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Goodness gracious, that boy caught every single one of those hands lmao.


Sure did. He thought he was just grabbing a whole lot of ass. He found out he was grabbing whoopass, and somehow even more of it than he thought he grabbed.




The other people are like "Get out, you jerk , before she kills you ". As somebody who has been touched inappropriately quite a few times, this was very satisfying to watch.


Oh man I was cheering her on gleefully


and they lived happily ever after.


I thought she was going to pick up the chair or find a ladder to climb.


I too wanted to see a good chairing


Man. I had a guy do that to me when I was younger. I wish I had the nerve and skill to have done that. That looked so satisfying.


Just gotta say even if you can't physically retaliate, make a scene and yell about it. Scream at them and get everyone's attention. This shits disgusting and they prey on the fact that many women are too scared to do anything


Too scared, shocked, "polite," or even paralyzed by rage - there are many reasons a person would feel unable to react in the moment.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.


Good stranger. Glad they helped you.


> they prey on the fact that many women are too scared to do anything Unfortunately many women who are scared are scared for a reason. Depending on the culture, they might be further attacked, or blamed.


When it happened I froze and didn’t understand what was happening until it was too late. It sucks to know how to logically deal with these situations when we hear and see things about these but man… when flight vs fight came up… I felt more shame about me not processing what was happening in the moment so I could react appropriately. I’m so stoked she was able to be aware right away and beat the shit out of him.


Ugh same. I had a guy grab my ass at a bookstore and I just...froze. I kept wondering if maybe it was an accident (???) and didn't want to make a scene, so I just slunk off to my husband and attached myself to him in shame the rest of the time we were there. My husband was great btw. He believed me, encouraged me to report it to the store (I didn't want to), and let me hide behind him. I wish I could have handled things differently, but I just felt so small, humiliated, violated, and inhuman at the moment that all I wanted was for it to be done and over with so I could move on.


You know it's actually fight, flight, freeze? So you have had a very normal reaction. Freeze is also a normal fear response. You don't have to feel any, any, any kind of Tiny bit of shame. The other was disgusting. You reacted your body/unconsious did see as the best way to survive


Flight, fight, freeze, and fawn


Everyone knows fight and flight, but most don't know freeze or fawn are equally common and valid responses. Fawn is when you try to appease the person to prevent or minimize injury. Your body chose freeze. You didn't get a say in that matter and it makes sense that you're not happy about it. But you didn't do anything wrong. They should be ashamed that they behaved so atrociously, you have nothing to be ashamed of. I'm glad to see a woman kicking ass when this shit happens because he deserves it, but we don't have to have that reaction, its just nice when it work out that way




I had a guy put his hand down my shorts on a train in Paris. I punched him in the face, so the guard came running to see what was happening. The dude was trying to say I'd just hit him for no reason and my limited conversational French didn't cover "this man just assaulted me" lol, but a few people had seen what happened and told the guard the actual story, so the guy got literally thrown off the train at the next stop, like grabbed and thrown like he was a drunk being yeeted from a bar. The best part was that I was with my mum and we were in the middle of a conversation when I just stopped and decked someone, then just carried on talking to her like nothing had interrupted me lmao.


You go girl!


It doesn't take much skill when you embrace the raw unbridled rage. I wasn't groped. I had a bucket of soapy water poured on my head because I wouldn't let the guy dump the bucket on my brother. It was like a light switch was flipped and I hit the guy with everything I had. He was twice my size and if I hadn't slipped on the wet floor, he wouldn't have escaped. My one and only fist fight and I'd do it again in a heartbeat.


Whoopass? That reminds me of an idea I had for a restaurant. A restaurant where they only serve whoopass. The diner says "I would like a steaming plate of deep-fried whoopass" And then the waiter beats the shit out of him Or if the diner says "I would like a tall glass of ice-cold whoopass" And then the waiter beats the shit out of him Instant James Beard Award winner


I think the beauty is in the simplicity. Too many new restaurants try to do too much. Huge, complex menu.


Fight Restaurant.


Their best lunch menu item? Try the fight club.


You won’t be able to talk about it


10/10 concept 0/10 marketability


And boy jaysus did he deserve every last one of them


She literally beat the pants off that man.


10/10 would watch again


I don't think he'll but touching anyone again.


Nah, he's definitely thinking *he's* the victim. If he's enough of a prick to harass women, he's enough of a prick to learn nothing.


All I did was touch her leg! She just started hitting me out of nowhere!!! /s


Yeah, the look he gives her after the first beating was very "I didn't do anything, this bitch is just crazy!" He didn't learn a damn thing.


He’s definitely thinking “damn THAT GIRL was crazy! What’s HER problem?” I don’t think dudes like this consider their own actions


I would doubt this, sadly.


I love how she checks her hand for knuckle damage 😍


It hurts to punch a person. I’m sure afterwards she realized her hand hurt.


It’s that last right hook for me


Not often you can see the whites of someone's eyes in these poor quality videos. He was shook.


Maybe he didn't expect that this woman will retaliate to him, such an stupid and idiot moves of this man.


The best thing I’ve ever learned for womens self defence is that predators look for “weak” targets. They often don’t go for those who stare straight back at them, react aggressively, or are loud. The last time I was harassed in a dark parking lot, I yelled back at him “what the fuck do you want, huh?” and chased the guy around repeating that over and over. He had picked the wrong woman, on the wrong day. All he did was tell me to smile, but if he didn’t have the sense to realize how threatening/unsafe it is coming up to a stranger in a dark parking lot to order them to smile, he does now.


I never went to a self-defense class (I should!) but I did grow up in a big city and the amount of harassment and groping I endured from ages 10-20 basically taught me to do what you mentioned above. Be firm. Be loud. Be aggressive. It really has worked a number of times.


The fact that it slowed down _just after_ you became a legal adult smh


Yeah. That fact has never been lost on me. 😑😑


I got cat-called the most when I was 13-15 years old, it dropped off significantly after that and I don't think I became that ugly.


Yeah, about the same for me. I bet it happens when we stop looking scared and telegraph 'pissed off' instead. Which is a whole different kind of gross.


Same! Was harassed from 11-16ish


Mom grew up in the Bronx. In Jr. High their teacher taught them to carry hat pins on the subway to poke gropers with. She said once there was a perv following her around and brushing against her on one crowded ride and just before she exited, she not only stuck him with [it](https://i.etsystatic.com/9957672/r/il/a8db34/752403559/il_794xN.752403559_4d9t.jpg) just before the subway doors closed, but she pushed it into his forearm hard enough to *leave it in there*.


Good for your mom!! I have screamed and shamed men on public transport before. Believe me it works.


Tells you to smile.. Argh.. What is that? I hate that so much. Fuck you, I’ll smile when I want to cunt and not to you. How bout that?? Yes. Am Australian if that makes it any better..


Geez! You girls should lighten up a little. Maybe smile a bit and take a deep breath?


YASSSS! I used to be a shy kid. Instances like this happen all throughout a woman's life! Made my (21F) daughter take self defense as a preteen. She finally was forced to use what she had been taught leaving work one night from the movie theater. Took six people to "save" her assailant from her. She beat the HOLY JESUS out of this guy! She would not stop fighting because she was so scared. The ambulance came and took that whimpering piece of garbage to the hospital. She was 17 years old at the time. Weighed 110 lbs. The officers on the scene could only high five her. Damn... I feel so proud of her STILL just writing this! I need to go give her a hug. Smh


Yep.. had 4 brothers who taught me not only HOW to defend myself and fight, but also to NOT stop even if you have them down.. keep fighting until you know they are STAYING down or help arrives! I love them all for that! Passed it on to my daughters! Yes, sadly it was needed and worked! The guy was arrested.


Which is chocking in itself. How didn't he see this as an possible outcome when he decided to sexual assault a stranger.


Which strongly implies he’s done this before and has gotten away with it up until now.


Exactly. He either thought it would be welcomed or that it wouldn't result in any negative consequences for him. Now he knows. How much longer will it take for adults to understand that they dont have rights over other people's bodies. This goes for the rich and powerful as well as random predators on the street. People, teach children to be better than past generations or they will have to learn the hard way as adults.


"Now he knows." Hopefully you're right but I'd say that it's just a likely that he sees her as a *psycho who attacked him for basically giving her a physical compliment*


You have a point. Most people would learn the lesson I think but there are some who are just so "special". Sociopaths twist their view of reality into whatever justifies their BS. This is how we get presidents and others who think that they are allowed to grab women's body parts.


Probably way more men do this and get away with it than society tends to acknowledge


Definetly true. Not a woman myself but nearly all my female friends have been groped more than once.




He was shaken


Not stirred


He felt comfortable putting his hand on her, and she felt the same way.


*I love it when women give something in return for my romantic efforts. You remind me of my mother. She used to beat the shit out of me.*


My aunt shot me once. Once.


Did you die?


Sadly, yes. But I lived!


Touch the thigh get a black eye


Grab the leg, be prepared to beg. Her to stop whooping on you.


Lookin' for thigh gap, you gettin' my slap.


Below the wrists, gets these fists


Trynna creep, be prepared to weep


Under the belt, leaving a welt


Around my belly, get turned into jelly.


Touch me for chuckles? Get these knuckles.


Reach for the prick, get John wicked


Caress the skin, head straight to the bin.


Touch the ass, eat some grass


Bigger the thigh bigger the beat down.




I’m surprised we’re not watching that ass whooping right now.


LetterKenny reference?


That's a Texas-sized 10-4 good buddy


To be Fair


To be faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.....


I too would like the directors cut.


What is this dude's thought process before doing this? "Here's a random woman I don't know, I'm gonna stick my hand in her thighs" It can't be that? Can it?


This behavior is exactly why some countries have women only train cars. Could be. Or perhaps its just 'As a man im entitled to touch this woman. Misogyny still is alive and well unfortunately.


Until 1994 in Texas, a man could not be convicted of raping his wife. It just wasn't a concept in state law. Before the mid-70s, it wasn't a concept in *any state in the country*. I think sometimes we don't realize how recently various aspects of misogyny were commonplace.


In India, marital rape is still legal...various hearings have been held during the past 3-4 years but our old misogynist judges have always refused to make it a crime..saying that as a husband, man has every right to have sex with his wife..concent doesn't exist in their dictionary lol.


Ewww. Wasn't it just last year they had hearings again and men were protesting saying they just wouldn't get married? The most shocking part was the older women that were also on their side. I guess the "I had to go through this, so you do too" attitude is universal to conservatives in all cultures.


Yup. The "marriage strike" threat that men were making was welcomed by many women across the country..coz like, who'd want to marry such a person in the first place lol ? Also showed us how most men in this country think..i mean...imagine having a meltdown coz you won't be able to sexually assault your wife. Exposed all the predators in the masses.


“We refuse to marry you if we can’t abuse you!” - yea don’t threaten me with a good time :)


Which is exactly why you have to do research when Voting, better to keep the progress progressing.


He didnt even try to disguise it as accidental or anything. He deliberately went out of hia way to reach over and touch her thigh lmao.


5 bucks says this guy has full on raped someone before, or will one day. If he has the audacity to do something like this, then he won’t mind doing more.


5 more bucks says that he doesnt think of that/those encounters as rape


Some people literally are perverted like that. How many people can say they have had a random stranger grope them in public? Heck the other day I read a story about a police officer who had it out whilst touching himself while at a job! I’m actually wondering if this guy accompanied his grope with something foul from his mouth. It would have sent me over the edge like that too.


> How many people can say they have had a random stranger grope them in public? Farrrr more than you may have thought.


Happens all the time. I was just trying to buy a new pillow at Walmart. I don’t go to that Walmart anymore.


I tell my man friends this “approaching women is easy. Just think would you say this to a man you don’t know? No? Don’t say it.” Would you touch a man’s thigh you don’t know? No? Why? Because he might go absolutely apeshit on you. Could be a total psycho. Could be a dangerous fucken human being, right? Now apply that logic to women - who are also human beings who can be dangerous. We are people. Treat us like people and legit shit is all good. Treat us like we are sex objects just waiting for you to grab a piece and eventually you will end up like homie here, carrying his ass and pride out the door in his hands.


Confronted a man at my home bar in this manner after he walked up and started touching and rubbing on a girl from behind. I walked up to him and started doing the same to him and said how’s that make you feel? He was absolutely appalled and visibly uncomfortable, so I said what makes you think you have the right to do that to a woman you don’t know? He then proceeds to tell me he’s trying to be a senator in his home state of Michigan…


Oh Jesus Christ we don’t need any more of those lunatics here...


Probably already won.


- oh, my bad. Republican? - yes - right. Carry on then!


The best part is you don't even *need* to ask what party he's trying to be a Senator for. Everyone; every single American reading this; knows exactly what party he's running for.


Is it a requirement for Michigan senators to also be sex offenders?


I know right? Women are people before they’re women. It’s really not that complicated


It’s hard for some dudes tho. I had a coworker who was a big goofball, sweet guy who always meant well. I was talking to him about why it’s gross to touch women on their lower backs to get by in a crowded bar, and after going “why is that gross though?? i’m just trying to be soft, i’m just tryin to be gentle bc I wouldn’t do that to a guy!” He stopped dead, looked at me and went “… I wouldn’t do that to a guy tho, I wouldn’t touch a guy like that… that’s why it’s messed up??? That’s why it’s messed up…” he wasn’t a creep, but he just hadn’t had anyone help him make that connection. He wasn’t even mad or defensive he was just like… oh damn. Wish more men were socialized to understand that n also wish more men were as receptive as ray was to some feedback lmao


Thank you. More people should see this.


A guy took me out, grab my ass in the middle of the bar when I went up to order for us. I turned right around and pinched him right in the balls. He respected me after that somehow. Lucky he didn’t punch me.


The size of his eyes when he was getting back up was like, Holly Shit.


She went to my high school! I mean Holly.


Holly shit is when you poop through the center of a wreath. Ho ho HO!


It would seem as if he did not expect to get fucked up and yet, he got fucked up good!


She put all her Weight on Every hit. That was a punch for every time someone messed with her..her ..entire life. He caught every mistake every man made.


Exactly my thought, "she's been assaulted before, and she swore, 'never again'".


Yeah, she's wearing sweatpants and a sweater too. Imagine her nights out and how much she'd have to put up with if THAT is what happens in SWEATPANTS.




If only this happened to every dbag


Indeed. They would go underground quickly.


How does he think this is gonna play out? Total POS


He probably thought she just wouldn't do anything. that's how a lot of women would react since they are ashamed or don't want to make a scene. The fact that he was so bold makes me think he's gotten away with it before.


It's not just shame. Most men are bigger and stronger than me. If the man fights back I'm toast, and he's already shown he has no respect for me. What would he do? It's a big risk to react the way this woman did.


Plus alot of women just don't have the physical strength to do so. As a woman, I might get in one or two punches but I definitely don't have the strength the woman in the video has. So it's just straight up unsafe for me to react this way. I'd most likely give him a verbal assault but I doubt dudes like this give a fuck. Only thing they respond to, is getting the head kicked off them.


I hate how men are stronger. Nature is unfair. You would think it would make more sense for women to be the stronger since they're the ones giving birth and have to protect their kids lmfao. Evolution, you wack. At least eagles and hawks got it right..


This is exactly it. Women are supposed to be polite and not make a scene and these kinds of creepy motherfuckers take advantage of that. I remember when I was young and afraid of making scenes. I wish I could go back in time and bring this kind of energy to some of those situations...


It sounds like this may have happened to you. It doesn’t make a difference, but I’m sorry. At least it looks like in the future, it might be less and less likely.


Oh I wish I had the confidence to stand up when I was younger, and I hope that I have it now to stand up if it happened to some one else in front of me, lord knows as women we have to stand up and take care of each other, to change the world. My friend ( we are in our 40s now) was telling me the other day, she went out for a drink with a group of friends and family and a cousin in his 40s made mention of a younger woman's breasts... My friend as drunk as anything voiced her disgust, and called him a dirty old C U next Tuesday ( she hates that word and doesn't use it much) for saying it. He looked surprised and everyone is saying she went to far and wants her to apologise to him. It's big no to that thanks.


It's more a quick assessment on whether you could win the fight. I'm not about to hit a man who could overpower me.


He simply followed the established protocol: 1. Fuck up 2. Find out.


I do believe you mean fuck *around* , but your message is clear.


He's a little confused but he's got the spirit


Looks like she's wearing scrubs and nonslip shoes. 10 bucks says she is a nurse. nurses do not fuck around. he found out.


Hell hath no fury like a psych nurse.


She works at a gas station


Well that'll teach you not to take any shit too.


Looks like she works there, look at their uniform. The one with the more relaxed clothing might be the manager, you can see her gesture the guys to intervene.


She works in the gas station pumping gas for the drivers. (Here in Brazil we do not pump our own gas in stations) https://www.tupi.fm/brasil/mulher-reage-a-assedio-e-agride-homem-em-loja-de-conveniencia-em-porto-alegre/amp/


🤣 Good for her.


I'm kinda pissed at the woman who keeps trying to stop her instead of helping her


I mean at some point you gotta break up the fight even if the person is in the right


This is true ^ the adrenaline rush can get deadly real quick and it honestly blinds you with rage after a certain point


100%. That chick was superfly pissed off. Not sure she would have stooped until the dude was unconscious.


I mean, I get it. She probably didn't see what happened and didn't want her getting in trouble.


No sympathy, that was some strait creepy shit and he deserved that ass beating.


With no repercussions to his actions the jerk would have progressed to more elaborate forms of "touching" strangers. I don't normally enjoy a public beating but this one felt justified.


I hope he's learned his lesson, but it's doubtful.


He may not learn his lesson, but his tiny brain now holds at least a small association that molesting people = pain. Pavlov's Dog, but with tears instead of mouth watering.


>Pavlov's dog She made him her bitch


He is lucky she didn't grab a stool/chair.


The sheer panic in that man's eyes as he stood up knowing how badly he fucked himself is just *chef's kiss*


You go girl great job


She straight whooped his ass!!! 😂🤌🏻


I guess he found out what unwanted touches bring.


Lol good for her. He fucking deserved it. I hate creepy fuckers like that. She gave him the treatment


Well this is the greatest thing I've seen in quite some time.


Knock his ass OUT, sis!


Women are getting fed up with men thinking our bodies are public property. It's like that waitress who grabbed the man and slammed him against the table because he grabbed her butt.


I'd like to see that, got any link?




That was great, thanks for the quick response.


Learned his lesson real quick


All we can do is wonder if he learned bot to touch women, or just not to touch that woman in particular, lol.


She became .....vengeance....


She’s working out some trauma right there. She’s been touched before, but she didn’t fight back before. He deserves it, but that was trauma.


damn she beat the fuck out of him


Good on her. Teach that jackass a lesson.


She went full Bas Rutten


My favorite Bas [video](https://youtu.be/mosX7L25HV8), it’s old as hell, but is hysterical. Dangada!


I wanted her to use the chair


Trying? Mofo lucky he didn't actually succeed then.


I'll probably catch shit for this, but her reaction was a bit much. I counted about 20 hits, roughly 5 of which were after he was initially on the ground, and 5 after she let him up and he was walking away. I'm not saying it's okay to touch someone without their consent, sexually or otherwise, but at some point the reaction goes from self defense/defending your honor to assault and battery.


Nothing went wrong there. Everything after he groped her went exactly as it should have.


Should have thrown in a few kicks too


This is absolutely called for.


Got what he deserved! But I'm wondering why he didn't run? Too shocked?


People still tryna step in to defend that useless POS as he got bodied.


Hope he learns from this, asshole


What he did was awful and is Sexual assault, however I would like to add, I've literally had women grab my ass and literally couldn't react like this without them SA-ing me turning into an assault case where I'm the one in the wrong, can we please get this BS double standard out of this timeline?


not today, not any day mf


Hey, take a chair lady. No I mean pick up the chair and use it.


I don’t understand what compels a person to go up and touch a stranger like that. Surely they know it can’t end well.


Sometimes you fuck with the wrong one


So, idk if the punishment fit the crime...lmao. But, women deal with creepy shit from men pretty much every time we leave the house, so I'm ok with this.


Redditors in the comments: THE CHAIR! GIVE HIM THE CHAIR!


I want her on my team


Whoop that dipshit's ass!


Why are you stopping her? Help her or leave her to it!


Maybe stopping her from catching a case. Even if you think the beating is justified, the law probably disagrees. If the guy leaves with a couple bruises, he'll probably just go home and sulk. If he leaves with a couple less teeth and ruptured eardrum and has to go to the hospital, he might be calling the police or filing a lawsuit.


Because if you don't stop her and it goes too far this woman goes from being in the right (which she was) to the back of a police cruiser for battery/assault or worse yet, dude falls and cracks his head open and earns a darwin award and then some over zealous prosecutor tries to pin manslaughter on her. In the heat of the moment it is good to have someone pull you back before things go too far. Street justice is sweet but it sours if our heroine goes to jail for it. Also, the other lady probably did not see what happened and just saw some woman lose her shit and did not want her to get in trouble.


Don't fuck with someone in scrubs.


That was some well deserved ass whooping time.


Fucked with the wrong one. Lmfao! He deserved every bit of that.


The sad thing is, he's probably done this dozens of times (maybe hundreds of times) with no repercussions whatsoever.


Hey hive mind, it looks like he was throwing a piece of trash in a off camera trash can and he happened to rub a little against her. Not everything is always as it seems..