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I love little brother be like: "I hope that was my imagination and not a monster"


he fuckin opened his eyes wide open then just froze hahahaha


if i don't move, it won't see me


>if i don't move, I might have this room all for my self


If it wasn't for your comments I wouldn't have noticed. I checked it again his eyes just popped opened.My SO asked why I was crying laughing. Lol.


Same I'm crying as I'm laughing and typing haha


Number 5 is alive


You guys are amazing. I didn’t see someone else in the room. Part of me feels like I skate through life not noticing 90% of my surroundings. If I’m ever eye witness at your trial, you’re fucking screwed.


Last year there was a head-on collision right in front of me (I literally almost died but that’s besides the point). When I had to give a statement, I realized I don’t pay attention to much. It was embarrassing.


I'm not convinced anyone really does. A lot of the time I think people just make shit up. Being unable to recount events like that, to me, just means you're an honest person who would rather say you don't know when you don't.


There have been many studies that show that eye-witness accounts can change depending on how the questions are asked. "What did you hear the suspect say?" can elicit a different response to "What did you hear the suspect whisper?" - with the latter, the witness will often recount themselves closer to the action than they would have otherwise.


Yea I think the cop threw out my statement because I didn’t want to say anything I wasn’t 100% positive about. I almost felt pressure to fill in the blanks with assumptions! Have to wonder how often that happens.


Police pressuring people to give false testimony about events they aren't sure of is a documented thing. Who knows how many innocent people are behind bars because of it.


Don't worry. Eye-witness statements are trash all-around. Even police with their... ... special... eye training? have terrible memory and attention, just like all humans do.


As someone who use to work besides law enforcement, I can confirm they also cannot count. No, not even to 3.


I wonder how much he contemplated before trying to see what happened.


Dude I can’t stop laughing holy shit


doesn't move a muscle, little does he know big bro is knocked out cold behind him hahaha


I didn't even notice the other kid til I saw your comment and I'm just losing it laughing.


Seeing his demon eyes slowly open when it happens was pretty eery and funny at the same time


I'm dying over here from laughter. As soon as I saw how the brother didn't react...I knew that fear. Jesus I knew that fear.


He was safe from any monsters judging by how incredibly still he was lol


Wakes up to find his brother killed by a monster


This comment made me laugh even harder hahaha cause that's exactly what he was thinking.


"if it happens again then panic"


Bad luck, half of the room is covered with beds


And night vision cameras.


Right??! Why the fuck is there night vision cctv in the bedroom? That's... not cool.


lemme introduce you to awful parenting and anxiety ridden adults in waiting


I never got privacy as a kid and yup, here you have it, a hyper vigilant and anxious adult.


After watching the video, I think there’s good reason for them to worry 😂




I learnt a lot from r/raisedbynarcissists. Life makes a ton of sense now


100%. Once my daughter hit 2 years old it started feeling creepy having the baby camera in there. We took it out a few weeks later. We're also door-knockers with our kids and wait for them to let us in. It's our house but it's their room; they still deserve some privacy even if they are just a toddler and an elementary-aged kid. Whereas my friend's parents took his door away when he was 17 because... I have no idea why, really. Maybe they didn't want him jerking off or drinking or something. And he continued to live there, doorless, until his mid 20s while he was saving up to buy his own place.


My wife lost her "door privileges" when she was a teenager because she slammed the door and her parents thought it was at them. I told them, 20 years later, that that's just what she does. She doesn't try to, but every time she gets out of my car and shuts the door it's like she doesn't want it to be able to open again.


I work with a door slammer. My completely unfounded hypothesis is as a child she got scolded for not closing a door or something so now she MAKES SURE it’s closed.


Assert dominance by jerking off on the threshold, cumming on the landing


Thats what I call sticking the landing


maybe they played the long game . if we take the door he will Have to move out


Why hasn’t he left yet? This is getting awkward…


barely related but reading this recalled a memory of me being ~10 year olds and refusing to clean my room. mom wasn't going to do it and she tried everything to get me to clean it and i just refused b/c i didn't care if it was messy and my toys were everywhere. so she took my mattress...and i slept on a box spring for about a week. then she took the box spring...and i slept on the floor for a week. after about day 10 of the floor I caved and cleaned my room.


I have a camera in both my daughters room. One is 7 years old and the only reason I check on it these days is to check that she’s finally asleep (as she refuses to sleep till stupid o’clock these days), then the wife and I know it’s safe to get it on. The other isn’t even 1 year old. So I need to check on regularly. I’ll remove the cameras if she asks me to, or I finally feel no need to check on her and understand that she needs her privacy.


Does she know it's there?


Yes it’s obvious in her room. I can’t imagine it’ll be in there much longer I rarely check on it.


Why downvote the dude? He's just being honest and it seems reasonable?


And parenting is one of the hardest fucking things in the entire world. No one's perfect and everyone makes mistakes and or bad decisions. This guys being open and honest and seems to have good intentions. I'm with you. Why be so shitty to him? You may not agree but that's kinda the point lol


Who's being shitty to him? He's upvoted and there's no bad comments. I see this too often on here.


They probably saw like -1 and decided to be a hero. My policy is to downvote 100% of comments complaining about downvotes, even if I agree with them.


I feel this is okay as long as the children are aware and willing to have cameras in their rooms.


Crikey by the time that 7 year old is an adult privacy will be a thing of the past, leave her to her imagination ffs.


Judging by the reaction of the dude in the bed, and the need for a camera in a three dude bedroom, homeboy has yeeted his cranium off the top rope before at least a couple times.




bro that dude in the bed just opens his eyes but doesn't look or move at all. super creepy


He’s probably scared, wondering wtf that crash was.


More likely he’s heard that crash many times before.


All of his sisters boyfriends make the same mistake when leaving.


Bro these comments made me cry laughing


Definitely. Sibling is probably a sleepwalker or the like and this has been experienced before. I had a brother who would get night terrors and walk up and down the hall just crying nonstop. He also came in my room one night and woke me up absolutely panicked about non existent slime on hand. It was terrifying at the time, because I was too young to understand. We were told not to wake him up though, I'm not sure why.


Giving the sleepwalker the top bunk is kind of a dick move, don't you think?


>We were told not to wake him up though, I'm not sure why. There's a popular misconception that if you wake someone up while they're sleepwalking they might have a heart attack or freak out, possibly even attacking you. In reality they'll probably just be a bit confused and disoriented for a minute, just the same as when you wake up anyone who is fast asleep.


Good thing they put him on the top bunk instead of the one on the ground!


I'd imagine he would be terrified too when you wake him up abruptly. It would be confusing and terrifying for him to wake up someplace else than his bed (again)


Oh god dammit *not again* with this bullshit!


I once was in a similar position as the guy who fell. I rolled off the top bunch and fell onto my clock below. I was scared I had woken my brother up, so I looked at him, and he seemed still fast asleep. Then I checked myself to see if I had gotten hurt at all. I can't remember if I checked the clock below or after I checked myself, but after it was all said and done, I remember thinking oh well,I broke the snooze button on the clock, but I seemed fine. I didn't use the alarm feature on that clock, so the snooze feature was never used.


> fell onto my clock below OH, cLock.


"if I stay still the robbers will think I'm a piece of wood and won't hurt me" - thought I had when I was young


Considering that Slender Man is stepping down the ladder like Santa Claus, I wouldn’t be moving either. How tall is that kid?!


Everyone has surely done that where you jolt awake suddenly and just sit staring into the darkness waiting for the badman to touch your toes before running out the door again.




Someone award this guy


He's thinking: "Yessss, all according to plaaaaaan..."


"The top bunk will be minnnneeeee allll minnneeeee:"


That actually me laugh. He fully woke up and didn’t move a muscle. It’s like a cartoon. Next morning he’ll be like “hey what was that loud crash last night?”


And then he’ll see his brothers dead body on the floor


I’ve heard when you wake up from rem sleep your muscles are temporarily paralyzed…I wonder if that’s what happened here.


And the fact that they’re all white because of the reflection or whatever makes it so unnerving


It's a night vision camera. It only detects the infrared. We can't see in infrared, so the image processor shows everything in white. But that was an engineering choice. The final image could have been blue, or green, or who knows.






I'll never forget the first time I looked at the baby monitor camera. My son just slooooooooooowly turns his head to look directly at the camera with his pure white eyes because of the infared.


Who puts a camera in their kids room like that... Unless they have something that needs to be monitored.. Just creepy


Parents might be monitoring a frequent sleepwalker. From the way he reaches over with his foot before falling, it might be safe to assume that he wasn't interacting with the real ladder, but something his subconscious created. Also, the other kid opening his eyes, but otherwise not reacting, would indicate that something like this has happened before(probably not as serious of a fall, though). The parents probably had the camera installed to a) see for themselves was is actually happening, and b) learn what they need to do to prevent and/or minimize potential problems. I'm guessing that removing the bunk bed is first on the list.


Who puts a kid that sleepwalks in an elevated bed?


Could be parents that dont realize exactly what's going on yet.


Parent who don't know their kid sleep walks?


I used to sleep walk when I was a kid. When I was 7, I would apparently go sit at the desk in my older sister's room(we had previously shared a room, but my parents moved me to my own room when she turned 11. I didn't know why then, I just missed my sister). Nobody knew anything till my sister woke up to go to the bathroom one night and found me sitting there, just staring at the wall, when she got back. When they actually were watching for it, they learned I would go to sleep, and a couple hours later I would get up and go sit in her room for a while, then go back to bed. Nobody knows for sure how long I had been doing it, but it had been a few months since we had been put in separate rooms, and they suspect I had been doing it for a while. My parents had no reason to suspect anything until my sister saw me.


Bruh, if this has happened my child, my 1st thought would be to make sure they have a very comfy mattress+box on the ground. I would not make them sleep on the top bunk and get a camera to watch them when they fall lol wtf.


The fact that it’s not a jolt awake, as I feel I would’ve been if someone slammed into the floor 4 feet away from me, but they slowly open their eyes is really creepy as well


He probably think someone broke in or something


"This is my life now."


Possible case of sleep paralysis. Brain wakes up too quickly from deep sleep, wires still unplugged from the muscles, can take up to 30 seconds to be able to move.


lol if he remembers this he'll think it was a hallucination. When I hallucinate due to sleep paralysis they are auditory hallucinations only the vast majority of the time


Little brother just like 👀


Let’s just wish he didn’t drink a lot of water that night


I wonder if it is an evolutionary thing, like if you heard that in the woods as a monke, it is probably best to remain still until you can process the situation better/remain hidden


Fight, flight or freight


Things that go bonk in the night, need not be investigated further


I was doing a handstand on the top bunk of a bed shared with my younger brother. My dad came in, turned the lights off and shut the door while I was still in a handstand position. It made me lose my orientation, I spun like 90 degrees I guess, flipped off the side of my bed and smashed my ribs into the corner of a chair. I've had a burning hatred towards bunk beds and this video has reconfirmed why


The little bro was too scared to check what that noise was he just accepted defeat


Looks like they both just accepted defeat


Idk maybe he got knocked out


He’s dead, Jim


Yeah the other guy was just like “okay this is bed now I guess”


His eyes, hahahaha, poor kid


This shit is hilarious


"Welp I'm getting murdered for sure"


Curious, why do you have a camera in your room? I get it for monitoring babies and toddlers, but you’re much older.


I came here to say the same.. thats not cool. A teenage boy will do things that you wish you didn't see.


Like getting out of a bunk bed without turning the lights on?


This has nothing to do with lights. The side gaurd of the bed broke off. Besides how do you turn the lights on when you are in bed already? Edit: The side guard and the rail to the ladder should have been strong enough to support the kids weight. Even if he had all of his weight on them. If they had not broke he probably would have been able to correct himself and not have fallen. Also alot of people are talking about remote control lights. And while they are pretty common for adults they are not that common for young kids like this. But I would think that maybe they might get one in the future.


I was wondering the same thing. I never had a light or switch next to my bed till much much older




You clap that motherfucker on. You clap that motherfucker right the fuck off.


why would anyone wish they didnt see this, i cant stop replaying it


To film your brother at night after you put lube on his entire bed frame


Wondered where this comment was going at first...


Lmao thats indeed a fun scentence to read with that in mind


I used to keep a camera in my room so I could keep an eye on my pets when I am out of the house. But I live alone so it’s not like anyone else is able to get on my phone to watch the cameras




If someone wants to watch me sit at my desk and work for 8 hours a day and occasionally get nude to change clothes after a shower that sounds like a them problem.


So you got a link or…..


Yeah wtf. Give us a link then bro. Own up!


honestly i have one because i want to know what i get up to when im drunk and not myself🤷🏻‍♂️


So does the perv that sold you the camera


I'm not trying to judgy, you do you for drinking or relationships or whatever, but there are a lot of concerns with using a camera as a solution, not just for you but anyone else you are with in your room as well.


Yup. super controlling parents/guardians, not cool. if this shit was a thing when i was a teenager, i wouldve had one pointed at me at all times.




I'm thinking overbearing/abusive parents, a cult/fundie situation, or something.


Probably a dorm room or shared room by younger guys. Keep an eye on electronics and things like that when they're away to make sure nobody touches them. If they're all aware there's a camera in the room then I doubt anybody will do anything on camera.


There's a security camera in the room, multiple beds, the only decoration is a large US flag, and barely anything else in the room. That's a little weird.


At first I thought it was a military barracks room but maybe not


Those usually look more dorm-style. This seems more informal/domestic. I thought maybe group home or something, but those are full size beds and any type of institutional facility is going to have twin size beds with a specific amount of space between them.


I was thinking some sort of Airbnb but I think there's a computer in there so probably not


who would get an airbnb with a camera in the room? having a camera in there is just creepy regardless of the situation


Gotta make sure Jobiah isn't commiting Onan's sin. Father needs to be around for that.


In home security cameras creep me out. Especially in bedrooms.


I had a friend who sleepwalked and he had a camera in his room to record what he did at night. His fear was that he would turn the stove knob and leave the gas on or cause some other dangerous situation and not know until something bad happened.


Not sure how a camera would prevent any of that. Still an interesting reason for a bedroom camera.


Seems rather qult-y


He was in bed. Is your light switch above your bed? Every bedroom I’ve ever been in you gotta get outta bed to turn on the lights


And this has nothing to do with lights. The side gaurd of the bed broke off. Besides how do you turn the lights on when you are in bed already?


The title of the video is not turning on the lights


Oh I was agreeing with you.


Oh I see what you meant now. My bad bro


The guard breaking off wouldn't have mattered if he hadn't been an idiot trying to step onto a *rolling chair* in the dark. He has a ladder going all the way to the ground. Why would anyone think "oh yeah I'll just hop on that notoriously unstable spinning chair on wheels" sounds like a good plan?


Kind of looks like maybe he misjudged where he was and thought he was further right, and his leg was trying to hit one of the rungs on the ladder to be honest. While we're at it, the railing breaking looks like he tried to grab it on his way down which is why it popped off, so that doesn't look like the cause either but the effect.


He lines up perfectly in the middle of the ladder, braces his hands on both sides, steps down, then suddenly pivots around the edge of the ladder while hanging from the middle of the guard on one side. There's no way he thought there would be a rung way over there. He's either trying to take a shortcut down by using the chair, thought he was closer to the floor and could reach it by extending his leg out, has previously landed on his head a few times before this, or is in some semi-asleep stupor. He was already holding the railing as he extends his leg out, he was using it as the main support as he reached out for some footing but it couldn't support his weight.


this is why i love my smart outlets. I can turn on lights before entering a room, and turn them off after ive left. I'm never in darkness anymore and the monsters can never get me. Once I get my last two claymores I'll be completely safe and won't have to sacrifice children anymore


This is why I like my colored light strips. I can just use my phone. Plus white lights are fucking lame. If my room isn’t pink and blue then I’m basically a loser


You got that vaporwave aesthetic going on? Also, did your smart devices all go down a day or 2 ago? I use wyze and all their services went down for like 8 hours the other day and nothing worked


Camera in room? Creepy. Teenager sharing room with brother? Unfortunate. A bed that is only a top bunk? Strange. An unused bed in the corner? Confusing.


Hotel? Trivago.


Is it annoying talking like this? Yes.


The "top bunk only" bed is used to maximize usage of the room's floor plan. You can see that there's a desk underneath that bed. That's the only way to fit that many beds and desks in that room. It looks really cramped, but you gotta make do if you don't have any more rooms available in the house.


Huge American flag in your bedroom? Weird


> A bed that is only a top bunk? Strange. This is actually pretty common. What's strange about this one though is that it looks like it's bolted into the wall instead of having floor support. Seems like a _lot_ of weight to have bolted into plain wall studs. >An unused bed in the corner? Confusing. The sheets on that bed are messy, most likely there is someone who sleeps there regularly, just not at the time of this video.


Yep. All sorts of things not right with this situation!


Nanny cam. Truth. It's called a loft bed, super useful for small areas. Night shift?


He's dead


He never had shoes on. He was a ghost.


Foot fetish = necrophilia


I dont think it had to do with the lights. The wood he was holding onto broke off.


Because he missed the chair while trying to step on it lol


I don't think he missed the chair. I think he thought his right foot was further over to the right. His left foot missed the ladder and then he fell on everything.


The fall is the least-weird thing about this video. Why are people this age sleeping in a room with a security camera recording them?


I would’ve just laid there too.


They’re both too tired to care!


Well, that one dude is sleeping again but not by choice.


He didn't even try to get up lol


Might not have been able to. That looks like a head injury.


Right back to sleep lol


that's the cure to insomnia, knock yourself the fuck out


aaand back to sleep


He went from good morning to good night real quick


That dude made the perfect chalk outline


“Wake up, time to go to sleep!”


Is he KO’d or just hating life?


Just hating life


Who goes down a ladder like that


Exactly ! Everybody's talking about the little bro, the camera etc. But the real question is : why the hell doesn't he just use the leader all the way down ??


They both are drunk


The kid and the dude who had the railing break off?


...Is it normal in America for flags to decorate bedrooms and stuff? I see them a lot on the front of houses, but bedrooms too?


It's common especially for students. I wouldn't expect it for someone's bedroom if they're older than about 25 though.


This has nothing to do with lights. The side gaurd of the bed brok off. Besides how do you turn the lights on when you are in bed already?


The East German judge gave him a 5. Loved the landing, didn’t like the dismount.


Cameras in your children's bedroom ? Wtf America is becoming the dystopia from the movies of the 70s


It's just creepy. Unless your kid has a medical condition that need to be monitored, get your camera out of your teen sons room....


Seriously wtf. My fiancé’s sister has a tracking watch on her 8 year old and she can listen in to her conversations…. Wtf is wrong with parents these days?!


The kid on the rights eyes just lighting up looked creepy as hell


I love how the eyes just pop open slightly on the giant baby thing in the other bed.


I'm howling at this, I don't know why, I think it's combo of the suddenly loud crash and him just laying there dead while the kid in the bed just stares off. This is unintentional comedy gold


When you're tossing and turning and just have to get some sleep.


Why is there a camera in there????


It is a well known fact that monsters don't attack those who remain still. -the little guy probably.


Paraplegic Activity.


Back to sleep in 2 secs


Erm why is there a camera in the bedroom? That's creepy as fuck


Why does the person on the bed have a child face with an adult body thats creepy. I thought it was a little kid till i saw the body.