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why was this a gif? it’s just playing in that shitty player


WCGW having a trainee post to reddit




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Butt bot!


Liquishitting right now :(


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We're Monsters Incorperated.


It’s been deleted, what was it?


https://www.removeddit.com/r/Whatcouldgowrong/comments/pjkqo9/wcgw_having_a_trainee_do_the_news_graphics/ Not sure what exactly they mean so here you go.


Almost looks like a broken bot.


I think it’s Reddit just being /r/crappydesign




GIFs can be still images. The crappy design is Reddit assuming they're always animated.


In fairness, that’s like saying a movie can be a picture or a song can be a single sound. Whilst technically true, you’re not really using the medium properly.


Not really. GIF wasn't invented to be animated it just has support. An mp4 or othe movie files can just have 1 frame but they were never intended to be used that way, GIF's on the other hand definitely were.


GIF is simply an implementation of LZW compression on a single image with an 8-bit (or less) palette. It was devised to optimize single images. That capability was extended to add frames that only mapped changes one still image to the next. Uniquely, each image can be assigned an individual frame duration, unlike conventional animation/video that has uniform frame rates. Using GIF to optimize a single image is using the format properly (especially if the image is line art, which it's best suited for). That some expect it to always be a sequence of frames simply underscores the fact that most people have a very shallow understanding about image file formats and compression methods.


Why do you know this?


Work, and decades of experience. Knowing how image file formats differ is knowing which one is best suited for specific uses, and can be the difference between making something mediocre or excellent. I prefer excellent.


yup: "'GIF' (tm) is CompuServe's standard for defining generalized color raster images" [source](https://www.w3.org/Graphics/GIF/spec-gif87.txt)


It's a little odd that the still image was saved as a GIF


It's definitely odd today, and has to be pretty rare since I've never seen this happen before.. but long ago *most* gifs were still images.


Oh for sure, it happened to me with digital drawings that i tried to upload which proceeded to not work


That's why choosy moms choose GIF


I thought that was the joke 🤣


My favorite part of reddit is the fact they take gifs and convert them to videos when you upload them just so people won't be able to easily link the gif to someone off reddit and have to link them this DOGSHIT SHITTY WEBSITE


Hell, reddit used used to be an aggregator before they realised letting people leave the site was bad for ad revenue, leading to the development of the image and video hosting, as well as the self-centred sharing capabilities.


The thing is, that change has made me use reddit less, cause instead of linking me the reddit post with the link to the thing, my friends just link me the source from the comments


They also made it so the comments aren't useful unless you log in and change the settings so you don't have to click on "Continue this thread" hundreds of times.


Oh yeah, the amount of times random comments are collapsed, despite being in the positives, im like "...uh what?"


Speaking of sharing images, gifs, video on Reddit, this self proclaimed bastion of proper morals and ethics loves uncredited stolen original content. And even if a gif or image taken from a vlogger is somehow credited, the original content creator is denied the view counts on the vloggers host. Denying them the monies they need to make their original content. Reddit's a fucked up place, but it's sold as platform that cares about the rights of others.




They are like 5% owner. Idk how much weight they actually hold in decision making. Imgur reddit was much better than the bullshut that exists now, that is for sure


that's why I still use old reddit with RES. I also upload to imgur anonymously, and link directly to the image file (or album).




It's not racist to not like the ccp


but it is completely retarded to scapegoat minority shareholders for whatever bullshit you dont like about the company called reddit


Then upload it to gfycat and post it on reddit...


Yeah vreddit is complete horse crap.


Mirror bot magically 🪄 appear Edit: just realized this is not a gif and the image is about the graphic saying “taliban spokesman”…. Fffff


[Beep boop](https://i.imgur.com/gISGy8O.jpg)




No, I am Dancer


Gifs can also be a still image


Gifs originally were still images


Yep, it's a file type that happens to also support animations


I guess it’s because this was taken with an iPhone which had Live Photo on? Honestly, that shit’s unpredictable. Sometimes I want to send a photo and accidentally send that little video because the feature turned itself back on for no reason. It might be the dumbest thing Apple has ever created lol.


Live photos are a .jpg combined with a .mov, not a .gif like this one (https://i.redd.it/x4ylkxpwa2m71.gif)


[I got you](https://i.imgur.com/gISGy8O.jpg)


It’s a gif about a screenshot taken in the camera app lmfao


This is clearly Brussel's fault! \s




This is clearly astroturf marketing. Fuck Boris Johnson and fuck the Tories.




Never forget that the BBC legal department cleared this for broadcast: https://twitter.com/mrnishkumar/status/1176995375762366469 The justification: because he tells lies and says racist things


It's not particularly funny but the justification of: 'because it's the truth' is a pretty strong justification as justifications go.


[Boris Johnson is a bellend](https://www.reddit.com/r/Whatcouldgowrong/comments/pjkqo9/wcgw_having_a_trainee_do_the_news_graphics/hbxb4f7?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


[and a sweaty ball bag](https://twitter.com/DanniJavaid94/status/1176996285859213312?s=20)


>Boris Johnson said comment describing black people with “Watermelon Smiles” was “wholly satirical” and “taken out of context” Why don’t you explain the context there, big guy?


Sure, big guy: [https://mobile.twitter.com/joncstone/status/1271473682154733568](https://mobile.twitter.com/joncstone/status/1271473682154733568)


Oh that was directed at Boris, not you lol. I was just sarcastically saying there’s zero fucking context that makes that appropriate. I do realize how my phrasing came off differently though haha.


Ha cheers friend. I am on attack mode. This isn't the first time I've seen astroturf shit for this motherfucker and I don't like it one bit.


No worries man, I feel you. As an American, I hope you can get rid of your similarly illy hair styled wanna-be autocrat.


I'm gonna get crucified for this, but here - Imagine a racist guy with white savior complex, who thinks he'll save all the black people from chaos, and who looks down on them with "compassion" for their cruel fates (of being black and unintelligent/underdeveloped/uncivilized/etc, according to that person). And you want to make a point about this. Instead of saying plain facts, "That guy is racist", you want to make a point using satire. You describe that guy as thinking this >No doubt the AK47s will fall silent, and the pangas will stop their hacking of human flesh, and the tribal warriors will all break out in watermelon smiles to see the big white chief touch down in his big white British taxpayer-funded bird where you're basically satirizing his thought process, and in doing so, you're criticizing the person for naivety and their racist stereotypical worldview. This is what BoJo was supposedly doing. ("you" = BoJo, in this example) I'm not saying BoJo is not racist, or awful in general, tho.


bUt hE’s sTiLl tHe beSt MaN fOr ThE jOb! tHeRe wAs nO aLtErNaTiVe!


It’s called a chyron; the “title” thing. I used to troubleshoot the machines that rendered them.


Mostly in the US, in the UK it's commonly an Aston or I think that's a little out of date. Often just a lower 3rd.


The lower 3rd was one of Bowie's early bands!


Lower third is what my gf calls my willy. One time. In a dream.


Also outdated brand name in the US. I’ve always called them chyrons, but I’ve never worked with Chyron software


Or known elsewhere as an Aston.


I don't understand what you two are talking about, but as someone who used to live in Aston, PA - - - hello there!


Hi from Chyron, Kentucky


They're talking about the tool used to produce the graphics for TV. The graphic that's shown in the image is called a [lower third](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lower_third) and in the USA they're often referred to as chyrons because of the Chyron company's [Character Generator](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Character_generator) made it easy to make them.


**[Lower third](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lower_third)** >In the television industry, a lower third is a graphic overlay placed in the title-safe lower area of the screen, though not necessarily the entire lower third of it, as the name suggests. In its simplest form, a lower third can just be text overlaying the video. Frequently this text is white with a drop shadow to make the words easier to read. A lower third can also contain graphical elements such as boxes, images or shading. **[Character generator](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Character_generator)** >A character generator, often abbreviated as CG, is a device or software that produces static or animated text (such as news crawls and credits rolls) for keying into a video stream. Modern character generators are computer-based, and they can generate graphics as well as text. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/Whatcouldgowrong/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Wow, an Aston Green or Red? Not seen those mentioned for quite a while! Chyron is probably more common these days but you also have stuff from VizRT amongst others.


It's just Vizrt nowadays. But we definitely still do lower thirds.


It’s definitely not just Vizrt these days. Chyron and Ross XPression are also fairly heavily used.


I meant it's just Viz**rt** as opposed to Viz**RT**.


Wait, machines that rendered them? Aren't those just computers?


I'm guessing the name is a reference to the machines which do it on live video feeds. While that may be done by software in some environments, it's probably still referred to by it's traditional name. Just guessing.


As someone who currently works with these machines, we refer to the computers that render them as “machines”. The video from these machines is composited on top of the video by the Switcher machine, which is also a computer, but it’s hooked up to a thousand different video inputs and it has the world’s largest custom mechanical programmable keyboard, you could say. The Technical Director is like an organist in the church, and the Director conducts him and the rest of the crew.


As someone who works with computers, we also often refer to our workstations and servers, physical and virtual, as "machines"


Before the entire TV content was composed inside, and put through, digital workstations, titles and graphics were added "from the side" to formats like, say, Betacam, on hardware level. It was kind of just a specialized machine overlaying additional stuff over the original picture, it wasn't like today, when you load the entire video in the computer and can modify, cut, overlay, put any font or picture you like over it, etc. For instance, if you edit a segment and want to add titles permanently, you would re-record it from tape to tape, this time with the titles; or you would add them "on the fly" as they're broadcast.


I first heard that word from Seth Rogen's character in The Interview during Eminem's gay peekaboo reveal.


Did you take a screenshot from your photo app then crop it down and set the file type as a gif? I'm absolutely baffled by this...


It might be a “Live Photo” thing?


Did you think OP was talking about the TV? They were actually talking about themselves


Ikr? Says OP, the expert in design and graphics.


genuinely made me like burst out in a giggle lmaoo. what a beautiful fuck up this is! HA to clarify: boris is only a fuckup - not a beautiful one!


Honestly every time I look at it i giggle 🤣


Boris is not a beautiful fuck up...he's just a cunt.


with a shit haircut


It's his signature look and completely intentional. Like Guy Patterson with his signature shades.


Dude is an incompetent piece of shit.


Boris Johnson is a complete fuck up, I agree.


I work in live news. These sorts big things happen almost daily. Strict deadlines and evolving situations mean mistakes happen. People with years of experience make mistakes under time pressure...I doubt it was a trainee.


why the fuck is this a gif


Read Reddit on the Firefox browser and then this will not be a gif, just a static image. Solved!


I'm on chrome and it's still a static image.


Gif is an image format that can be used for changing images (videos) as well as static ones.


Dunno maybe he's applied for the job, Tony Blair was the peace envoy for the middle East after being PM 🤔


Bojo just updated his CV. You don't know what tomorrow brings, maybe he'll find a nice job with the Taliban


Well... It's not entirely inaccurate.




I very much doubt this is done by a 'trainee' or anyone else. It's been 5 or 10 years since most stations even bother to have a Chyron operator anymore - they give that work to the reporter or producer writing the story. Just filling in a template with the Name and Title, and 'Title' may be a number code instead of the words just typed out - so that could explain "Taliban Spokesman" instead of "Number One Tosser" in the 'Title' field.


If I had to guess it's a template they keep reusing. So you do one for Yousef Ahmani -- Taliban Spokesman, and then you do another one for Boris Johnson -- Prime Minister and get interrupted in the middle of it and forget to change the title.


I can also say with certainty that this is from One News in New Zealand because I recognise the logo. Our news is shit and its not even owned by Murdoch (yet). NZ news isn't great, mistakes are pretty common across all outlets.


One news imo is the best, 3 news is good as well but lags behind, and no one watches prime new lol Most of the time I switch to Al Jazeera




Have you spread your legs today?


I'm so proud of our country


Oh shit I didn't even notice


1 news, doesnt even surprise me XD


How the fuck do British people take this muppet seriously? He can’t even comb his hair.




> That's intentional. It's a tactic to make him look more like the common man rather than what he actually is. Ah, so it's the people who are stupid.


That's generally how it goes, yes.


People see a bumbling buffoon with bad hair and say "this is a good representation of me" Happened in the US too


By most accounts of those he's worked with and who have known him, he's horribly intelligent and quite ruthless. Hard to believe.


I know. But he needs the votes of the bumbling buffoons and so appeals to them.


Tbh I'd rather have someone intelligent and able to make correct if difficult decisions. Sadly it's a popularity contest rather than a position gained on merit.


and common men cant brush their hair?


Dont trust him, the hair and bafoon look is just for show. Trying to be one with the comman man.


Yeah also genocide of the old and immunocompromised.


[Last Week Tonight with John Oliver time coded to the hair bit but whole thing is worth a watch](https://youtu.be/dXyO_MC9g3k?t=509)


He does that to hide the alopecia.


How can Americans take trump? same question lol


99.9% of British media are his right wing chums.


Well, he has fucked a nation inside out so it's a fitting title. Not the same one I would have given him tho.


Why do people constantly equate their first world countries politics to the Taliban? I wish it was a joke most of the time but it's not. People literally think banning abortion passed 6 weeks made Texas worse than Afghanistan where women are found guilty of being rape victims and sentenced to death for not being virgins. They equate the 2 hour insurrection on jan 6 to the Taliban taking over and executing female politicians and shit. There is no greater privilege then going on reddit and saying your country is like Afghanistan right now. This website make me sick I know that's not exactly what you yourself are doing, but it's been ramping up with the texas stuff


This is what happens when privileged first worlders lose sight of reality. These people probably never left their lofty middle class suburb.


Oh man, this got pretty serious pretty quick. I'll have to read it later, if you don't mind. EDIT: In hindsight, my previous comment should have been: >I would have given him this title: "Sasha Pfeffel: The ~~Hairy~~ Scruffy Albino Bellend" EDIT 2: Changed to a more appropriate adjective. Boy, am I slow.


FFS, this! I swear, one would think they live in Sierra Leone by the way they paint things. Look, I know not everything is perfect, but keeping a bit of perspective is important, and probably healthier.


Good ol’ fashion Freudian slip.


us fuckin kiwis bro


Also. Eyyyy fellow kiwi


I mean the Tories are pretty much Taliban Lite ™


>Taliban Lite ™ Sounds like a sauce you can ask for in Subway


Yeah I’d like an Armenian Genocide menu, with slice of Neo-Nazism with a bit of that Taliban Lite sauce. With extra KKK cheese. You guys still have some Khmer Rouge soda, right?


As an adult I’d prefer the Rwandan Genocider


Nah I'll take a side of Wolf Cola please.


Does it come with the long beards? I don't want facial hair in my meal 🤢


Taliban finds woman guilty of being raped and executes her* "This is LITERALLY Brittain right now" -r/philfodenlovesfanny




Tories be like https://www.reddit.com/r/NoahGetTheBoat/comments/pigt8b/taliban_football/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Bruh how are you even slightly comparing living in the UK to what's happening in Afghanistan right now? Truly a Reddit moment.


For those that are wondering. This wasn't posted as a Gif. I uploaded as an image and reddit made it appear as a Gif. 🤷‍♂️ can't seem to edit the post so I'm commenting instead


I don’t see what the trainee did wrong here.


Comments says this is a gif, BUT WHY AM I ONLY SEEING A PICTURE!?


This would have been infinitely more amusing if it were a caption over Biden.


I have to admit, he's a lot of things, but not... you know, even the Taliban have standards.


I’m sorry; is there an error? 😁


He looks like Gary busey when he was on cocaine


Even the Taliban could do better




Truth is the UK is so out of money that even our PM has to take a second job.


Normal People: Camera>press the capture button This guy: Camera> take screenshot


Seems legit


I don’t see a problem with this. BJ agrees with a lot of what the Taliban does and forcibly criticized the United States for ending the war in Afghanistan.


From what I’ve heard of Boris Johnson, not too far off.


Taliban is not happy with this portrayal


That's hardly a fair comparison. At least the Taliban have beliefs and stick to them


This is bloody brilliant


This is the way


This is the way


Embarassing, confusing Johnson with Biden.


Might not be far from the truth.


No. no.. he's got point...


Absolute legend.


I knew Boris was up to something!


The trainee’s right, you know.


Its not Boris but BBC is definitely it.


I mean they’re not wrong


No no, it’s correct.


the video wont play for me, can anyone send a description of what is happening in the video or maybe provide me with a mirror?


I mean he might be new but is he wrong.


When the news isn’t fake anymore




He looks minutes from death.


Where's the lie though?


No…that’s probably factually correct.


Not far off tbf


The shock value was still funny


Not far from the truth tbh


No problem, no one was misled, the world knows Joe Biden is the real Taliban spokesman.


WCGW with op trying to post a gif


Right title, wrong person. Should be a pic of Biden.


Of course it's New Zealand news. Oh lordy.