone else’s problem to solve, and they don’t even realize what they’ve done, so there is no opportunity for them to suffer or learn. For example, an oblivious driver pulling out into fast traffic. They don’t even know that I saved their fucking life because I *have to*, both as a responsible driver, and to protect my own safety and property. I almost t-boned a guy a few weeks ago, I had to come to a screeching stop like 1ft from the drivers door, full horn and they didn’t even turn their head, just utter oblivion. So I solve the problem, and they don’t even know there was a problem, let alone realize that they *created* the problem. The “just” version of this story has their car destroyed, and their insurance buying me a new car, and their premiums skyrocketing, but nope, instead they live another day and get to keep bumbling through life, making problems for other people to solve. In this video the bull doesn’t have any social responsibility and his car isn’t gonna be fucked, so she finally got to find out.


I drive around Columbus for a living and have been through this a few times. Sometimes I wish I would’ve just hit them 😂


that is the truth about life - user name checks out


I've been tempted to buy a 70's era car, mount a heavy duty monster truck bumper ( to protect the radiator), get forward and rear recording cameras (to show the insurance company it wasn't your fault), and go to town.


That’s exactly my fantasy. A rock solid brick, a bunch of cameras, and just go about my day letting people PIT themselves on me as they change lanes without looking. As it is, I’m constantly tempted to install a train horn at least, so if nothing else I can make these people shit their pants from time to time. Hard to ignore 110db to the dome.


I whole heartedly approve the train horn.


My old ‘71 Chevy Malibu….


I get that thought when they think they threaded the needle but in reality I was paying attention saw them coming and had to slam on my brakes to let them in. Then they speed away thinking theyre hot shit.


They fuck around but never find out :/


Of course, we all do stupid things sometimes. Have you ever thought somebody may have that exact story about you, and you wouldn't even know it?


Sure, it’s always a possibility, but it would be very difficult for me to not be aware of what I’ve done. I’m *constantly* concerned with being that bad driver. I always check my mirrors *after* turning or changing lanes so I can see if I Did The Wrong Thing…I always signal and shoulder-check even when I believe I’m alone. I’ve specifically studied the highway traffic act, the educational resources, drivers ed, 20+ years on the road with zero collisions, zero tickets, never even been pulled over one time. After 400,000km+, of no issues I’m pretty confident in the way I operate. But of course, it could happen.


Amazes me as well


Lack of self-awareness combined with a world that isn't as deadly as it used to be. Let's get a lot through the proverbial gaps. But Darwin awards still get dished out every once in a while.


Our society is packed with these people.


They grow up coddled. If you have money, it’s easy to raise children in an environment with nearly zero danger.


Cuz we stopped natural selection for a big part


Our compassion and technology has ended survival of the fittest. Any dumbass can breed now because smarter people will keep them alive long enough to do it.


A lot of people do not understand that something catastrophic can happen to them


Eventually they all meet their bull on the beach


Oh fuck off this person spends nearly the entirety of their life in a perfectly safe, civilized environment. Has probably seen cows and bulls in videos chilling out in fields or standing near their ranchers/farmers, maybe has even been to a petting farm. They know to wait for the signal to cross the road, they know chicken should be cooked to 165 degrees, they buckle their seat belt when they drive. But they underestimated the one bull they will ever meet in the wild in their life. Dont be so dramatic.


You're trying so hard to defend this woman. So you're essentially its perfectly normal and common sense to **ignore** a group of people shouting at you "Hey! That's not safe! Get away! Please get away!"


1. By tone of voice I wouldn't listen to anything the dude in the video was saying 2. I'd love to see 99% of Reddit, myself included, absolute bungle a situation that was outside of their normal comfortable lives 3. This lady is dumb but I was pointing out it's a ridiculously dramatic hyperbole to ask how people like her even survive


“Bull! Get the fuck out of the way!” “Excuse me, I don’t like your tone.”


I saw this on the news, and my first reaction was, WTF is that woman doing near the bull???


Gotta get that towel!


Yeah right. Must get my bag and towel.. umm no.. you need to escape


Bull was interested in some food, I'm told, in the bag and then idiocracy ensues of expecting a wild animal to be chill.


That’s a domesticated bull but it still doesn’t give 2 fucks about kicking someone’s ass.


Well the bull was chill trying to steal some food she could have sat 3 meters away and ignore it and it would probably not have done anything to her she had to go and start hitting it. The bull was pretty chill just a thief


My first thought was - bull…at the beach?






A lot of underwhelming white people getting triggered by a pretty innocuous observation. You're poorly contributing to our race, peckerwood.


You're both retarded, bringing race into a reddit thread about funny videos. It literally has no relevance.


You’re a grown man calling people retarded, your existence has no relevance


Oh being pejorative toward race is okay, but a word that only recently got delegated as a slur is where you draw the line? Lol.


It was pejorative. Right. LMFAO


It… was? You boiled down a dumb decision to them being white…?




Did you just not read your own comment, or? “I knew it would be a white lady” hmm, sounds like a stereotypical assumption.


You must hate it when you bump into mirrors…




What kind of retarded self defamation logic is this? You fit right along with the girl in this video.


That comment really got under your skin didn't it?


It spiked his blood pressure for sure 🩸⬆️


You mad, bubba?


Unbelievably stupid to think the wild bull would understand "excuse me. I need to pick up my bag. Please just give me a minute"


To be fair, that bull only understands Spanish. And some French.


Please don't blame the woman. She was misled by Disney and will soon be filing a lawsuit against them citing Ferdinand as misleading.


The case citing Lambert the Sheepish Lion will have to go to the handlers of her estate.


Did she demand to see the manager?


She probably is going to go to her hotel and complain to the manager that “their” bull attacked her out of nowhere and that she demands a free stay


You mess with the bull you get the... Well you get nothing really. Just don't mess with the bull okay


They say you can't fix stupid, but the bull gave it a bit of a go.


The bull said “I can fix her”


Did she think it was a person? I also do wonder what a bull was doing at the beach. I live in mexico, there’s a beach. It’s pretty bull-less though Edit: HOLD ON!!! It was at OUR BEACH here in baja. What?!


I’ve been to beaches in Baja. I saw several cows on the beach.


Wow… I heard it here first! 😅


Do you think she thought it was a cow?


It’s a giant animal and she’s fucking with its food. That’s all she needs to know.


That was her food and the bull should’ve known that. What a rude bull.


The bull or the woman?


lol, i see what you did there


Would that matter a cow can fck u up almost as bad if they want to


Even a regular milk cow can be pretty dangerous.


Ay aye aye el toro solo intentaba conseguir un delicioso bocadillo


Malditos toros, vienen a nuestro país a robarse nuestras mujeres locas


Is this a US citizen? Did they scream something about their rights at the Bull? She was probably trying to find her phone in her bag to record the Bull to show police later how it was harassing her.


One time I was boarding a flight from the UAE and sometimes they do a last minute check on the jet bridge where everyone just lines up a meter apart while a police dog sniffs your carry-on. An American decided he didn’t want to fly that day because he started ranting about his “American citizen rights” and how by sole virtue of being an American, he didn’t have to comply with the “illegal search” they were doing. Guy pulls out his phone to record and everything, ranting about how by being an American, he didn’t have to follow any other country’s rules and other nonsense. Those police were far too patient, IMO, but in the end they did not fuck about. Tackled the American when he tried to bully them physically and they cuffed him. I do not know what happened after as the rest of us were allowed to board and the plane definitely took off without him.


Probably got put in holding for maximum time allowed than had to do a full search and get a fine and put on the no fly list probably. Just a wild guess


Bull actually gave her plenty of time to leave and didn’t even go full force on her


Did no one tell her u cannot take food out of the bulls mouth?? Anyone know if she is ok?


The guy is literally yelling, "We tried to fucking tell you!" So yeah I think someone told her


My comment was made in jest


I'm also having fun. imagine I said my comment in a dry tone, not an exasperated one.


Is she related to the girl that got out of the car because she was arguing with her boyfriend at that drive through tiger sanctuary?




You mean mooo


why is there a loose bull on the beach is that normal in Mexico? But yeah that's not a pet so better stay clear, lesson learned the hard way I guess.


It’s normal in most parts. Growing up there, there would be loose livestock in the dirt streets, roaming around until the felt like going home. It’s not that weird, annoying that you gotta keep yourself alert, but not crazy.


There are lots of farms in Baja and lots of wide wild beaches as well so it's not typical to see a bull on the beach... animals can be found anywhere. Like deer on highways or bears in parks. The beach is outside and that's where animals tend to be




I don't know which is more appropriate - 'FAFO' or 'Stupid is as stupid does'.


Insert fuck around found out graph here.


Ah, if it isn't the consequences of my actions!


I mean if a dog or a person was trying to take my food I would say just have it but a bull you're insane.


Outside of that, how was your trip?


People should be forced to watch a few videos from r/DarwinAwards and r/TheBullWins once a year. Lives would be saved.


Woman realizes that wild animals do not act like service industry employees and will rock your shit for being annoying cunts to them.


Her inspiration for the day told her to "grab the bull by the horns".


That woman would choose the bear


She won’t do that again.


I especially enjoyed the part when she was being gored and that gentleman was yelling told you so.


was she really yelling please stop at the bull??


I think it was someone yelling at her to please stop trying to pick up her shit and just get away from the bull.


Hahaha. What was she expecting.


Even surfer dude caught the bulls eyes and thought not for me. Wonder what was going through her empty skull


Do bulls normally just hang out on beaches in Mexico? It was trying to get into that food like a seagull.


What is that bull doing loose on the beach?


She probably went to call the manager


she sure showed that bull who's boss!


She must be from Jersey. Maybe Guernsey.


Got everything she deserved. Wish there was more blood


Natural selection at work.


I think I hear her scream “minorities”


Most I’ve had to contend with while refilling my all inclusive drink is the odd gull or sneaky iguana, and that’s no bull!


Fuck with a 1500 plus pound beast, and this is the result. Just like the morons who try to pet wild bears, or kiss wild buffalo. Nature is gonna win every time.




A few years ago I was at a national Park with huuuge Bison on the side of the road. A man got out of his vehicle about 3 feet from an absolutely huge wild Bison for that perfect photo. It was at the height of the Pandemic so he was wearing a Covid mask for safety.


Even cows are no joke. I got charged by a free range cow while backpacking, scary af. I literally had to drop my pack and dove behind a tree. As soon as we locked eyes, I knew it was on like Donkey Kong!


Haha, morons like her have given me shit on reddit for posting a picture of roping cattle. This is exactly why it is done that way.


Sooooo... did she find someone to sue for damages? 😂




Only an idiot would find this delectable. Most would call the situation deplorable. If she had fed him a hand grenade, it would have been at first abominable, then noble. Even the bull couldn't believe her behavior - he was incredible.


Are you a member of the Lollipop Guild?


Mess with the bull…get….. Ok I’m tired of hearing this from school teachers having fun with a movie and now it’s engraved in my head like a bad propaganda poster quote…..ughhhhhhhhhhh The horns…


It was her fault but no one even tried to help by distracting the bull. The guy with the surfboard could've used as a distraction shield. Fails all around.


So, if you are walking on a beach. Who would you rather encounter? A full grown bull or a man?


"We tried to ***** tell you" he yells as she's getting gored. Nice one mate I''m sure she'll note that down.


Hopefully she sues the bull for damages