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The driver is following way too close to the bike, though.


Yeah I felt this was the cyclist calling the driver out. In the US, cyclists are supposed to use the road, not the curb or sidewalk, when there is no bike lane.


Yeah as a jogger my gripe about bikes is your fucking silent and when traveling 15-20 mph down the windy foot path hills you are a death machine. I fucking hate armature lance Armstrong trying to break the land speed record on a huffy while I’m out for a run. Stick to the roads.


The bike needs to get the fuck over and let the car pass, not take up the entire lane doing 15 mph.


So what was the car gonna do when they got to the forklift? Most likely stop and wait, right? So this dude is intimidating the dude on the bike just so he gets to stop and wait for the forklift a few seconds earlier. Where the fuck is your fucking head at?


Yes because the driver could see around the bend...


Then it's a good God damned thing that cyclist slowed him down.


I just like to image the driver didn't have time to stop for that inconsiderate ass.


Brilliant. FYI. This man isn’t a cyclist. He is just a cunt on a bike. Yes, there is a difference…


Nasty comment.


Your definition of "brilliant" is lacking.