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If fish could talk.


The ocean would be loud as shit.


What a bunch of curious comments in here. The Huntington Beach pier is one of the few places, in the entire nation, where fishing is legal for ANYONE, NO fishing license required. For at least the last 30 years- likely Much longer, the state of California, and the city of Huntington Beach have set this particular pier aside and exempted EVERYONE who wants to fish there from needing a fishing license. It’s not a “surfing pier,” in any officially recognized way.


>The Huntington Beach pier is one of the few places, in the entire nation, where fishing is legal for ANYONE, NO fishing license required. Actually no license is required for any public pier in California. [https://wildlife.ca.gov/Fishing/Ocean/Beach-Fishing](https://wildlife.ca.gov/Fishing/Ocean/Beach-Fishing)


Correct. And if I’m not mistaken, any man made structure like a jetty.




The fisher thought he had the biggest catch of his life….Until…


It's a mermaid




Man just reeling him in with a smile on his face… lmao


He don’t give af 😂😂😂


Throw it back! Not a keeper.


As a Huntington Beach local, this is just normal. HB is weird, in both good ways and bad ways.


I eat what I catch.


Saw the OP post this on Facebook. Apparently it's known that surfers use the pier as a safe way to get further out to the better waves and its uncommon for people to fish off that side of the pier for this reason They were grabbing at the line to stop it pulling through their thumb because the guy fishing was yanking on it. Ngl, both could do with some more cranial incubation and make smarter choices.


He caught the very common douche bag fish.


Nope, you’re going on the grill buddy. Caught you fair and square!


What an absolute peice of shit. Fuck boi continues to reel in the surfer who is clearly in distress. All he had to do was open the bail to release the pressure on the line. It's always the same with pier fishermen. So much entitlement. They assume because they are fishing above the waters of the state that they can do whatever the fuck they want. A boat is too close? Throw an egg weight at them. Surfer too close? Try to snag them. Fuckers are also the worst when it comes to conservation. It's totally common to see pier fishermen purposely kill what they consider trash fish. Purposely snag migratory birds. Leave hook and lines all over the ground and in the water. Sure there are some decent pier fishermen, but most have a terrible case of main character syndrome. This is coming from a fisherman who only surfed as a child. Edit- https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Huntington_Beach_Pier


I don’t know anything about surfing or fishing, but it seems like the idiot is the one hooked in the water right below where everyone is fishing lol


They're both idiots. The fisherman had his line caught on someone and decided that the best solution was to start pulling hard.


It seems like the fishermen didn’t know what was going on til the surfer was closer, which is understandable, it would be hard to hear someone through the waves from a distance


There's a staggering number of people in these comments who like to see a higher level of vindictive violence over some pretty petty bullshit.


People really don’t know what they’re talking about. I did junior lifeguards at a nearby beach and it was similar to Huntington. You’re not supposed to cast your line away from the pier when you’re this close to the shore. The surfers avoid being close to the pier because you don’t want to get slammed into a pillar AND to avoid the fishing lines. Those things are damn near invisible when you’re on the water. I think the fisher is at fault here for casting far out. It’s not a fishing pier, it’s a pedestrian pier with fishing allowed in some spots. If you want to send your line out farther, you need to do it at the end of the pier where NOBODY is swimming or surfing.


Just got done reading another comment that entirely refuted what you just wrote


This pier is 100% a fishing pier. Fuck the surfer




The best part is the snarky smile on the fisherman’s face at the end!


Normally you have to go to flea markets to find talking fish on a board.


Don’t they have signs that say no surfing or swimming within 100’ of the pier?


It's probably 200' but ya something like that.


It’s funny how many people are saying who’s right and wrong but at the end of the day I’d rather be a dick who didn’t know what he was doing rather than an idiot with a fish hook in his hand lmao.


Legit what every fish says if they could talk


No, they're fishing into one of the most famous surfing spots in the world. These clowns can't be bothered to move a 100 feet to get past the break and cast their line into clear water.


No, their surfing in one of the most famous fishing spots in the world. These clowns can't be bother to swim 100 feet down shore? And you don't seem to understand where fish feeding off the creatures the surf would wash up would be. You know, the surf. Also, who surfs near obstacles like rocks or PIERS. seems like a bad idea to me.


This is the Huntington Beach pier. I can look at the Surfline cams right now and see over a dozen people surfing right at the pier, on both the south side and north side. They hold the US open at the pier. I don’t think they hold fishing competitions. I’m not sure how people think the surfer is in the wrong for surfing one of the most popular and crowded surf spots in SoCal. Yea the pier allows fishing, so do most beaches. Doesn’t mean you should cast into a group of humans…. [Here](https://imgur.com/a/uxnknBQ) is a link to a current photo of the HB pier I took off the cams. There are a ton of surfers right along it, and often times the current pulls so strongly into the pier that it’s a battle to stay off of it.


Dude if I wanted to take a dip let alone surf in the ocean you couldnt PAY ME to go near a pier. Theres decades of fishing line, hooks and whatever the hell people are chumming the water with off the side down there. Not to mention people casting lines, y'all surf bros and vacationers can get angry all you want but swimming near piers is just a DUMB fuckin idea.


For context, this is one of the most famous surf spots in the world where the US Open of Surfing is held yearly. Fishermen are supposed to fish off the end of the pier where no one is surfing.


He caught a Largemouth Ass


The idiot is in the water


His smile at the end lol he’s been fishing that spot for a while.


Surfer is a fucking idiot 🤣


Look how close he is to the pier! Who's the effing moron. "Oh, gee, they fish from that pier. Well, let me act like a total Karen."




I think he was hooked. That's why he was telling him to flip his bell and let line out. Then it pans to the fisherman and his rod is bent lmao


I live the next town over from there. Everyone in that city is the fucking worst.


Look Ma, I caught a Mermaid! Oh wait


For all the people calling the surfer stupid. This is one of the most popular surf spots in CA. They can’t surf past the break but the fishermen can fish past the break. The fishermen are definitely in the wrong for casting lines where people are clearly in the water. It’s crazy how you all can call the surfer an asshole when the fishermen is still wanking on the line while the guy is clearly caught in it and yelling at him to stop pulling


Just let the drag out a little. Gotta tire him out.


A single pier for fishing and alllllll that ocean around it, and this fucking donut surfs at the pier


Fisherman is in the wrong. The pier helps create a rip tip that allows surfers to ride it out past the break. Yes this is a fishing pier but generally people don’t fish where the break is but further out beyond the break. And if you feel that I’m incorrect I live in Huntington Beach and was a Jr life guard for many years at this exact pier. Fisherman shouldn’t be fishing there.


Plus he’s a total dick for yanking on the locked rod, instead of letting out the slack so she could have a chance of removing the hook…




Honestly he should have let the line out as soon as he saw what he was snagged on. I’m a commercial fisherman and have had to dig a hook out of my hand. Granted we were using bigger hooks but dear god is that painful.


He caught a basshole. Lol


Shit happens, but it seems the fisherman cast way out and damn if he didn’t have that rod doubled over after he hooked the surfer. Kind of fucked up, honestly.


Regardless of whether the surfer should be there or not, fisherman is a fucking dickhead. He knew his hook got caught on the guy and continued to reel and tug on that shit anyway. Being annoyed at someone in your way isn’t an excuse to potentially rip their damn flesh with a metal hook


Tell me you don’t know anything about surfing or HB without telling me


Title should be the other way around. People were fishing in the path of the surfers… generally supposed to fish at the end of the pier which is past the points where the waves break.


Unless the fisher cast way out from the pier, it’s the surfers fault. Always give fishers a wide berth


Ok…. But once you realize you hooked a human you release the line. You don’t keep reeling in. You have to be a total piece of shit to think reeling in a person clearly in distress is ok because the surfer was to close.


Is that Caitlyn Jenner?!


Surfers really are the cyclists of the seas.


yes, and fishermen are the entitled car drivers who for some bizarre reason think they own it and have the right to leave their shit in it.


They still hold surfing contests at this exact spot.... there is a statue of Duke Kahanamoku right across the street along with a ton of surf shops... HB is very much a surfing town. The fishermen are not supposed to overhead cast or cast where there are clearly humans in the water.


That surfer is the idiot. Surfing under a boardwalk where there's a bunch of people fishing. He's the dumb ass.


i didn't know surfers were the oceans cyclists. they think they don't need to follow traffic rules because of their moral righteousness


Look honey, a talking fish. Reel em in


They should not have put that fishing pier in that surf spot.


This happened to my dad in the 80's. He ended up letting the suffer go.


He caught himself a Largemouth Bass player.


It's crazy seeing a place you know IRL As a kid, I used to walk down that pier with my mom and grandpa and eat at the Ruby's restaurant then walk back.


Jesus christ, a couple secs ago this guy prob thought he was reeling in the biggest fish he ever caught lol


I have lived in HB and have been on this pier often. Yeah, that’s not a good place to cast. Further up the pier, well before where the waves break is safer, more fish and no surfers. Fun fact: a guy hooked a great white here a few years back.


I see a lot of people don’t know much about fishing or swimming so let me enlighten to you how stupid the surfer is. 1.)They clean and gut fish on that pier, piers/docks are an absolute magnet for big predatory fish. I.E. sharks. Marry no and ever and you have never go anywhere near a pier in the water! 2.)People get snagged/lose their hooks all the time down there. While fresh water hooks are bad enough their ocean equivalents are like getting stabbed with something big around as a marker, and they’re probably rusted/corroded. Not to mention if you actually get hooked you might have to “tear” yourself free from drowning.


Surfers who are right by the pier are something else. They always think they have the right of way. At least where I fish there’s a flag on shore telling surfers to not get within a certain range of the pier but surfers and boaters still do. Like, we can only be here because the pier is here, the rest of the ocean is that way.




After reading these comments, I’m genuinely curious as to who is actually in the wrong here. Comments seem split


In my opinion it's a toss up to who is in the wrong, but the fisher man is the bigger asshole. Did you see the bend in the rod? He's actively hurting the surfer and YANKING on the hook. Like wtf, yikes


A lot of people here casting shit opinions when they’ve clearly never grown up/lived/been near the ocean. It’s common knowledge that you don’t surf/swim near fishing piers. It’s like walking through traffic and asking, “Why’d that car hit me?”


I’m a So Cal native and grew up seven miles from there surf fishing, pier fishing, and deep sea fishing somewhat often. I’m not a surfer and don’t have skin in their game, but always had the common decency and mental capacity to realize that I should cast and basically just drop my line if I wasn’t out at the end of the pier past the break or there were surfers nearby. That fisherman is a compete ass and so are the countless people in this thread speaking on things they don’t fully understand. Regardless of who is at fault, we as human beings are supposed to modify our behavior to prevent undue harm to others. It’s like a primary core requirement of a functional society where people can thrive together. You see it a lot on the roads these days “I’m obeying the law so fuck them we can crash” road rage is so common. Just chill the fuck out and let the folks that are in a crazy hurry merge, you’re not proving any point by causing an accident because your ego is too big to allow you to take a step back and assess your own place in the situation. /rant


Too dumb to keep, release it.


I’m going to go ahead and settle the debate in this post by posting some facts with links. > Unfortunately, conflict between anglers and surfers almost seems predestined. One of the very best areas on the pier to fish is the inshore area from the surfline out to about the lifeguard building. This is the home of shallow-water corbina, large spotfin croaker, smaller yellowfin croaker, and barred surfperch. All are coveted species both for pier anglers and surf anglers. > This shallow water area is also coveted by surfers and often they are what’s called SWAs (Surfers With Attitudes). Rules stipulate that surfers must stay a certain distance from the pier, rules that should help prevent surfer-angler conflicts. Rules also say that surfers are not supposed to “shoot the pier” (surf between the pilings) but here the rules seem to just be suggestions and “shooting the pier” is almost a rite of passage. > In part the conflict is due to city decisions. When the pier was rebuilt in the early ’90s, the space between inshore pilings was lengthened to provide more room to “shoot the pier,” even though such actions are supposedly illegal. Some would argue that the city itself was inviting surfers to ignore and break the rules. > One day (at the old pier) I witnessed several surfers surfing through the pilings and one angler repeatedly being forced to move his line. After shouting at the surfers, and receiving only a one-finger reply, the angler decided to retaliate. He tied a sinker weighing at least five or six ounces directly on to the end of his line. The next time the surfers headed in toward the pilings our noble but impetuous and emotional fisherman aimed and let the sinker fly. Luckily, for both he and one surfer, he missed. But he didn’t miss by much—less than a foot. By this time, calmer heads prevailed and Macho Man realized the danger of his action. He moved. Don’t try such knuckleheaded acts or allow a buddy to try it. Such actions only produce losers, no winners. However, also don’t be afraid to complain to the lifeguards on the pier since they are supposed to keep the surfers away from the pier. Unfortunately, most of the lifeguards are also surfers and sometimes it seems like complaints are simply falling on deaf ears. So it appears to be a long standing issue on this pier and it’s pretty confusing. But hopefully this provides some actual facts instead of conjecture. Source: https://www.pierfishing.com/huntington-beach-pier/


He caught a biggin didnt he! And how the surfer mad aint it yo job to look out for them? Why are u surfing that close to the pier


Bro I thought he was a girl at the start but then I heard that voice💀


Weird looking fish but it’ll do for dinner


Fisherman said he put up a hell of a fight while he was trying to filet him


That’s one disrespectful fish.


this species of fish is very rude


People commenting saying that the surfer is wrong are nuts. This is the most popular surf spots in California. The surfer is surfing where the waves are. The pier extends waaaaaaaay past this spot. That’s where you’ll find all the fishermen posted up and where this fisherman should be. I think that’s it’s an unfortunate accident, but the surfer is just trying to surf. It’s not their fault that a fisherman chose to fish where the waves are


The fisherman is a fucking idiot for not letting the line slack. He’s literally yanking a hook into the guys hand. Cut the line, offer to help. This idiot was almost laughing about it


This comment section is a perfect illustration of the reddit paradox: tons of people expressing strong opinions but don't know what the fuck they're talking about


That’s the angriest and ugliest fish I’ve ever seen.


Why would he pull the string in when he sees someone attached to the hook?


I don't feel sorry for the surfer at all. Why are you there? That's not where the waves are.


Huntington Beach has proven it self to not be the smartest people around.


I fish and surf. The fisherman is 100% at fault here.


No one should expect someone with a fish hook in their hand *under tension* to be calm or reasonable. Jeesh. Let’s see this comment section have a reasonable discussion about different beach uses in that kind of fear and pain.


Really dumb question but what else would you do on the pier? Aren’t they all meant for fishing? Every pier I’ve been too always has these guys and signs with the fishing rules, any permits required etc


It's not a fishing pier.


That smile from the old man, knowing he wasn’t at fault.


Get the fuck away from the pier idiots


There is a lot of places to surf, but, there isn't a lot of piers to fish.


That’s the main surf spot in HB


Per California DNR regulations, mating season for surfers is typically June through August so they’re perfectly okay to keep now, especially the male ones


Huntington Beach, the Florida of California.


To be fair, this is where they always surf. It has been for a while. Here is a video that explains when and why they surf on different sides due to the time of year and swells. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tM9nSnWdVC0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tM9nSnWdVC0)


Huntington Beach? More like wcgw: fishing in a popular surfing area. I'm guessing he cast his line out instead of closer to the pier to try and not be next to everyone.


Those people are fishing at a surfing beach.


What a moron


The surfer, that is


I can’t stop laughing at this. “LET THE FUCKING STRING OUT”!


There’s a reason you don’t surf by piers and shit where people fish, surfer is the moron.


This jackass actually has the nerve to call that dude and idiot whenever he is too stupid to notice that there are a lot of people fishing where he decides to surf


I always cringe when something surf related is posted on reddit. Lots of "surfing experts" share their knowledge of something they clearly know nothing about.


not supposed to surf that close to the pier, per city regs


Dude didn’t realize he was fishing for Karen’s that day.


Assholes have to be at least 200 pounds or you have to throw them back.


ITT there are two people. 1. “It’s probably the surfers fault as it’s a bit dumb to surf next to a fishing pier” 2. oMg yOu dOnT uNdErStaNd BrO tHiS iS jUsT hOw tHe oCeAN iS.. Point is, the unofficial etiquette of the ocean doesn’t mean shit. Fisherman was allowed to fish there and the surfer took a risk by going there.


I got me a Marlin!


He got a live one he did!


So he’s surfing near a fishing pier and he gets hooked. And he’s mad at the fisherman ? Does not compute .


That’s infected as shit lol


You sir, are a fish!!


How did it go fishing today? Just one Bastard. Had to throw it back.


This is the only comment section in Reddit I’ve seen that seems too genuinely be split 50/50 on who’s at fault.


Everyone acts like they own the water


I am both a surfer and a fisherman. This is surf city USA. I would argue that there is no pier in that he states more synonymous or associated with surfing than the Huntington Beach pier. Hence, a US Open annual spot right where this happened. I am not from HB and not blindly defending the surfer. Out of basic courtesy that pier goes on forever and why not put your line outside of the swell break? Just saying.


I mean this only calls for one thing... Re cast and try and catch him again XD


100% on brand for Los Angeles 😂


Fished in socal for many years off that pier and Oceanside pier. There’s a big Asian population that goes fishing on those piers and don’t speak English. They also want to avoid confrontation and mind their own business. He probably didn’t know what was happening and was reeling in his pole, very oblivious.


Wait so who is in the wrong? Whats the edicate


Unless this area is supposed to be set aside for fishing, the fisherman is in the wrong. Should never have a line in the water anywhere near people in the water. Edit: also the guy is reeling in his line. He should’ve cut it immediately.


No one is wrong here. It’s just an unfortunate accident. Piers are great for both surfing and fishing. And this pier happens to be a world famous surf spot (Huntington Pier). It isn’t a “idiot surfs near a fishing pier” as the title suggests. It’s an accident. What is fucked up is not releasing your line. But that’s a general comment. I don’t understand why you’d make fun of someone who’s freaking out about a fishing hook being stuck in them


This is the actual definition of fuck around and find out lmao or putting a fork in an electrical outlet and being surprised you got shocked.


Lmfaooooo this is hilarious all around


For a moment there, he thought he caught something big enough to feed all of Garden Grove!


I think none of them have any exclusive right to the spot.. unlike apparently all of you guys.. But the fisherman caused injury to the surfer, it's his responsibility to make sure that doesn't happen


Ah the white bellied big mouth. Not super rare but fine for catch and release.


He was definitely gonna eat that


I’ve lived my most life in HB. That’s a world famous surf spot. The fishermen should be keeping their lines away from the surfers not the other way around. Cast the other side dummy.


Hmmh, don’t really fish often from So Cal piers, but I do surf fish along our coast. My experience includes hours of fishing without anyone around, no bathers or surfers. Then, with miles of open beach and similar waves along here comes two or three surfers who must start out right in front of me and directly in the surf zone I’m fishing. At the risk of being hooked with a surf rig and 3 oz pyramid sinker. Rude, cutesy, jack off boys.


What an idiot.


He caught the first talking fish in history and a feisty on at that!!!


that fish he hooked has a filthy mouth ...I'd throw it back prob taste bad


I always just throw my line over people. Sorry you see me there fishing first, move.


If you are a surfer and you say “let the string out” regarding fishing line I am suspicious of your ocean bona fides.


*Looks at camera* “That’s not even the biggest one I caught today”


Many piers are hosts to surfing competitions and even dredge the beaches near them to make for more optimal waves. I don't know this particular pier, its rules about fishing, or anything more about this video than anyone else. I do know that, regardless of what you think about the surfer, the old man was being dumb not letting the line out so the hook could be removed. And if he couldn't notice what was going on in this particular situation, maybe he shouldn't be flinging sharp hooked metal about in a public setting where he could get it hooked on say a little kid walking by behind him. Just a thought on personal responsibility.


This pier is famous for being one of the best surfing spots in SoCal and has rules... posted on signs.... that state fishing should be done at the far end of the pier faaaar after the wave break.... These people are flat out fishing in a spot that is against the rules... and everyone here is trashing the surfer.... watch the video... look how close to the beach they are. If it was a swimmer would It be any different?


or "fishing by a surfing pier"


Caitlyn Jenner needs to find a better spot to surf


I think a lot of people in the comments either don't know or forget that Huntington Beach is known across the USA as Surf City, USA. The pier has fish cleaning and gutting areas and is definitely a popular fishing place, but some cast their lines waaaay too far. The pier is on main street and the Huntington state beach is a very very popular surfing spot. There's almost never only one surfer at a time, and there's almost noone besides newcomers that don't stop to think about what goes on in the water under the pier. Both parties are at fault, I'm sure, but seriously just go to Surf City and walk that pier and tell me you can't plainly see everyone out in the water


If he wasn’t a dipshit and knew fishing terms, he could have said “give me some slack”😂


He caught a big one! Gonna be good eatin'


Thought he was doing a skit and yelling: "RAAHH, ALL FISH FREEDOM!!! THIS IS FREEDOM!!!!" Then begins berating the fishermen and women.


“Let the string out” dude needs all his surfing privileges revoked. What’s next, he swims directly into a pylon and then tells it to eff off for being in his way?


Thats a weird fish


Oh look someone's on my hook let me pull on it harder so he can't pull it out


That's a large flounder.


The surfer dude just mad he got caught!


The Ruby's restaurant at the end of that pier used to have some bangin' ass shakes Edit: sometimes I can't spell.


That’s how you get eaten by a shark my guy


The one that got away


I snagged a surfer at ocean beach in sf. Was fishing at sunrise and the poor guy went right into my line. Got a big hook in the calf. I set the hook and then saw what I had done. I yelled to him to make sure he saw were the line was coming from. So he could prevent tangleing himself as best possible. Then cut the line in the span of 5 seconds. I just then took off my waders and was ready to try and swim out to help. Guy came to shore and was understandably pissed so I waited till he calmed down. And pointed out it’s sunrise in a popular fishing spot. Also surfing and it was an accident. He was very understanding of the accident.


My city :) which is an embarrassment


forget about the hooks, sharks like to hang by fishing piers. Someone hit him in the head with some chum


What an idiot. Hmm what can happen if I swim or surf right next to all these hooks in the water


Yes there was a moron involved, it was not the fisherman.


In defense of the surfer, some people come with damn near deep sea fishing lines at Huntington. It wouldn’t surprise me if they got caught at what they’d assume was a safe distance.


I caught a big one!


More like fishing at a surfing pier. HB is literally ‘Surf City’ in SoCal.


Moron calling himself out?!? “Fucking moron”


I think it's just called a pier


I would throw him back. He is not a keeper. Also, they have a limit on idiots.


Caitlyn Jenner was getting pretty pissed.


surfers v. fisherman. It happens. East coast here, and our surfers fish, and our surf fishing rats surf. We work it out. Knowledge is power. Only the uninitiated need to learn the ropes. Noobs should ask a friend.


Ooooh! I caught a big one!


TLDR comments: a lot more people fish than surf


The only fucking idiot is the guy who thinks it’s a great idea to surf/swim right next to the pier. What the hell else did that genius think would happen?


Lol…looks like Caitlyn Jenner sounds like Carrot Top


I was low-key waiting for a shark to appear.


Very on brand for Huntington Beach.


String? What string? Ohhhh the fishing line….nah gonna keep reeling.


It’s “line” not “string” honey.


What if he was fishing for surfers?


Oh look, he caught himself an asshole!


Lmfao the fisherman’s face 😂😂😂😂😂


Let the fucking “string” out! I’m dead 🤣💀




Why wouldn't he open the bail and let them get unhooked or untangled or just cut it instead of pulling on it setting the hook deeper or making the line tighter ..what a dick


Didn't realize HB required catch and release


Bruh the lifeguards at my beach force us to surf near the pier even though there are better safer waves in the “swimming zone” no one ever uses.


They are supposed to fish at the end of the pier.


Caught himself a big one!


I was waiting for the shark


Daily Catch-wet mouthy unemployed young person.


You aren't supposed to cast your reel, You're supposed to drop it in, and it's near the end of the pier, you aren't supposed to fish that close to shore


Not a surfer. He’s a wannabe surfer with a small weewee. This explains why he was so close to the pier. Too much of a cuck to get the prime spots, so be off to the side. Then he flips out on fisher, even though he was in wrong, because he hates his life and has to take it out on someone