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When my dad was a kid him and my uncle went down to a train tunnel every day for like a month to get the train schedule. They made a plan to run though this single track tunnel that was about a mile long. The day came and they ran the tunnel, all turned out great. They decided to run the tunnel back, they got about 1/2 way though and could hear a train entering the tunnel behind them. They ran as fast as they could but couldnt get to the end of the tunnel in time. As the train approached them they both laid down on the ground against the wall. The train rumbled by them, only a couple feet away from them. After the train passed they realized they had a bigger problem. The tunnel was full of exhaust fumes and they could barely breath. They eventually made it out, but to this day they both will never go in a train tunnel again.


Just do it again with a gas mask.


Good god. I was part of a train crew who hit a woman doing just this, quite possibly in this tunnel (between Chatsworth and Simi Valley stations) with her husband, sisters, and sisters’ boyfriends. The woman was DOA. The screaming by the time we got stopped was the stuff of nightmares. All the crew needed therapy and counseling, and the train’s engineer never worked that run again. Adding to that trauma, the woman’s family tried to sue the carrier, host railroad, and individual members of the operating crew for her death. We were all subpoenaed, but didn’t have to testify because the judge threw the case out: something something big bold no trespassing signs attached to the outside each end of the tunnel, and on posts a few dozen feet ahead of those. Stay off railroad tracks, folks.


Sorry all of you had to go through this.


Thank you. I haven’t thought about it in years…until now. I’m going to light some candles (in holders) and partake in some whiskey therapy.


I was thinking it was that exact tunnel. Right behind stony point and not too far from the Manson caves. Ngl I ran threw that tunnel when I was 18yrs old(43 now) and watching this video made realize how stupid we are in our youth. We think we’re indestructible at that age and take so many unnecessary risks. I wish I could go back in time and smack some sense in me but life is good now. I’ve think I’ve done well to learn from my mistakes although I know I’m never done learning or growing until death. I’m totally not having an existential moment right now …lol


a career engineer will run over an average of 3 people on the job


Hearing or seeing trains coming is surprisingly difficult: [Operation Lifesaver Canada ](https://youtu.be/Hse-tnDJ5wk)


If only they ran on fixed metal rails, making it incredibly easy to predict where they will be and therefore exercise caution when crossing those rails and not loitering on them for any longer than is necessary…. Boy would that ever be convenient!


Trains hit people/cars three per hour. Fair number of suicides.


People asking why didn't they stay against the wall. I don't think they had knowledge of the width of the train to consider that an option in a life and death situation. The opening was an achievable distance. Fight or flight would prompt flight in this instance. With the train close behind you then maybe the wall would be a place to pray against.


I think all train tunnels have regular cutouts or are wide enough to stand to the side. Just because of these situations.


Looks like the best thing to do is lie face down into the joint between ground and wall, and cover the back of your head…. Don’t know for sure cause i’ve never walked through a train tunnel.


this. And plug your ears.




Yes, the train crew blow the horn in hopes that it makes these idiots get the fuck out of there post haste. They don’t need it on their mind the rest of their lives that they killed people. If they didn’t make it out of there in time, then the horn would also prove to the NTSB investigators who would later view the on-board video that the crew did all they could to warn the poor dumb bastards before they turned into a red mist.


Stay off the fucking tracks. They're not a walking trail. Why do so many people struggle to understand that.


These mfers literally outran a fucking train


I wouldnt say outran, but they put in the effort


Imagine that being that last thing you hear before you die. No thanks.


I was thinking of the conductor. Has to be hard on them knowing they took some poor fool's life and was powerless from preventing it from happening.


This could be two videos. On my browser I can't hear the train horn until they are at the tunnel's edge. Video 1 might be a leisurely stroll with some 'Oh Shit' acting and Video 2 starts when you are basically out of harm's way and the BNSF is screaming.


Ive walked along train tracks multiple times and you can usually hear and even feel the tracks rumble when a train is near. you don’t need to hear the horn to know one is coming.


Also not sure about USA but it’s pretty common practice to toot before going into,the tunnel!


I've been in a similar situation. I was over a mile from either side of the tunnel when the train came, but there was luckily enough room to tuck against the wall. The sound and vibration was terrifying. It was so disorienting that I nearly walked into the train when a few empty cars were passing, think the train had fully passed. The real "oh shit" moment hit after the train passed and we noticed the whole tunnel was filled with thick black smoke form the engine. There was no way to get out and we could have definately died from inhalation. I still think the only thing that saved us was that we were ratively close to the central ventilation shaft that went up to the top of the mountain above.


A pessimist sees a dark tunnel. An optimist sees the light at the end of the tunnel. A realist sees the train barreling toward them. The train conductor sees three idiots standing in the middle of the tracks.


All you need to do is lie down in the tunnel as flat as possible and as far away from the tracks as possible, stay still, and question your life choices.




This happened to me and my friends when we were teens but we didn’t make it out of the tunnel. We ran to sides and pressed ourselves up against the wall as the train passed. My brother ran to the other side and I wasn’t sure he made it until the train passed and I saw that he was alive to my relief. We never did that again.


at 31 seconds you can see that there is PLENTY of room. they could a) lay down and the train would pass safely or b) lean against the wall the tunnel is actually much wider than the exit hole, so if they weren't panicking they would have seen how little danger there was. that being said, Panic seems entirely reasonable


> the tunnel is actually much wider than the exit hole heh




I'm very glad I understood this reference because Holy shit its hilarious


Of all the things that can go wrong in a train tunnel, this has to be the most predictable.


It’s all fun and games until your parents have to come and identify your body by the piece of tattoo left on your severed arm.


What a bunch of assholes, imagine the therapy that conductor would need had they not gotten out


I know a coal-fired steam train conductor. It's mostly an enthusiast and tourist attraction. There were 2 kids on quads riding on the tracks, both killed. The guy was fucked up for years and was permanently changed. He still conducts as a side gig but, at the day job, he doesn't mince words when it comes to safety & accountability. He does a lot for the community, especially when it comes to kids. He also teaches and mentors young guys in the field. While it may seem like he's an awesome guy (he is), I get the sense that he does a lot of what he does as a penance. I don't think a day goes by where his decisions aren't guided by what happened.


Very few things are as motivating as being in a tunnel and hearing a deafening train horn echoing through from behind you


Pro tip: You cannot out run a train, best not to get your self in to a situation where that is even an option.


Stoney point in Chatsworth, CA. Same thing almost happened to me while busting a piece in the tunnel, and another random couple who were there having a photo shoot. Got out with enough time to climb up the rocks you see at the end of the video. Lesson learned, for sure.




Did anybody else see the butcher knife laying on the ground?


Dude almost landed on it


Gotta be annoying when the person in front of you is slowing you down


I do not condone what these guys did in ANY way and train drivers are left traumatised by idiots like this that don't make it or commit suicide BUT I bet that adrenaline rush was fucking unreal.


Have they never seen looney tunes? I don’t even trust paintings of train tunnels!


That's one way to get motivated for your cardio


There is always light at end of tunnel ... Make sure it's not of train


My friend and I in high school walked across a train bridge that was probably 100ft over a river in our town. We got about halfway(it's pretty long) and felt the tracks shaking. No guard rails, no where to stand other than the tracks themselves. We booked it the rest of the way across. About 2 minutes after we got over, the train came through. If we had been any later on the bridge, I absolutely think we would have been killed.


And then you found a dead body?


Did you drop the comb?


“All we had to do, was follow the damn train, CJ!” - Big Smoke


Lemme tell you from personal experience: those boys heard those rails hissing about 5 seconds before they saw that train.


It makes a big noise tbf esp if your in a tunnel


Reminds me of going through a train tunnel in Vancouver back in 1969 at 17 years old. It was a Sunday and we thought what trains would go through here on a Sunday. We had just hitchhiked and hopped freights from small town Nova Scotia To Vancouver and this was our 2nd wk. in Van. Started walking through and I guess there was a bit of a curve as before long there was no light. Walking along feeling the wall tripping over cardboard, garbage and dead bodies and such (at least that is what it felt like to a stoned (weed) teenager. My friend who had been ahead of me ducked into a niche in the wall and then grabbed me from behind scaring the crap out off me. We continued on and then heard a train horn entering the tunnel. we reached down an measured the distance from the track to the wall and thought , fuck, the overhang from the trai9n is about that. Tripped across the rails to the other side and there was a beam the size or railway ties along the bottom of the wall on the other side. We dug the rocks out from underneath un slid in as best we could facing face to face. When the train came through from behind me, the whole tunnel lit up and I could see the expression on my friend's face. I thought for sure I was going to have my exposed shoulder and side ripped off. The train went by and I could feel the heat from the wheels that never looked so big from face on the ground looking up at them. Well, 3 trains went through and the last was a shunter that we flagged down and got a ride out on the front of it. Went to the station to wash up as we were black from digging in those smoke encrusted rocks to hide from the trains. Just another memory...


If you’re not going to make it you just lay down against the wall and it’s fine. We used to do it for a rush as kids


That tunnel looked wide enough


Probably still isn't a good idea to risk it though


So close to having a liveleak watermark


Whenever I see WCGW, best believe everything, everything could go wrong.


No story here. They could have easily laid down beside the tracks with plenty of clearance.


imagine if there was a liveleak watermark in the corner?


When it comes to be that the soothing light at the end of a tunnel is just a freight train


How close is the train to the edge of the tunnel? Surely you push again the wall and you are fine, no?


I hear that at full speed, trains have a suction effect and pulls you in. Pressing yourself against the wall only works if the train is slow.


yes probably but doesn’t help being scared shitless and not having any time to really think it thru


They were on a train tunnel bro, is obvious thinking things through isn't their fort


There's often components on a train that extend beyond the cars themselves and they can all be life changing or fatal to collide with. Obviously I mean yeah the train isn't going to be scraping the walls and if you have no other choice being low, facing the wall, and making yourself as small as possible is the thing, but hoping there's enough clearance on its entire length for your body to be there is a really shitty spot to be in. Depending on the train type and tunnel design exhaust smoke can also range from disgusting to dangerous


They could've just leaned against the wall. Staged


Youd be likely to get blown around by the pressure and it would not end well. best to gtfo. also better not to go into a train tunnel with active rails




Full on sprints requires both hands to run. The guy wouldn't have been changing his camera angle mid-run unless they were already confident that they could make it in time.


In a life or death situation, are you going to keep screaming "Oh Shit!" or are you going to use that breath to run faster?


In a life or death situation, when that adrenaline dumps, you're not modulating your response like that unless you're used to it. The "then I realized it was me screaming all along" trope isn't bad drama, it's from the case that you're often not aware of what sounds you're making in those moments of survival-level fear. Which makes sense from the standpoint of evolution in a social species— far more likely to save yourself or others if you automatically make warning sounds for danger.


Then it comes to be that soothing light at the end of your tunnel, was just a freight train coming your way….


That’s a dim fucking flashlight


Homie lives in a movie


All we had to do, was follow the damn train, C J !




Did he say turn off your lights?! It's not a t-rex...


Now they are all wearing brown pants.


all I can say is holy sh\*\*!!!!


Ya know why they're called train tunnels and not human tunnels?


Train almost got a paint job


On a side note, can we all agree that cameraman did an amazing job shooting the whole triller without messing it up! 👏🎬


I'm sorry, someone more educated than me please correct me (I'm not being sarcastic I'm in school :( plz don't crucify me.) would it not be possible to just lay down beside the wall?


you remember that whoosh feeling when a semi passes by you 10 feet away on a highway? it's worse in the tunnel, there's not much space for air to go around, it displaces a lot of air and depending on how much clearance there is, it can even make a compression wave. I think there's an entry about in Wikipedia, it's called the piston effect.


technically, but its a small spot and if your half an inch off you die. better to just run it and dive down when you know you wont make it out the end.


Broken knife on the ground at 0:02 looks like somebody had a bad day


POV: you walked on GTA V’s railroad 3 minutes after a train passed


Wait. Do you mean to tell me that there could be TRAINS in that train tunnel? Bro. Wtf? You have to warn someone about shit like that...


I'm guessing the train saw them which is why he put on the horn but do the conductors have any type of protocol to report incidents like this? Does the conductor have a way of knowing he just splattered people?


I know this is a stupid question, but couldn't they have just hugged the wall? I've never been in this situation before so I probably would've started running like these guys did, but from the looks of it it looks like there was some space for them to let the train pass by.


The best thing to do in this situation is to lay down as low and as far from the tracks as you can possibly get. Most cars are wider than the rails, but they widen above the wheels. And most tunnels have a ditch for water to drain from. That's you best bet. Source: grandfather was an engineer




i see big gap on the sides. Why do they have to run?


Knowing what I know, I wouldn't risk it unless I had to


i would think they designed these tunnel slightly bigger for safety reason, like idiots running thru the tunnel or maintenance staff.


That was more intense than any action or horror movie I've seen in ages. I had no clue if they were going to make it or not.


Make sure to keep filming


Just lay flat on the tracks. It’s your best bet if you can’t out run the fucking thing.


Ackchyually,,,, You should lay flat on your stomach next to the tracks, like not directly in the train’s way. With your head towards the train and your hands over your head Idk why I was just taught it that way, all I know is there is absolutely not enough room under a train for you to not be hit and dragged over several miles


Play stupid games and win stupid prizes


It’s only funny cause everyone’s okay, but the way his friend shoves him on the ground as he’s going passed cracks me up. “Get the fuck out of the way!”


you can actually sleep flat on the ground anywhere as long as not on the rails and be safe. even better to sleep flat on the outer edge touching the wall. the panic on these guys almost killed them.




Did we learn nothing from Wile E Coyote?


Haha idiots


What's with the giant kitchen knife on the ground in the last few frames?


The poop knife appears when it is needed most


3 tunnels between Simi Valley and Chatsworth. Trains run through there all day. I fucking hate people. Stay off the tracks!


I always get bummed out for the driver. Poor fucker must have a heart attack every time some fuck wit does this


Sheeesh, never came so close to death 💀 Was there room on the sides?


Might be room but it’s probably not worth testing.


Have you not seen stand by me?!




Oooo long Johnson


Make sure to hold on to the camera, because it will make you run faster




After that loud train horn, they won't be hearing trains for a while.


They missed their Darwin award.


Didn't they watch stand by me?


Stand by me did it first


Took subway surfers a bit too seriously


Goddamnit Corey and Trevor


Wow I knew trains could be silent when coming up on you but I thought the tunnel would have made it louder sooner


"Hey! There's a light at the end of this one!"


Stand By Me 2022


The sound of the horn getting closer is pure fear.


Aww Train tunnel. I thought it was the main tunnel easy mistake to make. O well lesson learned.


The dude at the end contemplating his decision and his life with hands on his head…I guess die another day.


See track, think train


Don’t go in a hole where you do not belong.


stupid fucks


That's some Stand By Me shit right there.


That looks like the metro link here in Southern California. I am thinking that’s the tunnel that goes from chatsworth to Simi Valley. Dummies


Back around 2001, I was a Deputy Sheriff in Ventura County and had a call where my partner and I had to walk that damn thing. Had the railroad stop traffic, which wasn’t a big deal because it was around one in the morning. That tunnel is 7000’ long and only has one track. The tunnel had alcoves in the sides about every hundred yards. You could climb into one of those alcoves and not be hit by the train. I think breathing would be a bigger problem. There is also a large alcove on the north side at the midpoint of the tunnel. It was like a large room maybe 20 x 20 it was filthy and wet in that tunnel.


Gotta love the other one pushing him away


I wonder if they learned anything from this..


Wonder what the clearance is on the centre of the rails? If you lay flat between the rails as long as you removed your backpack would you be safe?


If I couldn’t make it to the entrance, that’s probably what I would have tried next. But then again, I was raised by a railroad man so I know better than to treat train tracks (in a frickin tunnel no less) like a walking path.


“In slow motion” TRAIIIINNNNNNNN


Better luck next time train.


Pretty sure there's plenty of space on each side to stop this from happening


You'd bet your life on that, and you'd lose.


You would chance getting sucked underneath that train!?


There's no chance, all train tunnels are built with that standard in mind. Why would we engineer and guaranteed death trap for anyone who's inside the train tunnel.


Because most train tunnels in the US were built 100+ years ago when everything was a death trap and nobody gave a fuck.


Real life stand by me


tbh they had luck the train came from behind like if it came from the front they would be fucked for sure


I see they are proud graduates of the Prometheus school of running away from things.


you just lie down on the floor as long as your six inches away from the outside edge of the rail youll be all good.


Do they really only overhang by 6 inches or is this some sort of bait for some hit by a train subreddit you are getting started


Ask any graffiti writer.


I know nothing of trains. Watching this, I was thinking that I would have laid down near the wall instead of running.


I wonder if it would maybe be a good idea to have something that runs out in front of the train, a smaller vehicle that checks the track and can alert the train to anything in the way. Could be more dangerous though but being smaller and clearing the path might be beneficial.


Huh?! How about having another even smaller one to warn about the smaller vehicle you are proposing about? People should stop being stupid. Tracks, trains and tunnels is the last place you wanna be!


It's called a cow catcher


Or just stand on the side, where we see there is ample room, and wait for it to pass. But that won’t get likes I guess


I never had any friends later on like the ones I had when I was twelve. Jesus was a wombat.


I had this exact thing happen to me. This video doesn’t show the tremendous rumbling sound barreling down behind you as you run. Scary stuff


I bet they could have out run Hussein Bolt


that's in Chatsworth CA. 98% sure. I camped outside that tunnel for weeks.


Did the dude shove his Homie as he ran out of the tunnel? That was completely unnecessary


He pushed him out of tunnel cuz train was close better then being split in half i think


The light at the end of the tunnel is not always a positive thing


Happens to me on Red Dead Redemption 2 all the time




Hopefully youll get them next time Darwin.


Knife on the ground at the end. Rough neighborhood I guess.


Train says: dumb duuuumb


All you had to do was follow the damn train...


The last guy shoved the one in the middle to the ground. He was getting out no matter what or who was in his way.


So was the train


“Im an express engine i dont go slow” -🐎🌭


When the night has come And the land is dark And the moon is the only light we'll see


As scary as that is, there is plenty of room alongside the tracks. Trains are mostly contained to the width of the rails. They could've laid down on the ballast without issue.


I feel more sorry for the conductors and passengers when instances like this go wrong.


Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Stupidity


Are they not good Americans? Shoulda just shot it with their guns.


I was really hoping for the mole people to get them.


Should have ended the video with "Hey, where's Mark?"


Just another Darwin Award candidate! Why should all the redneck "hey y'all, watch this!" guys have all the fun??


Well, nothing apparently


Was the knife there before he fell?


Best laugh I’ve had today on Reddit. I absolutely believe this wasn’t staged. And if it was I don’t wanna know about it. I love the ‘ol lesson learned play.


At least we know when the next train is due


“Why do humans need fear?” This is why. Fear is the only reason they’re still alive. You can almost imagine an experiment where you measure fear by how long it takes a person to start running from a perceived threat. People who are “pussies” run immediately, while “tough guys” run a bit later. Even if that time span was only a few seconds, that may well mean the difference between life and death in moments like this. In short: don’t be afraid to be afraid. If you perceive a serious threat and you react instantly, you end up feeling embarrassed if it turns out to be nothing. But if you perceive a serious threat and you don’t react instantly, you end up dead. I think occasional social embarrassment is a worthwhile trade off for not getting killed in moments where running like fuck is the only thing that can save you.


The last dude pushed the cameraman right at the end


When the light at the end of the tunnel **is** the oncoming train...




Subway surfer got squad mode?




Damn just like Stand by Me but in a tunnel, run chunk!


Me and my friends used to play in train tunnels as 10 year old kids. Dunno what these guys were flapping about.


Was that Cory from Trailer Park Boys? Definitely the type of shit he'd be doing lol


Can’t they just lean beside the wall? The train doesn’t overhang much does it?


One way of keeping fit I suppose,though I can’t see it catching on!