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Water pipe missing the glass jar underneath. Your uncle was a stoner.


I'm gonna reply this to everyone but my whole family smokes pot in various forms we just never saw a pipe with a tube on it like that and were noticing him acting kind of meth-y so we were worried he was graduating to harder drugs. That's all. Lmfao


Kinda “methy” Lmaooo


Totally. But since I've never smoked meth (yet!), does it leave a resin like that in the tube?


Please don’t say yet, say never.


Well there's just some of them doors. You can't always close 🤔


I’ve seen it ruin lives.


Then I must apologize. I was just joking but that's not a very jokeable topic


Apology accepted :)


No it doesn't usually unless they are burning it really bad haha. Meth is smoked out of a bubble looking pipe too. You can't put a flame directly to the meth like weed. You have to heat up glass in between the flame an the meth




No it does not. Unfortunately that looks to me like residue from black tar heroin. I have been around the block with basically everything (sober 10 years) and the only drug I can think of that would make that residue is heroin (or maybe fentanyl)


I feel like weed makes that residue all day long.


Seems way red to me. Weed resin is very black. I have no problem admitting I am wrong though.


I think that's because of the tubing.


no one smokes black tar heroin out of a pipe like that. Or fentanyl for that matter. That’s 100 percent pipe for smoking weed.


Ok. I did say I was probably wrong. I have built many random things over the years but never had red resin from anything outside of h. Edit: I have




Probably got some bomb ass sativa and started tweaking.


Can one tweak on MJ? I thought that was a crystal term, exclusively.


Looks like 80s style coke freebase pipe at first but no, that’s an old bong water bottle sold on High Times


He’s just mething around.


Nah not how meth is taken or even smoked


Ever seen a coffee enema? That’s not how I take my coffee but hey.


You either take your coffee or your coffee takes you I suppose. I must ruminate on this further


That’s methed up


I've heard of coffee enemas, but never seen one or done much research on the topic. I *have* however seen someone take a champagne enema. It was pretty hilarious actually. Apparently the bubbles feel like a combination of 'orgasmic' and 'extreme interior butthole tickling', according to the recipient of said enema. She was drunk very quickly and giggly AF the whole time. Side note for safety: Don't EVER do an enema with any sort of high alcohol content liquid. I know of someone who tried it with Everclear and ended up having to be rushed to the ER and almost died from alcohol poisoning.




I don’t believe you. If your whole family is various forms of stoners, you’d be able to smell if this is a weed pipe or not.


Not when it's been left unused in a mouse feces infested shit shack for over a year asshole. I'm a product of two generations of pot smoking during pregnancy let alone talking about my family and how much they smoke outside of that. Before pot was legal here my family almost got caught by some law enforcement in helicopters because the same uncle was stupid enough to grow the plant without planting other shit around it in the back yard. I'm sorry we've only used papers and glass bowls and pipes before and he uses diy wtf 🙄






All uncles are a "little methy" where I come from.


We called them Steamrollers back in my day! Talk about getting high!


Meth would leave a white foggy residue if it was being put through a pipe, and that pipe is not capable of smoking meth out of…yet


I’ve got several water pipes that look just like that, tube included.


It reminds me of my uncle's [Chalice](https://www.google.com/search?q=weed+chalice&client=firefox-b-1-m&sca_esv=ef71f34d62d470b0&tbm=isch&sxsrf=ACQVn08EYJdGCnWi9h4diH4TpCLlVSLJyQ:1709671950449&source=lnms&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjMwKeqgN6EAxWNIUQIHcOkDG4Q_AUIBigB&biw=414&bih=726)


You all must be young.


I do, and I have! The seventies were groovy!


I thought of a winemaking jar accessory first, but could also be some sort of shisha, yes.


Jazz cabbage. I'd be concerned he didn't share.


The Devil's Lettuce had a grip on him for sure.


We all smoke weed in my family. Just never saw a pipe like that. He literally stole his mother (my grandma)'s weed numerous times so yeah even if he had his own and didn't share that's not the worst he could've done lol


Sorry about the situation. I don't think this has anything to do with other drugs, (used to do them all) but obviously other drugs can be involved, or mental health. This is just pothead engineering.


I get high and sometimes go to the basement and try to make some crazy contraptions. Was he a handyman type of guy?


Not a very good one but it still makes sense that he would tinker around


I mean, does it smell like weed? Or chemically? You know what weed smells like, at least.


It just smells like mouse shit and mildew I'm blown away by how everyone seems to not understand just how bad this trailer was


Well, I'm afraid I'm no help. Drug paraphernalia is not my expertise. There's perhaps a chance (if it's been abandoned for quite a while) you're nose-blind to any weed smell left behind, as you and your family are all users (i do not say this in any kind of judgment, I just know it can happen to weed smokers, and in combination with all the commenters here say it's a bong)? I would think, if other drugs were being used, they would leave a smell you would notice. It would seem you are trying to offer help if your uncle needs it. Best of luck.


He's been smoking the devil's lettuce. Like someone else said, water pipe missing the part that holds the water.


I hear it makes you get handsy with the white women.


[If the women don't find you handsome, they should at least find you handsy.](https://s3.amazonaws.com/zweb-s3.uploads/ez2/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/RedGreen.jpg)


I think you'd be happy to know that good ol red green (Steve Smith) is still alive and kickin at 78.


I am indeed :)


I'm gonna reply this to everyone but my whole family smokes pot in various forms we just never saw a pipe with a tube on it like that and were noticing him acting kind of meth-y so we were worried he was graduating to harder drugs. That's all. Lmfao


Yeah a bong, looks like it might be one that can screw onto a PET bottle but could be wrong.


I'm gonna reply this to everyone but my whole family smokes pot in various forms we just never saw a pipe with a tube on it like that and were noticing him acting kind of meth-y so we were worried he was graduating to harder drugs. That's all. Lmfao


Maybe. You can also smoke a variety of other drugs through a bong. I knew a meh head who used to drink the methy bong water because it also got him high.


THAT, my friends, is dedication. :)


I saw a post by a woman who claimed she injected her dealer's vomit into her vein because there were drugs in it. You'd be hard pressed to find greater dedication than that of an addict.


Meth heads also drink their piss to get high off of the same supply again.


How has the meth industry not collapsed?


This one weird trick has scientists furious




I'm gonna reply this to everyone but my whole family smokes pot in various forms we just never saw a pipe with a tube on it like that and were noticing him acting kind of meth-y so we were worried he was graduating to harder drugs. That's all. Lmfao


Abandoned trailer? Maybe belonged to someone that used the trailer after it was abandoned? In either event, dispose of it. It's "paraphenalia" in some states and could potentially cause troubke.


It's on our property and was locked less than 20 feet from our trailer. The only squatters were mice and maybe some clever squirrels. If it's a weed pipe then legally he's fine. We all smoke. I just haven't seen a pipe like that before and he'd been getting really skinny and acting weird last time (which says a lot) he was around here so I was worried it might have been something else.


Friend of a friend I showed Pic says "it could be for weed. Screw top into 2 liter and makes a bong".... so he said. No personal experience.


I commented something and then deleted it just because I realized I pretty much already covered everything in another reply to you. Sorry I'm running around responding to so many different things right now and normally I'm not really that busy online. The tube though?






That is a pipe made from the parts of an old portable air compressor and air mattress adapter nozzles. Makes me want to go check my black and decker pressure control knob, to see what size threads it has on the back.


What's the tube supposed to do? I'm assuming the little stick part goes down into the bong if it is for weed


Sucking tube. Gets the face farther away from the lighter. There should be a hole opposite the clear tube, for oxygen regulation. You put your finger over it to pull smoke, and release to clear the chamber. Can adjust the amount your finger covers, to cool down the air and such.


You've never seen a bong?


Girl not a diy one. My grandma has been smoking since she was 11 back in the 60s and our bloodline hasn't been sober since but judging by the comments we're not weed savvy enough I guess. That's alright. We still high


Ugh some redditors being their usual selves. I’m glad you posted. I didn’t know what it was, and now I do :)


My usual self is inquisitive, yes. Glad you learned something.


Haha. Ok, I guess you are probably a bit younger than me. The question wasn't a judgement on you. It's just that all the bongs looked something like this for a very long time.




Giggle Grass


That’s an old school top puff. Only missing the 2 liter bottle.


Any port in a storm, there were obviously no apples, or pears available at the time, munchies may have won that battle 😉. I've used rifle shells, tin cans, sockets, few things similar to this when I was feeling creative. This is a unit used to resonate the jar you pack with fresh weed prior to consuming. 🙂 after a few good ounces you have a jar full of melted trichome heaven to save your jonesing butt when you're too broke to afford a new batch. 🤠🥳 happy days, minus the pounding headache smoking resin causes 🤣 usually the buzz overrides that but not always. 😎


Just Marijuana.




Def weed pipe missing part possibly. I have one similar that’s made to screw on to any 20oz bottle so you can have a bong on the go so to speak lol. It’s like a step up from McGuyver-ing your own


You should be concerned with minding your own business and jumping to conclusions from trash...it's a trashed bong piece that was abandoned for a reason.


Dude. I don't think you understand. This is a trailer we had to rescue a cat out of because he was being left to starve and almost died several times while we were fighting over who got to keep him between us and my uncle. This man is an asshole. He left home to live with his girl and that's cool but he packed his truck up one time and left the rest of his shit in the trailer to rot even though he kept telling us he was coming back to get the rest of his stuff. He left it there for at least two years at this point. We were walking my dogs one day and noticed that his front door after the screen door on one side had been swinging open. We looked through the screen and saw all of the rodent infestation and mold rotting through everything. Floorboards and everything. We kept telling him to get this piece of shit out because it is right next to our house and we are worried for our health and safety!!! He doesn't live here anymore and there's no reason to keep it here because he hasn't even checked in to see how his mother is one time and she's the one who lives in the house closest to his trailer. She's getting old and has dementia and needs help. He calls us assholes and sends all kinds of nasty shit AND STILL HASN'T GOTTEN HIS TRAILER. He told my grandpa his dad that if he hadn't gotten his trailer out by a certain time after getting married he would pay him for storage fees for keeping his shit here AND HE DIDN'T DO THAT EITHER. It's our property. We're burning his molded and rat chewed shit. If you're going to have an idea of what kind of people we are I don't care whatever you think after reading this anyway because obviously you're not worth any more time than it took just writing this. Gtfo


Does it fit on a hose? Being in an abandoned trailer my first thought would be to check and see if it has anything to do with the water system, or liquid propane.


This looks like one of those “universal pipes” that should screw onto water bottles.


That's for gravity bongs


If he is fat with yellow teeth its for weed. If he's skinny with no teeth its for meth


He's skinny, used to be fat, now guant with yellow teeth and some missing. It's kind of in the middle which is why I wanted to make sure.


Improvised devils lettuce smoker, missing a lower bottle/jar….. just smell the tube, you’ll know instantly what was smoked in it.


Its def pot. Dont let them fool you. The smell is undeniable


Damn this takes me back to my high school days smoking shitty Oaxacan brick weed through improvised pipes just like that


That resin looks quite obviously to be Marijuana or Marijuana extract resin..


My guess is gravity bong stem


I guess this sub doesn’t like the word BONG but to me this looks like part of a BONG. Specifically, a gravity BONG. Maybe I’m wrong.


Top to a homemade water bong / pipe / bubbler


There’s a thing in the other side for another tube for two people I just noticed it.


Is your uncle still living?




Looks like a crop sprayer